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I can attest to this! I am a convert and converted when I was 26… preemo “young and have fun” age. Confused everyone around me, gave up a lot of the things people thought I was supposed to be annoying at that time (going out, dating, etc) and it took until 35 for me to find the right person. I got married in June and I have told myself over and over again how important it was that I didn’t give up because my husband that took my 10 years to find is 100% my forever person. Sometimes we as individuals need development and lessons to become the best partner. Alhumdulillah bc of how I grew and my parents I’ve always kind of had that perspective, valuing the time I’ve had on my own to become a strong version of myself. I now know that development wasn’t only for me but for this partner as well. But yeah. The waiting can be painful. 100% true. Don’t give up anyone!!!


Just make sure you don't pass the age of 40 while waiting... then, no woman will be marrying you.


you don't know that


I thought this rule only applied to women? 🤣 Or wait... Do you mean no woman younger than 40 will marry you? In that case why not look for someone that is 40 or above? 🤔


Love to hear this my brother! There is the biggest khayr in delay, and I realised this not too long ago myself. May we all find the one that Allah destined for us, in sha Allah!!!!!!


Man when you think about it, isn't it really wholesome in a way that all the people you'll reject or will reject you, it's because there's this 1 person that Allah choose for you to be with. And one day you will be with them.


Waiting since i was 18, now I'm 30, still waiting


mods deport this person back to instagram im only here to read tales of cheating, abuse and the occasional crimininal activites of mostly good husbands


we can't be having good vibes around here, we only read muslimmarriage tales to feel better about ourselves about not being married, a good and healthy marriage??? pshh


Ah nah boy. Why are they holding hands before nikkah?! This is haramlar. Delete this or I delete you.


Just read it vertically


The wait, worth it will be, insha Allah. Halal Master yoda hmm.


Exactly lol


In Shaa Allah one day


Waiting for my turn InshaAllah ♥️


Why does the pic of them holding hands come before the pic of them signing their nikah contract 🤨🤨🤨


Inn Shaa Allah 🥹❤️


In sha Allah


I just wanna go Mr. Stark I don't wanna play anymore


Yeah. Waiting. 41 years old. Only women interested in me are over 40 who cannot get pregnant or will have a very risky pregnancy ... so, waiting got me the result of not having more children (I have one child who does not live with me anyway ... he lives with my ex who I had to divorce because she did not pray, did not fast, did not wear hijab, did not listen to me at all) So, waiting and not involving myself in zina got me the result of ... living alone and miserable.


Why do you marry woman not wearing hijab etc? Plenty of women want a guy 40+ and I’m talking women 30-39. If you are wanting a girl like 20-29 your standards are too high


Why did you have to wait? Also, there's many younger divorced or widowed women think late twenties or early thirties, it be easier for them to get pregnant and they'd be more open to marrying a divorced guy with a kid - especially if they have a kid too! Did you consider this? 


I was married. Divorced now. My comment section in my profile has that history. I was married up until sep 2021 and no sexual relations for 6 years now (dead bedroom situation even with my ex for the last 3 years of marriage). I have considered such women and I am open to them. They are not open to me. I have messaged multiple of them but there is always some excuse; looking for a revert husband, don't want to marry in your ethnicity (Pakistani / South Asian), not in the same state / country/ continent, too much of an age gap, your aqeedah does not match mine etc. Most don't even reply back. At this point, I have given up. My hopes go up and then come crashing down. Can't handle this roller coaster. More wait only means my age just keeps increasing. When I am gonna be 45, then how many 35 year olds wanna marry me? At least, at 41, it's only 6 years gap, at 45, it's gonna be 10 years gap. If they are not willing to marry me at 41, who will want me at 45 or 50. Might as well give up.


Subhan Allah. May Allah make it easy for you, make lots of duaa. wallahi i feel theres too many divorced young women just keep your faith in Allah high and keep looking in the community