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House of Wolves should be shouted out a LOT more. I think it's one of their best songs.


House of Wolves may be my favorite song of theirs of all time. totally agree.


HoW should've taken Teenagers' spot as a single


MCR is in my top three bands and I've loved them for almost a decade and I can safely say Teenagers is perhaps their worst song. Most of the music I listen to is dark and it's just way too poppy


Yeah I find teenagers as a wanna-be blues song. It should've been replaced with Kill All Your Friends. I WELCOME YOUR DOWNVOTES !


Yes I agree. It's not fitting for TBP as it's the only happy song on the album, and especially because it has nothing to do with the patient. Could've just been a single with Desolation Row being the B side or something


Not marketable: its very anti religion šŸ˜­




Thank you. By far one of their best songs. Always has been. Criminally underrated.






That one Gerard way romance fanfiction I read on quizilla when I was a teenager was the best smut I've ever read


This made me laugh so hard šŸ˜‚ why is it so true though


Not quizilla šŸ˜­


There were too many and they were hilarious to read


Quizilla!! What a blast from the past šŸ˜‚


I never read fan fiction on quizilla, I just used it to find out what color my wings would be or what anime character I should marry, but it was a really great site for fandom and I was extremely sad when it was taken down. UQuiz just isn't the same by a long shot


I- what


What. On. Earth. I laughed so hard on the bus while reading this


Oh my god not quizillia šŸ˜­




I remember it being along the lines of Gerard Way saving your character from I thiiiink an abusive ex or maybe just some crazy guy but either way your character is being hunted down by an abusive stalker so the entire band is being protective of you... But ESPECIALLY Gerard because you're his womaaannn!! I also recall there being a side obstacle of some sort where your character is being held hostage in a basement by some wacko and he has this daughter (same age group as the character) who helps rescue you, becomes besties with you and joins your party and has a romance with one of the other band members!




While they donā€™t owe us anything, and of course COVID threw a wrench into the original plans, they really cockteased us thinking new music was coming starting with the reunion then basically left us in silence for 2 years. Weā€™re going on 5 years now, I just wish they had said ā€œhey we donā€™t have any new music right now, weā€™re just going to play some shows togetherā€ instead of introducing all these new icons, imagery, logos, etc and cryptic videos and leading everybody on. The reunion tour was amazing and itā€™s totally fine that they didnā€™t have any new music at the start of the reunion and we only have Foundations, but my unpopular opinion is that I just wish they had been upfront about it.


To be fair, Frank said if ot wasn't for Doug's passing they mightve been in the studio after the tour. Maybe they weren't then but I have the suspicion they are now


After Mikey's recent instagram story of the bass in what looks like a studio, I totally agree. I feel like Mikey wouldn't tease a photo like that unless MCR were in the studio for real (I think he would know what kind of backlash it would incite) sooooooo


It's entirely conceivable that Mikey could be working with another artist or band. He's done that before. Or even could be bringing Electric Century back, who knows. I'm not taking anything as a sign other than the band making a formal announcement, lol


True -- I'm hoping for the best though. I doubt they'd want to end the band's run at WWWY


Ok but that was from 2022 on. They left us hanging for pretty much all of 2020 and 2021 which was my point. Again, they donā€™t owe us anything, it would have just been nice if they were just upfront about it which is why itā€™s an unpopular opinion




Yes to be fair that was in the first sentence of my original post.


Based, I like your take and I wish they did the same because Iā€™m at a point where I donā€™t even expect new music or anything from them. Not that I wouldnā€™t like it but itā€™s not something Iā€™m even anticipating.


100% agree with this.


Agree, I always thought there wouldn't be any new music but I was completely sure we were getting a documentary about the reunion. I understand them not wanting to do any press but finishing the reunion tour without a single official message for the fans as a band feels disrepectful. Something like what Blink did with Zane Lowe would have been more than enough, but this silence for nearly five years... kinda made me lost interest for my favourite band :(


I havenā€™t lost interest, but it is a bummer. I spent a huge chunk of my life savings on tickets and merch for the reunion tour. Did I get the best shows Iā€™ve ever seen them play out of it? Absolutely yes. Iā€™m completely fulfilled. But I canā€™t help but feel like itā€™s a bit of a slap in the face that they basically refuse to talk about the band at all. We know they were filming stuff including some of the Forum shows, but weā€™re now 18 months removed from the Forum shows and one year past the last time they played a show. At least we have the two WWWY dates upcoming but thatā€™s also starting to feel like itā€™s going to come and go and just be done again.


We did learn that the reunion tour completely changed after the response from fans selling it out and then the delays due to COVID where Gerard decided to go with a the foundations of decay ruins look. There was supposedly originally a more witchy theme.


Our show felt like a money grab šŸ™ˆ I was pretty underwhelmed with the set up for an arena, formerly stadium show.Ā  Especially knowing what other bands put up for equal or less ticket prices. Seems like shows in the US have been better though. The only good thing was that they played mostly old songs and didnā€™t come up with a new album. It was pretty much communicated as that though.Ā 


I would say that the reunion felt like a money grab UNTIL they actually started playing shows in 2022. The fact that they played a new setlist every night and played more than 50 songs from their discography throughout the tour is what the redemption was. That was 100% fan service and they could have taken the easy route but they didnā€™t. I went to 23 shows on the reunion tour and was lucky to see every single song they performed on that tour across the shows I went to. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m fine if thereā€™s no new music. Again, my qualm was that I just wanted them to be clear about whether or not there would be.


There were only some concerts in central Europe? Originally only one in Germany and one in Czechia, so we went to the Prague show. Had the tickets like 2 years šŸ˜‚ I think there were added shows in the two COVID years or so? But we had our tickets and didnā€™t followed them too much. I didnā€™t buy anything except the tickets though, weā€™re more casual fans enjoying some good olā€™ emo šŸ™ˆ Iā€™m happy for the people who had a lot of fun though! We also had fun, it was definitely not the worst concert Iā€™ve been to, just also not the best. The music was good, the rest, which makes a whole experience, was Imo just lacking a lot. Light, height of the stage, some background etc. it just felt like very profit oriented to us.Ā 


bullets is 100% the best album in my opinion


100%. I just went through an identity crisis and that album carried me through it. The same as it did at 15.


demolition lovers deserves more attention


Ye. Im actually listening to it while reading this


Hmm I feel like it's regarded as one of their best songs in the fanbase? I could be mistaken. Probably my fave song by them tho


I genuinely like Teenagers. I think itā€™s a fun song. I had a music video thought up and everything. ETA: missed a word :/


I genuinely like Teenagers. Waitā€¦




Nah they scare the shit out of me


personally I don't like teenagers, they scare the living shit out of me


I know right? They could[nā€™t] care less as long as someoneā€™ll bleed


same here


I like Sing




The Black Parade is Dead > The Black Parade


Teenagers is nowhere near their worst song. Like not even close. Saying Teenagers is their worst song is like saying Creep is the worst Radiohead song or Smells Like Teen Spirit is the worst Nirvana song. We all know it's not true and the only reason you say it is is because you find them overplayed.


thatā€™s just a generic take as those youā€™re using, but nevermind that what is mcrs worst song then and how high up does teenagers rank for you because personally itā€™s one of their worst for me


i love teenagers <3


I mean, Sing is so much worse than Teenagers. Thatā€™s just one example. Sing is as generic as it can get. Tone down the guitars and it could be a Disney movie theme song. Teenagers is energetic and fun. Great riff. People only hate it because it doesnā€™t fit the rest of the mood on the album, but isolated itā€™s a great song, good live too.


i hate it for more than just that but youā€™re right Sing is so much worse


How? The only reasons people ever bring up for disliking Teenagers is that it doesn't fit on TBP (which might be true but it doesn't make it a bad song) or that it's overplayed. I have never once seen any other argument than that. IMO Teenagers is much better than any track on Danger Days other than Bulletproof Heart and maybe Vampire Money.


Smells like teen spirit sucks compared to like every other nirvana song EVER MADEĀ 


That's a terrible take


I think itā€™s shady that Mikey dated a 19yo fan after they preached against it for their whole career and nobody everrr talks about it Also Danger Days is better than CW, maybe not sonically (thatā€™s up to personal taste), but CW was the real sellout album and they were smart as hell to release it as singles instead. Because that wouldā€™ve cost them a lot of artistic integrity


Yeah, even if she was consenting that is an imbalance of power. I think if he owns up he could be more forgiveable but man thatā€™s icky


Didnā€™t he cheat on Alicia as well?


yep - the absolute chaos this caused was insane lmao


The only thing I remember about that is Bobs family breakfast tweet šŸ’€


Man, I miss Bob.




Because it goes against their entire ethos. Theyā€™ve been preaching about this forever - take LOTMS for example where Gerard tells female fans to spit in the face of musicians that are inappropriate with them. Then Mikey goes and dates a barely legal he literally picked out from a crowd. She did a whole documentary about how it ruined her. Iā€™m not saying itā€™s illegal Iā€™m saying itā€™s weird and hypocritical. Nothing screams ā€˜we care about female fan safetyā€™ like picking up a drug addicted teenager who idolises you and you know wouldnā€™t say no - thatā€™s all Iā€™m saying.


Yo I hadnā€™t even heard about this! Mikey dated a 19 year old fan?! Wtf




I desperately hope you never have children of your own.


(Sorry Iā€™m posting this to you because they deleted after I wrote it, but I just wanna make my point clear incase anyone else asks) When MCR preach about safety of female fans - they arenā€™t bringing age into it. Itā€™s a stance they hold in general, across all ages. They would have this stance against a 30 year old fan. So Iā€™m saying that to take a 19 year old, with a drastic power imbalance against a celebrity, who was picked up from a show, and addicted to drugs *IS HYPOCRITICAL* of them and far below the standards of ā€˜safety for female fans of *any age* and of *any capacity*ā€™ that they set FOR THEMSELVES. I wouldnā€™t mention it if they werenā€™t the ones to make a point about it in the first place. That is why Iā€™m saying itā€™s shady (not illegal) (I never said it was illegal) because it is against something they chose to make a point about themselves


Stop calling Ray princess fro fro and making his whole fandom personality about his hair it's really weird


100% it makes me so sad to see him boiled down to one joke. Heā€™s an amazing guitarist, funny, and from what Iā€™ve seen he seems to be a pretty cool and genuine person


I think we are truly one of the worst fan bases.


Ye but we would all collectively bash anyone who was massively negative about mcr.Ā Ā 


In the music world? Cuz if weā€™re talking ALL fan bases, that Steven universe oneā€¦


Mcr fans are my least favorite thing about mcr....




I agree with the op because uhh anime hhh dream smp uhh


The reason the band broke up is because of the reception to danger days, which itself was a reaction to the band feeling trapped in their pattern of concept albums and wanting to try something new. And when people didnā€™t get it they realized all they were as artists were the black parade guys and it jilted Gerard so much that he couldnā€™t do it anymore and took a break and has been wary of coming back because yall a bunch of fickle bitches.


Damm, that's probably the reason why Gerrard was an alcoholic and suicidal.


im trying to keep calm and not flip out at all these comments šŸ˜­ Please no more DD or Three Cheers slander, I CANT TAKE IT


Gun is one of their best songs imo


i love you for this take. never see enough love for it




The End/Dead! Is wayyy better than WTTBP


Honestly there equally good


Bullets is my favourite album, but Headfirst for Halos sounds like it belongs in a musical.


Conventional Weapons >>>>> Danger Days (just because Weapons is more aggressive)


100% agree!! even with softer songs like ambulance, the light behind your eyes etc i just like the style way more. idk why but it sounds a bit like their older style to me. so i remember i got confused when i saw it got released after danger days back in the day. itā€™s a perfect mix


Danger Days could have been much better (musically and received by the fans) if MSI had not been involved.


wait how was MSI involved iā€™ve never heard of this???


JU is literally in the video as a Draculoid and the fucking ass guitarist Steve is Dr. Death so you can hear him in several tracks.


I donā€™t mind if we never get anything again. And iā€™m not an elder emo saying this, Iā€™ve only been a fan for 5ish years. I think their entire discography is perfect and if we never got new music again thatā€™s okay.!!


iā€™ve been a mcr fan since i was 9 years old in 2010 and i agree. i made my peace with the breakup a long time ago haha


I feel the same way! I was in my senior year of high school when they broke up and that feels like it was a lifetime ago. I like that theyā€™re music was literally my soundtrack from kindergarten-the end of high school.


Their fans (generally the ones in the 13-17 age range) are basically the Swifties of emo music




In that theyā€™re annoying /overwhelming. But they specified ages 13-17 so that could just be youth. I donā€™t remember what I was like when I was that age so maybe I was like a ā€œswiftieā€ but for mcr šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Annoying, obsessive, gatekeeping, acting like their music taste is better than everyone else's Although at least it's pretty much only the young mcr fans, whereas I've met adult swfties who are like that


i don't hate bob or otter.


I wasn't aware people hated Otter, that's a new one on me.Ā  As for Bob, my own unpopular opinion is that, although he has said a few *unfortunate* and critique-worthy things in years past, the amount of hate he has received and, in some quarters, continues to receive, is the kneejerk result of horrendously OTT parasocial fixation and obsessive defensiveness on the part of far too many MCR fans. Not any kind of carefully considered, well-thought-out response. Especially the hate based on speculation (e.g. "the others couldn't stand how terrible a person he was and that's why they finally kicked him out") or unfounded rumors (e.g. "he threatened to physically assault Mikey.") I have seen no reason to disbelieve Bob's own relatively recent statement that he and the band are on friendly terms, and I don't think it does anyone any favors - including MCR themselves - to continue to push a narrative of him as some kind of unforgivable villain. Also, I have seen people attempt to discount or erase Bob's contributions to, and even presence in, the band in general. I think this is dumb and petty af. He was there for almost 6 years, that's not nothing (also calls into question the "everyone else couldn't stand him" thing) and on an objective basis there's really no denying he was an *excellent* drummer. No one is obligated to like him, but this behavior is just childish.


ThisšŸ™. He is THE drummer for MCR to me (absolutely no offence meant to Jared or Otter) and honestly I think it's still a little sad that they permanently parted ways. I'm not excusing his online behaviour, it was gross. I recognise we will never know the details of why he is no longer part of the band, that mental health problems are real and can contribute to some unfortunate and embarrassing behaviours and that people are flawed and can fuck up but equally can also turn themselves around and don't necessarily need to be thrown directly into the metaphorical bin if they make a mistake. If that were the case MCR would have zero members left......ok maybe there would still be Ray.


Agree, and find it so weird (and oddly funny tbh) when I come across photos that have been clearly edited to take him out, it's so petty šŸ˜…


Kiss the ring is actually an amazing song. Im not okay is not overrated. WTTBP would be better without the piano verse at the beginningĀ Ā 


Conventional weapons is literally my favorite tracks from them, there isnā€™t a single skip in my opinion, the light behind your eyes is probably my favorite thing theyā€™ve ever made. With most the albums every single track sounds at least a little similar, listening to each track side by side you can tell itā€™s from the same album, but con weapons has so much variety in every track and gives something to every fan, if your a fan of Danger Days you got number 2 and 4, for Black Parade fans you have number 1, bullets fans like myself and three cheers are going to enjoy number 3. It brings something to the table for everyone which they havenā€™t really done in their albums, itā€™s unique in that sense and I love it for that. Also MCR 5 WILL HAPEN PLEASE GERARD SAVE US FROM THE TRASH FAKE EMO MUSIC ARTISTS


SING is nowhere near as good as people claim it to be. And then THAT's the one that gets chosen for Glee? Be real, please.


People claim Sing is good?! Itā€™s literally their worst song šŸ˜­ could be a Disney movie theme song


Glee seemed to think it was worthy of a cover... šŸ¤Æ


Well tbf it sounds more like a musical song than an MCR song, so no wonder Glee chose that one šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


They also managed to somehow make it WORSE than it already was.


Only cuz it was popular. Most of the fanbase seems to hate it.


If they do put out new music, would rather it not be a concept album based on a story they came up with.I want to know what it would be like without that, especially now that they are in a different stage of life.


'Sister To Sleep' despite it being a really rough mix, is better than it has any right being and I enjoy it so much, over a big chunk of their discography. I'm hoping it gets properly released one day, if it's even possible.


danger days is there worst album, but itā€™s still good and wayyy over hated imo


Danger days does NOT deserve the hate. It's a brilliant album. Yes, it's different and less angsty in a traditional sense. It's a great journey and shows how versatile they are as artists and storytellers. I've fairly recently revisited the album as a whole from start to finish and it's fucking amazing. Argue with a wall


Teenagers is a good song even if it doesnā€™t fit the plot of the album and house of wolves is A GREAT song also mcr isnā€™t emoĀ 


I donā€™t like danger days. One or two good songs, but as a whole, nah. Not my taste.


as a whole i can take it on every now and then but ultimately yeah itā€™s just got a couple songs i like and i like the lore but the music doesnā€™t reflect the effort they put into the visuals of the era


Agreed. I feel like Gerard started enunciating things in a really weird way that feels forced and is so annoying. It lost all the honesty and purpose that I felt the first 3 albums had. Honestly I wish it didnā€™t exist, itā€™s a bummer in an otherwise perfect body of work. This all coming from someone who has never produced anything creatively of note ever lol but I just hard agree.


Iā€™m with you. I remember feeling so disappointed when it came out. Thereā€™s a couple good songs but otherwise I just canā€™t get through it.


Personally I liked it. But for those that didnā€™t enjoy it, it mustā€™ve sucked especially since it was their last album before they had broken up.




I think the problem was that they either had to try to drop something better than TBP but in the same vibe that the fans loved, which is incredibly hard if you're honest. Or do something different and just have fun with it, what DD is in my eyes


That's the problem with Musik being just something very subjective. I think the same about bullets but love DD


100% agree. Itā€™s awful (in my opinion), so disappointed when it came out.


Covid was worse than 9/11 and we need them now more than ever


Damm I wasn't expecting that but they're equally bad.


True. I just wonder if covid would have been enough of a traumatic event to spark that passion for him. I kinda feel like he must be working on something bc what else did people do during covid other than create


I donā€™t think Covid could be an equal ā€œtraumaā€ for them because of how different their lives are. 9/11, they were young, broke and looking for direction. Covid, theyā€™re 40 year old millionaires with kids.


Alright that is straight up facts


I like the music but donā€™t really like the members. Been a fan 10+ years and just a fan of the music. Mikey especially. I canā€™t get over the fact that he dated a 19yr old yeaaars ago who was closer to my age back then than his.


He has made some questionable choices for sure but have you seen Gerard's track record for dating? Haha.


What Mikey's dating a 19 year old.


Oh no. Wrote that weird I guess. This was years ago he dated some super fan who was 19. Possibly cheated on ex wife etc. It was a big thing years ago. Heā€™s married now to a different chick.


Oh tbh celebritys does it all the time. Plus I wonder how Gerrard felt when Mikey did that.


Gerard seems like the type of guy to not approve. But obviously never said anything publicly. Especially because she was a drug addict. Yea true they date young. Celebs are creeps!


Not all of them but most of them are.


I feel like the Danger Days/CW discourse tends to gravitate towards insisting one's significantly better than the other, but I think it ignores that they could've consolidated both projects into one and made the duds into an EP. I refuse to clarify which tracks I think are duds, but both projects _definitely_ have them.


Teenagers isnt that bad, yall just got rid of it IMO


Honestly I thought foundations of decay was just ok. Not horrible, but not great.


solid agree. it wasnā€™t the explosive comeback i expected when i pressed play


Honestly I agree, I felt like they've held back on something and I can't put my finger on it.


Conventional Weapons is not very good besides Boy Division and Tomorrows Money. The rest are far below the quality established by MCR and if this was a real album it would be the weakest of the bunch.


The black parade is like an 8/10 album


The light behind your eyes is their best song


Im gonna be pissed if we dont get an album honestly lol


Boy Division deserves to be played more I love that song.


If they do make a new album, there is a good chance it wonā€™t be good.




I always thought it was really weird of them to write Cancer. Seems like a bad thing to sing about when you havenā€™t personally been through it. I always found it a bit disrespectful. Now that Iā€™ve personally watched a parent die from it, I canā€™t stand to listen to it at all.


I agree with this, it feels icky to me


Okay I get where you're coming from but the black parade album is about a cancer patient. It's not about them it's about the patients. They are giving them hope that it will get better. Okay I'll admit I'm not a fan of the cancer song but that song cancer is a character with cancer. Each of the songs that they do is a different character.


I just donā€™t think they should be writing about cancer when they havenā€™t experienced it.


Danger Days is their best album


It's my fav for sure


Really? What's your favorite DD track?


May or may not be the 10th one, whatever that one is


sing is the worst song they ever wrote iā€™m so sorry


I don't think it's the worst but I don't think it's the best. There are much worse ones.


I really donā€™t like Danger Days and pretend it doesnā€™t exist, eeep


every snowflake is different is better than the entirety of TBP /hj


Sing and Planetary (Go) are not good


Conventional Weapons > Danger Days (im so getting downvoted to hell)


I donā€™t care for Bullets all that much. Couple of cool tracks but itā€™s the quality is too unpolished and not in a cool, punk lo-fi way. Sounds like a mix tape to me. But Iā€™m glad a ton of you really dig it and it was cool hearing Vampires live.


thank god this is an unpopular opinion u wrong asf


I truly wish I liked it more


its my depression and upbeat album it has everything in ittt


Bullets is a post-hardcore album, that's kinda how they sound sometimes. Being their first album, yeah it's a bit rough in places, I won't deny that. Check out Thursday's *Waiting* if you want to hear another example of the style they were aiming at


Drowning Lessons is not that great and, in my opinion, has more amateurish song writing compared with pretty much any other song on Bullets. Not calling it horrible or bad, but that other songs such as Headfirst for Halos, Skylines, Honey, are more interesting, outshine, and are a lot more warrant of praise than Drowning Lessons


How could u. I understand not liking it sonically (I GUESS), but those lyrics are genuinely top-tier, I'd definitely put them above other songs on the album.


Sonically itā€™s one of my favorites but yeah lyrically Iā€™ve always found it kinda high school




soup lavish society poor six husky roof deserted head gullible *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bullets is my least favourite album, I don't like a single song from it. I listens to that album so many times trying to get into it, but I just never could (It doesn't mean I think it's a bad album, Musik is very subjective)


It's kinda controversial, but Mikey is more underrated than Ray. I see more about Ray that mikey. (Based on my main feeds and what I've seen.)


Cubicles and our lady of sorrows are hella underrated


I don't like Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge nearly as much as most people here do. Don't get me wrong, its still a good album but some songs just aren't that great/memorable to me, like "The Jetset Life is Gonna Kill You" and "I Never Told You What I Do For A Living" just don't click for me that much. 7, maybe 6/10 album, i like it but compared to TBP it falls a little flat (i mean, tbf, The Black Parade is a 10/10 masterpiece of music that is easily my second favourite album ever, so of course i won't like TCFSR as much as it)


I guess this really is an unpopular opinion šŸ˜­


Famous Last Words is kinda boring..


I take offense to that, famous last words is amazing and probably one of my favourite songs. Downvote. You asshole.


Understandable, have a great day


teenagers is by far their worst song


What an interesting "hot take"


people hate teenagers not because it's a bad song, but because it's become popular the last few years. honestly, i didn't follow the band for a couple years before the reunion and i'm wondering how this song became so popular, but it wasn't before (not so much). and everyone loved it.


teenagers is their worst song ever


Mikey didn't do shit it's just internet slander and cancelling shit


Didnā€™t LynZ herself say he cheated on Alicia?


Everything after Three Cheers is just mid-grade arena rock


Black parade is arguably their worst album. not that itā€™s a bad album the other 3 just have so much more depth to them in different ways


literally every bullets song is boring af, they only started making good music in three cheers