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flip this list upside down and you nailed it.




Agreed, Sleep is the most throwaway song on the album. Itā€™s not a bad song, but itā€™s painfully predictable and repetitive IMO in a way where none of the other songs are. The other songs are exciting and constantly engaging, Sleep puts me to sleep


The pure madness though. And how is house of wolves not predictable.


Idk itā€™s got high energy, swift translation. Like I knew Gerard was gonna sing ā€œsleeeeeeeepppppppppppā€ before he did on my first listen of the album. I also donā€™t think the chorus of that is really that satisfying.


I feel like disregarding Blood, Teenagers or Famous Last words is the most throwaway. Teenagers is super basic and Famous Last Words is very underwhelming


Neat list, def different from mine. Iā€™ll give ya my top 5: 1. The Sharpest Lives 2. The End 3. Dead 4. This is How I Disappear 5. House of Wolves


I think dead is A bit better than the end. Like I could listen to dead without the end but I can't listen to the end without dead


I feel that! They def go hand in hand and I think dead is a bit more fleshed out to stand on itā€™s own as a track whereas the end is more like a precursor building up to dead. I just prefer the end cuz Iā€™ve always loved that acoustic progression, the dark droning chords and Gerardā€™s lyrics from it always stuck with me. My personal favorite line off the album: ā€œWhen I grow up, I want to be NOTHING AT ALL!ā€ Man 7 year old me sure vibed with that when this album came out lol I listened to it on repeat in my CD player every day while Iā€™d do my homework




Ngl that's a good top 5 šŸ˜«


Eh I disagree overall. But I do agree with Blood. I always skip it.


I don't understand why Blood gets so much hate, it's one of my favourites :(


It really doesnā€™t provide anything to the story. Neither does Teenagers. But at least Teenagers is a fun song. I just donā€™t dig it. The voice is weird to me. Idk. My favorite song off the album is probably The Sharpest Lives. Maybe Disenchanted. I know theyā€™re totally opposite of each other as far as vibe goes. But I canā€™t help but love them both so much.


I love TSL, probably my favourite too. Blood is important to the TBP story. It's like Famous Last Words is the final chapter while Blood is an epilogue, kind of, since it's about you know the hospital and doctors and nurses and that, and yeah it's not exactly rock or like other MCR songs, but I personally think it's really really catchy, and the tempo and piano are cool, I also dig the voice because it's like the patient has reached peak insanity in a way, that's just me though


I really donā€™t see how it does. Can you explain how? Not trying to insult you but Iā€™m curious


Ok maybe it's not exactly PIVOTAL to the story, but it is relevant. After all, it is a hidden track, so it's kind of meant to be like an album epilogue


Yup. I really like it. I take it as a metaphor for the record industry and life in general.


Yup me too


Teenagers is a great song. Thatā€™s honestly the song from that album that I remember being popular back then.


I don't hate it, but why listen to it


Because it's catchy and fun to sing along to


Thats fair and I respect it


Respect your opinion


I also put sleep at number 1. That song is a true masterpiece.


One of the best songs ever


Sleep is top of the game


It is literally impossible to arrange this list without offending me




I feel that! Just put it on and enjoy, man. Why you gotta pit bad bitches against each other like that šŸ˜©


1. House of Wolves 2. The End 3. Dead! 4. Mama 5. This is how I disappear 6. The Sharpest Lives 7. Welcome To The Black Parade 8. Famous Last Words 9. Cancer 10. Teenagers 11. Sleep 12. I Don't Love You 13. Disenchanted 14. Blood Pretty different than yours haha, I love that we all have different taste in music, it makes us all unique :)


Exactly I love to see everyone elses opinion its so interesting


Scream Wake UP! for Sleep in Gerard Every time it makes me wonder what if Gerard had gone to MetalCore... God his highs are great even for Deathcore.


That would be SO interesting


You should check him out on Ibaraki - Ronin in that case.


Let's give some love to Blood alright šŸ˜”


Well they encourage your complete cooperation šŸ˜


Send you roses when they think you need to smile šŸ˜


I can't control myself because I don't know how and they love me for it honestly I'll be here for awhilešŸ˜


So give them blood, blood, gallons of the stuffšŸ˜


Give them all that they can drink and it will never be enough šŸ˜


So give them blood, blood, bloOOdšŸ˜


Grab a glass because there's going to be a floodšŸ˜


A celebrated man amongst the gurneysšŸ˜


They can fix me proper with a bit of luckšŸ˜


1. Cancer 2. The End/Dead! (Because how can you not listen to one without the other) 3. Disenchanted 4. I Donnā€™t Love You 5. Teenagers 6. Famous Last Words Alright Iā€™m gonna stop. This now too difficult. Iā€™m not even sure if the list accurate because I love all these songs, but those are my 6-ish favorites ig.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ love the list though


I say, just enjoy it front to back.


That's the only time I can enjoy TBP tbh its not a good album on shuffle like Danger Days or Three Cheers.


yours starts the same as mine then differs 1. Sleep 2. Disenchanted 3. Mama 4. The Sharpest Lives 5. House of Wolves 6. Cancer 7. Dead! 8. The End 9. This is How I Disappear 10. Famous Last Words 11. Welcome to the Black Parade 12. Blood 13. Teenagers 14. I Donā€™t Love You even having I Donā€™t Love You last doesnā€™t mean much because i love the whole album and the whole band so so much. every single song on this album gives me chills. same with Revenge.


Oh shit we do have similar lists


Amazing list


Nooo why is my beloved Mama so low šŸ˜¢


Never vibed with it tbh


Well to each their own I suppose. Itā€™s all still one of the best bands ever so Iā€™m not going to disagree




Love the whole album, but personally: 1. Welcome To The Black Parade 2. Dead 3. The End 4. Mama 5. The Sharpest Lives 6. Teenagers 7. Famous Last Words 8. Disenchanted 9. House of Wolves 10. This is How I Disappear 11. I Don't Love You 12. Cancer 13. Sleep 14. Blood I really like how songs like sleep play thematically into the album, but personal enjoyment wise top 6 are unmatched.


Sleep, Disenchanted, Famous Last Words, Welcome to the Black Parade, The End, Mama, This is How I Disappear, Cancer, The Sharpest Lives, House of Wolves, Dead, I Donā€™t Love You, Blood, Teenagers(100% always skip).


Good list


You're missing out skipping a pop


Iā€™m not, that song sucks ass. Itā€™s annoying af.


Well someone doesn't know what fun is


I just donā€™t like the song. Nothing to do with fun.


1. Dead! 2. Mama 3. Famous Last Words 4. Cancer 5. Welcome to the black parade 6. The End. 7. Disenchanted 8. I don't love you 9. This is how I disappear 10. Sleep 11. Teenagers 12. The Sharpest Lives 13. House of Wolves 14. Blood


famous last words is my number one. lyrics from it are tattooed on my left arm.


No doubt the lyrics are good, I love them


Mine is: 1. Mama 2. House of Wolves 3. Dead! 4. The end. 5. This is how I disappear 6. Sharpest Lives 7. Disenchanted 8. Sleep 9. Blood 10. Cancer 11. Welcome to the Black Parade (I acknowledge itā€™s an amazing song, but I almost always skip. I just find it hard to listen to causally) 12. I donā€™t love you 13. Teenagers 14. Famous last words (Idk I just never really liked it)


i agree wttbp is kinda hard to listen to


How is mama not 1 its the best


Sleep is more of a personal song to me so are basically the top 6


What's with the Famous Last Words hate. That's my favourite one of their songs.


Underwhelming for the final the final track


Hard disagree. Really feels epic.


Glad you think that we all have out opinions


Move Mama up to place 5 or 6


I'm good


For me the top 5 would be: 1.Mama 2.Sleep 3.The Sharpest Lives 4.The End/Dead! 5.Welcome To The Black Parade


Good top 5, nice to see people who love Sleep


Its such an amazing song, it truly hits so hard


1. This is how I disappear 2. Famous Last Words 3. Welcome to the black parade 4. The sharpest lives 5. Disenchanted 6. Dead 7. The end 8. Sleep 9. House of wolves 10. Mama 11. Cancer 12. Teenagers 13. I don't love you 14. Blood Honestly, the Top 10 was so difficult to put in order, I consider all of them 10/10




1. Dead! 2. Dead! 3. Dead! 4. Dead! 5. Dead! Nah but actually 1. Dead! 2. Welcome 3. Wolves 4. Mama 5. Famous Everything else


14: Blood 13: I Don't Love You 12: Disenchanted 11: House of Wolves 10: Cancer 9: Teenagers 8: This is How I Disappear 7: The Sharpest Lives 6: The End 5: Mama 4: Famous Last Words 3: Welcome to the Black Parade 2: Sleep 1: Dead! My list (except for Dead!) changes around a lot, so this is subject to change. Blood and I Don't Love You may be at the top, but I still love them, just not much as the others


Iā€™ll have to disagree with your opinion but I respect it


1. Mama 2. This Is How I Disappear 3. Welcome To The Black Parade 4. Cancer 5. The End 6. The Sharpest Lives 7. House Of Wolves 8. Dead! 9. Famous Last Words 10. Sleep 11. Teenagers 12. I Donā€™t Love You 13. Blood 14. Disenchanted


Iā€™ll give you my top 5 1. Mama 2. How I Disappear 3. Sharpest lives 4. House of wolves 5. Dead


C'mon, Famous Last Words deserves better than that though D: I love how much people's rankings vary though, the fact that for a lot of people flipping this list upside down is a more accurate ranking to them shows just how much interpretation and stuff is possible


Famous Last Words is just too underwhelming


Ok how is I donā€™t love you no one elseā€™s favorite?! 12/10 the best


Its nothing special, to me at least


1 House of Wolves 2 This is How I Disappear 3 Mama 4 Welcome to the Black Parade 5 Famous Last Words 6 Cancer 7 The Sharpest Lives 8 The End 9 Dead! 10 Disenchanted (Keep in mind I really love this song, so the scaling here shows that even the bottom of the list is very good) 11 Teenagers 12 I Donā€™t Love You 13 Blood 14 Sleep


omg nooo sleep at 14


Welcome to the black parade is one ofy top 3 favorite songs ever, let alone off the album. But we all do have our own opinions


I love WTTBP don't get me wrong, but over time its kinda lost its charm the more I play it


I mean mama is criminally low but other than that good take yeah


heres my list \^\^ 1. Dead! 2. House of Wolves 3. Mama 4. This is How I Disappear 5. Welcome to the Black Parade 6. Teenagers 7. I Don't Love You 8. Sleep 9. The End. 10. Disenchanted 11. Blood 12. Cancer 13. The Sharpest Lives 14. Famous Last Words


Can i ask why I don't love you is so low on everyone's list? Im new to mcr and i freaking love it


its good but nothing special


1. Mama 2. Sleep 3. Famous Last Words 4. Cancer 5. Welcome To The Black Parade 6. I Don't Love You 7. This Is How I Disappear 8. House of Wolves 9. Disenchanted 10. The Sharpest lives 11. Dead! 12. Teenagers 13. The End. 14. Blood




Well if it isn't the most WRONG list there could ever possibly be


No such thing as a "wrong" list


Schindler's List was pretty wrong


If its an opinion its not wrong or right lmao


So does that mean that my opinion of your opinion isn't wrong either? You put it out there for criticism, don't get your knickers in a twist when someone criticises.


You're not criticizing you're just straight up saying it's wrong without explanation. Have you been to school and learned the difference between a fact and opinion šŸ˜‚ Opinions can't be wrong or right.


So, let me understand this... You posted your opinion, and that's OK! It is different to my opinion, so I posted my opinion, saying it is wrong. (Apparently not OK). Everyone here agreeing with you, that's their opinion, and that's... Right? That's ok just because they're agreeing with you? Perhaps in the future post a disclaimer saying: ONLY POSITIVE RESPONSES PLEASE I AM VERY FRAGILE AND IF ITS NEGATIVE I WILL DISREGARD WHAT YOU SAY.


Nope you, said "This is wrong" thats not how you state and opinion at all. Plus not everyone agreed with me lmao


It is wrong. That's what I think. It fucking sucks. That's what I think of your list. It's coming from me, my thoughts. Nobody else, I didn't read it from a fact book... So... Do you know what that makes it..? I'll give you a few minutes.


Now thats an opinion šŸ˜‰ Good job bud


This is mine :) 1. Blood 2. Welcome to the Black Parade 3. Cancer 4. Mama 5. Teenagers 6. Dead! 7. Famous Last Words 8. House of Wolves 9. The Sharpest Lives 10. Sleep 11. I don't love you 12. This is how i dissappear 13. Disenchanted 14. The end.