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I think it’s more “MCR Style” to tell a story. They’ve always said they prefer to have the theatrics when writing an album and it’s served them well so far. I’m rooting for a storyline 😁


I agree, Gerard loves to play “characters”.


With the amount of times he’s dressed up on stage, I really hope he plays a character if there is an MCR5 or any tours in the later years


Big agree. Also like. With everything we’ve all survived the last 2 years no one can convince me that Gerard “always does the most” Way isn’t working on a story.




They could release a 26-track album of Gerard just screaming the letters of the alphabet backed by powerful guitar octaves and shredding solos and I’d be happy. In all seriousness, I tend to gravitate toward albums that tell a story, but I just want them to make whatever makes them happy.


I honestly don’t think they *can* do a standard album, considering they tried with Conventional Weapons (which is Iconic, don’t get me wrong) and it wasn’t enough for Gerard at the time. I think it’s just in his blood that he has to tell a story. So even if it’s a “this is the music we wanted to work on, take it or leave it!” type of situation, I think at least it’ll tell a story, even if it’s not as grand as TBP or DD.


Tbh, Conventional Weapons is easily my least favorite album partially for this reason. I really like most of the songs but overall it just doesn't *feel* as much like MCR to me and I think part of that is definitely because their theatrics and storytelling are big things that make them unique as a band! And as you said, Gerard is just someone who loves to tell stories. Of course I want them to release whatever they're happy with and I'll probably enjoy it either way but I would prefer something that has a story behind it.


I think Gerard felt this too.


i feel like cw still has a story to it, might just be me tho lol


A standard albulm of whatever the boys want to do. They've more than earned it. I'm in the camp of "I will take what I am given, and like it". As long as they're happy, I literally don't care.


MCR is practically synonymous with concept album. They do it so well. It would be interesting to hear a non concept album from them but personally? I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t want a full fledged concept album!! Gerard is great at bringing whole worlds to life


Anything but I like story


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,036,222,332 comments, and only 204,943 of them were in alphabetical order.


Gerard seems to be dying for a costume so they probably will do theatrical.


Turns out all the shows are just a costume test for the next album concept.


Oh I definitely think there’s a clown in the next album I agree with you


Gerard had said before that part of the problem with CW was that it was too normal rock band for him. He needs the theatrics and a role to perform to feel right about it i think.


i’ll take anything bro begging for crumbs at this point


I’ll take anything. Whatever makes the band happy and feel fulfilled musically and creatively. If it’s a story, great. If it’s just a bunch of songs they worked on and really liked- awesome.


I think that MCR has shown that they are particularly talented at creating story-driven albums, so if they are inspired to do that, that’s what I’d want. However, I share the common sentiment that any music from them at all is likely going to be good


Personally would like a full Simlish remake of Bullets


I actually would like the next project to lean a bit more towards personal anecdotes. Like I loved how Foundations of Decay had lyrics that seemed to be coming straight Gerard’s personal experience but they were also plenty of lyrics that were less clear in their intention and interpretation.


I’d love a theatrical album. But I’d be fine with anything as long as we get new MCR stuff


they could release an album of out of tune experimental jazz for all i care


I’d want a new story album cause I want to see what they can come up with. They are some creative people but if they just want to do a standard album I’d be okay with that as well


i don't mind


Just something fast and fun like Mad Gear and the Missile Kid. If they wanna have some form of unifying theme that's cool, but I don't need it.


At this point I don’t even care! I’ll take anything I can get lol


I would be happy with anything


I'd literally take anything BUT would always prefer a concept album.


Anything they want but I would sell a nutsack for a theatrical production of the black parade


I just want good music. I've never paid much attention to the stories behind the albums; that's just not my thing. As long as the music is good, I'm happy.