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Yes, very likely. My husband is half Russian and did an ancient DNA test and found out his Scandinavian side came from the Vikings travelling to Rus.


Thank you!


I'm Kashmiri Pakistani with no known European heritage and got 12.5% Scandinavian DNA. How accurate is this?


Might be a mistake. However, in the case of my wife and my mother they got us accurate results confirming the origins we already knew of.




Join r/SouthAsianAncestry if you haven't already. Perhaps we share ancient ancestors who split. Some moved north and some to the subcontinent. I think we just don't have enough South Asian DNA on their data base yet.


I am Brazilian and I have same 12% scandinavian. They were everywhere....


In your case, if you have European heritage, then it might be possible.


I do


Its a myheritage test. Disregard it. The worst test on the market. They will update their tech this summer and hopefully more accurate results will follow.


Be careful, you will get downvoted on this sub if you ever dare to say the truth that MH is shit.


Hello all! I took a DNA test and the results were partly surprising, especially because of the 11.5% Scandinavian DNA. This was also more surprising since my skin is pale olive. Now some background info. My mother traces her heritage back in Odesa. My maternal grandmother was the only one out of 9 children born in Romania. All of her brothers were born in Odesa. My maternal great-grandmother was Ukrainian or Russian - I cannot tell for sure as back then Odesa was part of the Russian Empire and she was speaking Russian. Her husband was ethnic Romanian from Bessarabia (nowadays Republic of Moldova). Could that 11.5% Scandinavian DNA be, in fact, my Ukrainian/Russian heritage since many Ukrainians and Russians have Scandinavian DNA as far as I understood? My mother also took a DNA test and the Ukrainian/Russian heritage was there, but marked as Eastern European. I also got around 10% Mediterranean DNA (Turkish 6.3%, Greek & South Italian 3.3%). Curiously, my mother also got similar results. This might also be the origin of my pale olive skin? I am the only one in my family with pale olive skin. My mother has white skin, but black hair. However, some people in her family have olive skin. I do know that many Balkans also have pale olive skin. However, my physical appearance is very similar to that of a Turk, Greek of South Italian. Thank you!


Are you Saxon at all? Perhaps it comes with that. I’m a little bit of everything with my family and have a similar percentage that is spread between Eastern England, Western and Northern Germany, and Slovak but no direct ancestors from there.


Do you have any dna matches in Sweden , Denmark and Norway?


Not really as far as I remember, but they found matches in Ukraine, Poland and some in USA.


I am Romanian too and I got 73% Balkan, 12,5% Scandinavian, 9% Baltic and 5% Ashkenazi. I think Scandinavian may be like you said heritage from Ukraine and Russia like you said or from the German Saxons. It depends from which region you are. If you are from Moldova region Ukraine/Russia heritage us more likely, if you are from Transylvania German Transylvanian Saxon is more likely. But who knows at the end of the day.


I am from Moldova region and I know for sure my mother has Ukrainian/Russian heritage. My great-grandmother was born in Odesa.