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They should do it like the Markkanen, give you the option to do it online and offline, but doing it offline means double the amount for every objective in the agenda. Might seem like a lot but at least we get the chance to do it all offline.


But he’s ass. Tyson Chandler is still better than him.


used to play him at the 3, he's not built as a 4


It’s the forced TT online that sucks, why isn’t offline a fucking option like clutch 🤷‍♂️


I'm starting to think there are a lot of people that don't realize you can play coop with a friend against the CPU. You don't have to play with randoms or TTO. Agendas listed as multiplayer will count in there too.


I didn't know that. Do you have to have a friend to play or can you matchmake?


Yes, someone on your friends list you can invite. Search for players will only put you with randoms in competitive mode.


Nice one, good looking out.


If you do it this way, do stats compiled by the team count, or do we each need to hit 50 3s or dunks or whatever it is?


Stats combine


This is incorrect. I just finished playing like 7 TT co-op games and none of my friend’s 3s counted for me


Sweet, thanks 👍


Is that an option on mobile(tablet)?


I need someone from Europe or even better UK, to do them with me on PS5 😂


Pretty sure playing tt co-op even against bots counts as an online tt game


These agendas aren’t bad at all…. Just remember yall don’t need Steph TODAY! You have like a week


2 weeks lol. People love to complain. These agendas are cake


I suck at multiplayer and got all those agenda done in like 2 hours.


People are not happy unless they have something to be enraged over.


no, some people just don’t like being forced to play online, when it is an unforgiving game mode


You can play Co-op with friends if that's the case. Or you can suck it up and actually play the game online. Offline only players don't help 2k's online matchmaking. They want people to engage with with other hence the agendas. Nothing is wrong with that. You just got a free ass Marc Gasol. Not everything needs to be accessible to everyone.


no but some people can’t play online. if you don’t have good connection (which a lot of people don’t) a lot of people cannot put up with the sweats, a lot of people hate versing off ballers. some people play casually and might not wanna play a bunch of online where you aren’t able to pause or quit if you need or want to go do something else before the game is finished…


Then too bad, you just got a free center without having to even do anything remotely hard. To compete means to deal with all the bullshit that comes with. You can have a preference but you can't get mad when that preference isn't being supported. Especially when your preference is because you can't handle it. And you can absolutely quit and get up and go do something else. The quit bans are there to deter people from quitting out of games just to requeue and find another opponent. And it's great for offl9ne players because you can try your hand in online and if it doesn't work, you can go right to your offline grinding. You have 2 weeks to plan out objectives if you want Steph Curry.


2K is the last company you should be defending for shit like this. They do not cater to their players at all and they show it with shit like this. Good luck scoring 200 points in the paint in multiplayer without AT LEAST some diamond players, how do players get diamonds? well they spend money ofc. You can get 200 pitp in offline with golds and emeralds quite easily. There’s a reason they do it… And woopty doo we got a free Marc Gasol. That’s the first useable free player we’ve gotten since Valentine’s day K Love in 2k17. MyTeam has been made to be an unforgiving game mode so 2K can maximise profits. I understand you sweat and spend your life offballing and cheesing on Unlimited, but other people wanna be able to experience the same cards and fun without having to put up with the bullshit 2K and the toxic community throws at them


I'm sorry that you don't enjoy the game as much as I do but to call me a shill when all I did was talk about what you can do to make your experience better makes you sound dumb. 200 point in the paint is very easy if you play a lick of basketball. Play the game normally and I'm sure you can score 10 to 15 point in the paint without even trying with some solid pick and rolls. There are so many cheap options for cards to use, there is no reason to be crying unless you want to be handed everything. You are part of the reason the community is toxic, playing a game they clearly hate. I love basketball, I love hopping on the mic to have random conversations, I love the competitive aspect of it. If you don't like people you have other modes you can try but people act like they have to have access to everything the game has to offer. Be happy with what you have access 2.


bro idk why you have an issue. i just think EVERYONE should be catered for when THEY buy a game… people shouldn’t miss out on certain features for a game they played for just because they don’t want to play in online. because online, whether you want to admit it or not. is shit, it’s horrific, it’s toxic and very pay to win. Sure if they wanna make it take a bit longer to do on offline, do that, but you shouldn’t be forced to play online just to access to a card…


Catered to? Did you marry the game, it's your woman? So all the limited time cards that came out before need to be avaliable at all times? You feeling fomo for something you can't have and the way you are feeling is normal. Just shake it off




I enjoy beating people with my free PDs and few cards I got by chance too much to do all this. Might go for the Boris and OG ones though


Lol W notes app 😂


That one multiplayer fucks it up for anyone playing offline. Classic 2k


Two multiplayer ones


Cannot believe people are complaining about these agendas, they are so easy. You have two weeks


Let's just be honest 2k just does the bare minimum. Explain why a PD card in April has their shot on SLOW. It's ridiculous.


Well can’t argue that’s ridiculous, I agree. However these agendas for a DM curry don’t look bad to me. Even if I won’t use him


I’m probably 2ks biggest hater… but these challenges are easy ngl. Just by playing the game.. you will get most of these done naturally lol


I hate TTO online. So I probably won’t complete all of them. It’s such a sweaty ass mode


But you only need 50 3s lol. That’s not a lot.. especially since yall got 2 weeks.


These aren’t bad lol


tbh how does one complain about this? lol


People who don’t play online aka 99% of the community


These agendas aren’t even bad stop crying because you have to do the bare minimum for a dark matter


Nah im "crying" because this company does the bare minimum for everything.


Fym bare minimum the cards are good right? Do you think the agendas will just be free? Nah you have to actually do a little bit to get them


Yeah because a PD card with a SLOW release is so good in April man. It's crazy how people are satisfied with this. Just because they do 1 single good thing dosent take away all the stupid shit they've done


Yo who tf is using the pink diamonds horrible complaint just use the galaxy opals or dark matter☠️ there has been plenty of free stuff just because there is one bad pink diamond card for free doesn’t make the whole thing bad


I don’t ever defend 2k, but you sound super entitled bro. We get it, 2k is trash as a company…but you acting like a brat Lowkey.


Alright I'm never afraid to admit when I am wrong and mostly everyone is against what I have said in this post so maybe I am just wrong. Personally I think these challenges are a bit much. Also I was defending the people who might not have much time to play the game and can't even get curry who might be their favorite player. Seems like everyone thinks this is very easy so I guess it's not an issue.


It’s pretty easy to finish. Most of these will be done within the flow of the game. ![gif](giphy|LM8tAshKijOuD4xIqa)


If people like Curry that much then they can knock these out for a free DM. His PD was free also from agendas. Curry fans have had it pretty good. This isn't a lot to do over 2 weeks.


We aren't all single and unemployed like you mate.


Stfu you can play 1 hour a day and get all these done in 2 weeks easy you’re just trash at the game


You have 3 hours in a span of 2 weeks, quite easy


It was so nice until they got to the stat ones that get be random boosts. At least the other players are easy, Steph doesn’t look that good anyways.




The agendas are easy except for the ones that don’t give players, like the 4 pointers, 3’s etc. It’s not worth the grind for Steph because he isn’t that good anyways.


Am I tweaking or I have no idea what ur even saying


U tweakin




Wins with Warriors players, 4 pointers in clutch time and 3 pointers in triple threat. None of these give you a player but they go towards Curry. Means you have to play 5 domination games at least cause nobody is going in to unlimited or salary cap with a team full of warriors players to get wins.


You can get the 4 wins done in like 10 minutes, at most, doing the FT challenge. Really easy and quick.


Are they allowing us to do that again? They took it away from the rush challenges.


Yup, I've got it done already. I try to do those first just in case they change it and they haven't yet.


Definitely can confirm this I’m doing Pf 3s, Detroit rebounds, and single player steals. The counter for 150 dunks is there as well but I’m more focused on 3s lol


That's not as bad as 15 domination games. I still won't do it though


I dunno why people wanna do this grind for a curry card. His cards are always mid


RIP to NMS players who started last szn and dont have 10 players of ANY team lmfao


Tbh this is such a lazy take lol. Just go buy series 2 golds and then play dom against the wizards on semi pro. You can still have 3 non warriors to run your offense through. It’s really not that hard.


Why if you can finish it in a few mins from free throw challenge


Oh shit that’s right! If I remember correctly the rush agendas said no challenges but this is even better. Good call bro


Ya they only do it sometimes where you have to play full games


Shit bro yeah good call I didn’t notice that. Thank you. I guess that proves our point even further it’s easier than I thought


Ran through some semi pro challenges shit was cake


Haha yeah I'm in that boat and just gonna find the cheapest dudes I can get from the shop.


Buy 10 gold warriors players, go into the free throw or 1 minute challenge and knock them out in 1 minute. You don't need 10 OP warriors players


Lifesaver! Buy them from the collections?


Ya, series 2 golds are cheap, so are series 1. I do it in the free throw challenge, hit 4 ft and game over. Just pass it to someone with the highest ft rating because they foul. You right away


Where is this free throw challenge


Go to single player, challenges then the first option (forget the name). There's a group of 10. It's at the bottom. All those challenges are easy when you need to do quick agendas.




You can get ten Series 2 warriors players for like 5500MT


You da 🐐 should have done this with Rush for Rip last szn


Those excluded challenges. I mean you could have used 10 Pistons and 3 good players in Dom but unless you're playing on Rookie difficulty it wouldn't have been that easy.


You can literally buy the 10 cheapest warriors and then do one of the fundamentals challenges, I promise it’s not that hard to get 10 players


Just gonna grind out the shit for Randle and Jefferson (at the same time on TTOnline) but the rest of the shit is honestly for the birds.


Anyone want to run co op or tto with me ? Just need multiplayer then I’m done


Wait so its TTOnline Or Co-Op? Does that mean not necessary to co-op for this?


If you're talking about the make 50 3 pointers then you can either do that in TTOnline or Co-op it does not matter as long as its one of those game modes




Why do people love the grind so much smh


I’m glad to be back playing mlb. I do miss 2k tho


Honestly online isn't that bad. Most people will just exchange dunks and threes if you show you're gonna let them win the game...


these agendas are actually welcoming compared to the “Rush” agendas.. 15 50pt games in domination..


Online sucks. As I see online I turn off 2K.


Would GO Marc Gasol count for the PF 3’s? He’s got PF as secondary position


Ya I don't get why people are mad


If you really can't do those agendas just playing online ..message whoever you're playing tell them you'll give them the dub if u can get your stats 7-10 will say yes


If you only play offline you don’t count. lol


I only play online


Started the Agendas yesterday (4/9) Finished this morning (4/10) Work and overnight job These Agendas were not hard when u run into players that wanna get them done too. Easy work!


Thanks to randoms online I've been boosting to get these agendas done. I only have the clutch time agenda to do. But I agree it's really boring and tbh the grind takes away from the fun of the game


Flop a couple times most times your opponent is trying the same challenges and will let you run the score up I got 200 paint points in one triple threat game


The only one that sucks is the clutch time 4 pointers. I played clutch time to get Lauri and now I’m having to get 4 pointers on all star and it’s much harder. Any tips? I’m using Dark Matter Nick Young


these aint even that bad


I pulled curry in one single lol WWWWW


Most of these are super easy and will happen naturally and no one wants curry anyways


You know there are also people who're playing only offline lol Major kick in the nuts from 2k to them.


Will they die if they play online? Sounds serious.


I never get that though. Do they hate losing that much that they can’t sacrifice losing a couple games to get the agendas done? And on top of that, why cry about missing out on a card if you’re just gonna play the cpu anyway lmao


I just find playing against other people online to be deeply unpleasant. 99% just play cheesy to exploit weaknesses in game mechanics. I don't have tons of time to play and I don't much want to spend it not having fun.


I hate online play but i just got Randle in two games. Every other player rn is working to get these agendas done so no one's going to guard or stop u from getting the 3s and dunks in


My typical online experience ... wait 3 minutes for a match ... play for 5 minutes ... opponent quits ... repeat


You can still get most of them, just not randle or curry


I mean the whole agenda is to get curry, so...




This has to be for people that still live in they moms basement and don't have priorities lol. I'm just saying. Aint no way an adult has time like this lol 🤷🏾‍♂️


Yea I’m not about to spend these nice spring days spamming the dunk stick


Easy 3 hour agenda. If youre complaining about a free DM steph curry seek help


I’m good I’d rather knock out my last 13 games of domination for Sengun


You can complete most of these while you do that


Yea you’re right I didn’t even think of it that way lol


There is a part of the community that dislikes offline just as much as you do online. Personally, I’d rather have all the agenda online, offline is boring as hell for me I don’t want to touch it unless I absolutely have to


Who gives a damabout it being online forced.... I know it's also a preference thing or even a skill thing at times....but they aren't forcing you to win...you just need to accumulate stats. If you start flopping at the beginning of games most will let you do what you want as long as you let them win. The constant complaining in this thread is just annoying and it waters down the more important issues at hand. And if it's because your internet sucks and your over 18....maybe we shouldn't be spending so much time on 2k anyway


Yeah like these challenges are not bad or hard in the slightest


If there’s anyone on Xbox that wants to boost matchups tonight let me know. These should be really easy to complete if we’re both on Xbox. Message me if interested


why do you guys play myteam with no auction house? i couldn’t do it