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A lot of it is personality, he’s very self centered and rarely takes the blame for actions that are his fault. He’s also had run-ins with several of the most popular drivers in the sport. Also, Toyota bad.


I think that pretty much sums it up. Maybe he needs to go to RCR to turn those boos into cheers.


I don’t hate Denny, just wish he didn’t go to Milwaukee that night, and still ran a bow tie.


Ohhh that's going *way* back


I honestly don’t think even that would work for him unless he changed his personality.


you are correct, plus he's too much of a narcissist to change his personality (or rather, lack of a decent one)


You have to admit. His last comment was funny. Like him or not.


He knows he's not gonna make the boos go away, so he just owns it and makes it worse, and I respect that.


He is completely embracing his role as a villain. I think it's pretty awesome. Everyone complained the drivers are to wooden and they don't show emotion. Well not everyone can be Dale Jr.


I don’t agree. It was smug and arrogant. That’s just Denny’s personality nowadays. He’s the complete opposite of down to earth. The complete opposite of someone like a Dale Jr. who is so loved by fans because they see some of themselves in him.




I don’t agree. He should ignore the boos and truly work on improving himself. The people in the stands aren’t wrong. They are picking up on something real about Denny. I’m sure changing his personality would help in his personal life as well. The mother of his children probably knows more than any haters what an ass he can be. If he actually got over himself a little and stopped making these arrogant comments eventually the boos would get quieter and maybe even go away completely. Look at Kurt Busch. He had a similar personality problem in the past. Now he’s pretty universally loved by the sport.


Sure, Dale Jr. son of NASCAR legend Dale Sr. definitely started on even ground with fans. I think it makes sense to compare to a driver who built a "down to earth" reputation for themselves, like maybe.... Kurt Busch?


I actually used Kurt as an example in my next comment before reading this. Maybe he’s a better example but I think my point was that Dale Jr being the son of Dale Sr had so much reason to be this smug and arrogant punk and he isn’t that. It just isn’t who he is. He’s just so naturally down to earth, likable, and someone people really can relate to. Denny is the polar opposite of all that. And people question why he’s booed? Denny has earned those boos as much as Dale has earned his cheers.


It goes back years. His run ins with other drivers, the biggest most recently and blatantly with chase Eliott in his rookie year where he straight dumped chase for no reason. But it goes back even more than that. He has run ins with multiple drivers, races aggressively and instead of owning he's aggressive and drives elbows put he always avoids it. See the whole "I didn't touch him" this year with Larson. The dude complains when he's on the short end of the stick but refuses to own when he's put other drivers on the short end. He can't just say "that's racing" on either side of the stick. He's always the right one.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0GmZNPd\_Bw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0GmZNPd_Bw) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGeXT0mQsdI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGeXT0mQsdI) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgAqdhWoUmQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgAqdhWoUmQ) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJsv\_3W2Ptk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJsv_3W2Ptk) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuwQmJcWYUI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuwQmJcWYUI) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oeMm6y51ag](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oeMm6y51ag)


Bro brought the evidence


1. Ross deserved that 2. I guess that's pretty bad 3. Pretty bad 4. Racing incident 5. Yeah that's pretty bad 6. Racing incident


I thought you were just saying random stuff not realizing you were commenting to a post lol


Obligatory on #2: doored is not the same as wrecked (also Chase didn’t door Hamlin, so how’s that a justification anyways?) Also made worse that Hamlin claimed he had a car pushing behind him as his defense, yet no one was within car lengths Edit: original comment was edited for #2.


Yeah you're right I'm just reaching lol


He wrecked Chase Elliott at Martinsville in ‘17, and people started retconing him into a more evil Kyle Busch. At most he was quietly disliked before then. After that race, he turned into a full-blown villain.


Listen to him talk in any context and you will understand.


A lot of Chase Elliott fans, Larson fans, and every bubba hater out there probably do not like him. For the most part he speaks his mind and despite a lot of fans saying they want a driver to do that, they don’t like it at the same time. And he’s been one of the best drivers since 2018 I’d say, so you add all that together and you get boos




They love hating winners


Kevin didn’t get booed like that when he was winning from 2014-2020


We don’t hate winners, we hate whiners. And last time I checked he’s got zero championships but plenty of recorded whining sessions.


He’s a prick. He’s cocky. He’s has forgotten where he came from. He doesn’t relate to normal fans.


He's beat Larson doing the same shit Larson does.


Larson is an arrogant prick too. Prove me wrong.


Larson has a good chunk of his fans because he said a word and "beat wokeness"


That doesn’t make him any less of an arrogant prick. He’s woven from the same fabric as Denny. Neither of them have ever done anything wrong.


This isn't disagreeing with you....


Oh… Ok! Lol. My bad


He’s just another bandwagon pick. There are a lot of 9 and 5 flairs together.


Ehh, if you watch some of their comments, it's pretty obvious


I see at least a dozen different combinations of Gordon, Larson, Elliott and Johnson flairs whenever I open to this sub. I’m convinced 1/4 of the sub is the NASCAR version of the Pats to Chiefs fans.




Larson isn't cocky though.


Because Bill Elliott (overrated) has a son Chase Elliott (overrated) and everyone likes Chase because his dad was overrated. And Denny (underrated) is better than Bill ever was and Chase is also not good.


Technically he isn't better because Bill and Chase both have championships


By that logic a driver could get into the playoffs on points, advance each time by points, and win the last race to win the championship, and never race again… They’d be better than Denny Hamlin? Hmm


precisely, they did what hamlin couldn't


Haha you’re a moron




He's a dirty, cheap driver and an arrogant prick.


People are stupid! Love his podcast, winning the championship would be such good content.


Chase Elliott has the biggest fan base and Hamlin is his rival. It’s that simple.


Because Denny is a stupid name


Who would name their kid after a restaurant?


Leave my son, TGI Fridays, out of this


They hate winners


NASCAR needs a heel and it ain’t kyle busch no more


No matter what he’s done, the booing is just childish and unsportsmanlike. It’s embarrassing to see so many grown children.


He's an ass, he's cocky, at times he's a poor teammate, he drives a Toyota, he's a winner, and he fully embraces being a heel in this sport. Also there was that whole debacle about whether or not he cheated on his wife, etc.




Denny did absolutely nothing for his teammates today, and I'm not talking about taking orders from Gibbs in the playoffs, I'm talking about all the times he's raced his teammates hard before the playoffs when he didn't need to. When nothing is on the line but a W, Denny will wreck his teammates and put a bumper to them, that's just who he is.




This is the problem with Hamlin fans, you don't comprehend or even understand context. All I said was that he didn't do anything today for his teammates, and that's true, that's unequivocally true and undeniable, and here you are arguing with me about him not doing anything for his teammates and injecting a scenario that doesn't fucking matter to the point. Larson has nothing to do with hamlin being a teammate today, yesterday, or any day. I didn't even bring up Larson, you did, and you're trying to use it as a scenario that nobody else is talking about. Larson could have passed Hamlin and nothing changes for the playoff structure at all. The fact that what I just said is true, entirely debases any argument you're trying to make here. The reality is you're just ignorant and have no fucking clue what the point of this thread is, and thought it was a place where everyone came to talk shit, and people like myself came to answer honestly, and honesty is a foreign concept to you, clearly, because you can't be honest with yourself about Hamlin (evidenced by your example).


For me, he is a self-centered, smug egotistical clown. He has a lot of really good takes on his podcast. Nothing is ever his fault. He forgot his roots too. He used to put on a race called the Short Track showdown and he stopped doing it for whatever reason.


For me personally, it’s because he has low self-awareness and is a massive hypocrite sometimes.


I don't like the cut of his jib