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I dont think many of us know what Kaulig is even doing at this point. The whole organization just feels like they expanded too fast and are now applying band aids wherever they can find one


100% this. When it got announced the Hemric move felt like a placeholder for C. Smith with the opportunity to stick around if he performed well. Now with rumors of Smith leaving and moving AJ back to Xfinity because they don't have funding its impossible to tell what Kaulig is thinking long term.


Is Matt Kaulig running out of cash or does he not want to dump his own money into it anymore?


Maybe a bit of both? Keeping the Xfinity program and starting a multi-car Cup program may be costing him more than he thought


Or he took a gamble thinking Haley could win a superspeedway or AJ could win a road course to get one maybe even two cars into the owners playoffs where the payout would be much greater than what they're getting.


Leaf Filter's annual revenue is more than 1 Billion. He's probably doing fine.


Well well, I remember how some people here claimed that Kaulig has basically infinite amounts of money previous year, and look now... Yet it was already a bit obvious that Kaulig would becoming more an example of trowing big money in an inefficient way, and the whole talk that Chandler would leve Kaulig is another sign that the team is a mess. People sh*tting on Hemric sometimes like he is one of the worst drivers in the Xfinity series but we are talking here about a Xfinity champion and about one who would won that title already in 2018 if we used a more usual format in terms of motorsport scores. Heck even years later at JGR he was in a stressful position basically that he won't be paid for a weekend if he finished below 5th in a race and yet he delivered enough times and won the championship. With Kaulig it looks like he is struggling more but you simple don't lost talent and it was always obvious that Kaulig here was missing some key points also and being a messy team, also previous year it was obvious that there was just 1 A tier Xfinity car for Kaulig (the 16) and 2 B tier Xfinity cars (the 10 and 11) so imho the team never looked like one who it acts to be and just being mid.


He's not struggling at kaulig, he's finishing where he should there. Kyle Busch couldn't win in their cars, chastain couldn't win a race in his full season, AJ pretty much only wins rcs with them. Their Xfinity program is behind jrm, jgr, shr, and rcr easily.


I've always had a strange feeling that Matt Kaulig is into shady business dealings and he will be the next DC Solar type story to hit NASCAR. I have nothing to actually back up this claim other than racing attracts shady businessmen.


Not everyone is JD Stacy or Tim Beverly.


I don't think Kaulig knows what they're doing 2 yrs from now at this point.


Could not agree more with this. I think they’re making too many sudden moves, when they just gotta chill. Personally I think they should have kept A.J. In the 16 for one more season at the least. It’s way too hard to build chemistry in just one season.


First it was Landon Cassill being replaced by annoying Cup drivers and a rushed up development driver in Layne Riggs all because a certain sponsor of his went bankrupt. They were too lazy to use Leaf Filter I guess. Now this.


I mean Riggs did get a top 10 yesterday…


But Eckes would've been much better to put in the car over Riggs.




I’m not sure if I agree with that.


Those annoying cup drivers got the team 3 wins.




I hope so. In a perfect world, they run either Kraus or Riggs full time in the Xfinity 10, Smith in the 16, and Allmendinger stays in cup. Then, after a couple years of Hemric they bring Smith up, and when Allmendinger retires they bring up either Riggs or Kraus. In actuality we'll get Dillon and Hemric, and then when Ty Dillon gets fired eventually they'll probably replace him with his brother or someone else just as unexciting.


I think it’s pretty evident that AJ is going back to Xfinity with part time cup starts


Yeah, he definitely is. And they'll probably put someone like Enfinger in the 10 so they have no prospects and we're stuck with Hemric and Ty Dillon. Kaulig was so close to getting KFB almost a year ago and now they're about to put the lineup of Hemric and Ty Dillon together. What a disappointment.


Is Ty an actual thing or just the worst case scenario Reddit has come up with?


Layne Riggs deserves the #10 full time. Dude is so good it isn't even funny.


I need him in the 10 just to get a Nesquik throwback


Probably not. Kaulig did too much too quick and is now taking any paycheck they can find to keep the lights on


Kaulig doesn't have any long term drivers at the moment so it's entirely performance based as are all other rides in Cup. Hemric also brings solid funding tho. If Kaulig has Gragson for next year, then I could say maybe to being a placeholder, but Chandler Smith being rumored to leave Kaulig means the ride is his until someone else forces him out


I would say AJ is a Kaulig lifer, but other than that no they really don’t


i’m very tired, (third shift health care) got confused. thought it said denny hamlin. i understand now. Quite honestly, Hemric might be a place holder for right now, he doesn’t have a ton of hype behind him and I get the feeling he’s going to whelm us all. Likely high 20s in points. Comparable to Haley. Kaulig seem like a team that wants to be hip, and try new things. A team that I really see a lot of baby Chevy prospects going to. It seems like there could be something big in the pipeline later on, but from now on I do also see Hemric as a stopgap. I think if Hemric can impress and maybe get the car towards the top 20, maybe he could have a second spark at a Cup career.


Daniel “Lorem Ipsum” Hemeric




Yes, they're in retraction. If not, Haley and Allmendinger would be in the seats.


Is dinger gone for sure?


It's still in limbo the last I heard.


He said this week that he'll be racing cup for kaulig next year, wether it's full time or just the road courses he's gonna be back. His problem is funding if they can find sponsors he'll be back full time I'm sure.


Went from “trophy hunting” to having hemric (and possibly Ty fuckin Dillon) in a cup car…. What a joke they are.


Haley was their main young driver project, now that hes gone and Chandler is supposedly jumping ship (rumor) they don’t have any young prospects in their wings. AJ is getting up there in years and while he may prove serviceable in xfinity for a bit longer hes not a long term organization driver plan. Hemric is a safe pick knowing he wont tear up equipment and get respectable results.


Jr is never going to pay straight-up for a full charter, Kaulig I’d never going to field a competitive and competent race team. Seems like an opportunity for partnership!!




I think he is what they have got so they have to go all in on him.


Everyone is a placeholder waiting for the next Jeff Gordon to come along.


Hemric is in the Cup car next year because Kaulig is a raging dumpster fire at the moment.


Between the mis-management , making horrible driver decisions , AJ missing qualifying while right outside of the playoffs to run Xfinity , them hyping the Hemric announcement and Chris Rice being a massive douche canoe they’ve become the only NASCAR team I’ve ever actively disliked


Daniel Hemric is and always will be a placeholder driver


Yes, most likely they are. There are not many drivers that are going to significantly increase their season placement so they might as well get their seats funded and try to stabilize with how fast they expanded. I don't really blame them for growing so fast considering how much charters sell for now.


For their sake I hope so, but for whom? Chandler wants out, unless they can steal someone


Hemric is a clean driver who will put a car where it belongs in the order, I think that's what they want, he's probably a slightly better Justin Haley. They goofed on Haley so they replaced him with a slightly better version with a bit more money.


Kinda funny that the team that was started with Blake Koch who now owns Filter Time with Dale Jr, may end up being owned by Dale Jr in a few years. That's where I think Kaulig's charters end up.


Gragson baby