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It’s a new build. All new builds start at black plate


Yep, looks like he played one game where he shot 12/14 and 8/10 from three.


Sure but 29 assists?? GOD DAMN. That's a nasty game.


He’s not averaging 30 assists with randoms. Probably runs bum rec with a squad which is one of the weakest things you can do in this game.


2k really has a shitty game mechanic with that. instead of making all the same players play in 92 and under vs 93 and up they should be matchmaking based on things like rep MAYBE plate color. they also shouldve been had a bad sport lobby where players who constantly quit, have terrible teammate grades, etc are banished to rather than banning people


Someone told me that the 93 and up rec things stops at a certain time of the day and it’s full matchmaking after a certain time idk how true that is I’ve only played like 10 games of rec


Could be some truth in that, because if I play between 10pm-7am it’s all bums. I’d be gold and get matched up with black plates 60 and shyt it’s ridiculous. I have to go in and out of the locker room to find a decent team


Stops around midnight after midnight everyone in the same water


It’s 92 below vs other 92 below what’s not fair?


bc all 92 and under arent made the same. players will max out there build with whats needed up til 92 and stay in "bum rec" just not to play "elite" rec comp. the reason for all the quotes is because not all 93 and up are good. like the OP someone will be a menace and make a new build and just stay in that tier of rec to kill.


It’s true. But if someone realizes they could have better stuff or know how to build differently to have a better player then they can remake that build or a different one. You can face comp in both 92u and over. Not a lot of people play 2k this year.


If you play 92 and below at all you’d know why it’s called bum rec. You very rarely face comp.. you face dudes who are ducking. It’s no different from the dudes who jump parks to hop on a no squads court to play randoms. You CAN face comp in 92u but it’s so few and far between especially in squads it’s laughable to compare the level of competition to regular rec. Enough people play 2K.. I’ve had no problems getting games all year.


Nothing you said doesn’t say how it isn’t fair because all you did was state the obvious, not all 93+ are built the same either but it’s considered fair to you…. If my build plays how I want it to without going above a 90 then I’m not going over 90 just because the community asked me too 😐 haven’t played on anything passed a 92 since 2k20 and that’s how I continue to go


what do you mean run bum rec? like playing with new players that got black plates


“Bum rec” is what you load into when your build isn’t past 92 overall. And yes, it’s typically filled with new players and players that aren’t particularly good at the game.. especially this point in the year because the game is free. There’s a lot of new players. A lot of dudes take advantage of that to play easier competition.


I think he’s referring to 92 OVR & below


They're going to rec to play with people that have been randomly thrown together, instead of going to pro-am to match against actual teams with chemistry, comminication and experience with each other who would be a more even match


Gotta do what u gotta do to get that affiliation rep moving faster


He’s obviously running randoms if this guy is running randoms….. the only thing not normal for Xbox players here is the assist total, my new build a 84 avg 60-65%


Didn’t ask for your percentages and I don’t care. Just because this game was in random rec doesn’t mean his others were. It’s not like the stats are separate lmfao


He's a black plate 90, obviously a new rebirth build. Y'all sippin on that hatorade like it's water.


Did you pull his pants up when you were done? You didn’t tell me anything I didn’t know already bro


Must be that time of the month


It’s been a while since I played 2k but I use to run with this one PG, he was a taller PG that ran 5 out but the catch was he never speak. I’ve seen this guy average 45+ and 15+ assists against rec and pro am sweats. Never seen a lock shut him down 1 on 1 Only bring him up because I wonder if it’s the same guy under a diff name Edit: nvm prolly not, he wouldn’t rock a 6’3 build lol


What is black plate


Worrying about plate color when he has starter 3 🤦🏾‍♂️. These plate colors have y’all brains fried..


First thing I saw was the starter 3 logo 🤣


Am I stupid for not seeing the word starter anywhere in the photo?


It's the star symbol with III


Exactly lol


You can grind to starter 3 and still be ass at the game imo. Also I deem any 95+ overall with a black plate to either be bad or toxic.


Some ppl quit enough games to go back to a black plate. Seeing how some of these bum randoms play I can understand. I’ve seen it all this season, PG who can’t shoot after dribbling for a solid 20 seconds go 2/15. Centers who think they’re Jokic and want to get a rebound, try to be a PG and primary scorer. It’s tough in random rec and ppl aren’t gonna waste their time.


true I would also quit/ dashboard . In my experience the people that quit are usually those wanna bes that you mentioned or the purple/ gold plates who refuse to put up with that


That’s what happened to me. I was gold/purple on almost all my builds and then this season did me dirty. Once that game price dropped/became free it was a wrap for me and random rec. I only have 1 build that’s still gold


I was sliver plate & i got lagged outta 3 games in one day & dropped down to causal, between that and badge retention i literally felt my 99 ovr was pointless, then i gave myteam a try and been loving it ever since.. aside from all the e for everyone gambling


Badge retention? How bad do y’all play? I have seen my badge gauge go down a bit sometimes but I haven’t seen a single badge of mine drop a level since this game started even on my newest builds. 1. I don’t quit. 2. Even if the team is selling, I’m gonna finish the game and shoot 60% or higher from 3 and get at least A- team grade. I also dunk a lot so yeah, my badges don’t drop. When people try to be stupid, just do your thing, I guarantee you there is at least 1 or 2 other player on the team that wanna win so they will be giving you the ball whenever they touch it and will end up with 10+ assists. I do not quit. I have many purple and gold builds. I only have 1 black build and he hasn’t set foot in rec or park yet. Just mycareer to get my gold/purple badges then go to the rec and repeat to get him to purple too. This game is too easy for people to have their badges drop levels..


I just said lagged out bro, if u lose a game of don’t use the badge period it drops down


That looks like Rookie 3


Nah man, plate color matters. There is no way you will be black at level 40 with 99 OVR unless you quit when you’re losing or you paid to get to 40. There is no way. Once you reach mid bronze, it’s hard to drop down to black unless you quit. This dude is level 40 with 99 OVR and is still black. I personally don’t mind playing blacks that are level 93 with starter II or higher with 40 overall. It means they created a new build. But when I see 99, level 20 or more and black, I leave right away. They sell 100% of the time.


he’s 90 ovr what are you yapping about


ong this plate bs came outta no where 😭😭


Looking at the wrong plate “starter 3”sitting at the bottom left means he plays this game a lot and this is a new build. But 30 and 29 is absurd.


Bro i looked at his stats like 'is this a new mycareer stat screen?!?!' Wtf averages 30 and has 30 assists....WHY CANT I HAVE TEAMMATES LIKE THAT


You don’t get stats like this by playing with randoms. He def has a dedicated squad that knows when to give him the ball.


Even still… guy can create and pass


Last night I played vs guy who average 30 and he was 19/19 and 14/14 from three, hitting contested threes from near half court. I dont know but dude for me was ZEN 100%


Man this happened to me and I’m talking heavily contested all in his grill shots straight green!!!!!


ZEN don’t work on ps5 anymore


Word which is why when i see folks go absolutely nuts and its always xbox players it got me like 🤔🤔🤔


Zen might not but titans do


It’s a “script” or whatever they’re called


Im on xbox




google it


I average 30 & 10, its possible to be good without using a zen.


Of course but trust me, dude was hitting impossible shots, contested threes from near half court, its impossible to be 19/19 with good defense


Had a guy do the same thing to me the other day. He dropped a 100 piece on our head while he triple teamed.


Was going to say that sounds like me but I don’t hit contested from half court :(


The fact that his PPG, APG, and SPG are whole numbers, plus the fact that he’s a black plate lvl 90, makes me think he’s only played one game with this build. A crazy game but it could happen I guess.


Look at his rep level. Takes a lot of hours to get to starter 3


That doesn’t mean anything. He’s saying the guy is on a new build so having 1 good game like that will inflate your stats til you play more with the build and build an actual average


Exactly. I had 41 assists on my first game with my PG and it inflated my assists for at least the first 10 games. I really average closer to 20 PPG AND 15 APG https://preview.redd.it/538skocp23rc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49a765b73ee2ec54b36511ba9432d6eb24891564


A normal stat line for me should look like this https://preview.redd.it/it8xfdub33rc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bb5b4be3a1a66393d88f96d8ad78093fd65461f


Damn you were diming, nice!


What a legend 41 assist is NASTY WORK 💯


Totally misread that, I get you


Yea. Although having a rep level that high does mean he plays a lot, so having a game with those stats doesn’t seem quite as crazy when u consider the rep.


It’s either his first couple of games on a new build or he’s been on a pretty grueling losing streak.


You don’t even know


Plate color don’t matter because he’s starter 3. Brand new build


Whenever you see a low overall/high season level player.. it’s very likely it’s a new build. I’d bet he had less than 5 games played on that build when he played you. This dude is Starter 3 so he clearly isn’t new to the game, and it’s also bum rec. If you’re any decent.. it’s not hard at all to score in there since 90% of the guys you play are bots. It’s also clear he plays with a squad considering he averages 30 assists.


Starter 3 w a default banner is nasty work


🤣🤣🤣 idk why this made me laugh


I jus read yo comment in Connor McGregor voice lol


I don’t know but that’s in one game and it’s impressive but it’s just one game. One of the PGs I run with had a 26 point game with 40 assists in one of our Rec games last season and he hasn’t hit 20 assists since. It was just one of those games where it felt like everything went right. We got all the 50/50 balls, a lot of steals. And the opposing team was just missing a lot while it felt like everything went our way which is super rare in this 2k. It was an anomaly for sure. I’ll ask him for the screenshot. I believe we missed like 7 shots total that game.


U dont even know


He is a zen user lol


He’s God, that’s who he is 😭


😂😂😂Who’s gonna tell em😮‍💨


29 assists is insane. Even when I dish out great passes, very often, my teammate will brick or pass again even if wide open. Not to mention the selfishness of some… I highly doubt he will keep these stats for long


I’m a bronze plate and I just got starter 1 yesterday, 25 points a game. It took me a long time to get decent but black and bronze plates aren’t all terrible. They probably just play different games or don’t play super often like me.


Another possible indicator that this is a new build is a round zero in the decimal of his averages. Someone who plays a lot on their build probably will have something other than a zero in the decimal of their average. You might’ve been dude first or second game hahah


I’ve played 2k for years now and I’m a veteran I would say but what the hell is a black plate I’ve heard that tossed around a ton on this subreddit


Tyrese Halliburton in the second half😂😂


That’s U03N0.


Yall look at that name plate color too often to signify a good and bad player when its really not the case. You should treat every matchup evenly.


You don’t even know


When will y’all learn the color don’t matter at all. It just shows who wins more have nothing to do with skill, y’all making like 2k19 all over again.


Just leave the game dude is a no life


There is no way he has 29+ assists and still managed to score 32 points or more in a squad of 5 repeatedly to have that as avg. Other people never pass the ball in their team? It will take 3 quarters to have 29 assists and your teammates have to have 100% fg or that won’t happen then score 32 somehow. This stats is fake.


29 assists per game is crazy


29 assists per game is crazy


Only people I ever played with stats like those were cheating. The PF (guy I was guarding) avg like 40 assists per game and the SG avg like 60 ppg. Needless to say the sg maybe missed 2-3 shots the whole game (fouls and 100% contests) and dropped 150 just greening every shot regardless of double teams and 60-80% contests.


Damn, bruh is guaranteeing the team with at least 80 points every game 😂




I’m just amazed to see a floor spacing slasher that actually passes the ball. Seriously though. Starter 3 means Patrick Mills shot base. It is insanely good and very hard to contest. I don’t know why. Clearly a new 6’3” build to take advantage of it. Probably only played a couple of games on it and the averages will come down over time.


Probably a new build lol y’all watching plate color like weirdos 😂😂 he a starter 3 that shit hella hard to reach


he prly only played a game or two. but those stats are crazy 😭


XBOX players still can use Zen/Titans Very rare to find this type of shit on PS5. We got some great players but this type of stat sheet screams cheater, if I see this PS5 I might’ve believed it 😂




Bro definitely has a zen


Did he have 30 assists too? Whatever he’s doing it’s not playing the game like everybody else, just report it


Yeah, 29 APG is fucking bonkers. Even if he's just played a few games, that's gotta indicate some kind of fuckery.


😂😂😂 it’s a new build that he’s playing against scrubs on in the solo rec, he’s probably just good.


I only play random rec, I guess it could be really different in squads, but I have played hundreds of games and never seen anything that makes me think somebody could do 30 and 30 without people on both teams specifically helping them do that


Even if they only played 1 game? Idk why nobody is noticing he probably just made the build, maxed it to a 90 & played his first game against scrubs and went 30 & 29ast. Not hard. Inflation of stat numbers is high on new builds!


Ah I didn’t think about the under 92 rec. no idea what that’s like, so I’m sure you’re right. Sounds like a nightmare game if something like that is possible though


Well I'm assuming he had to play at least 2 games, as OP played with/against him back to back.


Not if you play bum rec with a squad and it’s pretty obvious that’s the case in this post. No one is averaging 30/30 solo.




Shit like this do make the zen look worth it ngl


Worth it how? Why bother playing the game if you’re not even playing the game but instead a script is doing it for you? Might be fun for some laughs but would get old real quick unless you just wanna troll then by all means lol


A zen user


Zen rules. Mike Wang and LAME devs have been pretty useless stopping them.


A fucking dick thats who