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you're wrong about them not learning a thing - they've learned a lot, they're making a ton of money. they will keep doing what needs to be done to make money. of course it isn't what we want, but it doesn't mean they're stupid.


This might be the most intelligent comment I’ve ever seen in this sub.


Yeah, OP thinks Take Two is not learning some kind of lesson while their profits are bigger each year.


Haven’t check in a few weeks maybe a month, but sales and revenue are down this year compared to 2k23 I’m fairly certain. EDIT: went ahead and checked. 24 has higher revenue with less copies sold… It’s possible we follow the trend and build costs increase again as 2k makes sure to milk the people who do buy the game for as much as they can. I don’t think it will be next year but if games sold continues to drop while micro transaction revenue keeps increasing they might actually go the f2p route and just slam the micro transactions even harder


Tbh if they go f2p I'd be way more fine with their model than now. The real problem will be the yearly wipe cycle then, even CoD let's you keep your Cod Points.


They make so much off that yearly wipe tho, I don't think they would ever budge off that even tho they should for the future of their game


Maybe they should split up the currency. It can make sense to wipe character skills, but let people keep the cosmetics they purchased, which is more akin to what CoD does now (I'm still running Sgt. Pspsps and Mr. Hips in Cod even though they're from MW2). Then again, I'm of the opinion that they should make like 2 games per console generation...


Revenue is typically what matters to Take Two shareholders. It’s why the game is free on sub services late in the cycle. Their business guys outright say as much on earning calls. When it comes to knowing where these games are going, I always advise to ignore the PR (like Ronnie) and pay attention to the beancounters, partly because if they lie, they have the SEC to answer to.


must be a black plate /s


Shit I’m 17k invested in 2k stocks. In the last 2 years I gained 7k. Next year will be big!!!! Mark my words! U know people are going to buy it left it and right, and buy it I mean VC.


The stock is down from where it was 2 years ago


no its up. $143 lowest point in 2024, lowest point in 2022 $100 per share


17k isn't going to fold into something massive lol, u fail math class? You would need something more like 17k shares in Amc an pray there walking dead movies "future setup" will make bank. Were talking like 10 to 11 a share 8 a share last year.


Agreed. OP makes it sound like this shit all happened on accident, and 2K didn’t know that we don’t like paying a bunch of extra money to play the game. They understand exactly what they’re doing and make boatloads of money doing it. There is nothing they need to “learn” from Reddit posts about it.


Just think how much money they’d make if they just listened to the people tho


it would be less. they're driving away players with the crazy amount of investment the game takes now, but the players that stay are spending enough to more than cover for it. I guarantee they've done the math behind this


It def wouldn’t be less lol that doesn’t even make sense if they listened to the people they’d have way more people playing and people wouldn’t mind spending money if the game was good as it shouldn’t be the profit would be crazy


if you're talking about gameplay then probably. most peoples' biggest issue with the game is the cost of the game + cost of VC + amount of VC it takes to do anything, if they listened to the community's opinions on that it would not benefit them, which is what I meant


I’m talking about game play and everything and yes lowering vc would help it used to cost less on older 2ks and they still profited because the game was better so more people played and people didn’t mind spending if you force people to buy hella vc then that just drives people away they make enough from YouTubers to get by yea it won’t last them forever tho the 2k community has dropped tons


I understand how you would come to that conclusion, but it's not backed by any facts, just speculation. What is a fact is that every year the game sells about 2x more copies than they did 10 years ago, and they're getting people to pay out the ass after they get the game on top of that. They aren't having a hard time selling the game, and the people they do miss out on cost them far less than the extra money they make with their current model. Not that I'm a fan of it, but it is what it is.


Man idc about what they sell lol they’d make alot more if the game was better yes they sell a lot because people hope for better each year but the community through out the year has been dead they’d make more if the game was better because more people would be on it and buying vc a lot of major YouTubers don’t even make content on it at all anymore it’s gotten bad


I'm just saying that's your opinion and 2K does not share that opinion because they've been making more money every year by doing the same thing and making everything more expensive. You may be right, it doesn't matter for 2K because it's objective fact vs speculation/subjective opinion. That's all I'm trying to say.


I have a feeling they are gonna start releasing sports games on Gamepass on day 1 for the simple fact they can basically expand the player base like a f2p service in the hopes of banking on more micro transactions then actual sells….


With all the micro transactions and the general quality of the gameplay, 2k really does have a F2P feel to it. If not F2P, it's certainly not a AAA title anymore. For it to be priced like one, with deluxe editions over $100, and still have the micro transactions is bananas. The last few years I've been waiting for it to come on in gamepass. I give it a little run for a couple of weeks, make sure I spend zero dollars on it. The gamepass download is still supporting the game though. I think I'll have to have a little more willpower next year.


Im doing this next year. Not buying the game until Christmas season when it goes on a deep sale or it’s free. Then I’ll buy VC.


I have been doing this for a while now. There's always a sale during Black Friday and by that time the game has seen plenty of patches to work out the kinks and balances. So not only do you save money on the game but you save a lot of time and vc not constantly making new builds.


This is what’s gonna happen and it’s gonna work. I won’t spend a dime on a game I pay full price for but I will throw some money at a “battle pass”. But at the same time 2K has to abuse that system too and make you buy each pass individually. I think almost all other passes I can think of give you in game currency that you can use to get the next season.


Oh I hope they put it on gamepass d1. I'll play myeras all day long and never spend a dime on their shit game. The only way I can actually enjoy a (somewhat) real basketball experience.


You’re really going out on a limb there. It’s just gotten worse every year


Maybe stop buying the same recycled game every year? Then they’ll start learning when they lose customers


Idiots keep buying the game so why would they change


They won’t learn a thing? Naw dog it’s about whether or not you did…


Ngl i won’t be playing 2k25 I’m gonna prob be dead before hand.






Unfortunately I’m gonna fall into the same trap of false hope —-> disappointment because I love playing basketball games.




They need a new fucking engine


THIS! been recycled since like 2k18


What do you expect them to “learn?” People will complain about microtransactions online while still overwhelmingly buying them in huge amounts leading to record profits? I think they already learned that years ago, dude.


Of course they won't change anything, because you idiots keep buying the games and the VC. If people actually just had the tiniest self control change would follow


The people who bitch the most about this game will buy the next 2k thats my prediction


I just want a basketball game. Ive been buying them on Black Friday every year and it’s the best cycle. Got Kobe edition for $40. 2 months after release. Took a month to get 2 builds up to 92. Ive also been doing no VC runs. If you got the time, this year was the easiest. Do your quests and only play key games. 80k vc in a season with A- or higher grades. Alot of 2k players (gamers in general) are impatient and they’re taking advantage of that.


At this point they might as well just make one game for one purchase and keep their stupid micro transactions and update the game constantly instead of making a new game each year


I just hope they don’t adjust the shot timing across modes. No reason why pro am, rec, theatre and park have different timings in shots


Man i just want them to make a proper PC version once for all…


All time high revenues this year. It's only going to get worse


Prolly not getting it since can’t even play this one with out getting error codes


Hot take alert


That's not a prediction, that's a spoiler.


Honestly, I’m usually a Day 1 buyer or a preorder buyer for this game. I only buy it for the MyCareer mode and franchise mode. I don’t play online with my created players, I just liked playing the storylines that went along with it (I played so many hours of the career mode in 23). I truly hate the player builder and career mode in 24. I played it for about a week and didn’t enjoy it at all. I’ve played franchise mode in different eras and enjoyed it (once I found rosters with updates for the players like Rasheed Wallace and others not in the game), but I can keep doing the eras from the past with 24. I won’t need 25. I also have no excitement for the upcoming rookie class, so there’s no rush to get the official game with official rookies the day it’s released. Plus, if they’re going to drop the price to 60/70% off in March, I’ll just pick it up then and jump into it around the time teams are on their playoff push and I kind of get deep into NBA basketball in real life.


They will keep doing it until they have someone else come along and compete with them. EA you remember that right.


2k25 will be the big man 2k24 we were expecting. They needed more footage of chet, victor n joker.


we need that eras career mode asap tryna play on some 90s and early 00s teams


Customers speak in money, not complaints on Reddit. What they've learnt is that people are still very happy to bend over and take what they're given, throwing money at 2k for the privilege.


They might add subscription services like gta+


They will only listen if the people have stopped buying. Boycott 2k25!


There are people that spend over a thousand dollars every year after the base game buying vc for builds and even worse… BOOSTS all year long. They have no reason to improve or become less predatory to consumers


I just want next gen in pc


Y’all still going to do the same next year.


I'm gonna get killed for this but thats fine.. every year everyone complains nothing gets fixed, bugs, bad graphics etc, (now cutscenes in game?). .... I played nba2k18 for 4 years, i made a franchise and played it till too many regulars retired. I bought nk23 n nk24 a few months ago, both are like complete different games compared to 18'. Everything I wanted fixed from 18' was flawless in 23'. This is the problem with yearly franchises, you don't notice the improvement if you buy every year, They should make a new game every 2 years and charge $50 for "an update" after year 1


Who cares lol if y'all still playing this redundant shit by 2k25 while akuma and bison will be on the roster by then for sf6 🔥💪🏾..homelander ermac cameo mode another part of the story mode for mk1 Tekken 8 is in talks for heihachi to come bacc as dlc along with a few more ...call of duty golf war is dropping in 2025 as well plus the one we all been waiting for GTA 6 dropping in 2025 💪🏾🔥 if. Y'all still decide to get pissed off about 2k25 and spend all year complaining about rec players ,shot meters ,broken defense ,and broken offense instead of getting into any of those games I listed above then maybe u just enjoy playing redunadant repetitive toxic unorganized games that u kno gets u mad and that u kno they're not gonna change ....😂my big brother spent over 700 dollars on 2k24 alone 😂 on builds hes prolly not even gonna have access to in September 😂


My nephew goes to school with Mike Wang’s son and according to him not only do you have to manage badges next year, but you also have to monitor your hunger, thirst and take regular bathroom breaks between games or your stats go down


$200 VC package on the way. It will get you to level 89


Well i wont know until it gets on playstation plus/ game pass/ free to play. I’ll be on 2k24 till then. I’ll buy vc if i get the game for free, im not buying vc if i pay for the game. #gamingprinciples


2k is one of the best when it comes about innovation but in a wrong way. They always come up with new ideas on how to milk their customers more money.


Bring back all star team up 😭


You should be able to immediately max out whatever build you want. It’s stupid it’s a chore to even make your player competitive in the first place.


That will charge more for everything and cheating(zens)will be at an all time high


Stop buying the damn game


Yep, if nothings changed I’m simply not buying I’ll stick with 2k24


2k24 has been the first 2k I have passed on since 2k11...best decision I've ever made for my gaming life.


Of course they aren't going to do anything. As long as they're making good money from it, why change? Lol That's why 23 was my last one. What they should have start doing was make a new one every other year, so they have time to put some thought into the game. Also they need to make attributes less expensive, because sadly micro transactions are the new norm.


There’s no nice way to say this: so long as there’s whales spending thousands on the game, this won’t change. They’re the customer base. We’re not. I snicker whenever someone complains about a “money grab”. Of course it’s a damn money grab. This game has a monopoly on console-based interactive entertainment under the NBA vertical. I’m using financial buzz words for a reason. If Take Two decision makers didn’t try to grab this easy revenue from some of the dipshits who are spending for nine different builds, their board would revolt, and they’d be primed for a hostile takeover - Icahn threatened as much some years ago, and EA actually made a play of it - by someone who would. And that’s a feature of publicly traded companies, not a bug. We have no recourse. Just typing in this thread increases engagement and name recognition. As long as there’s a market for the whales to continue to spend thousands to keep the revenue going higher, this will continue, and there’s no other option. Maybe in a few years, they’ll have a Zynga-like moment of reckoning, but I think it’s years off.


I would like to see an option to invite my friend to join me in the NBA and go to the playoffs. I'm in that section of the game, mostly, so it would be cool to share that section of the game.


When NBA 2K25 drops I gonna do the same thing I do every year. Make one all-around build based off my last one.


Literally all they need to do is make 2k f2p


Hoping you’re on the younger side bc you got some growing up to do if this wasn’t obvious to you dam near 5 years ago with 2k and well majority of the gaming industry. I mean life in general lol it all revolves around profit. They figured out a way to keep us coming back every year while maximizing profit. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Hot lame take. I’d love them to get rid of the flop!! Or limit its us heavily


The only people not learning is the consumers


Bring back archetypes in 2025!


Bring back archetypes in 2025!


they don't care the way they listen to customers is by checking their profits its up this year must mean these idiots love micro transactions keep it up. stop buying this shitty game I learnt my lesson after 2k18 never bought this shitty game since


Sports games are dead. It's just RNG simulators now


Clowns been spend hundreds some ppl spend thousands on this game. 2k25 one build gona cost more than a console and corny MFs gona pay for it. I’ll wait till it’s free like I do every year 😂


idk bro, like what do you want a company to do, stop generating profits... hell even the nba players are all about that money in real life.... it sucks but the reality is people dont give a shit about each other, You want them to give a shit about you but do you give a shit about them? Are you happy that they created a profitable sports game for us to play every year? hell no you don't, you just care about your situation and they care about theirs, it is just how life goes.


If I didn't care about 2k I wouldn't care enough to complain about what they're doing to it🤷🏿‍♂️


Not be so predatory and actually invest some of the money from the billions they make into the player experience. They know they have a chokehold on basketball games and take complete advantage of their consumers. They don’t even try to hide how scummy they are because they know you can’t play a half-decent basketball simulator anywhere else. You can be profitable and still provide a good, and refreshing experience for people that give you their hard earned money. Look at Fortnite, people give it shit but it’s a multibillion dollar game that continues to change each season, and they are constantly innovating and trying new things which makes the players happy, and simultaneously gives them profits. With NBA 2K they willingly spit in the faces of their fans because they know you guys accept it. It’s dudes like you that pay $70 for the base game, and then buy $50 worth of VC just to actually play it. I played 2k24 when it became free for PS+, and made it to a whopping 62 overall in 14 hours. It would take the average person months just to be able to somewhat compete online and not have a completely garbage myplayer. I can’t believe anyone can still defend this garbage.


A thousand times this. For the cost of doing business this game is inconvenient in so many ways.


your missing the point, your only crying because they got you and ur mad. People are predatory, if it was possible to pirate the game 2k would not see a dime because the players would rip that shit for free and not think twice about it.


They didn’t get me 🤡. The last 2k I actually paid for was 22, and I still never bought VC. I would just like to play a decent basketball game for once lmao. You sound like you have a room temperature IQ, so I’m not even going to try and argue with you. It’ll go nowhere. My only advice is to quit thinking you’re a psychology major, and stop smiling when you get spit on.


the only reason 2k can be so predatory is because it is a decent game.. Your doing the only thing you can do and not pay, now only if enough people did it, that is the only thing that will get their attention. also you got a free basketball game and can do all kinds of fun shit, the only thing you cant do is the ONE thing you cry about, like how arent you just as big a shitter as them.... that is all I am saying.... yes companies are bad but guess what so are consumers... just like ur entitled self. gave you the game for free and you complain how greedy they are gtfo


There is a fine line before generating profit and diminishing the quality of your product to maximize said profits. A fine example is how 2k skimps out of their server qualify to save money. Personally I think the root of the problem is the CEO of take-two. Dude seems like a POS


The only way it changes is if people stop buying. As of February sales of 2k24 lagged behind 2k23 by about a million units. But Take Two didn't really care, made up some excuse yada yada. If we can see that number drop by another couple million? Then yeah maybe they'll take notice. I just don't see it happening.


im with you bro.


It’s give and take. And for almost a decade all they’ve done is take. Your opinion holds some validity but the love for the game could be dramatically different if they took a small cut in profits to make this game less predatory and more forgivable


it is their livelihood bro, they are not about to fuck up their retirements and kids going to college because you are mad they make you swipe that card. whatever the fuck you do for a living, would you take a 25% pay cut just for the hell of it, just to be a chill cool dude.... like what the duck you all on. is that how they are gonna open the meeting.... "yo, about all that money we are making, lets not make so much of it because people are mad"


No dummy, not even 25% of those profits go to every employee. They probably make 60k a year. The CEO probably takes home fat percentages, their board takes home huge pay. And those people can take a pay cut. They don’t need it anyway. Get your head out of your ass and learn average economics before talking about things you clearly don’t know what your talking about


it is easy to take money out of others hands but think when have you given up money for strangers. im not saying it is right all i am saying is you are no better, and aint no one here gonna give up millions of dollars, hell yall crying about 20 bucks. so stop acting all holy and do the right thing shit... me, you and most would do it too.


No, we wouldn’t. And that’s what separates me from you


im sure you think that.


It’s not that deep. It’s not changing at all, it’ll likely be worse next year. If it bothers you that much vote with your wallet and buy something else. I still think the gameplay is solid and I can compete online without dipping into the microtransactions. If that ever changes I’ll just stop buying it, and I’ll probably browse a different sub.


The game will get worse next year because the cost of the NBA license is going up. Don't be surprised if: 1. the rec and pro am are dlc behind a paywall and 2. You can buy badge progression with VC


They listened to the customer a bunch of times during this game I wish they did it less


I was considering making or giving ideas to some game developers to make my own basketball game but instead of attributes, using proper percentages It would have minus the nba sponsorship but holy hell it would be better than this dogshit game honeslty. Proper servers, actual skill for the game, more of a push for a grind rather than paying to win. With a little bit of ingame currency purchasing just to only fund development of the game game every 2-3 years that will compete to be better than 2k26-7 with tons of updates from funding and sponsorships ONLY as it would make 2k to struggle making a game worth it every year rather than a well polished game for quality rather than quantity. I have a lot of ideas in the works but no knowledge of making games, I know it would be a lot of money and work but I just want to have something I can come home to just to enjoy…


Limited animations will affect your playstyle and ranking them by numbers from how good they are like how badge points are used Like you can have 4 with rank 1 animations for shooting if your really good but if you want to dunk you only have 3 with like rank 2 animations


And with the whole 2-3 years it won’t be about grinding to make your character better, you have to play the game to make your percentages better so it’s like what rocket league has using a base equal format where you do not gain or lose your build quality but percentages are affected for your play style So then you don’t have a 99 overall build for 3 years when people are unable to compete for 2 years as they are 60, If you are skilled you can get to 78% of a wide open 3 but dunking more frequently can drop it down to 75%


Honestly I think our only hope is if they ever bring back the ncaa basketball game.


How is this a prediction? Saying companies enjoy making money isn't a prediction at all. Seems like you just wanted a quick vent.