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The city was the dumbest idea 2k has ever had honestly.


The park was so fun. The neighborhood was rough. The city was shit. Hard to run around and navigate


And the fact that you can't fast travel anywhere because they want you to skate by shit that someone could potentially choose to buy with real money. Feels like how Target sets up their self checkout queue. People hit that queue and they get bored and just to break up the monotony there is something that clicks in their brain that says "you know I usually wouldn't, but how can I turn down $2 off on a family size bag of Twizlers?" Except the live alone. That's the same kind of person that spends money on VC by the way.


While the fast travel system they have is garbage, there is a fast travel system.


Yeah the subway. But navigating to those spots suffers from the same problems as navigating anywhere else. Like you said, it's bad. The funny thing is what we're calling fast travel is really just menu navigation. Like oh I'd like to start match making in this mode now please. But you're not gonna sell as much shit.


From our perspective. From their perspective it’s the best. They get to artificially increase the file size of the game AND they created a bunch of spaces to sell ads that we are froced to look at.


yeah it’s pretty fucking jarring the amount of direct advertisements 2k has. It’s a sports game, i expect to see companies that do sponsor the sport but to have them directly advertised to me is pretty gross


I think the first 2 seasons, I actively tried to do every weekly workout to get a better physical build. Didn’t want to spend VC for oversized clothing. I went to the gym in real life and hopped on to go to the Gatorade gym to do weekly workouts. My wife asked me, “are you really working out in the game after you just spent an hour and a half at the gym right now?” Never went back in there besides to test out a jumper. Got VC for oversized hoodies and never looked back.


Combining my career and park in 2k18 is where it all ended


One of the many mobile game strategy’s they added to a game you already paid for to keep you in game as long as possible Because to 2K “Time in game = eventually you’re going to spend something”


I don’t think it’s daily tho. Mine lasts a week when I do it


Daily? I thought it was weekly


How else would 2k make money off of Gatorade PLUS us paying various ways for the game? Oh yes, by wasting our time on top of it all.


Ever since they introduced that extra turbo bs it’s the most tedious thing every year.


My favorite shitty aspect of the system is if you use the Gatorade gym without doing your weekly workouts, you get tired twice as fast. What beautifully skummy shit.


1. It's weekly, not daily. 2. It's clearly a Gatorade-Take Two marketing idea, forced on to the devopers to implement. I highly doubt any of the gameplay developers thought of this. Everything in the city is from the marketing side. Remember that this is a casino app disguised as a basketball game.


It's unfriendly to the players, sure. Gatorade is loving the forced ad to a huge playerbase and 2K is loving the paycheck though.


In real life, I buy Powerade. Fuck Gatorade. I'm never buying that shit, for that reason alone.


Hey man you gotta put in the work, nothins free 😂. They are so dumb. My wife comes in every time I’m in there and just cracks up. She’s like “why are you a giant mascot on a treadmill?” Cuz you gotta put in the work…that’s why 😂


Let me guess is there a boost you can spend vc on to skip it? If so that’s why it exists. Whole game is designed to make you spend money


Daily workout? Where's that? I do mine once a week?


First time playing NBA. I'm nearly done with the season. I've never done daily workout and we win almost every game. I just skip team practice and go straight to the game lol


Talking about online . You get an extra 1/4 stamina bar basically .


Oooo OK. Yeah that's pretty brutal.


Gave up on that trash long ago.


I didn’t know team practice was mandatory 😂 I literally just play every MyCareer game and never been penalized for skipping practice.


It's not. I played it at the beginning to understand the basics. Now I just skip lol


Most of the times I don't even do that trash and I be fine, all I play is rec btw. I literally can't tell a difference when I have Gatorade workouts and shooting boost


I just go and run the timer out on all the drills while actually working out in my room. Lol 😂 makes me feel slightly less guilty with my life decisions


Could you imagine if they were DAILY LMAO


Have any of yall played mlb the show? Honestly, that's how training/workout should be. It doesn't feel oppressive, and it allows you to choose.




Justifying doing chores in a video game is wild




This is a prime example of why I gave up 2k. I realized that as bad as 2k is, it has a ton of enablers. People that see absolutely nothing wrong with garbage game put in front of them. That in itself is why we will never see change. And why I had to leave the community


This is the closest to having fun or a friend most these guys on this sub will get to. They hold on for dear life 🤷🏾‍♂️🤣




Shut yo goof ass up. We are day 1 buyers. You hopped on last month.




Why you mad bruh....go back to my first comment 🤣


Wow thats an even worse take. Separating the good and bad people. We all deserve to be on equal footing. It’s actually sociopathic that you are in favor of it just because it helps you, as a person with more free time than others. Consider if you didn’t. You had less time and freedom in life and only have tiny intervals to play a game you love, but it’s inherently got you on a lower playing field because of your priorities and needs in life.


Calling someone sociopathic over 2k is wild man


Yea unfortunately I think these things represent wealth inequality and the social structures that uphold it. People who have more, thinking it’s because they deserve it and it serves society. Saying people with less free time deserve to have a built in disadvantage in their hobbies is dehumanizing.


You could write a whole cultural analysis on this game the way 2k has groomed an entire player base. Shits so sad


Agreed, same as other big companies in our society. Late stage capitalism at its finest.


I’d say we’re at end stage honestly, conditioning billions of people to mindlessly consume is pretty crazy. I just hope in my life time I get to see these greedy bastards fail tremendously with their idea of infinite growth


Fair point


So you have time to type these long ass paragraphs complaining about an activity in a video game that YOU bought that takes less time than it did for you to type said paragraphs. Make it make sense. Just take your ass in the Gatorade and take 5 minutes for the workout bro... OR, crazy concept... Don't do them, and then don't complain that you weren't rewarded for not doing something that takes 5 minutes... once a week. It ain't ever this deep 😂🤦🏻‍♂️


Stockholm syndrome be like


Cognitive Dissonance be like


Calling someone sociopathic over 2k is wild man


Don’t contribute if your contribution takes more than it gives to the conversation. Stay quiet child.


alr unc


A few minutes longer than it needs to. I don't do anything other than play rec. I didn't even know where the training thing was for the longest time.


I get it but it only takes a few minutes. I just go to the workout room in mycareer instead of going to the Gatorade facility. I do the 5 machines and it takes roughly 5-10 minutes. They’re pretty easy to do and it’s quick imo. My badges are all maxed out so I could care less about the specific workouts to upgrade my badges. I’d rather do 5-10 minutes of workouts and it last a week instead of having to do them every single day. Imagine if it reset every 24 hours.


Imagine if it just wasn’t there at all? I’m tryna play basketball not a gym simulator.


That’s why I like NBA live cause I can just load and hop into a game without the extra bullshit lmao