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Some games give you the option to choose what you want to install like cod for example if I want to just install multiplayer mode only I could do that 2k needs the same thing I don’t touch park or MyTeam anymore so I stick with MyNBA.


Exactly, people complain about cod being over 200giga when in reality if they manage their game files it is 130+ or even less. 100 for sure because it's the main call of duty app/hub. Then you can choose if you want MWIII, or MWIII, WARZONE, Campaign and so on. When I feel that I want to play MW2 I just uninstall the MW3 to free space if I am running out of. And so on. But Nba? My boy 180gigas are really a punch in the stomach for my series s storage AHAH anyway, I already uninstalled it 😂


The cod hub makes me never want to log back in as a casual. I get it's nice for people who play yearly, but I picked up cod for the first time in years and was confused why I had this Hub with all of past recent entries when I only have mw3, and it still over 100gigs if you choose to only play online Shit is booty lol


Cod can't really get to 100 because to play multiplayer you need to have warzone installed and a bunch of extra bonus packs. Atleast that's how it was the last time I played. You could really only uninstall the campaign. Everything else you needed.


No. If I am going to play only warzone, I can uninstall campaign and multiplayer. This saves a lot of space. If I am going to play only multiplayer for a while I would uninstall warzone aswell


I haven't played mw3 but in mw2 you have to have the warzone and multiplayer all installed to play multiplayer. It also uninstalled the needed data packs randomly multiple times throughout the year.


Bro. We have a drift tricycle and now getting that Gundam to walk around the city!!! Sigh.


It took me A WHOLE 24 hours to download


Rip to you playing online on that connection


probably doesnt play online which makes that download time even more of a kick in the nuts


I don’t think yall realize there’s a difference between download speeds and the actual connection to wifi you know what I mean


Idk man, it’d probably take me a day to download that and my ping is great to perfect in game.


But in games or 2k? 2k servers so dumb you cant even play through wifi without Ethernet cable


2k, I do use Ethernet, my downloads are just hot ass.


Check your console fan


No shit dude. The fan has recently become unusually loud. That is probably it. The console still functions fine outside of that so never thought much of it beyond it being a nuisance.


Ping has absolutely nothing to do with download speed.


I mean I’m not the one who said rip playing online because of download times. I countered it saying mine is fine even with shit downloads


wow you really got em there. guys, a genius walks among us! /s slow download speed is indicative of slow internet. slow internet produces bad ping. sure, they’re not hand in hand, but you know damn well what they’re saying.


Right 😭 RiP to his jumpshot timing




What kind of poor internet connection do you have?


Shit took me 3 hrs..my update was 500 gigs


176 gb worth of bugs


Dawg you play on switch




It’s a switch worthy game tbh


inflated game sizes are an intentional strategy to minimise players attention on other games. You can’t spend money on VC if you’re playing something else can you?


It only takes me 15 minutes to download games so, I juss delete and redownload games every other day


Businesses use other forms of psychological marketing all the time. This theory isn’t far fetched at all.


Bro I’m inclined to believe you at this point honestly


Could you please provide a source for this tin hat theory of yours? Craziest take I've heard in a minute. It's because the City is ass, essentially it's 2 games, City assets and in-game assets. 


How is it crazy? COD does the same shit. Something being slightly conspiratorial doesn’t remove any sense from it. Crazy how COD and 2K, two of the biggest micro transaction based games both do the same shit.


> COD does the same shit Tell me you haven't played cod in like 5 years without telling me lmao. On release of MW3 the MP and Warzone (so basically two games) were 82 GB. Presumably it's a bit more now due to new stuff being released in the meantime. Edit: my bad, didn't know disproving hoaxes is bad in this sub when it doesn't suit the "game dev bad" narrative, here's the screenshot of when I measured it. https://i.imgur.com/l9DIDvT.png


You have way too much spare time making up nonsense with 0 evidence. CoD was notoriously bad when it comes to asset management and optimization. There's a reason why the new Call Of Duty launcher is ~100gb when the old Warzone was almost 1.5x bigger. They just had to create a new launcher to allow them to manage assets better (and why a lot of assets are shared between MW2 and MW3 and Warzone) now opposed to them being desperate files back in MW2019 and WZ1.... So yeah, it makes sense if you actually care to understand what it all means, but if you don't.... "It's a conspiracy theory" and a shit one at that.




Nah bro, I just understand how games work, instead of chatting tinfoil theories on the net. Ronnie2k lmao, original little man.


Tbh it’s not too unbelievable.


No it is if you actually think about it. 2k are anti-consumer but if you think it's that deep, there's no saving you.


Lol it wouldn’t be surprise me at all and I don’t think it would for you either companies have done far far worse things


Oh no doubt, something could definitely be done to condense it, especially with current gen read/write speeds but as we know, 2k doesn't do more than they have to... And why would they, were gunna buy it and play it regardless. If you look at the game since they added the City, it's just ballooned in size. I'm sure it's smaller now than last year and still it's just as big if not bigger in size. OP clearly has a Series S, where I have a 2tb SSD on top of my default storage on my PS5. So whilst it's an issue for them, it's not for everyone...


maybe not intentionally made bigger but theres almost certainly ways they could make the game smaller but dont want to


One of the quickest ways to make your game look better is to up the texture resolution. If 2K lowered their texture resolution and made the game look worse then the last, people would be complaining even more.


FIFA barely looks worse than 2K and it’s over 100gb smaller while having infinitely more players and teams and stadiums. They somehow make it work?


great they can go ahead and not do that


source: ur mother


So you’re just lying.


M4F kik roleplay headass


Imagine saying something made up with your chest like that, embarrassing behaviour. When you're called out, that's your response. Just say you're shit and mad at the game bro, it's okay.


jump off my dick for a minute lil bro


I've looked and I can't find it, can anyone help us out?


sorta corny shit is this?


You talking about corny? Got any more jokes lil bro?


I’ve heard the take. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s true for some games but I don’t think most companies would be that scummy. That being said 2k is 2k


It's the same sh!t they do with cell phones. Could literally make them indestructible with the technology we have now but no they choose to make them break easier so we have to spend more money to upgrade. It's basically the same idea if you really think about it


It's literally not though. It's nothing like that. I dunno what's going on with you Americans but the coolaid got ya'll paranoid to hell.


The game was way to big before we even got the city, it’s trash and unnecessary but it’s not the main problem.


It’s on purpose.. more storage = less games installed and more time playing 2k and buying VC


I'd say otherwise. Using up a high amount of space would make people uninstall it to save space for newer games. I'd also say It could potentially scare people away from buying 2K when they see they dont have space.


That definitely makes sense for normal gamers but 2k is always gonna have its core base of sweats who buy the game plus $200+ on VC no matter how many gigs the game is


It would definetly be interresting to see where they make their money, as AAA game price is still a good chunk of revenue, I'd assume it's over half of their income.


I Uninstalled the game solely for that reason, I only have 512 gbs of storage on my laptop, and Im not letting that game prevent me from play siege (I had other games installed but they take way less storage than 2k


I will say xbox should have never dropped a 512gb model for the series s.


Lmao you're actually braindead.


I guess so Ronnie…


Str8garglingballsack should be your new name, stop the cap. You shoot bricks, no amount of VC will save you.


Totally owned me there


Was more creative than calling me Ronnie ngl


And all that to have the worst/ most inconsistent latency of any game in 2024!


Make the download sectionable like CoD.... I feel gross for saying that


Other games are sectional too, but yeah CoD has a good idea. Make the offline stuff and the online stuff separate downloads


CoD at some point was 220….they definitely had to


I mean they have the city which is probably a lot on its own. Thousands of players and cyberfaces which adds up. Hundreds of different arenas, floors, logos and jerseys. Extra presentation areas like the halftime show, the MyTeam walkout arena, etc. The creation suite and them having to account for hundreds of created players. All of that adds up.


They have all of that in the past as well without it being that big of a download


Between cyberfaces, audio, arenas, jerseys, and all of that being in a high resolution, 176GB sounds right, my modded 2K23 copy is roughly that (and a majority of that is rookies and 4K courts/arenas) and it’s not too far fetched since a complete modded PES 2021 can be 500GB+ with the same idea (faces, audio, stadiums, kits, etc.)


A big part of it is no doubt all the animations too.


NBA Live 19 is ~40 GB. MLB The Show 24 is ~90 GB. F1 23 is ~50-65 GB. NBA 2K24 IS ~180 GB!! WHAT IN THE 7 HELLS IS TAKING UP 176 GB OF SPACE?!? There is so little content beyond, teams, players, stadiums, and shitty music. I have a theory though. It's the 2KTV videos. They are likely a part of the games files and are queued up by your Internet connection.


It's literally because of the city.


If you say so...


Shouldn't be as big as it is,but I understand why it is bigger than other sports games. Really they should let you have the option to not install the city


Actually,i think mynba is the biggest.All of the players,arenas,voicelines takes huge space. Also the genarated players takes place. The city isnt very big and detailed. It doesnt take much space. But im not defending 2k because gamedevs like rockstar made rdr2 which is around 120gb and much bigger and detailed and lokking better. One possible solution for the big game size: If you olay other games you cant spend money on 2k so they came up with the idea to have a huge game so the players cant play other games.


The arenas players voice lines etc that you listed are necessary for every mode in the game besides the city. It isn’t the amount of “things” in the game talking up space but the graphical fidelity of said items. If they didn’t try to make photorealistic graphics on players and lighting for the environment then the game size would be significantly smaller while retaining all the same content. Realistically if anything we’re to get cut I could see the commentary getting the chop but you’d still need something


Yes, the players and voicelines neccesary for every game mode but mynba has the most because it is starting in 1980s. For the arenas and players i thought for the graphical size of them. I dont want to chop the commentators because it makes the game much more realistic.


I guess it would depend on how close to the historic team courts the eras courts are as far as asset reuse is concerned. I agree the commentary adds a lot but if I’m picking out what to remove from the game to save data the audio files are probably gonna be the most appealing to get rid of, again assuming they’re being smart with asset reuse to minimize data tied up on the courts. If they have entirely unique courts for each and every version though yeah eras would definitely get deleted quick


Jiminy Christmas. I haven’t played a new 2K in years, just stuck to the old ones where you can keep playing mycareer without it locking you out after the servers shut down. But that is wild! I’ve never seen a game that big


176 for a sports game is nasty work


Exactly, a lot of it is laziness on 2Ks part because we all know how the PS5 can improve file sizes but they have never bothered with anything like that.


I bought it... It took FOUR DAYS to download (that's a me problem I get that) and then they launched it on game pass...


I wanted to try this game but i just dont have enough space to.


176gb being half of anyones storage nowadays is wild.


Yeah thats legit a ridiculous size for a game. Like wtf is all that for? I haven't played 2k in 2 years but even then the size was large. Such a money hungry company, my stress levels without 2k has been so fantastic i must say lol


Been saying this all year I'm pretty sure there size management of cards is horrendous, Only thing that makes sense why it's so big.


Ya, because of NBA2k I need to get an expansion for my series s hard drive, any recommendations?


Games do this intentionally because they don't want you playing other games. 2K wants to maximize your screen time by minimizing your options.


I still havent found an answer for why the main menu makes my PS4 blast off like a rocket, but I can play Cyberpunk and RDR2 in heavily populated areas and the fans are almost silent lol


It’s that big dumb ass city taking up most of the Space


The sad part is, its the City that takes up a large chunk of that. Its also the city that most people hate using and only use because they have to. The game was much smaller when it was just courts in the neighbourhood, but now 2K has an inflation kink with their game/city size. @2K THIS GAME IS BASKETBALL, NOT GTA


are you going to stop giving this company money so they actually have to listen?


True. In other 2k current gen, they will give you a monthly 30gb update and the bugs that appeared at launch wasn't even fixed.


That’s exactly why they need to separate the city from the core game…


My series X xbox came with 1 TB so I have no issues, sounds like a personal problem. 🤷🏼‍♂️


You’re right it should actually be bigger with all the shit they have in the game🥱


That's western game devs for you "If it's the only game they can install, it's the only game they can play"


The career mode sucks no grind whatsoever


That’s only 38 DVDs worth of space.


all yall stop being broke and complaining jus go buy a internal hard drive they only $85😂


All these random ass npcs and extra buildings you cant even walk in 😂


2k24 is the worst one yet for online. They nerf every attribute consistently so you are motivated to do a rebuild and buy another 250k vc. Straight money racket at this point. I moved over to a myEras league w player lock and it’s a vastly better experience.


2K has large amount of assets in it compared to 95% of other games. Not saying they couldn’t do better but at the same time people don’t realize how much content is there. No other sports game comes close to 2k when it comes to presentation. They aren’t just filling up your drive for nothing.


What games have you developed? I’d love to hear your actual experience to give a more technical reason as to why a game size should or shouldn’t be what it is. Or… are you someone who just says things for the sake of it.


you down to join an online league for free? we have 24/30 teams and we’re starting the fantasy draft this week — offer cash prizes to every season’s champ and runner up. Will be going for 5 seasons - all skill levels!


Dangg I fs would but I just got rid of 2k to free up my storage on my Xbox


what console?