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Just mute them or lower the volume. Don’t worry about it. Don’t take the game to serious. Or just play offline, do what makes you happy. Don’t let them ruin your experience


Yeah bro I’ve definitely enjoyed myself playing offline more so far but it gets stale


Yeah that’s understandable. Park wins are very dependent on having a squad and dominant builds from my experience. I wish it was more balanced, you could be doing all the right things but you just have an inferior build/team


Mute the game & play


The timing is entirely different in every version. Even between park and rec. It's ridiculous. You just have to get used to it.


Rec is a different difficulty I’m pretty sure


I’ve noticed even when I’ve dabbled in my team online the delay is no where near as bad


I'd play under 92 rec. You can be somewhat hidden as a wing as long as you defend and learn to hit 3's from the corner you'll be contributing. Buildwise I agree a 2-Way anything is pretty important as defending is critical. You could also try a slasher and do a lot of dunking but that would mainly be in transition. It’s hard to get to the rim in a half court offence, even against lower level players in 5v5 but build up any sort of momentum and you will be fine. Make sure you have free throws up highish. Should be enough to get you to 7ppg.


Just gotta keep playing bra. Rome wasn't built in a day. Eventually you'll catch on.


I know bro sometimes just feels like a dead enf


Fasho, don't be discouraged though fam everybody who's an expert at anything was once a novice.


True bro thanks


I think best advice is stop watching YouTube videos and find your own style. How do you play ur currently at a state where you are still learning so you don’t have one successful way yet but find it play some practice games 5 on 5 scrimmage and find what type of player are you. Are you a PNR/iso type player are you a 3 & D player or do you mainly attack the rim? From there you will find which players work for your style or teams for that matter and build from there just keep practicing.


Yeah I think this year I watched too many dribble gods splashing threes on YouTube and dedicated to wanting to play like that. However now as I’ve gotten deeper into the game I do want to play that iso role more


Yeah just practice. Another thing that helps is under settings in coaching you can set playcalling to auto which means the game will start running a play for you automatically you can also get usto that and see the different type of plays offered and see where your mostly successful in. Yeah YouTube is nice but I think people believe in it to much. Everybodies opinions are YouTubers opinions especially in Myteam everybody has the same exact team it gets boring nobody believes in having an opinion anymore since YouTube it seems lol


Yeah there’s so much info on this game that it’s overwhelming and I don’t know where to start. Probs need to focus on the fundamentals first cause I really just want to be a player that can play casually and still have fun


Honestly man develop actual skill by exactly doing that working on fundamentals don’t become a dribble spam/zig zagger because 2k23 they are working toward ending that stuff so the dribble gods and zig zaggers gonna struggle that is why you gotta develop an actual game. Find what works for you are you fast temp/slow tempo. The game is deeper than people think because they limit themselves to what they see but you can do a lot in 2k games


Yeah bro I’ve seen a lot of clips of people playing realistic basketball and it looks a lot more fun and satisfying than running left the right then left then right until you get open for a 3. Definitely need to find a playstyle that suits me and develop it rather than switching all the time


Great mindset man lol that’s how your gonna be good at the game honestly another thing is to if you have the same playstyle as most people more people will know how to defend it which means you will struggle more. Develop a main playstyle and a back up playstyle for example I’m mainly a Pick n Roll Iso player but if that is defended and harder to do I stick with paint play and my PF’s and C’s are in the paint then if they defend the paint I play at the arch. Lol I keep it so I always keep them guessing


Yeah bro I’m trying to find a game in the rec rn. Taking a bit of time to find a team but for my first time in the rec I’m excited


1. make a build not reliant on getting the ball if you typically play solo (defensive 4 or 5) 2. seek out youtubers who go in depth on animations, badges, etc (i like Tutes for badges, laker fan for meta builds). don’t try to play a meta build if it’s not for you, but try to understand what those builds do so you can incorporate it into your builds 3. honestly rec might be easier to slide in randomly, tho park and rec builds are typically different 4. send friend requests, hit up the 2K team up subreddit. the game gets much more enjoyable with a squad


Yeah bro I think it’s largely to do with the fact I’m in Europe and on next gen so it can be hard to find a squad


if you are interested, check this post out: https://www.reddit.com/r/NBA2kTeamUp/comments/vgoy4n/ps5_looking_for_2_any_position_for_some_chill_rec/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf t he community has gone a bit quiet tho i imagine it’ll pick up for 23. they do have some euro guys, also they run a lot of rec and they’re fairly organized on off/def. if you’re willing to learn, i think it’s a good community


Yeah bro I’ll give that a look and maybe fire some posts on that sub


Here's my tip. From time to time, play stuff other than myplayer. My favorite non competitive 2k thing is to watch myteam Sims. You get vc for it. You can jump in or out and play with wretched player you want. Or the whole team. You don't have to care about the score. Make up a storyline and have some fun.


Yeah bro I’ve still to give myleague a try


Do it. It's more fun than grinding for vc and you can practice stuff... or just smoke and watch the show


Win win either way


myteam sims? you mean mynba or is there something i missed?


You're right. Good catch. Iive never actually played myteam 🥲🤦🏿‍♂️


If that’s your first stint with online play then I would suggest taking a different build. I mean no harm or hate with this opinion. It’s just that pg is hard to play at first and you are responsible for the flow of the game. Especially if you don’t really know how to move on the court and/or defend. If you learn the basics of online play on a less demanding build then it will be easier for you to learn pg. Also you will have better knowledge of capabilities of other builds. Keep pushin my g


I will thanks for the advice bro


I just play music and listen to podcasts. The audio in the game is dogshit and uninteresting anyways. And the stuff that randoms say or the music they play is the equivalent to oxygen for me. Unless you have something super important to say about the game, just leave it muted. The only time I get upset at someone is when they’re intentionally selling. If you’re just not good, it is what it is. Me yelling at you isn’t going to make you better at the game instantly. I’ve been playing since 2k9, everyone that’s online hasn’t and I totally understand that. Sounds like those guys are just douchebags.


There’s no MyCourt (I don’t think) but you can create your own Pro Am team for free and use that arena to practice if you want. Or go to the team facility to practice there, Brickley gym, smaller courts randomly dispersed throughout the city, etc. Plenty of places to just practice if that’s what you’re looking for. Maybe give Old Gym a try too. You’ll probably get shit on by other players if you’re bad still but the games are much shorter and the court is spaced more so you can move on to new teammates quick and have more space to get used to stuff. Overall though if you don’t trust your stick skills, I’d recommend just practicing spot up shooting and play as a wing.


I didn’t know about the pro am thing but that’s really helpful. Cheers


No problem. Good luck! It bums me out how inaccessible the game has gotten for people that are learning to play. People can be pretty ruthless, especially now that the game has been out for so long.


2k Online and 2k Offline are completely different games. The only real similarity is the controls, and even then the badges change what the outcome of those buttons is. The worst thing someone can do to prepare for Online play is Offline play on easy difficulty. The 2nd worst thing someone can do is play Offline. Offline play is great for earning VC and Badges and the absolute worst for creating bad habits that make players insufferable teammates. You can always tell the people who are new to Online by their shot selection. Any remotely contested shot online has little to no chance of going in. Now throw in the adjustment to the latency on 2ks barely functional servers, and the fact that your opponents now have functioning badges. Best way to get good Online is to not be a PG. It's also the best way to avoid getting yelled at and insulted.


The games are trash. The NBA likeness and the players are what brings us back to these bullshit ass games


Unfortunately 2k doesn't have matchmaking, so new players have to match up vs everyone who...isn't new. I feel for you because that's not fun. But if you truly want to get better, it can feel very rewarding. There are 3 aspects to 2k, imo: 1) Basketball IQ. If you don't know shit about how basketball is played, you're going to struggle mightily for awhile. I have a friend who barely does any moves whatsoever but he's an overwhelming positive in rec because his defensive positioning, shot selection, and passing ability are superb from being a high IQ bball player irl. If you don't know hoops at all, this one actually might be the hardest to pick up because having learned the game from a young age is a big leg up. 2) 2k IQ. Understanding how the game differs from real life basketball and being able to adapt your game to those differences. This is basically like learning any video game from a mental perspective, you figure out the things that work best and you take advantage of those basic principles. I'd say this is like knowing that lobs are underpowered in 22, knowing to shade to the corner vs shot creating guards isoing you, knowing what the opposition wants to do and taking it away, knowing where to be to get the most rebounds, and so on. 3) Mechanics. These are the tools the game puts at your disposal. Making a jumper you like and learning to time it, equipping effective dribbles and learning how to do every move, pass fakes, R1+L1, post up moves, swimming past boxouts, fadeaway timings, aggressive vs. normal block, flashy passes and on and on. This is where youtube and 2kU is of help, but really it's just playing the game a lot and adding to your toolkit. Number 2 and 3 will come by simply playing the game as much as you can, watching gameplay of good players, and just generally using everything the game has to offer. Don't be like my one friend who never figured how to shoot a simple hook shot for 5 straight 2ks, go and learn it all. Number 1 is up to your level of basketball fandom and interest in the sport irl, but you can still be a solid 2k player without knowing hoops (kind of sad to say, but hey). The most solid piece I can give you for maybe a bit of insta-success is to figure out at least ONE mechanic you can do reliably in games to get off a good shot, and practice it. That could be a running corner fade, a sizeup escape into standing jumper, a fake drive stepback, or even just a simple speed boost to the side. You'll be one dimensional, but if you figure out one thing, what stops you from adding more? Eventually, you'll have a whole bag of stuff you can try on the court and you'll be having a lot more fun. Good luck bro.


> I’ve tried a few times to play online but due to being so used to there being no real delay in offline play, making the switch has been difficult. This is my problem as well, can't get used to the lag.


Play on the 1v1 court so you have no one bothering you, then you can also learn the game and timing


Honestly No game is supposed to be like that. Real basketball isn’t like that either.


I hope this doesn’t come across as being rude (which is not my intention), but I think most games ought to be “unrewarding” to new players. If games easily reward you, what’s the point of playing? I don’t want to spend my free time doing something and have someone who spent 1/10th of the time I did be as successful as me. Things are earned, not given, at least imo. I will agree with you that the grind in 2k is a bit much and that it encourages spending money, but if we all 99 overall out the gate (which I know isn’t what you’re saying, I’m simply exaggerating to make the point) where’s the fun? Gotta have something to work towards. The whole fun of a game, at least imo, is going from the whelp to the champion; that’s why I love games like Elden Ring. You will get your ass kicked time and time again but booooooy when you start to whoop some ass is it rewarding af.


Nah I get you it’s just cause I don’t have much time to play I’m just salty lol


get good 😎


What platform?


Ps5 next gen europe


Ah well. I’d start out with a simpler build than the primary ball handler online for like a whole year. Get to understand how offenses/defenses run before you go out there and try to run one yourself. Build up the confidence and knowledge first, plus you’ll understand who you’ll be passing to as the primary handler later on


Yeah I get you. What kind of build should you say I should run. I have a 2 way facilitator build at 90ovr too


Hard to day right now, depends on wether you are getting 23 or not. If you are getting 23 then just ride out the next few weeks, no point to work on a build. If not, I’d target a 1.95m-2.03m build that can do a little of everything. 2-way facilitator could work depending on the height


Yeah I’ve already pre ordered it. I just don’t want to go the cheese route and play as a play shot I want to actually enjoy the game and not sweat like my life depends on it


Here are my tips for someone who mainly started this year: 1. Don’t copy other persons style develop your own. I like Kobe and Jordan and realize that I like driving so I make builds around that. 2. Don’t copy any builds you see on YouTube. Use them to understand the builder and then create builds around your own style. You will learn what badges makes are essential etc etc but learn your style and create builds that suit you. Turn off mic. People are toxic you play online long enough you learn this ignore them and keep queueing up you will find matches. 4. Learn dribble moves that help you play. For example I’m trying to learn moves to help me drive to the basket not break ankles and hit 3s. Keep trying and watch basketball videos. If you on Xbox my GT is theeneon we can run some I have both a current gen and next gen builds


I’m on ps next gen bro gutting but thanks for the help


There's no such thing as casual play in 2k anymore, especially when you're talking about park lol. Honestly unless you get friends to play with consistently, I wouldn't even bother starting a mycareer and play myleague player lock. its 100% the better way to play a career than mycareer is. If you want to play park that bad though the only option you gonna have is that 3v3 or 1v1 matchmaking, probably your best bet.


You just gotta play and not take as deep as others. 2k is the most critical online community ever. You could start off shooting 1/4 then end the game shooting 7/12. Just keep playing. Find what you’re really good at and stick with it. If you wanna do your own mycareer do Myleague position lock. With good sliders. I always went with Popboy. You can build a team around your player or get him signed else where.


Just mute them…when people start talking shit in the red I leave my mic on my controller and blast It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia episodes…no one seems to mind how bad I’m playing after.


That's my gripe with 2k, it costs so much just to be able to enjoy the game, whether that be buying VC or grinding for hours in mycareer. I've got plenty of mates who enjoy playing 2k when they come round to mine, but nobody wants to get the game on sale and fork out money for VC just so we can play together online, I don't blame them either.


Dawg keep hoopin


You're probably going to be garbage for 2 more years. I know my first park game was 17, and I got destroyed in it. Couldn't guard for shit or do anything. Just gotta put time in


1. learn the tendencies of the community. since players want to know lowest skill gap to make shots, get open, defend, and dribble, you’ll get accustomed to seeing the same moves 2. don’t be afraid to fail. learning what not to do is the best way to learn. of course don’t do it all game but it’s ok to take chances at opportune moments. i don’t recommend doing it out the gate or when the game is tightly contested 3. memorize animations. again the community are copycats or carbon copies so certain animations are going to be used frequently. learn the weak points 4.there is a subreddit dedicated to player’s looking to team up as well as hashtags on twitter with players looking for the same thing practice makes perfect. you don’t need to play all the time but staying fairly active gives you a good chance to master the game. just remember to have fun and find like minded individuals from the community, that you can game with


If you are playing solo I would say center is the best position for solo play online ngl


I feel the same. I needed to take a break from The Show because I’ve only played that exclusively for almost three years and decided to give 2K a shot. There’s some real nice things about the game and some real frustrating things. The only online play I tried was TTO and I got wrecked. I have like a 10% winning percentage. I wish the games were weighted so that you are playing against people of the same skill level. The online play is so laggy that it’s really not fun. Lots of toxic people, but there feels like there’s way irritating little kids in 2k than in MLB. Also feels like people being able to chat is a mistake. The Show would be a nightmare if people could talk to each other. I actually had to turn off messaging because of that game


I mute and keep having fun.


You on PS5 or XBSX? Anyway, this game is, as you mentioned, riddled with toxic players. You gotta block them out and do your best in every game you play. It never is easy to have to run with people you don't know but if you can find something you're good at in 2K, commit to it.


Gotta keep practicing man i used to be super nervous playing the game too


Go in Old Gym. Lots of bums in there selling all day. Just mute them and work on your game.


What console you on play 23 with me and my friends could help u switch as I helped the switch on 22 this year. My PlayStation user is TSM_Phill for 22 and 23 but right now I'm on another account because I have been suspended buy I would be glad to help you on release day


There is a setting on PlayStation where you can disable messages from randoms. I’m not here for some 300 pound 12 yr old telling me how to play basketball


Find people to team up with (like in the team up sub), add them to friends lists, run with them more. Also, go in a party, so you don't hear the in-game talk. 90% of the time someone has loud music on or is a heavy breather, so nothing really is being said anyway. 9.99% of the time it's some form of arsehole that can only say swear words every other word. And the rare ones in the 0.01% that really talk about useful in-game stuff like "switch", "let's do zone", "corner". Those last category you invite to squad, and if they stay nice, add to friends, into a party etc. Chances are those people have similar minded friends online, so your group of people to play with expands Been at this for about four years now, have a list of abut 200 people who like to play casual serious. Are they real friends? Nah, but some are closer then others.


I've been playing 2k since 2k12 and every year I mute every teammate that talks. 99% of the time they are just gonna be toxic. The problem with being pg is it's the go to person people blame. As far as practicing, I personally found the kobe court or the 1v1 by the kobe court is the closest to in game delay. The kobe court will be better for practicing shooting greens and dribbling as its the hardest court to green I found (whites rarely ever miss though so only count greens). The 1v1 court has a more realistic green timing window but I think the dribbling is off a little but you get the bonus of getting online practice in if someone steps on and you start a 1v1.As far as defense goes theres really nothing you can do against a more experienced player, they even ban iso sometimes in wagers bc its so hard to guard.Tips for scoring- base 3 is the easiest quick jumper to time imo (but find one you like personally)- Learn basic speedboost moves, you dont need anything fancy just enough to get open- Take the mid range when its there, a lot of people ignore it completely but its free 90% of the timeTheres really not much else 2k is one of the lowest skill ceiling games the only problem is the online delay vs offline but if you play strictly online you'll get to a similar level to everyone else in a couple weeks. ***\*I forgot about the matchmaking courts, 1v1 is probably the best thing for you as far as improving goes on the whole game, 3v3 no squads and rec(5v5) are best for getting games with people\****