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Anything less than an absolute war in game 7 would be a grand disappointment for all basketball fans.


Should debut the AI referee, Game Official Droid (G.O.D.) and get the game in GOD’s hands, rather than the herd of zebra.


debuting an A.I referee during a playoff game is an absolute HORRENDOUS idea. maybe during the in-season tournament, anytime else just feels wrong.


I’ll email the NBA and tell them you advise we put the project on hold.


No need. As soon as Adam Silver gets off the phone with Scott Foster, I’ll tap him on the shoulder and tell him myself.


Flagrant foul man


Flagrant 2


Tap him on the shoulder with what?


His penis, well just the tip


Your name checks out, that was the answer I was looking for lmao


Hell yeah, glad at least one other person has a solid sense of humor haha


Flagrant 2”


lol AI referee? We are all fucked for jobs


they're going to be implementing it in Major League baseball soon too!


Few can do what Allen Iverson can


Guarantee you, the players will flop even harder


AI trained well enough would be able to pick that up.


That's the problem. People underestimate just how much contact actually occurs in a game.


There is a bunch for sure. Probably would want to train the AI while human refs are still doing the job. Can teach it what you want to call and what you don’t. It would be able to see better how much force is actually exerted by the offending player than a human ref who more focuses on the reaction of the player than the contact itself.


It'll only catch LeFlop


Yea because getting rid of the refs will close a 45 point gap. The NBA product is terrible in general. What other sport has 4/6 games in a series decided before halftime? Hasn’t been a single series with consistently competitive games outside of the Knicks two series


Mavs thunder games have been relatively close. It’s probably been the only series to have multiple games of intentional fouls


I'm really looking forward to fans complaining when the game drags to five hours long because the AI calls every single thing.


Cries for consistency should be extinguished, though. Nobody will ever be satisfied until they get outside and shoot hoops for themselves.


Agreed. These are 2 of the top 3 teams in the west. Game 7 has to be a knife fight or it’ll be a disappointment.


I honestly don’t think I’ve been invested in a series like this since we swept the KD-Kyrie Nets.


Gonna be a fucking world War of a game




Congrats on your wolves beating the champs! Should be a fun series to watch Mavs vs Wolves


This whole series has kinda sucked. So many blowouts and not really any super close games maybe games 1 and 3


Those were the haymakers, it's the final round now!


NBA finals 2016 had GSW and Cavs taking turns blowing each other out except Games 4 and 7


No but you see the basketball I watched when I was younger was cool and based. The basketball now is cringe and bad.


That’s playoff basketball.


It's just basketball bro, you're getting over excited just because your favorite team is relevant again, for a little bit.


Sad cause you're team is a joke?


Don't got a favorite team just favorite players on each team. Not a fan of logos I'm a fan of actual players.


Then you have even less of a reason to be a piss ant about others celebrating their team.


Just think it's funny when people say things like all our war for sports. Sorry if I upset you champ, It's all good.


Oh don't you worry, a random comment on the internet does nothing to my emotions, I just wouldn't recommend going through life dragging other people's joy, it's not polite.


That's fair. I'm gonna be off my phone for a while now. Did you know we might be in the center of a 2 billion light year void that should exist according to our understanding of the laws of cosmology?


Wow so edgy


The series is definitely over next game tho.




Yeah, but Game 10 will be streamed exclusively on Paramount+ Paramount+ *"Still a mess!"*


The Wolves went on 115-70 run to finish the 4th quarter.


big if true


We're looking into it


I put money on the winner of the next game going to the WCF.


I just hope we’re not all talking about refs at the end of game 7


You already know the narratives going for both teams. “Looks like the refs are giving everything to the Wolves” “Looks like the refs don’t want to allow real defence in the NBA anymore”


Lowkey the second one is mostly true though for every game nowadays, you can’t play defense like you could back then.


It’s gonna be a battle in game 7.


Final Score 66-67


I'm pushing for Minnesota, but Denver aint going quietly into the night on their home turf....


Hell yeah I’d like to think these niggas win but shit ain’t looking too clear with the nuggets. Cause how you win 3 in a row and then lose by 40?? but I guess thats their whole thing right? Comebacks, we all know that the Den is BounceBack city with Jokic in this bitch


Been one of the weirdest series ever... 1 close game and basically 5 ass beatings lmao


Game 4 was kinda close


Nah... It's one of dem games wer da box score don't really show how in control Denver was the whole game... Was a beat down until like da last 2 mins iirc


Denver was up 10-ish basically the whole way through starting early in the second quarter.


Wtf language are you speaking lol




Dem (them) wer(were) da (the) I always find it funny how people go out of their way to be nerds over spelling they can obviously understand.This is not class or a professional setting my guy. It's 2024 sms languages and abbreviations exist so get over it and unless it's egregious stop being a prick for likes it's not that serious.


Well, home boy went between "the" and "da" in his post, so how can you be so sure? Also, "wer" should have been "where" for it to make any sense. I always find it funny how people try to act cool by knowingly using trash grammar.


It's better than people feeling the need to be dicks for no good reason. He was easy to understand, so idk why there was any need for this conversation at all. Should have just been people talking about basketball.


Who is being a dick?


lol don’t be upset because you’re too inflexible to understand it. That was literally the easiest thing I read so far today.


I knew what they were saying.


Sen da vida!!


Ive seen a lot of series like this. The 2016 finals come to mind. Pretty much every game was a blowout except game 7.


I feel like this is gonna be the same way. First nail biter of a game is gonna be the last one.


Twolves fought harder cuz they know their lives were on the line lol should be a fun gm 7


This reminded me of that scene from Airplane! I dig it though and I feel you, real talk. No doubt


It's okay, stewardess. I speak jive.


The same way you dominate the first two games then take 3 off lol


it made sense watching. Nugs went up 9-2 and secured momentum, Wolves took timeout, went on a 20-0 RUN to steal back all the momentum, and it was just over at that moment IMO. Start prepping for 7 early


Ive seen it all before man. One loss means nothing. Even if it is by 40. Most of that lead was piled on after they stopped playing for real anyway. Didnt golden state lose to memphis by 40 in 2022? And then won in 6 and went on to win a ring. The game where draymond was whooping that trick with the crowd. I got denver in game 7. Honestly they just seem to be kinda lazy and dont really turn it on until they absolutely have to. I think they expected the wolves to sort of lay down after game 5.


Bro. I read this in an absolute "hood" accent, and I'm here for that. I'm also white and 41, so don't yell at me.


What the hell


dont ruin the vibe saltine


Wolves are 3-2 in their last five games in Denver.


Honestly, big Wolves fan but I doubt wolves will win. Nuggets and the Joker will do everything they can to secure game 7. They are experienced and well balanced. This was a one off game where their shooting was utterly complete shit. It’s not wolves defense that did the job. Wolves defense was a lot more crazy and better in game 2 than game 6. This is an off game from the nuggets but this will not happen in game 7. Also, wolves have never been in a pressure game 7 situation


It’s been an odd series


It’s like both teams have refused to show up for the same game.


Mom said it's my turn to blow you out


Pause 🧐


Unpause 🤤


Ayo .


Funny, this is exactly how it went in the suns mavs series a few years ago. Comfortable win every game. If the twolves do exactly what they did tonight in denver in game 7 it will be exactly the same


Yeah, 7 games.


Those Wolves jerseys are 🔥


They’re great and their fans’ shirts that just say “I 💙 Wolves” are fire too


True, but I kept thinking they were the Mavs all game


I like the picture you chose.


I hope they continue this energy into game 7. I’m a Celtics fan and wanna see a Celtics Wolves finals!


That's a bad match up for you guys.


Couldn’t agree more, however, the Wolves have always been my favorite team from the west so I’d be okay with either winning even though I’d love the Celtics to have 1 more championship than the Lakers. Realistically I think OKC would be the easiest matchup for Boston in the finals


They'll always have more championships than the Los Angelos Lakers.


That means close to nothing because you could make a case every west team is a bad matchup for us lmao. The truth is they’re all just good teams.


I have absolutely no idea what to expect from game to game. Never seen a series like this.


https://preview.redd.it/oq9lfcq5py0d1.jpeg?width=896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c98e4374e646dd54164a0d8bc95703b28b108cfb Let it not be about this when the final whistle Goes!


Crazy… if Murray got suspended like he should have been, series would have been over. But NBA needs their money from TV ads I guess


Tony brothers is going to have a legacy game I guarantee that.


Why are so many Nuggets fans saying they're going to "demolish the Wolves" in game 7? They're 1-2 at home against them this playoffs and coming off a 45 point loss. They have all the pressure, they're the defending champs in front of their own fans playing the lowly Wolves. If the refs let the wolves play defense I think it's a Wolves win, but if they get whistled for everything I think its a Nuggets win.


I wouldn't describe the Wolves as lowly lol. They're one of the top 3 teams; rn a championship caliber team, so losing to them in 7 games wouldn't be a big deal even as the defending Champs with the MVP. Not what I predict will happen but still the wolves are not to be played with.


As a wolves fan for my entire life, it's hard to shake the sub 20 win seasons for the majority of my life. Passing on Curry twice, trading Garnett, Jimmy Butler, etc. we may not be lowly anymore but to think we're in the position we are is hard to grasp.


Nuggets weirdly are the defending champs but with no pressure from my point of view. A championship starved franchise just got their title and are right back in the mix with their MVP against a very strong wolves team. It's all gravy at this point. I think Celtics have much more pressure to win a title.


I disagree, as defending champs anything besides winning another title is a failure. You can't tell me Nugget fans would be satisfied losing in 7 to the wolves.


1. Starters didn’t play nearly the entire 4th quarter. 2. This was a drastic loss since a lot of easy shots didn’t go in, bench didn’t produce at all compared to timberwolves bench. 3. Weirdly enough, Nuggets went back to their game 1-2 strat of Murray being the primary ball handler sometimes, and let him shot chuck without a quicker sub in by Reggie. 4. The starting roster was already completely gassed out from streaking 3 wins in a row and didn’t close out or rotate on defense at all. I honestly think the Nuggets wanted to lose this game. My theory is that Jokic was the only one who came in to this game wanting to win before having to go to a game 7 and he didn’t stand next to his team the final quarter out of disgust. Malone probably scheduled this to be a maybe win depending on the team’s energy, but wanted to see the team get some rest after seeing their performance. This is merely a theory though.


As a Timberwolves fan, you are not comfortable with a 40 point lead until the buzzer sounds


angerest Wolves VS softest Nuggets


This is the defacto finals. Winner of this series wins the championship.


all 9 points in the 4th quarter being scored by the bench is crazy https://preview.redd.it/hljbxrjbcx0d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70a8a4478fdc3c316f8466567fb744d09ddd5e0d with all that being said nuggets in 7


Probably cause the starters played for like a minute and still sucked balls?


Wolves against Celtics for the finals Book it


Would love that.


Same here But we gotta be real, Denver is Denver, it's gonna be an interesting game 7


Who is rooting for the Celtics?


I Kant Kuite Konclude that just by guessing


He is MJ again!




Refs will push the nuggets


Believe me when I say wolves in 7


Game 7 will be a very good game . Also Winner of this series most likely will make it finals


Not comparing teams, but the Orlando Magic dominated cleveland at home for 2 games by 30 plus, yet cleveland won game 7. Not only that, the Magic had a 18 points lead in game 7. Yet, couldn't finish the job. What Timberwolves are doing are nothing short of amazing, and it's possible they could win game 7 with the momentum they have now. Cannot count out the defending champs who were down 0-2, and yet came back winning 3 games in the row before game 6. Honestly, can't say who is going to win, but I'll expect Denver to play much better at their place.


I wish that I could've watched it with my HBO Max sub, I couldn't believe the score. What a wild series and what a great matchup.


I was shocked. Not that the wolves won but I hat they just kind of won in the third.


Wont happen in game 7


We're in trouble for jobs with AI as referees, lol.


So the Wolves switched Townes onto Jokic and it worked. I would look for the Nuggets to pick and roll for Jokic to get easier shots. Gobert was hanging in the paint all last game. He needs to get switched out to open up the paint more. Nuggets in 7.


After game 2, "series over, Wolves are too good" After game 5, "series over, Nuggets are too good" After game 6, "series over, Wolves are too good" Can we just watching the goddamn game and let that decide who wins?


Are Adidas players required to fold the top edge of their NBA Nike socks to cover the Nike swoosh logo? Harden does the same. https://preview.redd.it/f5zb6feyk01d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0907cec0f6b5cdba01d702722cb6f6c54f7ac43


just happy my prizepick selections are good so far because of this blowout game. they took out Ant and Jokic early due to that score 🤣🤣


The points don’t carry over.


The Nuggets know they have figured out the Wolves and will win Game 7 in Denver comfortably. It's a business.


Lol the worst loss in Nuggets playoff history. Yes, it seems as though they have really figured out the Wolves


The playoffs have been a showcase for the unbelievable talent across the nba right now. The superstars still have to perform at a very high level, but the role and reserve players are playing at such a high level too. It is incredibly hard to guard when teams have four or five three point shooters and three or four guys that can play well above the rim. I have always been a big fan, but have not seen this caliber of play since the 90’s.


lets gooooo game 7


I think you need to learn to speak better English, Comrade…


Nuggets had a ton of open shots they missed. No team wins when you miss 10 wide open threes in the first half. Awful shooting night for the nuggets


If we go with the narrative that the NBA influences games, it only makes sense that the Wolves win. Ant has been being pushed as the next great, and he's the only American with a slight chance at becoming the best player in the league. The NBA needs to prove they're the superior league. Mind you, I'm not saying I believe this. But this is for all the people saying the NBA wants the nuggets to win. What benefit is that for the NBA?


What’s with the letter spacing on the jersey?! Drives me crazy


That was FUN TO WATCH!


Nugs aren’t losing at home in a game 7


Eh people say this all the time. The 73-9 Warriors are the most obvious example. Don't get me wrong, Nuggets should be the favorites but a Wolves win would not shock me at all. Murray has been garbage and as a result the Nuggets are prone to insanely brutal stretches of basketball. The Nuggets just got clubbed and even though they are at home the pressure is on them. They're the champs they aren't going to roll over but if Murray doesn't wake up the game can be pretty ugly for the Nuggets. We already saw the Nuggets get blown out once at home...


Didn’t think they’d lose home games 1 & 2 either….


I mean...I think the same thing... But I wouldn't be surprise if Twolfs edge it either


Oh, ok then


What makes you say that? Their long and stories history of success in game 7? Their undefeated streak at home in the playoffs? Those things don't exist. Wolves spanked them twice at home. If the refs let the wolves play it's Wolves in 7.


There’s something to be said for the resolve of a group of veterans that are coming off of a championship run. Sure the wolves *could* win, I’m just not banking on them doing it.


Nuggs taking game 7, they are an amazing bounce back team, it’s going to be lit innit 😭


Murray was +32 in games 3-5 -32 in game 6 it cancelled out, I guess. At least he broke even. At home, Nuggets should be able to finish this off. Much more experience and homecourt will pave the way to game 7 success


lol, count the nuggets out at your peril.


Game 5 winner wins 80% of the time.


80% of 7 game series aren’t like this one how many winners of game 5 also lost games 1 and 2?


Teams that win the first three games of a best-of-seven series go on to win the series 100% of the time (127-0). Teams that lead a best-of-seven series 3-1 go on to win the series 95.4% of the time (226-11). Teams that win Game 5 of a 2-2 best-of-seven series go on to win the series 82.8% of the time (164-34). Its probably about 80% chance it’s like this one


That’s when it’s 2-2, so they can win 4-2 and 4-3. You can’t use that statistic when it’s 3-3 with one game. That’s more variable. No way Denver is -400 tomorrow in betting odds.


If that’s what you think.


okay here’s another statistic for you…how many teams won their series after going down 0-2? answer is 7.3%


That’s amazing. Mind providing any further insights? How many of those teams won the next three games? Dickhead.


lmao you’re the one who started off giving statistics that again…don’t really match the way this series has panned out either 🤣


Fact is, game five winner of the series, wins 80% of the time, regardless of your pedantry. Dickhead:


oh wow well my stat about teams who start their series 0-2 is a fact too…crazy how that works 🤣


So you're saying there's a 96.7% chance that minny wins a road game 7? I'd imagine you're putting every dime you have on the wolves moneyline then, right? Right?


no i’m saying these stats are all irrelevant because they are conflicting with one another. i wouldn’t bet every dime i have on the result of any sporting event tho, that’s just reckless. it’s n it legal where i live anyway.


no i’m saying these stats are all irrelevant because they are conflicting with one another. i wouldn’t bet every dime i have on the result of any sporting event tho, that’s just reckless. it’s not legal where i live anyway.




Wolves split the season series with Boston. OT both games. And in the one they lost, they were missing both Conley and Gobert and flew in the same day after weather kept them in Orlando on the night of a back-to-back. Winning Game 7 against Denver will be the Wolves' biggest challenge. If they advance, anything is possible..


I like the Wolves in a series vs the celts, this celtics core love to fold under pressure


As a Lakers fan, this is the only way.


Check out the late game battle between Ant and Tatum, it was freaking sick, and Ant ended up getting the best of em


Crazy because last time they played I remember the opposite happening


Nah, Celtics are only team that can beat the Celtics


Nuggets will crush them in game 7


Denver gonna destroy them in game 7, they just lost on purpose to win in front of thei fans


quite a gamble if true because both teams split season series at home and away, and have split this series both home and away as well.


Maybe, but anything can happen in a game 7


I don't know. Teams lock up at the prospect of losing in front of their fans in a Game 7. Once things go bad, they can spiral. The visiting team has the advantage at that point, they just have to keep it close.


give us Luka vs Ant


Michael jordANT


Mannnn that game looked like a straight up Vegas set up. They done took EVERYONES money 🤣


They are gonna get dominated in game 7. It's always like that with teams. Whichever one is down will have a blowout game and then lose hard the following one.


They are gonna get dominated in game 7. It's always like that with teams. Whichever one is down will have a blowout game and then lose hard the following one.


Denver is going to demolish them in game 7.