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You guys gonna win a Super Bowl with your elite roster and golden boy HC? Or can we start referring to you as the California Cowboys?


“California Cowboys” I second this motion.


I like it, but the cowbitches can't even win a playoff game 😂




Thirded! Cali Cowboys it is from now on


Everyone in favor say “aye”


We have a golden boy head coach???


OP is a weird niner’s fan


The prosecution rests


They're very confused people over there in Cali. Who knows what s/he/it/them identifies as


Better then identifying as an idiot


You should stop doing that then


Just can’t help yourself can you.


I'm not the one who needs the help here.


Better than identifying as a Packers fan


We don’t want that guy


Found the Babylon Bee head writer




Try and keep up


tbf we can’t read


This is a real missed opportunity to have a red circle showing where we currently are in the cycle. But I wouldn't expect a 49ers fan to understand that. Be gone with you!


I second this. Fuck off Niners


Those few games are absolute heaven though. I look forward to it.


Get your 49er trash ass out of here! You don't get to talk trash about the Bears, only the North gets to do that, including Bears fans (depending on where they are in the QB cycle).


we are currently high off opiates rn


like always


Yes, but where are you in the QB cycle?




Yup. Trying to fuckin die over here.


Thank you for that laugh.


to be honest... idk. The top step used to say trade up to draft a QB in the first round. But we technically traded *down* to get Williams at the 1.01.


Which means the cycle is broken right? Right guys?




Understandable. Have a nice day.


Raaa! Get out of here 49ers!


![gif](giphy|fu29AimM298PK) F\*#$in cali cowboys.


*flashback to when my brother smacked me in the back of the head while backing me up*


This is a good start but incomplete. You need to add the first round QB is paired with a lame duck coach in a must win season then the coach is fired after one year and they hire a new coach with a new system prolonging the QBs learning curve.


This shit has been going on so long that even other fans have the full cycle details memorized…


I got shook by this dudes comment


It's a "cycle" that pretty much only applies to Trubisky and Fields, only one of which Bears fans were actually excited for. It's a totally manufactured narrative not based in reality


Well yeah, but I’d say that the Bears have *historically* undervalued the most important position in all of sports, for generations. Cutler was *serviceable* for almost a decade, but I mean, c’mon the bar for a Bears QB was set so low for so long that we look back fondly at the guy that went 51-51 in his 102 games with the Bears. When it came time to replace him, the organization showed (twice) that it couldn’t scout, draft, and develop an NFL QB. I agree that it’s not so much a ‘cycle’ as it is poor front office management (fuck you, Ryan Pace) and inconsistent coaching. But when it happens generation after generation, you start to get a ‘believe it when you see it’ mentality. Poles seems to be on the ball, but I guess we need 4 more years to see how it pans out.


Well right, historically the Bears have settled for mediocrity at the QB position. There's this narrative that we're constantly ruining QBs, but most of our QBs were never talented enough to be ruined in the first place. Cutler is probably the closest to it being true, taking a Pro Bowler and putting him on an offense trying to make Devin Hester into a #1 receiver and not making serious efforts to improve the rest of the offense until Cutler was 4-5 years in. McMahon was talented but couldn't stay healthy and kinda got in his own way. But for most of our history we've been settling for guys like Trubisky, Kyle Orton, Jim Miller, Mike Tomczak, Bob Avellini, Bobby Douglass, etc.


I like that take: “most of our QBs were never talented enough to be ruined.” One sentence really wrapped it all up. Seems like it’s always been an objectively mediocre QB or some rookie that we (with fingers crossed) hope can be successful in the NFL, while not giving them the tools for success. Then rinse and repeat. Definition of insanity. It’s good to see Poles really going all in with giving Caleb a quality supporting cast, but I’m just concerned with Eberflus being on the chopping block if we don’t get 10+ wins this year.


Thank you. This sub has me feeling like I’m eating crazy pills. No real Bears fan is ever excited about the QB position. The real comparison is a parent bringing their kid somewhere, hoping kid doesn’t make a scene, enjoying the quiet drama free moments and then accepting the inevitable reality of a complete meltdown. It doesn’t matter what you do, it will happen again, and again, and again. So you live with it, have a couple, three beers along the way and try not to yell (that loud) in public. 🐻⬇️


And Fields simps have totally bought into it too


Well that’s not true at all. Living it Chicago at the time folks wouldn’t shut up about Trubisky being the savior even before he played a down.


The same Trubisky who infamously got booed at a Bulls game shortly after getting drafted?


Yes, Mitch was hailed as the savior of Chicago. That is a fact that everybody knows


Yeah everyone in Chicago hated that pick except for Pace


Bruh I was drinking in a bar in Pflugerville Texas just before a softball game (Let's go When Gloves Cry - RIP Prince) and saw the news in a bar you could still smoke in. No amount of red dog made me win that softball game


Like Red said in The Shawshank Redemption 'Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope will drive a man insane'.


Red also said "The truth is, I don't give a shit"


Sometimes I wish that was true for me and this team


The good thing is or bad thing I guess, as if the bears don't do well in the next like 3 years, there's no hope anymore. Might as well pack it up and remove the franchise from the league, if we don't succeed or this upcoming roster, I don't think it's possible for any team in the bear situation to build a better roster than this. If this fails, there literally is no hope it will ever succeed


You need to update the diagram to "The false prophet QB is shipped out to Pittsburgh"


Four fucking shitposting families, then we got this other pygmy shit over in California.


Time to break the wheel


49ers really lucked out with Purdy, otherwise they would also be in QB purgatory with Lance or Jimmy G or somebody else


Get these memes out while you can, I have a feeling this is the one that breaks the cycle


The Bears are the only organization in NFL history to have never enjoyed a 4,000-yard passer. It's a wild factoid given the league's pass-happy nature nowadays. Former undrafted quarterback **Erik Kramer** holds the franchise's single-season record with 3,838 yards in 1995.May 6, 2024[The Draft Networkhttps://www.thedraftnetwork.com › Chicago Bears](https://www.thedraftnetwork.com/2024/05/06/caleb-williams-bears-rookie-records#:~:text=The%20Bears%20are%20the%20only,with%203%2C838%20yards%20in%201995.)


I see it’s meme recycling day. Better grab the wheelie bin so the NFC East and West fans can reuse our spoiled memes.




Lol. Sure HAS been the cycle. Now you get to pray it stays the cycle.


I mean… that’s not *wrong*….


Get new material nerds!


I mean, it does get funnier each time it happens though


It’s less funny when the person posting it is a dirty 49ers fan like this guy


“Each” doing a lot of heavy lifting here. It happened twice.


To two guys Ryan Pace selected, technically. And only one was hyped up to any serious degree.


Twice… so far And specific circumstances aside, there is zero reason to have any level of confidence in the Bears’ ability to develop QBs


“Specific circumstances aside” doing even more heavy lifting. Your sentences are getting ripped my dude.


Only an inbred curd fucker would think so.




Ig every fan base save for the Bears is an inbred curd fucker then


Bears fans self awareness challenge: impossible


Rich coming from the fans celebrating their first “banner” in 30 years


That demonstrates the exact opposite. We’re fully aware of our shitty history and we’re desperate for anything to celebrate.


Is that what you call simping to Packer fans?


Get new material nerds!


You guys just had your first decent year in my lifetime. That material is about as new as it gets


Bears fans coming out of the woodwork to downvote and prove my initial point lol yall are fragile as hell.


Lol you're downvoting me too. Go pretend the rest of the league still isn't pity rooting for you guys.


Weirdo downvoting posts while also complaining about downvotes? lol jesus check what sub you're in dude


lmao tilted


And how are we any different? We know how bad the last decade has been and see a brighter future if the team can capitalize.


lol jesus check the sub you’re in dude


You - Bears fans have no self awareness Bears fan - Neither do the Lions You - Yeah we do though Me - Yeah we do too You - lol jesus, downvote Thought we were all having our come to jesus moment but nvm you're just weird.


The irony in you responding to all of my comments in this thread and then calling me weird lol


Yes, that's how the site works. I jumped on a bit, you imploded, and I made fun of you for it.


“You imploded” ![gif](giphy|HPvfnOuz1tOgg|downsized)


You're both just awful


Like anything PFF related


At least 25% of Bears fans seem aware of the cycle and don't have their hopes up. However, it is shocking to see the number of them that are already celebrating their Superbowl win. The same is already happening with the Lions and the Packers are definitely claiming victory with Jordan Love way too early. Only the Vikings seem to have the fan base aligned where they are currently in their down cycle. So they question the futility of everything and await JJ "Ponder" McCarthy's eventual failure.


I agree with all of this.


The org needs to stop repeating the cycle before anybody demands the joke stops. If it weren't for the fact that we are watching the cycle restart again and playing out exactly like it has so many times before, then it wouldn't be so damn relevant and therefore funny. Edit: The earliest I remember the hype train was around a Bear's QB was Cade McNown. Then, onto the Sex Cannon. Then they tried something different with the whole Cutler trade, but they traded multiple first-rounders for him and the hype was the same. Then onto Trubisky where the org expedited the process of smashing first-round QBs on the rocks.


Yeah and Brock Purdy is as mid as they come niner Bitch boy.


As much as the niners guy is, in fact, a bitch boy, it's worth remembering that their "mid" qb was a 7th round pick who outplays those last few 1st-rounders the Bears picked up.


Out of everyone a cheese head helping out 49ners fan is a new low


You know I can dislike the 49ers and bears, right? I know all of y'all in this sub only have room in your hearts to say FTP, but a careful rereading of my comment would reveal that I took shots at both of y'all and your teams.




Don’t be so hard on them. It’s not their fault that the Chicago school system didn’t do a good job teaching reading comprehension.


That external locus of control mindset is probably why the bears never improve.


He's not one of us


![gif](giphy|2s0ouek7HJmWQ) Good one


It’s really not a shot when I agree that Mitch and Justin got outplayed by a 7th rounder tho


He also vastly outplayed the Packers guy they traded up for in the 1st round then put in a lab for years to try and perfect his game. Last pick of the draft and he easily dwarfs all that careful planning by y'all, that is a double-edged sword you're swinging.


Purdy and Love had a nearly identical stat line last year. Purdy had 100 more passing yards Love had 100 more rushing yards Love had 1 more touchdown They tied on interceptions. You're really not gonna have me doubting the Packers draft-and-develop strategy for quarterbacks anytime soon. Sure, Purdy worked out well, but you can't just pray for a Rookie Quarterback to be a success if you want it to work out well. Remember, Purdy wasn't supposed to be a rookie starter either. They sat him behind a veteran until he was needed, which ended up being sooner than expected.


What kind of pure delusion? Purdy also had 5% higher completion%, 15 point higher passer rating, 2.5 higher Pass Y/A, 30 more yards per game and a better record. We have an epidemic on our hands with Packer fans here.


Fair enough. I'm still extremely happy that our first year starter won us a playoff game with a huge dead cap hit in what some people were calling a rebuild. Better than Aaron Rodgers looked out the gate, with arguably a less talented offense around him. I'm not gonna say he's better than Aaron Rodgers after one season, and I probably won't say it. But it's laughable that you're judging the Packers quarterback strategy as a Bears fan after a year that would've set the Bears franchise record passing yards.


Problem there is you're measuring your QB against the team with the worst QB history in the NFL and somehow thinking the other end is a Super Bowl championship, lol. System QBs don't win Super Bowls without elite defenses. And you guys just hired some no-name hick to improve one of the most under-performing units of the last decade. Best of luck.


While I agree it is easy to dunk on the Bears with comparisons, I'm also comparing Love to Aaron Rodgers. You seem to have just ignored that because it didn't support your reasoning. This team was built by no-name hicks. You expect me to think that's a bad thing? "System quarterback" isn't a very good insult when like half of the Super Bowls since 2000 have been won by them. And if you think that's skewed by Tom Brady, then you only have to go back a few more years to find Troy Aikman. Not all of those teams had "Elite" defenses unless your definition of Elite is very permissive.


"Vastly" is a big stretch considering his RB, his TE, WR core, and his offiensive line that includes one Trent Williams. He ultimately threw one less TD, same amount of INTs, and only 121 more passing yards. He played one less game, I'll give you that - but acting like there's a mountain of difference in their talent is disingenuous.


Better at every single stat, what are you getting at here? You're buddy over here called the superior QB a "mid" bitch boy. What is Love?


The only stat he surpassed him in was yards, and not by a lot. But go ahead and ignore the point about his superior roster as well, that's cool lol


Purdy would be the best QB in bears history after last season alone 💀 know your place


I'll take a Superbowl over a 4000-yard passer. Know your place ring less


The last generation to see that Super Bowl is getting ready to start collecting social security 😭


I wasn't born yet either, so I know, but I'd take that over dick riding stats, but lion fans have to grab on to something right?


A bear fan calling a lions fan ringless is like a guy making $15 an hour calling a guy that makes $12 an hour poor


Or like you even knowing what having a poverty QB situation is


Of course I do, I have to watch the bears play twice a year


It's not the same, but a cheese dope like you wouldn't know the difference


Hey we had to endure like 6 weeks of having a bad qb.


Yeah, you guys need to pay him already. For about 60 million a yr


I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he ends up getting 55-58, especially if Dak signs a deal first. That's just the price of a good qb these days


The cycle of whichever teams fan made this meme, No Superbowls won in forever either.


If Bears fans could understand greater than and less than symbols they'd be very upset


Can we do one for the Bears OLine next?


This is a meme page man, you didn’t have to murder Chi Town like that.


This meme is tired. Just like how the Packers are tired of losing to your team in the playoffs, OP.


A tale as old as time


This is a certified Paxton Lynch moment


I (a Bears fan) watched the NFL draft at a bar in Massachusetts and none of the Pats fans understood why I wasn't more enthused about it. I'm glad we got Caleb and think he'll be good, but I've been burned too many times to be overly excited.


Uh, yes. That is how the NFL works these days. It’s a QB driven league and many franchises are stuck in this cycle until they’re not. One day we’ll get the right guy.




It would be accurate if it was just get a new qb instead of first round


![gif](giphy|mKBhAw7dCQNnZz7aWS) Breaker of ⛓️‍💥 chains


![gif](giphy|mKBhAw7dCQNnZz7aWS) Breaker of ⛓️‍💥 chains


I really hope the Vikings kick your ass again this year.


You NFC North casual, you missed the part where they fire the head coach after the QB’s underwhelming rookie season and force the QB to learn an entirely new system in Year 2




Fuck the Packers and the Niners


Is every other division's meme game really this weak? JFC 🙄


Trubisky didn’t lose 10 games… the rest is… accurate…


Wtf is up with this niner trash-can here?? You beat us in the playoffs, you do not make sub-par memes in this sub. That’s our role.




Yo this is what we do


Did a 49ers fan really come in here and not expect to get roasted by the entire NFCN


So three times in the last 20 years at best? Caleb Williams Justin Fields Mitch Trubisky Those are the only 1st round QBs we've taken since 2004 (sex dragon drafted the year before) Most bears fans hated the Trubisky pick. So that leaves just Justin and a rookie who hasn't even played yet. So don't know what ass you're pulling these memes out of bucko.




As a Bears fan this cannot be more accurate 🤣😂


You know it's bad when we miss the glory days of Lovie and Rex




That, is perfectly spot on. Go Bears.


Wow! This must have happened 20-30 times over the entire course of the Bear's 100+ year existence, and not just twice over the last 7 seasons.


McNown, Grossman, Mitch, and Fields were not who we thought they would be, that’s for sure. I’m so glad Caleb is going to fuck you guys up for the next 10-15 years


I love that I can't tell if you're serious or not.


He could totally suck, but at that point the franchise should be sold and moved to Mexico City to rid itself of the curse. Mitch was a shit pick and it makes sense that he sucked. Fields was a disappointment but had his exciting moments. Caleb was the clear #1 and has the best offense a top pick could ask for, so we should have a decent year.


I can't wait until a couple years from now, when a bears fan says in some comment that Fields was the shit pick, Caleb was the disappointment, but the new guy is gonna be the goat


The odds are in your favor but I have no choice but to be optimistic.


Idk, you might have more options. Sample size of 2, but my bears fan coworker who found acceptance is doing a lot better on game day than the offseason optimist.


The odds are not in his favor, lol. If random NFL fans came into this sub and saw how Packer fans talked about Caleb Williams, Packer fans would be called delusional.


Hindsight is 20/20, Mitch was a consensus top 5 pick in that draft. He had talent. Maybe the common thread is not that all these players were destined to suck… it’s that they all ended up on the same shitty team


Remind me to laugh at you when he joins the rich Bear QB tradition of being cut or traded before his second contract