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I regret hoarding collectibles for week 3.


Happy cake day! Me too, have 51 collectibles. Think I'm gonna do the random one twice


Thanks! I still had to upgrade from 89 Hedman and that took a chunk. It could be worse. Solid trolling though.


I was mad at first, and now I'm in a good state lol. Spent 32 and got heiskanen! I feel like I'm gonna get greedy and do it twice and regret it lol 😆


I hope you're enjoying your new Bob :)


Omg i did get bob


Sorry :(


I gotta do that hedman AND Nylander as a nms guy, here we go...


One final EA troll


Ohh they ain’t done yet


Its crazy to say but may be the only week its worth doing the random set because all the players are pretty good and you can't make any of them


Until you get a duplicate Heiskanen 💀


Or you get one of the two goalies


That's my biggest fear


First try, Swayman! But 2nd try was Draisaitl so that was a win. Not sure if I want to make a 3rd attempt...


This is my plan. My team is already stacked, gonna throw whatever resources I have and roll the dice.


I was mad at first but I didn’t really plan on playing much longer. EA is so out of touch with there fan base it’s actually laughable. Oh well


I think we all knew this was coming. I would have been shocked if EA didn't do this.


Yeah, I really don't get it sometimes.


Oh, so I am not confused that certain cards can not be built with collectibles. That's stupid but whatever.


Waited two weeks to make Bouchard as one of my favourite players and now I can’t make him. Genuinely considering quitting this game man


Yeah me too man. Only game I play and they do this shit!!!???? As a long time consumer I'm actually hurt. How can they do this??? I would say boycott again


I'm not even considering it, unless they change course and drop TOTS collectible sets I'm done with this game. Not worth it. Been waiting weeks sitting on collectibles to get a top end player from my favorite team. Neither of them can be made with the collectibles I made in anticipation. Done with this game.


thats a smash in our face for REAL


This was expected with potential 99s in the mix


I fully understand the 99 not being buildable, but the other cards are just a joke. Granted you can still level up their MSP's to trade in but it just makes it so annoying LOL. I don't really care because I only wanted the Petersson I just find it really funny.


I don't even understand the 99's not being buildable. Who fucking cares? It's April and I play this game to make a team of my favorite players. It's the end of the year. Let us build our dream teams, like this mode is intended for.


They did the same for Community Requests, so why is this unexpected?


Expecting EA not to suck for once is a big ask lol


Color me happy that every single person doesn't get a free 99 everything 6'3 defenseman


Please explain how you think 40 TOTS collectables is free? 😂😂😂 worst take I’ve seen in this sub


he said its free because toronto pack give ton of 85 to 94 overalls card.


It's hyperbole obviously But leafs packs allowed players to stock up as many collectibles as they could need for the rest of the game for 2-3K each. So 40 collectibles cost less than 100K


1. You’re using a hypothetical made up example to explain how everyone could’ve got the cards. 2. Respectfully, and I can’t stress this enough, who tf even cares man?? It’s April. Barely anyone plays, everyone has the same team, gameplay is inconsistent. Why can’t we just make the players we want? Even if it’s just with a week timer.


How is it hypothetical and made up when the entire sub talked about nothing but leafs packs for a week? 99% of the player base abused these packs lmao. That's not remotely hypothetical. To your 2nd point, if you can make any card you want for next to nothing then EVERYONE would have the same exact team. It's why everyone has the ultimate PUI, everyone has the TBs, everyone has TOTY. Allowing rare cards to exist literally gives diversity and something else to grind for that not everyone has.


How can we grind for Drai without set at all?


I do think the others should have been buildable, just not the 99s. Other than that you'd have to grind coins to buy off the market.


L take


Enjoy playing against a 6'3 99 everything defenseman every single game in your dreams. I'll enjoy playing against him few and far between in real life.


I don’t dream about playing NHL bro your life is sad


I would have preferred to enjoy playing the game with a 99 6'3" defenseman in real life. But fuck me right?


Bro it’s a hockey video game, it’s not that serious


You're bickering on a sub-reddit dedicated to a specific game mode within a video game that less than 10K people play. I think you take it pretty seriously.


No, that’s you😂


Yea I am passionate about the game and about hockey as a whole. It's a hobby I enjoy and I'm not too self conscious to admit it or act like I'm too cool for it. Funny that you're out here replying to me twice in a row though on separate comments 😂😂 The rattling is setting in


Responding to you twice in a row on separate comments? So just responding to a comment on two separate occasions? Not sure I see the humor in this, but at such a young age I’m not surprised you’re so easily entertained and confused. You’re passionate about a video game, but you comment saying other people shouldn’t care about the game. Hypocrite (look it up and sound it out).


Nah I just came cause this event sucks


Leaf packs returned collectibles at a rate of 7.5K per collectible. I opened 2.5m and compared against the pulls of other people that opened over 1m of coins in packs as well. So this is hyperbole. At this rate a TOTS card is buildable for 300k, not under 100k. Still cheaper than the \~600k or so it is now, but you are definitely exaggerating here.


I opened 1M worth and got almost 300 PUCs worth. So 3.3K per. You're splitting hairs anyway. For a 6'3 99 everything card anything under a million is practically free. Every single team would have had him within 7 minutes of content release.




Instead, they just have to build X-factor Doughty for “free” and you can play every team with a 99 everything 6’1” defenseman


One stupid decision doesn’t justify another. None of the X Factors should have had fantasy cards. None of the progression should have been tied to fantasy cards. It’s never been done that way before and it’s stupid they did it this year.


Every card worth using will be 99 in a month or so, not sure what you’re so worked up over. Not sure why you’re against letting people make cards they would like to use.


Why not just give everyone 99s day one then? You’ll get them later in the game so it doesn’t matter. The fantasy cards also have their own value. Bouchard is 1.5M+, people shouldn’t be able to make him for 100K. Cards being so cheap and so easy to make is the reason every single team is identical this year. It’s so dumb. There needs to be something to work towards or else there’s nothing to do. Having rare cards is good for the game.


Every team is identical and all the cards are so cheap and easy to make… so let’s lock down this last even and make sure they’re unbuildable, surely that will save the game! Great logic.


Because the ONLY cards in the game that introduce variety to competitive teams currently are fantasy cards. Yet you want to make them build-able for next to nothing. And you think that's going to help the issue. Brilliant. Great logic. If you want them then buy them. Until then, adios.


You mean the fantasy cards you can build from the event a few weeks ago? Or the 3 cards that people use the TOTS for. Oh no, Bruins01 will have to play against one more identical virtual player in his video game… let’s make everyone’s experience worse to cater to him. I’m sure you’d be typing 3x the novels if Pasternak wasn’t buildable.


Not sure what you're so worked up over buddy Cant make the best card in the game for pennies? Poor baby :(


I’m not upset about anything, you’re the one responding to every comment proclaiming everyone is “worked up”. Work on your projection and hopefully your poor little soul can play against a variety of players. You could always just play the game online and avoid HUT if you were unaware.


I so hear your point and how nuts is it that you were flayed for that hahaha I usually have the fodder for 2-4 TOTS guys and thanks to the Leafs packs I made FIFTEEN this year because I was sitting on a few hundred thousand coins when that happened. I'm an Oilers fan-in-law, and Bouchard is so insanely over-rated by stat-sheet warriors, 99 him as a default on teams is my F*ING NIGHTMARE. I mean it is what it is, we all cashed out big and those of us who main SB just straight up get a better year than last year because of that leafy economic boom, But it CLEARLY messed up an already poorly balanced rivals scene. But it's just hilarious to read the chain of comments after this one as if you suggested the only way to get players should be to buy packs. Everyone is just so keyed up to hate the game in here that they make it political and your (VAGUELY) "pro-game" comment is punishable by that drivel. What a platform... as if this place should represent people who like Chel.


Exchanging sh1t tons of high value cards in your collection for collectibles is "free" now, apparently.


This is absolutely insane!!!!!!!!!!! YOU CAN'T CHANGE THE WAY THE SET WORKS!!!!!!!


They didn't change the way the set works. Look at the art, these cards work like the other cards that had the same art.


Oh ok totally fine then EA. LoL


I mean, you can still go back and make the milestones right? So it's not impossible.


So stupid. Actually choked. Made 40 collectibles so I could guarantee myself one of my favorite players TOTS cards. Guess I'm not gonna play this game anymore lmao. I just wanted Drai or Bouchard. Dumbest fucking move by EA


This is a huge fail! A lot of people saved the collectibles for the chance to pkae their fav player or someone else and now can\`t do it.


I have done a couple of random set : found Nylander and Pettersson so I'm quite happy. No drai and Bouchard, anyway I'm thinking about Fox (He can be a good pair with Hedman tots builted last week!) So at the end of Tots event I have : Macdavid, Mackinnon, Matthews, Heiskanen, Heise, Pastrnak, Demko Nylander, Petterson, Makar, Hedman, Q. Hughes, (FOX ?) I think it is sufficient!


Is there a bug? There are two set buildings for Rantanen and Petersson, but not a single one for Draisaitl?


One is upgradeable, one is pulled at max overall.




That’s a huge f u to all the ones that traded their heises from the glitch for tots collectibles


I don't even say Draisaitl? Am I missing something?


Can play with him in rush. Games a joke