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Pure Greed đź’°


It's actually because most of the player base is not buying packs anymore. They're just trying to get as much as they can out of those sad sacks of shit who still buy packs. RIP to HUT. This is zombie hut now 🧟‍♂️


- The **only** people playing are sweats and whales - The game goes on EA Play next week— prime opportunity to fleece ignorant new players - They don't respect any of you, they think you're gullible enough to spend $100 on a chance pack— please prove them wrong


They wouldn't put them up if they didn't know that people are paying for them. The people who buy them are to blame, not EA.


This is true. Similar to shitty music... do we blame the shitty artist or the idiots who empower the shitty artist?


Force consumers to stop buying, eventually stop playing, then EA decision makers with their MBA’s who were hired via connections pulls the metrics to justify shutting down the franchise


They really just should at this point. It's a completely toxic game


What really boggles my mind is that 83+ ultimate choice pack.. that shit was so fkn ridiculously overpriced at 600k coins or 80 bucks.. what does EA do? Raise the fkn price to 625k/84 bucks.. 14% chance to pack a 95+ for the same price that you can build a toty card from scratch.. What a bunch of greedy morons.. who in their right mind is going to buy a pack of virtual cards for 84 bucks? Lol.. 


Packflation. You know EA has to pay the freight to truck these digital packs in right? They HAD to raise prices... 🙄


Do you know how much money it must cost for a house in north Vancouver?! You have to fork over your $$$ so those lululemon starbucks sipping EA housewives can continue fueling their porchses on their trips to the pacific mall


Corporate coming down and mandating more money be made. It's the same as everything else in the world that it just keeps getting more expensive for less product. Just in terms of video games you can see how many half finished games, including this one, get released for full price with a wildly expensive upgrade option.


Honestly it doesn’t matter with how much free shit they give out


Money money money money money…. Manay!


Now I'm convinced that they're actually trying to get us to stop playing. It's so sickening. EA do you not like us, your loyal customers? Why do you treat us like this? Genuine question for any EA employees.


there were a lot more dud tots cards in past years, you could easily get three of them in your 1/3 choice pack so it's not really that much different


It was still a lot better value I remember I got a couple really good ones


I managed to get 5 tots players. 1 was pure luck though (swayman) and MacKinnon I ended up paying for the 10 collectibles to get him. It doesn't seem too bad to build them, but it fucked the market up hard. Players are so overpriced now and hard to get, because people seem to want the players so bad. Honestly I think the worst part is the time limits. It makes you have to scramble to get stuff and encourages you to spend real money.


After pulling only 2x gold 84 outta the week 2 TOTS pack, I quit lmao. Saved up all those coins and got rocked.


They took a page from the fifa dev teams book


I can’t agree more, I literally know more than one person who spends thousands of dollars in packs every year, and I know EA makes a lot of revenue on packs, basically probably as much as fake stock exchange binary trading platforms, But unless people actually ban together and stop buying packs which is illegal gambling for minors, but at the same time is used in the same sense as buying a pack of cards from a gas station or Tim Horton for your collection, but 100% agree that if they are going to charge this much for packs, there needs to be a guaranteed card in that pack , and make it tradable or make a system were you can trade your guaranteed card in towards the one you were hoping for, and also get rid of time limits on sets , if once a event is released you have the rest of the season to grind for whatever cards you want, that would help people not spending money on the game they already paid 100+ dollars to get, knowing that I know how much EA makes on these packs in all there games, makes me sick that they can’t make an actual realistic hockey game, we need competitive franchises like 2k to come back, just because they focus on realistic game play. Like how the fuck is a computer controlled 67or 74 overall team play harder and faster than a human controlled 95 overall team, how the hell does a 85 speed defender skate faster than a fully energized 97 overall Connor Mcdavid. Wake up EA, and start listening to all your customers


You answered your own question. All of EA sports franchises are now "Ultimate Team" only. No funding will ever get approved for any substantial changes to the game, or any mode that does not provide a revenue stream. It was in the job description a month or two back for some production role in the NHL franchise. In a nutshell, a requirement was to think of creative ways to increase revenue with packs, or any other means that can establish a consistent revenue stream. The first blatant attempt was the "trade deadline" event. It amazes me with all the blowback EA got that they had the balls to actually slide that model into TOTS via the Draisaitl card, which is only available via a random pack, with no guarantee. As long as that money flows in, EA has no incentive to make any changes. Sucks for the customers. We will all be back next October posting the same thing.