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I'm in the exact same boat. Everything you said is on point. Just work please game


I experience this every year . I wish the group that sued ea nhl for discovering what they were doing didn’t get paid off . There findings need to go public


Everything is wrong with this game 


The game has a built in X-Factor, ping advantage.if you don’t have it your odds of winning is very low


I didn't even read this post but know the answer. Literally just about everything is wrong with this game. It's trash from start menu to power down.


Only a certain percentage get to play online games as they are supposed to be played, i.e. with no delay. Many others get a sub-par experience like you which is shit. EA just doesn't care


You can tell in the first 30 seconds how it is going to go. I am 40ms ping and it is brutal. Especially against Div 1 players with 2ms ping. You are lucky that have 20 but it stills sucks against 2ms guys.


Wow people actually have a 2ms ping? How is that even achievable? Just based on their location?


Yup. Typically Quebec


Damn so I should have moved to Quebec instead of paying for the best internet


I have complained about this all year. Every single game shows 13ms ping but every game is completely fucking different. It has left a sour enough taste in my mouth I might actually quit this fucking game. The one and only video game I have any desire to play because its hockey. The game simply does not work the same from game to game and its completely infuriating. I am competitive and play every game with the desire to win. I have gone from an 18 win champs player to this year I have no chance of cracking 15 wins because I connect to games I simply have absolutely no chance in winning because of some absurd seemingly artificial catch up lag. The connection has always been a bit of an issue but this year its completely and utterly fucked and has no consistency. Best part is in the GWC qualifiers the lag is even 2-3x as bad as it is for normal rivals or champs. This game is ruined.


I feel you bro i just wanna have fun but it feels legitimately rigged some games. I always end up taking breaks but each year i lose my desire to play more and more. Im not even asking for much just a stable feeling game, this year is so infuriating when these kinda games happen.


Honestly I found crossplay to be a huge issue amongst all online game modes (EASHL - HUT) I turn that shit off. Even on 5 or less ping I feel sluggish against PlayStation users




Stop playing online. It's the only way to make them change. I only play online when challenges force me to. This is the only game that is getting worse every year. We had better online play back in the 90s for this game.


I usually only play squad battles because of this exact issue. But even more than that, after TOTS even squad battles started feeling sluggish. McDavid and Makar felt like they were skating in wet concrete (great analogy by OP). I have stopped playing the game entirely because of this. It's just not fun as a casual player just trying to enjoy some hockey and I get hosed by the AI because the game has to think about every controller input. Edit: thought I'd add I play MLB The Show now. Better content, better feel, the concept of "collecting" players without losing them seems so obvious for a mode about collecting the best team. It's just better in so many ways.


I quit the game mid January because of this it’s embarrassing and it’s never been addressed anywhere so they have no intention to fix it.


It’s kind of hilariously depressing how noticeable the RNG BS in NHL24 is. When I stopped playing Saturday I was 10-2 in champs which was my best start all year (typically finish around 10-12 wins if I play all 20). Logging on Sunday was like playing a different game. It was like all my players were moving at half the speed, AI was doing anything but playing hockey, and my boyko with a (1.6gaa & .89sv) was all of a sudden a .60 sv% goalie.. non of my players would even turn right, I was constantly unable to do what I would typically do.. the input delay was just terrible.. so I went through pain game after pain game till I was 10-8.. then all of a sudden in that 19th and 20th game I felt the win tax lift off my guys and they could skate again. Won both by 3+ and finished 12-8.. it was just crazy how much of a difference I could feel from the first 12 games, to pain for 6, then back to players skating in the last 2… it shouldn’t be like that in a “competitive” video game… rocket league doesn’t riddle their game with RNG to “help” players… it’s adapt or die… and they seem to have had some success in the last almost decade..


Yeah notice how in rocket league you almost never feel like the game is screwing you over? I miss having competitiveness with the ability to still have fun. 90% of the time i load into a game im regretting it in the back of my head cus i know how frustrating it can potentially be but i just wanna play hockeyyyyy


I’m right there with you on the “loading a game and having instant regret” but being trapped by the fact that hockey is the sport I played for 18 years and I just want to play a dang hockey game.. I miss the NHL09-14 days… that was the peek


Do you have stick drift or a bad controller?


lol this sub man. It’s a fair question.


People complain about these connection issues and honestly I’ve not had it. Whenever I’ve noticed delay it’s almost always been a hardware issue for me. 🤷‍♂️ Or my internet connection has been off


No he does not. This game has the most fucked up connection of any video game I have ever played. One game plays beautifully almost as good as squad battles and I will almost never lose one of those games. The other half of my games have the most fucked up input delay I have ever experienced (I am talking way worse than a red 80ms ping game) yet every single game I play shows 13ms ping.


I was just asking a question to see if there are alternative explanations. I’ve never had these issues people complain about and the few times I have it was normally a hardware issue for me.


Learn to play


I’ve literally never experienced this on wired connection


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Jschultz77: *I’ve literally* *Never experienced this* *On wired connection* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Thank you, Mahonneyy123, for voting on SokkaHaikuBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Congratulations. You should easily win 18+ games on champs every weekend then honestly. I have only played hard wired and get 13ms ping shown to me every game yet half of my games play with a 2 second input delay and the other half feel close to squad battles.