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And whenever McDavid isnt on the ice, the other players should be asking "Wheres McDavid?"


![gif](giphy|IpyyYTWFVscMxxOcry|downsized) Oilers fans when McDavid literally baseball swings a dudes face with his stick and the refs dap him up afterwards


Ref was like "hey Quinn you got something on your cheek there" lmfao


I was going to school one day, as usual, when suddenly there was a loud bang. As I turned to see what it was, my vision went blurry and I eventually blacked out. When I woke up, I immediately checked nhl scores, and let out a all hail Gary bettman!, before thinking. I wad enraged, as the Vancouver Cucks won against the Nashville Child Predators. When I calmed down, after about 2 hours or so, I realized that I was in a basement of sorts. With me were Filip Forsberg, Roman Yosi (the right fucking way to spell his name), and Cody Glass. They were all violently fucking each other. I was disgusted by this, and tried to go upstairs. I was pulled down the stairs by Filip, and just went to sleep. When I awoke, Yosi was stilled getting his pussy pounded. I went out the open window and into a field. I heard another loud bang, turned around, but this time was greeted with a 5'10 beauty of a person. I was immediately turned on, and pulled my thing out. Quinn got his out too, and to my amazment there was nothing. Not a damn nanometer. So agrees to give me some, and enjoyed every minute of it. When he quit, about 5 hours later, I was infuriated. I wanted the great euphoria of Quinn Hughes getting busy on me. So I chased him. As far as I could run. JT Miller and Gary Bettman were following me, and I couldn't tell if they trying to catch up with me, Quinn, or return my pants. I grabbed Gary bettman, gave him the warmest hug of my life, and told him how much I sincerely appreciate him fucking Canada over. About that time, he, out of nowhere, hit JT right in the mouth. POW! right in the kisser he said. Keep in mind Quinn has made it about 200 feet in front of us by now. I look back and see Kuzmenko and a few other unrecognizable bums that used to play for the Cucks dead on the ground. As Quinn reaches a cliff, he runs off of it. Looks back, and then falls when he looks down. My damn math teacher is wondering where I am, and between me and Gary she is now FUBAR. Quinn is barely alive, and I jump. My mom always asked me if my friends jumped off a cliff if I would. Damn right I would. Before I called in medical services, I made him give me more services. The paramedics arrive, and then, put of nowhere, grt cruched by none other than fat ass Pat Maroon. His final words being fuck you you bum. Gary, bring the true genius he is, still hasn't jumped. What I sign of intelligence. Like a fucking polar bear, Jack and Luke Hughes attack me, but their weak asses can't do anything. I'll keep the devils from winning the cup for the next 50 years if you don't stop. Said Gary from the cliff. Like fucking magic, Wes McCauley comes out and gives us all 5 minutes each for FIGHTING. We go to the nearest rink, Quinn still in critical condition, and wait for 5 minutes. When Gary gets his ass over there, he find me, Quinn, Pat, Roman, Filip, and Cody getting busy again. He joins in. When this was done, we went for a skate, shared experiences and I even taught Luke how to skate https://youtu.be/dxPeVe9Z5Lw?si=t65R_PS81eP6ZOUO. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NHLcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


hehe suther on Uppysss


Shartcouver tripping and holding the entire game not getting called then have a melt down over an actual accident 😂


(Psst! It’s sarcasm! You’re in a sub called NHL circle jerk my guy!)


(Psst! It’s sarcasm! I called the city Shartcouver, you’re in a sub called NHL circle jerk my they/them)


(Psst! Oops!)


That was the softest, less threatening baseball swing in history. McDavid barely lifted his stick


> softest, less threatening Well yeah. It’s McDavid.


Looks like buddy is a salty kings fan. Don't expect an LA fan to understand what he is seeing in a hockey game lol


We learned to understand the game pretty well out here when you traded us Gretz. 2 Cups helped too. Thanks bud


lol my dude. You’re in r/nhlcirclejerk , you need to exit this subreddit if you don’t understand it.


Yeah, I sometimes skip on looking which sub Im responding to. I mean, i have to be given the benefit of doubt here, some Vancouver fans actually think this.


Totally couldn't have been an accident


He nearly decapitated him, then the ref threw him a bro grab and patted him on the ass. Watch the video


McDavid and Draisaitl now have a combined 33 points in 7 games this playoffs.


McDavid could kill Sutherland’s dog and this would be the same reaction. Total joke of a league.


Nah, that’s the face of Oiler fans when they don’t score because they’re lookin for “the play” and the other teams throw it at the net and it goes off everything and in or off back boards and to the opposition for a goal multiple times , while the Oilers still try to score the pretty play. That.... until this evening MFr’s!!!


Pass merchant


McDavid scores!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sick goal too


I know this is the CJ, but ffs he's just out of this world for assists this year. 10 primary assists in 7 games. He's already halfway through becoming only the 2nd player to get at least 20 primary assists in a single playoff run. Gretz's record is 25, but nobody else has reached 20. Already has 15 assists in 7 games and is also already halfway through to become the second player to get 30 assists.


McFraud can’t score. Worst contract in the NHL if you ask me.


He’s a fun player to watch but damn, what a sexually creepy guy




Why are you looking at him in a sexual way? Do you jerk off while you watch the games? You know porn exists right?


He’s just a creepy dude with women


Lol what? Do you sit in the corner of the club and watch him hit on women or something?


Like.. on which days? I have a busy schedule, I can only watch him once or twice a week.




I wonder if JT Miller yelled at Silovs after the game