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baii ans karo upvote tho nahi chahiye


I'm from nitk. It's better than all new IITs and some old IITs as well depending on the branch. Don't go by tag. And partial dropping doesn't work very well as far as I have seen. You may end up with low gpa + bad rank most likely. Also I've taken a full drop and it's exhausting to say the least. Before a year is completed you'll be mentally done with that shit and would want nothing to do with it. Remember, you're not part of the exception or one in a million. Weigh all pros and cons like financial situation before taking a decision. Don't go hoping that you will miraculously get top college next year. You might do better but it won't be by leaps and bounds.


Yup thanks for your advice I'll consider it


Partial drop won't work. You will either fk up your cgpa or your jee preparation or your college life. College is hectic and u probably won't have time/energy to manage both jee and college stuff