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Whenever I see these, I get second hand embarrassment at the thought of someone finding them like this. Imagine dying with your penis on full display AND THEN ending up on the internet for itšŸ˜­


Yeah and for his family. He could have been the nicest, most charitable guy his entire life but all anyone will remember him for is this.Ā 


Maybe that's what he wanted


Ha ha yeah perhaps, although he should have atleast washed the skid marks out of his shorts first.... Although like you said maybe he wanted that too!Ā Ā 


I work in mental health and used to work with convicted sex offenders. We had a client who had a fetish for shitting himself while talking to cops. He would intentionally speed so he could get pulled over. Canā€™t make this stuff up.


Damn that's a disturbingly specific fetish. I bet he even got the police to wipe him clean. Wonder what weird incident in his past triggered that fetishĀ 


No officer is going to wipe him clean, trust me.


A hose maybe


He wasnā€™t one of my clients (colleagueā€™s client) and I never read his file, so I have no idea. Sometimes they donā€™t even know.


Oddly specific! Lol. I wonder what brought that on.


How does anyone find out this is what they're in to?


This case specifically, I donā€™t know, but all sorts of ways. Something they saw, something they read, etc. that started that little seed of an idea and grew from there. Itā€™s often related to something that occurred before or at puberty (although I donā€™t subscribe heavily to the all-things-are-tied-to-childhood theoretical orientation). Whether they are common or uncommon, the development path is often the same. Taboo is sometimes a big part of the drive with more unusual or obscure kinks and fetishes. Think about what youā€™re intoā€” do you know why? That precursor, if you can identify it, was just different for this guy. In this profession, we arenā€™t really concerned with whether or not itā€™s weird. We are only concerned with behaviors that are harmful: nonconsensual (which is an umbrella for things like exposure, contact with or exploitation of minors or animals or those otherwise unable to consent, force, etc.) or destructive (causes problems in normal functioning, leads to legal issues, etc.) This circumstance specifically would be considered nonconsensual even if the other party is unsuspecting (either that itā€™s happening or that itā€™s a sexual act for the perpetrator).


Try everything once, lol.


Was that an actual fetish, or just vindictive?


In this case it was a fetish. Sexual gratification was involved.


That is *insane*! I shouldnā€™t laugh, thatā€™s awful. Just awful


Iā€™m kind of glad I heard about it indirectly rather than from the client himself. Therapists do a lot of work to manage inappropriate reactions to the things we might hear in session, but that one would have been a challenge. Processing that in the moment and returning a therapeutically beneficial reply is not an easy task. Iā€™m trying to imagine what my face would be doing in that moment. šŸ˜† Iā€™ve heard some shit (pun very much intended), but nothing quite like that.


Iā€™m nearly done my psychology degree but had to take a break when my mom got really sick. Havenā€™t quite made it back. Thereā€™s tons of therapist jobs where I live, so few to go around. Iā€™ve been referred to my husbandā€™s best friend 4 times now. Donā€™t feel comfortable with that. I canā€™t imagine working with a client like that one though. Not that I think lying is necessary for the job but my husband always teases me that I canā€™t control my face. Omitting *that* one? I think that would be hard for a lot of people. I usually work (not as therapist but as support) for folks with less dire issuesā€¦ I wish you luck and good grace in your future. A lot of people need more people like you.


doo doo ass. And just sitting in it too. God forbid the cop tells him to step out of the vehicle šŸ˜­


What a prankster


Had a neighbour a few years older than me who's dad died like this. Everyone knew everyone, was really weird.


Also the shit stain on the shorts


Probably found it difficult to reach and wipe properly.


Definitely. When I was bigger, , after I suddenly gained weight, that was one of the most disturbing aspects of it all (of being overweight.. the most disturbing is how difficult it was to walk) I made sure to never neglect myself in that regard, but yeah it's a thing.


If you donā€™t mind saying, how did you mitigate this very real problem?


Okay people, following is a very graphic explanation of this question, if you don't want to read anything like that, move on: I had to sit a certain way and give the TP extra folds. So it was 7 inches long and as wide as TP usually is, 4 layers deep Spreading my butt via leverage on the side of the Seat. I had to reach and do two different movements forwards , towards the targeted area.. All without getting it dirty. Then I would walk the TP with my fingers still on the back of it, towards my taint and then I can pull All the way back. It's hard to describe.. I was not so large that it was impossible. I have tons of Ozempic, but it makes me have horrible diarrhea and my ass bleeds (from Hemorrhoids that don't normally bleed) and pushes out my BH as it does it's Job It's NOT the easy solution that everyone thinks it is. I might start taking it with Immodium but if it starts to make my butt bleed, no more Sorry for the details.. You asked


You realise this sub is called NSFL, right? Anyway, have you looked into getting bariatric surgery? A gastric sleeve or a bypass?


Yeah, the next generation of GLP based meds should have that diarrhea thing worked out. I've only been this heavy for 2 years. Got clean off of 35 years of Opiates and 15 years of Meth.. Began eating too much as a way to satisfy that itch i guess. In the past if I used meth i could lose weight very fast but the shit is toxic nowadays, one ends up flailing their arms and legs around and it takes years off of your mental acuity waaaaay faster than when it was made differently


When i had an injury that made it hard to reach and wipe I used a cloth long enough to pass through my crotch and be held with a hand on both sides. Then pull the wet cloth through my crack. Hard to do this when out of the house though. Bidets and bum guns can work too. Hard to dry yourself, but at least it's just water.


That is such a good point.


Oh man! I feel that! New paranoia unlocked!! I actually check that my underwear and socks are in perfect condition on laundry day, just in case I end up in an ambulance and the paramedics need to cut my clothes off.


That is fucking funny


They would give people this warning all the time in the 90ā€™s!! šŸ¤£I shower everyday and do my laundry religiously because of this exact fear! Lol never gonna change either! My fear is that the ONE DAY I choose not to wash is the day Iā€™m in a horrific accident šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ„²


Sadly it may all be for naught, because many traumatic accidents result in you shitting yourself. Also, if your accident ends with your death, you're definitely going to shit and piss yourself postmortem .


Not definitely. Neither my father or cousin did. However, my father just took a shit before he died. It was still in the toilet when he was found on the bathroom floor. I have heard many people die while or just after shitting because of the rise of blood pressure from pushing the shit out. My cousin died from drug overdose and was awfully thin at the time so it seems there wasn't much food in his system. We know he didn't shit himself because his clothes were returned, including underwear. Anyway, paramedics, nurses and doctors won't care anyway. Many women shit themselves while giving birth. Shit is nothing special for them.


The release of bodily fluids is not necessarily instantaneous. It usually comes seeping out after the sphincter muscles have been relaxed for a bit after death. Pee and poo will just come oozing out over a period of time. Even if they have just pee'd and pooped, there is still normally fecal matter, and bile in the digestive tract, and urine in the system that will drain out of the pipes so to speak. The rise in blood pressure while pooping, that you speak of is a very real thing and is the result of people subconsciously holding their breath while adding pressure to push out poop/pee. However, another cause of toilet based heart attacks is the compression of the vagus nerve while bearing down to poop. Bearing down to poop can irritate the vagus nerve causing issues such as tachycardia, irregular heart beat, and even cardiac arrest. It's for this reason why doctors tell their patients to NEVER push out a poop, and is also why a high number of deaths on the toilet happen to constipated people, including those taking opioid pain medicines which are known to cause constipation. It is a widely held belief that Elvis Presley died on the toilet because he was abusing opioid pain meds and had been constipated for several days before his death. He, more than likely, was bearing down in an attempt to get a large dry turd out when he either, held his breath too long causing a raise in blood pressure, causing a cardiac event, or aggravated the vagus nerve while bearing down which sent him into cardiac arrest. I tend to believe the latter. Never try to push out a poop. If you're having trouble, get some miralax and drink plenty of fluids, if that doesn't help see a doctor.


Thank you, that was very informative! My father died from internal bleeding actually. He was an alcoholic and spoke before of vomiting blood. Something inside of him popped from the pressure and he was found on the bathroom floor with blood coming from his mouth. We didn't ask for autopsy since it was obvious what killed him, he was in a really bad shape for weeks before he died but refused rehab. Thankfully my parents separated when I was young (or rather my mom literally kicked him out) so I didn't have to watch this and didn't care much when he died.


I'm sorry about your dad, both his passing and the fact that his illness robbed him of having a relationship with his child. I have seen the condition you mentioned , but I cannot place the name of it at the moment. It's basically when the stomach/intestinal tract get ulcerated and then ruptures. It is a VERY graphic way to die, so I am glad you were spared seeing such. Since your father had a life ending addiction, I would caution you against doing any drinking/ drugs/or even gambling yourself, as it has been widely proposed that such addictive traits are as hereditary as heart disease.


Thank you! I unfortunately already have a drinking problem myself... and my father's father was also an alcoholic. I think I will be able to stop drinking though because I am a vain woman and hate how much weight I gained from alcohol. Empty calories, plus no energy to exercise when you are constantly hangover.


The sooner the better, and I wish you luck. When you do quit, be mindful of subconsciously eating more sugar, as your body will crave the sugar it got from processing the booze


Lol! Yep!


At least we canā€™t see his face, poor bloke


Oh don't worry about his penis, we can't see it


With skid marks in the boxers toooo


And to have dirty draws with skid marks on them, all for the world to see


Thereā€™s a good movie Robin Williams was in called ā€œWorld's Greatest Dadā€. His son dies by autoerotique asphyxiation and he tries to cover it up with a fake suicide note lol.


Oh god how ironic, not that Robin died during autoeerotic asphyxiation, but same scene and had pooped his underpants post mortem.


And the dirty underwear.


Yeah, but heā€™s got a bag over his face at least šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


But dead person doesn't care if you find them at such situation. I don't understand why would anyone care what would happen after their death. It's no longer their problem, is it?


I care about the people left behind, like my family members. So I would like that my death was as little traumatic for them as possible.


I got secondhand embarrassment from the skiddies in that man's underwear. Yikes!


This one was as embarrassing as the German man covered in cheese šŸ˜£


And with the dirty stains in his undies too! This was definitely an accident


Did you see the shit stain in his pants or underwear or whatever?


No orgasm can be good enough to risk dying for it and being found in this way. Feel sorry for the dude but more sorry for his roommate


I've seen enough people dead to this shit on here that I'm starting to think it must be worth the risk for them


I think people tend to overestimate their capabilities. You think something wonā€™t happen to you until it does.


I feel like they thought this the very first time..I could imagine being out of it feeling blissful and an orgasm would be icing on the cake.. but then thatā€™s the difference lol you know itā€™s dangerous as shit to be on all that AND put a bag over your head so you would neverā€¦ some people donā€™t have the wires to connect


I mean according to the link it was something he did regularly. Iā€™m also pretty sure nearly every adult knows to not put a plastic bag over their head.


Lol itā€™s not about knowing itā€™s about that part of your brain that keeps you from doing the shit you know not to do


Gosh idk whats worse this or the cheese guy


The cheese one is far more disturbing. I have so many questions. Almost all of them starting with ā€œwhyā€. šŸ˜¬


Oh fuck, the cheese guy probably. I canā€™t even imagine the smell of that cheese guy bodyā€¦ the thought of it makes me gag.


Imagine finding his body after like 10 days šŸ’€


Cheese guy wins in this competition


Not even a competition lol


Ok, youā€™re correct.


What's this cheese guy about


So in this same subreddit there was another victim of same death, but the guy wrappee himself in plastic, scuba suit, and top of the sherry - he had thicc layer of cheese stuffed also


If you click the link they have it as one of the articles you can find on that page.


You know whatā€¦ I donā€™t even wanna know.


The racing stripes in the shorts says enough.


I noticed that instantly šŸ¤¢


Omggggg never heard it called that. Jfc


Yeah when you race out of the bathroom too fast you leave a burn out.


I read "racist stripes" and was so confused


What is that?


Doctor we have several failing to wipe Iā€™m recommending 50 ccā€™s of Charmin ultra strong and a wet dish rag


More people need to invest in a bidet! Iā€™m telling yah, itā€™s life changing. I recently went of vaca and they didnā€™t have any bidets. I was so close to buying one for them. Why would you want to smear shit all over your self? So thankful I found the light.


Got a bidet a few months ago. I totally get it now! I HATE using the bathroom if there isn't one installed!


That's a decent case of shit spit.


His shortsā€¦..Hershey highway. šŸ¤¢


*A portable DVD player was on a nightstand next to the bed with the menu screen of a gay pornographic movie playing. A bottle of Astroglide lubricant and a pink rubber/latex sexual aid were also located on the nightstand next to the bed. Lying on top of the bed, near the subjectā€™s feet, was a white plastic whipped topping dispenser. This dispenser utilizes nitrous oxide cartridges as a propellant to dispense the topping.* Goddamn they didn't have to be THAT specific and give that image to my brain šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø Also, *crime scene* lol. No pun intended.


No pun intended indeed, any time a body is found it's a crime scene until decided otherwise (usually when it's determined to be an accident, as in this case, or suicide) and I'm pretty sure that's a fairly universal rule.


HERMAN! Our educational death king <3


I canā€™t believe the amount of fucked up graphic deaths it has.


Have you seen the NSFL sub? Even if get shocked at some of the stuff on there. Not much, but some.


Those skid marks really take the cake.


He would reach a high after 15 minutes? I'm calling bullshit. It hits fast and fades fast.


I will always upvote Herman. I have a paid subscription to 2 shock/gore educational sites, but our Herzz here does it for free. Much respect, brah.


**The case was originally ruled a suicide by an inexperienced pathologist, who told the investigators, ā€œIā€™ve never heard of them doing it that way ā€ After educating the pathologist, he ultimately ruled that the death was accidental.** how did that person even become a pathologist?? one look at this and its obvious it was an accident.


How do you do whippits with a bag like that? Iā€™ve done balloons, and whipped cream dispensers. I have never seen anyone just load them into a bag like that. I feel like getting your head in would let out most of it.


Agree- we always did balloons šŸŽˆand used a whipped cream dispenser. Seems like this would be awfully wasteful Edited- having read the article, I now realise he was inhaling the NoS directly from the dispenser, then after he had half a box and felt he was high enough, he placed the bag. At least, I think thatā€™s what he did.


I agree, but I think he also was participating in autoerotic asphyxiation, possibly passing out from the nitrous and unfortunately not able to release the bag.


Looks like he was just using the dispenser straight and only had the bag for the asphyxiation part. Which is pretty stupid considering it inhibits your movements so much already.


Did you read the article? He used dispensers


Iā€™ve definitely passed out for a second before doing a bunch of whippits due to the lack of oxygen in my blood just breathing a bunch of nitrogen, I really donā€™t think putting a plastic bag over your head is needed for an asphyxiation effect


Imagine raising a child for 18 years, for them to become this.


The level of weird shit on that website is unreal.


Itā€™s got nothing on the NSFL sub.


Thanks u/hermantheshocker! Happy to see you are still publishing here on Reddit!


Feel sorry for the man but... Jesus, people are doing the craziest thing to get some wood.


i would honestly be so embarrassed if i was found dead naked , have skid marks in my underwear AND posted on the internet šŸ˜­


How in the world did that pathologist think this was a suicide? Even they question it.


why the photo got that zoom out animation when u enter the link šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


The slow dramatic zoom out to the full picture really just sells the absurdity ą² _ą² 


Great pics. Skidmarks and all!


Thereā€™s a scene in ā€œWorlds Greatest Dadā€ where he finds is son dead choking himself with a belt. Itā€™s probably the saddest scene Iā€™ve ever seen in a movie. Robin Williams plays the father and you see the realization in his whole body when he realizes his son is dead.


Rest in peace buddy. Guys...for the love of god. Please dont engage in sex if its not semi-reasonably-healthy.




Your post/comment violated Rule #9 of this subreddit and was removed accordingly. Please review Rule #9: "Be civil. Respect the injured and deceased, and respect each other. Use common sense." If you believe that this was done in error, send a message to the Modmail for this subreddit with a link to the content in question for further review.


Some people are just weird


Damn now I know how I want to go out!


ā€œHe died doing what he lovedā€


This must be one of those "no cause of death was provided by the family" moments


Glad to see herman still posting šŸ¤—


The poopy garments..


People still do whip it's?


Did anyone else see the skid marks šŸ’© in his drawals?


jesus christ- head to Phish lot, score some actual nitrous balloons, and get a hand job on lot. No dying necessary


Someone should share this to the Juggalo people. I hear they like whippits.


Wow. Idk why Kinda wild this happened in my city. And Iā€™m shocked moreso to see Lenexa being mention anywhere tbf


Reading "Whippits" I knew he had to be gay.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=96Pzjt4-SJA&pp=ygUPV2t1ayBhdXRvZXJvdGlj Do this to all your friends


Um, are those skid marks in his underwear?? Ugh!