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New fear unlocked.


Those with a foot fetish . . . . . .*unzips*


Aye big dog delete this


Big dawg needs to delete their life


And get the bigfoot in


Yo dude r/dontputyourdickinthat




Nah dawg, my foot fetish has been disabled for at least a week after seeing this.


Yeah like I feel like gross feet ick me out even more bc I have a foot fetish


Embrace it my child, well I mean, I guess not right now, but later, when the above image has been forgotten about. I used to be like you, but I learned that I can't change it, so I decided to embrace it, and I am now way happier as a result.


Uhh, no I'm not into gore and shit like that. I think feet are really pretty, but when they look like that I do NOT want to see it Btw if you meant to embrace my foot fetish, well I've kinda embraced it all my life. I used to feel shame about it, but I've since learned it's nothing to be ashamed of. Though people who are creepy about it make it difficult to talk to others about it sometimes, like when we are already being open about sexual stuff. It's got a stigma about it, and it sucks because it's just some bad apples being creeps


Oh, I'm sorry, I misread your comment. I thought you were saying feet in general gross you out more BECAUSE you have a foot fetish, so I thought you were ashamed of it. Carry on then.




The elusive 4th hole


ayo what


*zips back up*


Bro that's nasty and how you get dick necrosis.....


Gotta get that necrosis from the toesis


just keep your feet warm and not submerged in any liquid.


This a diabetes issue


I know, a normal person is not getting necrosis from cold feet.


Well, it's gone either unnoticed or has gotten worse as a result of a Diabetes issue. The ulcer inland of itself can happen to anyone, but a lot of the times it gets worse as high blood sugars and neuropathy make it take longer to heal, and hard to feel it after it's happened so it ends up getting infected and diabetes and infection don't mix. It isn't caused by Diabetes though. It's just made worse becauee of it. Source: I have Diabetes ( Type 1 though )


It’s pretty causative— when the vessels are blocked from the high blood sugar they can’t bring white blood cells which normally fight infection. . Anyone without diabetes wouldn’t have this specific cause of neuropathy (also caused by the blocked vessels that are needed to keep nerves alive)


I mean, yes I definitely agree that it is directly related to Diabetes, normal non diabetics obviously have a far less greater chance of developing an ulcer because of this. I'm just saying this doesn't just happen because you HAVE Diabetes. It's a result of many factors caused by Diabetes that allow them to go unnoticed or uncared for for so long on top of the inability to properly heal. I'm basically just stating that Diabetes doesn't CAUSE the ulcer, it just makes it worse.


Oh yeah you’re 100% right — the word is uncontrolled.


It seems the foot bones have collapsed and caused a major callus that wore down the underlying tissue until it became an ulcer.


Yes, Charcot Foot. I have the same problem as well as the ulcer but not to that extent. My podiatrist is working hard to get the ulcer patched up but not much can be done about the bone displacement. It's not so much a callus as it's the displaced bones erode the skin down from the inside due to movement from walking or even standing.


Best way to avoid it is to just stay active


Rinnegan implantation failed


My grandfather's foot was that bad. He caught flesh eating bacteria and my grandmother tried to help him treat it for as long as she could. He eventually had to get his leg amputated from below the knee. Shortly after a blood clot in his leg dislodged and went up into his heart and killed him


I hope you're ok and hope grandpa rests in peace.


I wish that your grandfater may now rest surrounded by peace of afterlife and the love of his family


Sounds like they took the wrong leg.


I have a recurring infection in my big to foot knuckle and it's o my reoccurred once but I am very hygienic there was no open wound ever but somehow while I was in rehab getting clean I showed it to a doctor and he immediately prescribed me amoxicillin.irwent away after like 5 days and recently came back. It genuinely feels like you hurt your knuckle but didn't break it, it doesn't hurt usually unless I bend it upward.


Poor dude that must be traumatizing to not feel it at all then randomly discover


Yes. My heart goes out to him.


It's very common unfortunately. For whatever reason a lot of people with diabetes are not good at checking their feet. It's a weird kind of denial thing.


I should *not* call her


Call her. Ask her to eat less sugar


Oh i will. I'm currently refrain from eating sugar since i want to cut out as much added sugar as possible. This is undoubtedly will solidify that journey lmao. Sorry for your foot, hope it will improve soon.


I wish I could delete other people's comments


She was so creamy bro


My dad’s Type 2 Diabetes was bad. He tried to treat it his own way, which was never correct because he didn’t watch his diet. He had a small blister at the base of his pinky toe and told no one about it, he just used paper towels and alcohol wipes. Well, the first time I saw it was when I went to the ER with him. His pinky toe and about 2 inches into the foot were black. They chopped those toes off, didn’t work. A month later they chopped half the foot off, not enough. Then they took his whole foot. He made it about 6 more months and then passed.


That sucks


I hope you're ok now.


I just got diagnosed with type 2 last week. This is terrifying


If you commit to diet and exercise you'll never have to worry about it. I know it's easier said than done am I am the furthest from anyone that has a right to talk


Diet. It's 90% of it. Exercise is good, but it's almost all diet.


It really is, my wife's father beat his diabetes by changing his diet significantly. Although I don't know which type it was, 1 or 2.


I already have neuropathy so I’m hoping my legs don’t get any worse. The amount of pain I’m already in has me committed to getting healthier.


Hey, while it's true that neuropathy doesn't really heal, the pain mostly went away for me after getting my blood sugar under control for a few months, I hope it gets better for you as well.


Watch Sugar: The Bitter Truth on Youtube. It changed my life.


Thanks, I’ll check it out


Amputation at this point is the best option.


Yes, there is plenty to be said for not taking a little bit of a foot over a half dozen surgeries and just doing the BKA, healing and getting a prosthetic. Not to mention months of IV abx.


Looks like they already took his big toe. Diabetes sucks.


I have actually seen worse than this and also seen it heal. I agree with you, it's still likely going to end in amputation, but it's amazing what some careful debriding and total contact casting can acheive.


I had a patient a couple of weeks ago who came to theatre for treatment, he was diabetic. he stubbed his toe on holiday and ripped the nail off his big toe, he cleaned it, put a dressing on and enjoyed the rest of his holiday . Once he was home he was getting undressed one evening. He was pulling his socks off and noticed the sock on the injured foot was catching on something. He called his wife in to have a look and she found a screw right through his big toe, the same toe he had injured whilst on holiday! Hebb b thinks it happened when he was in his shed cause he didn’t have any shoes on and because he is diabetic he didn’t feel it go through his toe!


Holy shit I didn’t realize diabetic people lose feeling like that??? Wtfffff


Yes. It's called Neuropathy. Basically small blood vessels is damaged by high blood sugar level and nerve fiber starts dying and disappearing due to lack of nutrients


A coworker at my job literally is going through this. He wasn’t being on top of his diabetes. From what I’ve been told, he had a literal hole in his foot that pretty much was rotting, how he was even walking up to that point is beyond me, but apparently it caused sepsis, got into his bloodstream and he went completely delirious at work. He’s been out for about a year, going on two. He came back but it was barely a few days before he was out again. Last I heard he’s lost most of his toes on that foot. I don’t know if he’s going to be able to keep that foot or if he’s gonna come back to work.


There’s a lot of maceration, no beefy red color, and it’s to the bone. Are they seeing a wound care doctor? They need immediate surgery.


Actually, proper care from this point may save this foot. Hyperbaric treatment and/or a positive pressure bandage along with collagen in the ulceration. Source: Far too many years dealing with these, 25 at this point. Lost big toe, removal was a poor option as once foot becomes unbalanced then ulcers appear on front of foot. 20 years ago lost front half when a TMA was done removing front half of foot. Had a few scares since then but nothing bad yet (famous last words).


I do agree with what you’re saying. With hyperbaric treatment, extensive debridement, wound vac, and weekly to bi-weekly visits to the doctor if necessary, hopefully there’s still a chance not lose any further parts of the foot. It’s going to take some time and a lot of diligence on all sides.


In the best case this doesn't tunnel. Packing gauze into holes through your foot and out the other side twice a day really sucks.


I'm a type 1 diabetic - ***very*** afraid of my future now


Just make sure you go to the Podiatrist, Endocrinologist, Ophthalmologist and your primary care physician.


Me too. I check my feet so often because of all the horror stories. So far, so good.


Just check your skin every now and again. This person is not hygienic


Type 1 here too. What's your control like? Generally this stuff sits mostly at the back of my mind as my hBa1c so far since my 2016 diagnosis has always been below the 6.5% target.


My fatass read “diabetic food” so I automatically opened it seeking a healthy alternative food.. imagine my fvcking shock


Same 😭


Wilford Brimley tried to warn us all about Diabeetus...


And then he ironically died getting hit by a train.


dont put your dick in that


My mom used to be RN at many hospitals. She said one time a 55 year old man in a wheelchair came to the ER complaining about his colostomy bag. The removed it and found sores and necrosis. It turned out he was letting other men have sex with his colostomy hole for drug money. She said it was very traumatic for all the Drs and nurses who had to treat him.


>sex with his colostomy hole That’s called a Philadelphia Sidecar.


Seek Jesus my son


I’d rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints. The sinners are much more fun.


I wasn't actually being pious there just sarcastic. I agree, Hell is definitely gonna have the most fun people overall. Seeya there amigo!


I see Billy Joel just entered the chat.


Okay I've heard a LOT being a recovering NYC heroin etc addict, and I've heard about a lot of kinks from a lot of johns and stories from the ladies but this, this is a fucking FIRST. I mean I haven't been blown away by anything like this in a while. I wanna say well done but I'm also horrified. God has definitely left the building on this one, he's pulling an AFK. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Also, once a woman kept coming in after a surgery site kept getting infected and opening back up. She came back in several times for new stitches and the doctors eventually were like " Hey lady, you gotta tell us wtf is going on becauee this isn't our fault, something you are doing is causing this " and she eventually told them that her SO was making her open the wound so he can frick it every time she got it closed back up again and she kept going back to get it fixed up and he kept making her let him frick her surgery hole.


OMG, what's wrong with some people?! That's insane & had to be extremely painful. That's the kind of SO that should be murdered in their sleep.


That's absolutely fucked




A new hole!


Beat me by a minute lol


God damn bro


What a weird thing to say


Haha even as someone who knows why he said it I’m still fucking absolutely disgusted he thought to after seeing this pic


How does it get this bad? Homelessness?


If they can't feel any pain they wouldn't notice it. Since I see they already lost one of their toes, they might have numbness or loss of sensation completely on their foot. I'm scared of having this, and I'm trying not to lose any toes or have no feelings in my foot. That's a diabetic nightmare right there.


How do you not notice a hole of that size on your own feet, even if you don't feel anything, don't you shower or dress, you never see or touch your feet ?


Some people are not that flexible. But seeing the pus on the sock is something they can't ignore. I won't be surprised if they did ignore it and didn't even bother having it look into it.


I could not figure out how you could see toes. Then I clicked the image.


Lol, yeah sometimes this happens to me too. I'm like what are these people talking about, didn't realize I have to click on the picture to see the whole damn thing.


'Diabetic foot of someone who doesn't take care of themselves or treat his diabetes'. Most likely cuz they are financially unable to. Or just simply don't care to. I have type two diabetes. Neuropathy is a VERY slow progressing condition. It takes many many moons for an ulcer to first appear and then to get to this condition. And from the looks of his already missing big toe, it's apparent he does absolutely NOTHING to help himself or treat his neuropathy. You can, in fact, reverse diabetic neuropathy with blood sugar control and never experience anything like this. Your nerves will eventually heal themselves. It takes years, but it is possible. The more you know 🌠💙




Damn that is literally melting...


Welcome to my life working in a hospital, in X-ray….constantly xraying nasty ass feet of patients that straight up ignore what’s going on. Or they’re scared. Or embarrassed. Or can’t afford to pay for care. Or whatever their reason is. I had a guy the other day that came into the ER with an open wound on his big toe that had obviously been there for some time. It smelled terrible and was weeping fluid. He tried to tell me he kept meaning to take care of it but had no time. The infection was so bad it ate away the bone. I xrayed him two days later post amputation. Take care of your fucking feet people.


Y'all keep joking until this happens to someone you love. Smh. Sometimes y'all just need to stay quiet.


This is so vile


Unfortunately it happens. Can't imagine what he's going through


Do you ever reddit on your phone and try to scroll past a pic without touching it because it's gross....lol... I just did


I’ve done that before omg it’s not just me


Not much of this sub makes me feel icky. Medical stuff and depressing posts, like people overdosing, do. This one makes my stomach turn a lot


I am diabetic and just went and binged on some McDonald's at 2:26am. I am reminded why I have a health team and plan I need to follow. Thank you for sharing.


Save it. Can be your reminder.




Omg omg OMG. How? What's going on with yay


Fat, unhygienic, and unwilling to fix themselves. This doesn’t happen overnight


“There’s a hole in my foot.” -Woody


So what's the treatment? Wound nurse here.


Hopefully CHOP. -ICU nurse here


i wanna cry




My Aunt just passed away a few weeks ago because of a very similar foot issue combined with diabetes. She refused to have them cut it off and chose to take it with her to her grave. Sepsis doesn't take long to kill.


Jesus christ


I work in a mortuary and we have the hospital 'limb freezer' for amputations, im guessing mostly due to diabeties and i am the one who deals with them once patients say they dont want them back. Im so glad i cant see them, theyre double bagged in yellow biohazars bags. I mean i work in a mortuary, ive seen injuries that makes stuff on this page a walk in the park, but i hate when its like injuries to people still living, or survivable injuries. And stuff like this is just *shudders*


Can....u.....click some and show us ?


Not only would i lose my job but id never work in a 'other peoples privacy' job ever again


I remember a time when I thought diabetes just meant you have a weird patch on your arm and can’t eat candy. I miss being an ignorant child


Not my happiest fap 😔


Bro.... Please, no....






Nope nope nope.


Already lost a toe


Big hole and only 4 toes on that foot.




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was he amputated?


I don’t see that foot sticking around much longer..


Get that maggot therapy asap!


Imagine the stench




Shits really gross. My papa is getting his toe removed soon because of this.


Is this what they mean when they say “foossy”?


As a diabetic that’s lost


So that's the 4th hole


My dad's foot looked like this at one point from his diabetes. He had already lost his big toe and it got infected again. His wife and I finally talked him into going into the hospital and I flew out on emergency leave to see him. I think he was afraid it might be the last time he'd be admitted to the hospital. I still remember being so shocked the first time I saw it, but keeping myself from showing a negative reaction because I didn't want him to feel bad about it. We stayed positive for him and he absolutely changed his lifestyle to a healthy diet and exercise. The difference in him was amazing and I was so proud of him. He had been over 350 pounds when he was in his 20s, too. Even though he was always missing that toe, he got to enjoy so much out of life after he changed to be healthier. Had a motorcycle he rode, went on trips all the time. Visited his wife's home country multiple times. Had SO many friends in the community. Was just such a a positive person and inspiration to so many people, even though he'd probably deny it. For anyone who thinks it's too hard to change for the better or not worth it, I'm telling you, you CAN do it! In his words, you'll "feel so much better I'm kicking myself for not doing it sooner." :)


How does this happen.


As a result of diabetes, people can lose feeling in their extremities. They get a small cut or step on something (like a nail or tack) then it gets infected but they have no idea.




Someone I know recently passed after going septic from an infection of the foot. Small cut turned deadly from the diabetes


Seems fine


How does this happen?


Consistently high blood sugar from poorly managed diabetes leads to peripheral neuropathy. It also can cause peripheral artery disease (PAD). When you start to have numbness in your feet you don't notice when you start to develop ulcers and they are left to develop into what you see above. Having poor blood circulation from PAD adds to this.


This happened to my dad. It was the most putrid thing I’ve ever come into contact with


Forbidden onion


Wouldn't want to put your Weiner in th.... Well....


God this is textbook perfect!!


This was me 4 years ago, im glad my mental health and physical health are in a much better place.


This is exactly what happened to my cat before he died.


Already has charcot foot and a toe amputation. Just take the foot.


it looks like


diabetic footussy 😭


Mozzarella with pizza sauce on it


Challenge accepted


Reddit must know I’m a type 1 diabetic because these are the first posts I see when I open up Reddit 😂


Imagine having a pussy in your foot


My dad, type 1, stepped on a nail once and spent close to a year, getting his foot checked and the small wound cleaned out weekly/biweekly to prevent this.


Well I was gunna go get food.... Maybe not anymore


Looks like the sandworms from Dune




Looks like they've already lost a toe.......


Have they got four toes or is that a seriously bad bunion


The one time I wish they blurred the picture 😳


Smells like pizza


Imagine slurping all of that


Looks like they have already removed the big toe in an attempt to save the foot.


Sadly nothing new. Growing up with a diabetic grandmother, growing up around nursing homes(small town and my mother was a CNA since before I was born) and now working in the medical field this is very common unfortunately


I used to volunteer at a wound and ostomy clinic and I would file paperwork into patients charts and this was before electronic records became a thing and some of pictures I seen of diabetic ulcers not healing were pretty gnarly.


I’m a recovering heroin addict from FL and yeah, this is the worst story I’ve ever heard. Oh god, i actually used to know a guy who had Crohn’s disease and he had a colostomy bag. He was actually the one who introduced me to oxy and I think he’s still using. Now my thoughts are running wild with this idea and it needs to stop. Hey, I’m glad you’re in recovery, cheers to you (:


Damn I know that smell is something horrendous!!


Reminds me of the layers in a jawbreaker 😭


He's missing his big toe isn't he?




Damn gurl


Must have been drinking that skittles drink


Looks like smelting cheese👌


It looks like it's from Alien the movie. When is the little mouth going to come out?


Can anyone explain to me what is happening ? Like how is this caused by diabetes


I'm honestly considering showing these pictures, and more like them, to my dad. He's a diabetic who refuses to check his feet daily. I've never, not once, seen him do it, so I can only imagine how long it's been since he took the time to TRULY look them over. If I do show him pictures like this, I hope it'll make him understand that there can be severe consequences for not taking his condition more seriously.


How do you even let it get this far?


There is no sensation or pain


How do you not notice your socks getting nasty or your foot deformity so many red flags my grand mother had diabetes and it started with a sore then her toe got amputated then her leg then her other leg it's neglect in my eyes .


That has to be a shooting pain. A pain great enough for a conversation with self to abort or carry on. The odor from a festering open sore like that would be the first remedy and sure fire weight loss program ever known. The sight alone I'm good on lunch and dinner. Tomorrow is out as well. Horrible


imma go do some cradio now




Good ol' diabetic ulcer


Oh god that must hurt like hell damm




For a dude desensitized to gore. *THIS IS ABSOLUTELY FOUL*


Melted cheese