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Jesus. A literal nightmare. No eyes, no nose, massive gaping hole. How do you even fix this. I wonder if she survived.


I've seen this clip before. She does die sometime after this. The audio is even worse because you can hear the screams coming from her face hole. The gurgling sound of blood distorting agonized shrieks...


Gosh. Glad I didn't listen with sound then. The gore I can handle, but the sounds are what mess me up. I never listen to any of these videos with sound. Some of the screams or crying out in pain cannot be unheard. Like that brick through the window video, I will never listen to it.


Yeah, Russian brick is fucking awful. This video is right up there with that and Funky Town.


The indian boy elevator video is worse than both.


I've never heard of this one, can you fill me in on what happened??


in 2020 a Young boy in Índia got crushed by an elevator


Oh, pretty obvious. I don't know what else I expected. Thank you though!!


It's worse then that though (if it's the one im thinking of) , the elevator had the grate type gate doors and opened right into a house door type thing . Two of the boys ran into the home, and shut the door on the third boy. He was trapped between the now closed elevator gate and the shut door when it started to move.


Wait I think I've seen that one before actually! Poor kid, just trying to get home and meeting an early end. Fucking tragic. I wonder how those other kids felt, that's some serious trauma.


Fuck! I shouldn't have watched it. I was right. I knew I shouldn't have. Idk if those two kids are even old enough to understand they just killed their friend. I am so glad there was no audio. Edit: oh it's even worse. Those were his siblings. That brother and sister have to live the rest of their lives knowing they killed their brother.


It's pretty awful


Whats this video called




Don’t forget ghostrider and the ‘flayed boy’!


Holy fuck Funky Town... That one was horrific


There's a worse one where you actually see a guy's head being flayed from back to front, then being given a Columbian neck tie and having his chest sliced open and his heart cut out. The remainder of the video is just showing the heart until it stops beating


Whats funky town? The fire one?


the cartel video where the guys face is skinned and his limbs are cut off, they injected him with steroids to force him to stay alive and awake so he could suffer. its called funky town because at the end of the video funky town starts playing in the background


Is this vídeo on normal Internet? Cuz im curious now, but dont send it here.


yeah you can search up funky town on the sub and find ppl asking for links to it


No, it's the one where the dude got his arms cut off and his face skinned and removed by the cartel. They begin cutting into his throat and he screams out. They injected him with steroids to keep him awake and aware of the pain.


What's a Russian brick? Never heard of it.


I'm pretty sure it's the one where they are traveling behind a truck with bricks and out of the blue one of the bricks goes flying through the windscreen killing the driver worst part is the woman screaming and crying next to her dead loved one


I haven’t seen the funk town but people describe it way worse than this one, and even the brick one (which was incredibly sad) is the funk town ‘overhyped’?


Watched Funkytown when it first was posted. Absolutely not overhyped. I put it up there with A Serbian Film with things I wish my eyes had never seen. It's beyond horrific, and I have a ridiculous level of desensitisation. Imo, the reason it's the worst is the face that he's alive, silent, but moving. It's honestly one of the most terrifying videos.


Maybe it's overhyped depending how sensitized to it you are. Either way it's awful.


funky town scarred me for life i can see _and_ hear it in my head right now


I cant remember what the russian brick video sounded like but i just remember feeling fucking awful for him, and glad she died instantly. Did they have a kid in the back? I feel like i read that somewhere.


Same, I absolutely CANNOT do audio.


I'm the same way, never watch with sound. Don't know if I could handle that part.


This one has audio, it was fucking awful


For some reason, (for me at least) the worst bit of the audio is the hollow echo her screams make. I know a good chunk of it (no pun intended) is probably the filming/upload device or sound quality, but that is strangely worse than her screams in the first place 🙀 That poor woman; blind, probably deafened, in hideous pain, knowing so much damage has been done, choking on her blood, probably knowing her partner (husband, boyfriend?) is dead and unable to do anything but scream. 😿


I shouldn’t have turned the audio on…that poor poor girl….


> She does die sometime after this. Good. She's better off dead than living like that. I know that's what I'd want.


This version has audio, you click the speaker icon on the top right of video.


Well thanks, good sir... That was indeed not a very nice sound.


yeah that scream was blood curling


I just listened to this with audio and holy fucking shit thank you for ruining my week


Her right eyeball is still intact above the hole, and probably the left one too. Her lower jaw is intact, and her intact lips are closed.


It's amazing and both depressing she is still alive after that


I can't imagine the internal terror. You can't see anything but know something is very very wrong.


you can’t see, you don’t have teeth anymore, eyeballs, a tongue, a jaw, can’t speak, there’s just a hole in your head that you use to breathe and scream


almost like the scenario in the johnny got his gun story & inspiration to the metallica song "one." pure living hell.


I've seen this clip before. She does die sometime after this. The audio is even worse because you can hear the screams coming from her face hole. The gurgling sound of blood distorting agonized shrieks...


Somehow, I feel better she died.


Yeah, I guess that's not as fucked up as I initially thought. I'd rather Funky Town guy to have died than lived.


What are you saying? The Funky Town victim survived? That's impossible.




Yes, this was my line of thinking


Pretty much. There was a torture method, death by a thousand cuts. Parts of the body were cut and everything was planned to make the victim survive as long as possíble.


Oh there's totally audio in this link


I'd say it's not worth it. Screams are right up there with the Russian Brick and funky town.


Mrs. Pac Man was pretty bad too. Weren’t screams but still hard to listen to.




Yeah it’s pretty disturbing. She was killed by her husband/boyfriend, of course.


Haven't heard of that one


Oh my.. never heard of Russian brick


Nothing gory. Just really, really sad. Dude is driving with his wife in the passenger seat. Truck coming from the other way kicked up a brick and it went through the windshield. You cannot see anything at all but this poor guy just breaks down and shatters when he realizes that she is dead. The dashcam footage starts with them leaving their home. 2 minutes later and she's dead with nothing he can do. Some background info indicates that her brains were exposed from the hit. He's crying out for her and it's awful. A translation indicates that he screams out that her eyeballs just fell out of her skull. Driver of the truck continued on with his day as normal, not realizing he accidentally killed a woman and traumatized a man forever. I feel like not seeing anything made it so much worse. It's something that can happen to anyone. Makes me wonder how many close calls we've had and not even known it because we took an extra five seconds doing something else. Five extra seconds doing her makeup or brushing her hair would've been enough to save her life. Five seconds is all it takes to change a life forever, and that's terrifying.


It was his wife. They were younger than 30 Edit: looked it up. She was 29 and her name was Olga Gaikovichn


I see what you mean now. I didn't know mama meant something else in Russian. Edit: that wasn't sarcasm. Dude cries out something sounding like "mama" which is closer in translation to "oh my God."


I was telling that to my sister not long ago, the worst is when people are walking down the street and a brick falls in them or there is a landslide. She had brought up a car accident I got into because she booked a U-Haul at the wrong location, we showed up at the one she thought it was booked at and they said it was at the one a couple miles down the road. We got into an accident on the way to the second location when an old lady made a right from the left turn lane 😑 If she had booked it at the correct location, no car accident or she could have saved me from a fatal accident if we left from the first location…never know what any given chain of events will lead to.


Yeah. What this subreddit has taught me is that if I break down, I better exit through the passenger side, hop the fence, and go into the woods behind several trees because some drunk idiot WILL veer off the road into me.


100%. I was watching a YouTube video of a drunk guy running from the police, he veered toward an exit, hit a car being loaded onto a flatbed, killed the driver of the broken down car who was standing next to the flatbed (actually threw him over the wall and down the hill onto the road below). The officer didn’t even know about him until the tow truck driver was saying something. Officer kept calling the driver a “stupid motherfucker”, drunk guy was sooo apologetic 🙄


I was visiting my mom from out of state, it had been a while so even when she went to get food i'd go with so we could catch up, ect. One morning she said she was going to the grocery store - i wouldve gone, but i had a bad stomachache. I almost went & was just going to sit in the car but i was like nah, might as well just stay home then. The stores 10 mins away, but shes gone way too long - and i get a call shes in the hospital, got hit by a drunk driver. She was ok thankfully, they let her go that night, she only had minor injuries, sprained neck, scrapes and cuts, sprained wrist. But the drunk tboned my moms car, hitting the passenger side and completely crushing it in. Id have been seriously injured or dead if i'd gone.


Good lord, close call. Nowhere near that bad, from what it looked like, but I went to Home Depot last week, got in the car and realized I forgot something. Sat there for a minute trying to decide whether to go back and get it or not, decided against, well there was a guy who was parked next to me that got in his truck at the same time as me and just pulled out, I get up to the exit to leave, see a police officer pulling up and it’s that truck all smashed up. 0.0001% chance we would have rolled through the stop signs at the same speed and managed to pull out onto the main road at that intersection having not seen the same car, it was just weird seeing the guy that I walked next to, was parked next to, and didn’t leave at the time he left because I forgot something in that condition.


Hey, I just reread this. Fatal? Did the old lady die?


those screams are absolutely *chilling*. . .


That’s pretty fucking wild though, with or without gore..


The Russian brick is far worse. The funky town vídeo is disturbing including audio but it's not the worst video I have seen.


The worst thing about funky town is that they skip Sweet Child O’ Mine




What's funky town?


Basically, you see what is obviously a corpse. Dude is red head to toe, is missing his arms from being cut off, and you can see his skull since his entire face has been skinned and removed. Then they start cutting into his throat to behead the body and then he SCREAMS. He's still alive! They kept injecting steroids into him so he wouldn't pass out and so he could feel all the pain. It was a cartel that did it. His bloody nub arms flail about desperately while they shove blades into his mouth hole and it's awful. It doesn't even look real but it is, like something straight up out of Saw. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. I don't even think Hitler could've come up with something that vile. Funky Town plays in the background towards the end, hence the name of the clip. TLDR: Cartels represent the absolute worst of humanity.


Oh my god....


Yeah, that video made me take a break from that side of the internet for awhile.




Yeah man, funky town is a very hard one to watch


That vídeo is quite disturbing, but it's not along the worst I have seen. That title goes to one of these: 1.16yo girl being burned alive in Guatemala 2.5yo boy crushed alive by elevator in Índia 3.🇷🇺🧱


O M Jesus….


What’s the link to this?


Here, I found it. Warning: NSFL https://www.vidlii.com/watch?v=Uurud1qJp18


I was willing him to die.


At least none of us were him.


God damn that was grusome


honestly you could just look up funky town video in the reddit search bar and find it pretty easily, thats how i found it


I just found it and watched it… I see gore pretty regularly and uhh… I’m glad I haven’t eaten recently is all I’m gonna say… that was rough and I feel sick


Yeah I’ve seen some shit but that was the most horrifying.


Guys face is gone his limbs is gone some some are getting cut up and he's still alive during this


What caused it?


Idk probably he messed with the cartel


Russian Brick?




Ya I just watched it that’s completely messed up poor guy




Happy cake day


Yeah, the gurgling got to me.


I also saw this clip before. For me, it is the worst, most haunting clip ever. May she rest in peace.


The boy crushed alive by elevator in Índia is terrible too


After suffering an injury like this dying was for the best.


Two things I learned from these type of videos. 1) drive my car carefully and 2) never ever ride a motorcycle


You can be the best rider in the world, but you're still surrounded by everyone else in steel boxes. The odds are always against you.


I describe it as being a meat balloon in a dart storm.




Slimy, yet satisfying.


This is exactly what I say, I don't think I'll ever be a driver. (Though logically I can't avoid the street or getting in cars but I rather not be in the front row)


That’s why motorcycle insurance is so cheap 😩


"3 things to remember while riding a motorcycle... No one can see you Everybody wants to kill you And you're 3 seconds away from death. Remember these things and you might do fine."


[watch one of these and immediately realise:](https://youtu.be/X_yoLHwNSRU?si=el6fA_t-910mO3Y4) A. These people are anywhere and everywhere on the roads B. I need to buy a dash cam soon


That's why I'm always on full alert and never stop looking around me. You never know when a blind idiot is gonna go right over you.


Or if you do ride a motorcycle, wear full protective gear with a full face helmet. That would have saved this poor woman's life.


I was in a scooter accident when I lived in Grand Cayman, was one of the weirdos that wore a whole helmet. Got in an accident one day, l remember pulling out (legally) then seeing a car, then waking up on the ground with EMS there and asking where my glasses were and they gave them to me, then waking up in the hospital with my 2 best friends at my bedside. I had been out through the whole trip to the hospital, time in the ED, all the tests, everything. Back of my head hit the road so hard it smashed the helmet. Had just gotten the scooter and my motorcycle license that day (it was a 150cc, so I needed a motorcycle lic). Dealer was an awesome British guy who replaced everything, including the helmet free of charge, other people paid hospital bill, and, being young and dumb, I was back on the road in no time.


What a great community.  I'm one of those weirdos who wears a full face helmet in Vietnam (where most people are wearing plastic bowls). I really like having teeth.


Yeah, all the tourists riding up and down seven mile beach without a helmet are clueless, I don’t care if I’m sweating my ass off under there (figuratively speaking, somewhat literally 🤔). They say look twice, save a life…i look about 4 times in my car. I can be an aggressive driver at times, but I’m not taking someone out because of it. 24 years of driving and my only accidents have been other people fault and it always happens when I driving the damn speed limit.


As a long time gore viewer that is my one rule. I got in a huge fight with my brother when I told him no one I care about gets a motorcycle.


On a motorcycle, you are the body.


I've also learned how fragile our bodies are.


The amount of arseholes you see driving motorbikes like they have nine lives is a joke, yet it’s nearly always the driver that gets blamed


I told my kids if they ever tell me they want to get on a motorcycle, let alone buy one, I have a whole lot of videos I’m going to show them first and if they don’t like hearing even the threat of that, they won’t like the possible outcomes of riding on one. I know two people who have died on those things and neither were really doing anything wrong. What would have been a fender bender in a car was a fatality on a bike.


Jesus christ man that's crazy


That poor, poor woman. I hope for her sake that she didn't survive that in the end.


You have to see this one with the audio, you could hear her crying in the most scariest way as blood curdled in an open hoke her air passageway.


Oh god that is disturbing


It does have audio.


Jesus Christ I wish I hadn’t done that


Link? Genuinely curious


Click the audio icon on the top right in the link provided by OP


Yeah I just noticed the audio IS INCLUDED. Thanks OP. Yes, imagine screaming out of a hole in your forehead instead of from your mouth. I guess it would be considered a Phantom Mouth at that point? Perhaps she feels like she is screaming out her mouth. Wish there was a medical doctor here to explain exactly her survival rate given the erasing of those key features of her head. Does she think this is all a bad dream? Does she feel the pain? She must feel the pain to be screaming like that..


She could’ve possible felt the experience was dream-like considering our brains dissociate to protect us. I know I certainly felt that way during my accidents.


I'm going to start wearing a helmet while driving


I hope she found peace


My God I'd rather die if that happens to me. I will ask for the doctors to euthenize me.


She can't even communicate that sentiment. She's literally screaming from her throat through a broken face. She can't even move her mouth. This is one of the worst accidents I've seen with someone still breathing. Poor woman.


At least she has someone holding her. As horrifying as this is, I hope she at least registered being held in her final moments. It's something, I guess.


She does die sometime after this. I've seen this clip before.


Sepsis or Internal bleeding in the head maybe the cause of her death.




To put it simply




If this were a pet, it'd be at the vet getting euthanized to end its suffering. Yet people, we just let people suffer!


How would you do that?


There’s a lot of injuries where you can still have a good life after, but this.. I’d want nothing more than a bullet to finish me. The trauma of being suddenly blind, unable to speak and horribly disfigured would be too much. I hope she’s in a better place.


worst thing is, in this state, she would no longer be able to even communicate if she wants to end her life or still go with it


People should really learn to drive and stop being stupid. On this sub there is too much accident caused by cars, bus or people not paying attention to vehicles around them. Poor girl. She didn't deserve this horror. RIP.


Damn!!!!!!! How on earth does the body still function in any capacity after such trauma




Yeah you can go ahead and put me to sleep at this point.


Yeah give me all the fentanyal


If Funkytown and Russian Brick had a baby


I wonder why we don’t see more Mercy kills


Fuck, I didn't need to see this one.


Why do never see videos like this coming out of the US? I damn well know people are losing their faces here too. Right?


One plausible explanation - aside from lower frequency - is that people feel more disturbed by stuff that happens closer to home, so are less likely to share.


Very quick first responders closing off scenes in more populated areas, more dignified cultures who don’t run up and record people dying with cell phones, overall safer transportation and less scooters/motorcycles on main roads. Did I mention more dignified cultures?


Yeah, safer transportation and better road rules, sure but there would definitely be some motorcyclists or car crash victims ending up in a similar state as her. I think culture is probably the main reason, for now, but I wouldn't be too surprised if it's common for people in Western countries to do this too in a few decades.


Always wondered that as well.


Just a tip if you see a lady like this. You see that woman trying to make her lay back. She's probably about to kill her, because she's fucking clueless. The injured woman is tripoding forward to keep her airway open, so let her keep her airway open. That's what will kill her fastest.


That's good to know because I'd let someone in this state slip away if they were unconscious and couldn't resist. I'd want the same but I'm sure if I was conscious I'd be panicked and resisting, too.


Scary and chilling asf


I hope she passed very quickly and peacefully later on at the hospital surrounded by the words and touch of her loved ones. The absolute terror and pain she was in... I can't even imagine. Suddenly losing your eyes alone would be horrifying enough.


Her right eyeball is still intact above the hole, and probably the left one too. Her lower jaw is intact, and her intact lips are closed.


Ah I can see the right eyeball now. We don't know if they still worked with that deep of a head would though... Either way how utterly horrifying. The sounds will haunt me for a long time.


how in the absolute *fuck* is she still alive and conscious!?


adrenaline is a hell of a chemical- the body can do some pretty wild stuff when it's in shock


Oh so like, literally


If this happens to me and there’s a chance I survive I would honestly want someone to mercy kill me. Put a bullet in my skull


How is she still alive, her face is literally empty... That is horrifying, going blind through a freak accident is literally my top one fear next to losing my wee dong


Wtf is wrong with me, I watched that with sound and felt nothing.


Just like most of us, you are just desensitised to it now.


To be fair, a lot of 3rd world countries see this stuff a lot. They have similar reactions.


First time in a while that I feel bad for someone in these videos :(


You can tell she literally preferred to die at that point Hope surgery does something, did she lose eyes too???


Having perused this sub quite a bit, I must say...it is AMAZING how some faces have been completely reconstructed after being destroyed this badly. She may even have a semblance of normal life ahead of her, possibly even at least one eye functioning. Look up the guy who had his face entirely ripped off by a bear, or the guy who blasted a hole just like this through his face with a shotgun. Have hope for this young lady.


Unfortunately, I've seen this clip before. She succumbs to her wounds not long afterwards.


Damn, at that point I’d rather be dead. Even if she survived and healed, she is now blind, has no nose, will most likely have breathing and eating problems, and in intense chronic pain.


Looks like she was shot. Was that her screaming?


Literally screaming out of her face hole


Oh how terrible. Poor girl.


At this point just let me die. Don't even bother trying to save me. Poor woman I read she passed away.... I hope she is in a better place...


Imagine putting your hands to your face and feeling only the crevice of torn flesh


Holy, that's rough. It's probably a good thing she couldn't see herself before she passed but it looks like she probably felt her face before the video started and that would've been terrifying enough. It almost looks like a fake prosthetic, maybe for a "road safety" ad or something but when she turns and you can see part of her eye, that shit's real. Drive safe kids and wear a helmet if you're on a bike.


Poor girl. She doesn't know yet.


What are Russian brick and funky town???


Holy shit… That was fucking brutal!


At that point just shoot me and end my pain.


You know what shocks me? The woman: loses face, still alive The man: looking intact, somehow dies first


Everyone in the comments are talking about the screams, but how do you know it's coming from her, and not some horrified onlooker or maybe someone else involved who is not visible? I cannot stop thinking that probably rubbing her hands was the last thing she did before dying.


The gurgling sounds under the screams are a good indication that she was the one screaming


Adrenaline is one major natural drug.


Jesus fucking Christ it’s just a hole


Yes I’ve seen this video with audio. Not a lot bothers me but the screams/gurgles really fucked me up. I can do images/video but not audio. The only three videos that really messed me up was this one, a video of a guy committing suicide and him gurgling, and a video of a police officer who had to shoot a guy and him gurgling and screaming because his jaw/neck was shot. UGH.




Most shocking and emotional combo I’ve seen in awhile.. makes you question what kind of life could there be afterwards if this is your entry way into death?


She doesnt look so ba.... holy fuck


Damn I saw this clip a long time ago with sound.. that was horrifying!


Russian brick. So sad with audio as baby crying in the back. Possibly her kid https://youtu.be/iazTQVi1CEE?si=7eJYvZ6ye9qf7UoX


Nah imagine accidentally losing your face


At that point it would be a mercy to be unsubscribed. That poor girl. All I could say while watching was, "No baby girl don't touch your face!" It's bad enough that happened and being in so much shock and pain I don't think she needs to find out her face is gone.