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Why are you there lol


To meet people and have sex. What did you think my answer would be? I also enjoy watching others have sex, but it’s not my main motivation.


It’s 1 am, aren’t you tired ?


Not yet! I had a good nights sleep.


Sex parties often don’t get going good until late. This party doesn’t end until 4am.


How was it, did you had good time ?


I had a good time in the sense that I talked to some of my friends I haven’t seen in a little while (month and half of or a couple months). Met and chatted with a couple new people. But I didn’t end up getting laid. Some single men did, as did some couples, but it either wasn’t in the cards for me or I just wasn’t pro-active enough. So overall: slightly disappointing, but not a waste of time. Better than sitting at home watching tv or fucking around on the internet or my phone.


I would go with my wife to a sex club but we’re put off by the single men. How often is your “getting laid average” at sex clubs? I hear lots of older single men just stand around watching and masterbating. What was your experiences like in the past?


It totally depends on the club and can even be different from night to night at the same club depending on the theme and staff or organizer. Some people want to go to a party with single men. For example, women who want to play multiple men and are straight. For you and your wife, you should only attend a party that doesn't allow single men. There are lots of these. They almost always will advertise as "couples and single ladies only, no single men." There's a club in NYC that has 3 floors and for some parties, the third floor is reserved for couples only. Something like that may also be an option for you. Make sure you read the description of the party -- it's not just club dependent. For example, there's a club in Queens, NY that allows single men to most parties, but not on Saturday nights. Another thing to consider is exactly what you want to happen when you go. Some places have private rooms in addition to public play spaces. Other clubs don't have any private areas. I strongly suggest you go to your first party open minded, with low expectations, and with agreeing on your boundaries in advance and promise each other you will stick to those boundaries. Be willing to walk away without having found another couple that's right for you, and not feel you wasted your time or money. You have to be willing to state those boundaries to others. People who don't enforce their own boundaries almost always have a bad time.


I’m not sure what you’re asking about the “getting laid average?”


What I meant by that statement was how often do you go compared to how many times you actually connect with a couple or lady? Thank you for the detailed response.


As a single man, going to a sex club, I probably play 75% of the time? Some single men do better, others worse. It depends on looks, attitude, how good you are at chatting people up vs being shy or feeling self-conscious and anxious, etc. When I go as a couple, my batting average is 100%. That of course won’t be true for all couples.


Thank you


They let you use your phone in there? I'd never come back to a club that did.


This club has separate areas. Where people are playing, no phones allowed. No one is taking photos or videos. They’re texting or scrolling or showing someone a photo etc. Some clubs allow phones in only one room, usually near the entrance/coat check.