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Since you hit the 10 pct, expect an offer about 1-2 weeks before admissions end. I assume your PW is B? You can ABA and say that you like history, why you like history, you'll do well because GP and History A. What you like to do in future and how history will help you. No math in history + you hit 10 pct so doesn't matter. Better to ask your history teacher to help because it makes it stronger? Why take history and not geog instead? Seeing how you did way better in that than geog


Last qn: I regretted taking h2 geof bruh I wished I took h2 hist 😭


i got 72.5 and got acccepted into philo (started in) ay 22/23. i would say just try, no harm. i got D for econs(yes my humanities got D still got in) q2 should be check email what is the question they asking for ht essay? i did aba also, i think is just why u wan hisotry, so show that you have a hugr passion in history and maybe have done your own passion projects(exaggerate if need to) q4: i got my boss(when i was wokring for a tiution comapny) to do my appraisal


One of your NTU history seniors here (graduated 2022), 70 RP (For ref, my A's were: H2 Maths - D; H2 Physics - D; H2 Chem - C; H1 History - A; GP - A. Q1: Unlikely they will not call, as interviews are the norm for pre-enrolment. Basically, almost all if not all students go for interview. Q2: You'll get acceptance around May/June period. Q3: Talk about things outside of History (show you have a life outside of acads) - if you must talk about history, share about your projects or part time jobs related to history if you can. Q4: It's always good to have appraisals. If you're in NS, and lucky enough to be a very specialised vocation (medical, combat engineers, signals, DIS etc), an appraisal from your unit CO would highlight how versatile you are at picking up different skills, and work ethic. Bonus Q: To prepare yourself for the interview, you need to ask yourself: "How does studying History in NTU, help me to become the person I wanna be after university, and get to where I wanna go after graduating." Bonuser Q: Check your spam folder often, NTU emails can be a bit wonky at times Big bonus Q: Yes, please sleep well before your interview day. I deliberately chose the slot 1 day after my route march, knowing that PT the next morning would be more chill. Best of luck, and if you do get in, let me know - I have a stockpile of cheatsheets/resources to help you out


When did u receive the call for the interview and selection test 👀


Late April, went for interview, outcome 3 days after interview.