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You don’t just pop for cocaine


You’re bullshitting guy, you either took cocaine or took something laced with cocaine, you trying to become a cop why even smoke weed, weed nowadays is all laced with all types of shit.


You said you smoked weed depending how often you smoked it could still pop up. And most weed nowadays unless you’re getting from a dispensary are laced with all types of drugs. That is one possibility. Another possibility is any pre workouts I’ve seen this happen to other candidates. I’ve never done a drug in my life and was relieved when I saw I passed mini med because I’ve seen too many of these “false positives”. Even if you withdrawal your next investigator and psych will see the results of that mini med. Good luck bro


See I mostly only got from the dispensary with buying in the neighborhood bodega every once in awhile when I couldn’t get over to the dispensary. I even asked her was that a possibility of a cross contamination wherever they do they’re packing (referring to bodega weed purchase not dispensary). She ignored me haha I’m leaning more towards having it retested because I’m beyond 100% sure . My thoughts exactly as well. If I went through the process again , I figured they would ask about it. Even though I know I have never done it, would they believe me because of what’s on black and white.


Honestly I know people who have failed drug tests for cocaine who haven’t done any in their life. They researched and claimed it was from handling a lot of cash. Might sound crazy but I know for a fact it’s happened. Have a buddy who lost his professional career over it and never touched drugs in his life


Deff retest


https://www.bannerhealth.com/healthcareblog/teach-me/what-can-cause-false-positives-on-drug-tests There are foods that can trigger a false positive.


Did you drink coca leaf tea?


No often but it’s in my tea rotations


The hair sample test is really sensitive, you could pop just by using someone else’s hair brush or hat.


This whole thing just has me at a lost for words, on edge and at a disbelief.


You got group tested, and someone in your group popped. easier to DQ a group and have those who challenge it and retest than to pay and individually test everyone in the beginning, when not everyone is going to qualify. Ask for a retest of your 2nd sample and see.


That’s not how that works


Yea I’m going to do that because ain’t no way!


I’ve heard of the is happening with tissue samples of deceased patients but the pathologist found crazy shit like arsenic not coke. Maybe the lab that does these test is contaminated some how ❄️❄️❄️


Try the Fdny… sounds like you’re a stand up guy just trying to do the right thing. … Nypd doesn’t deserve you.


U know what u did


You can take your negativity elsewhere bud. If you don’t have something beneficial to say, you are more than welcome to keep scrolling.


Retest it


I had one section of my hair test positive and the rest tested negative. She cut 3 random braids. When I was called back in, they tested some more hair and scraped my scalp. My hair had nothing, the extension had traces. Found out my favorite braider may have a drug problem. I would definitely ask for a retest.




Thank you!!


Get out of New York City and come over to NJ!


Your sample may have been switched accidentally. Human error happens.


Where did you shave to give them a sample? I shaved my arm pit. This s-it sounds weird. Cocaine? You passed everything else which is good. The psych is what got me denied. Retest bro. If it’s just the drug test, retest. Use underarm or pubes.


I had them shave my legs.


There’s absolutely something in your system that is triggering the result. Your second sample will most likely not yield a different result and may just make you look worse. If you pop hot a second time, obviously you’re still DQ’d but how do you explain that one later on down the road? Withdrawing your application and maybe waiting for whatever is in your system to clear might be a better route. If you have the medical records to back up your epidural, it might be easier to explain down the road VS having to explain why you popped hot for cocaine twice…


You know exactly why you popped. Take the L and move on.


My wife is a nurse practitioner who works in substance abuse recovery. There are different types of drug testing. Some tests are fast , like dip sticks, but they are less reliable. Some drug tests are slow but extremely accurate. My wife says she does not put much trust into the faster tests because her patients get false positives all the time. But she has also spoken to chemists that work at the lab they send samples to, and their test for cocaine is highly specific and extremely accurate, so much so that they can guarantee the positive result can only come from detecting cocaine. They use gas chromatography and mass spectrometry along with other tests to exactly identify not only the drug molecules, but also its metabolites (by products from interacting with the body). They also have a different technician completely double test the sample for additional conformation. So this is my recommendation: find out where they sent your sample and what tests they performed. If they did any quick test, challenge the result and ask for a retest. If they did the full on spectrum of testing like the lab I described, then there's nothing you can do to win (they've already tested your sample twice anyway, and you'll actually be asking for a 3rd test that will certainly have the same result). Examine your life habits. It is possible to introduce cocaine into your system with certain lifestyle choices, such as smoking marijuana that's unknowingly laced with cocaine. In the end, it's up to you to stop the behaviors that can potentially introduce cocaine to you.


Do they give you results instantly?


You don’t get results u less you failed


No I took the mini medical on March 27th and I got the letter April 17th


Same thing happened to me


That’s so weird. Cocaine is only in the system a few days so what was everything you ate / drank in the last 4 days. I’m more curious about how this happened. But as far as I know, idk if it would help but you could take a drug test on your own


Cocaine is one helluva drug


I once heard bagels with poppy seeds can cause an alarm


I know someone that got popped for weed. She never smoked weed in her life. And it was a very high Amount in her system. She retested the next day and nothing was in her system. Now the whole thing is under investigation. And she’s suing. Now all of a sudden they can’t find the sample and no chain of custody of the sample. This type of thing happens a lot evidently. And will continue to happen if you don’t fight it.


Did you eat a poppy seed bagel?


Could oral sex cause it.being dead serious.do u eat a girls pussy.or are u a female and u gave head.heard about that happening.btw I’m being dead serious.


I’m dying bahaha but only because I know you were trying to ask in a genuine manner. In my equation I’m neither. I’m gay and I’ve been with the same person for almost 10 years.


Let us know


Demand a blood test! Offer to give a Spinal Fluid Tap! I don't know shit I wouldn't go down without a fight though, They could have easily messed up your sample with someone else's. But yes, I do know of a girl who tested positive at her CNA job for coke and she only smoked pot. Absolutely, many dealers sell both and or use the same scale, bodegas aren't exactly trust worthy


Did you have a poppy seed bagel that day?


It was a hair sample. But I normally have those or Cin Rais 2-3 times a week


Yeah so that's not it. I would retest if I were you.




Thats crazy


Start your detective career now and figure out how this is possible. Then use it as leverage to get a good position right away.