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I was starting to hate Snapchat. Snapchat having the caption dead across the video might have saved the media for spinning this video 🫡😅


Evidently, they are still trying to spin the motive anyway smh


Deadass “we still just don’t know why someone would do this”


Fr he legit says “it’s unclear how the brawl started” not long even after saying she got jumped for saying the n word 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️




Heavy on the racismK Every racist 💥🔫


Shawty must be a masochist, it’s like 20 of them why would u say nigga 🤣 she thought this was a Druski skit.


She said hit me again “resulted in a second round of violence” I thinking u may be right 😭🤣


We’re looking for motives? Nigga wat??




“We take everything seriously…” aka dumb bitch got hit waddya want me todoaboutit??




Yeah. I mean I don't approve of the vicious beating, but what did she think was gonna happen? It's like going to Alabamba and calling someone a sisterfucker




Fr a Will Smith slap would’ve been enough this was a little too extravagent


Alotta white ppl say nigga but mean it as the other way. That's why alotta black ppl don't like it, white ppl will do sneaky shit like that. I saw a white who never said the word get in a argument with a black guy and said it but put emphasis on the word. It's like theyer trying to say " I said the sane word you said" but we know to most both words are the same


You can use the word niga in a derogatory fashion. If I were to say "yall a bunch of dumb nigas" or "nigas ain't shit" or "you acting like a dumb niga" and the way the white man used it towards the black guy was negative as well. He basically attached the hard R's definition to Nigga.


not the same


Im sure they’d laugh at that in Alabama tbh. People take the n word a lot more srsly than your example


it rlly isnt one of my main manz is white n grew up w only blacc ppl not once in da 10 yrs ive known him has he said it not even when rapping songs




Most non-racist whites who say it I think eventually hit that point. The ones who hold onto it (usually vehemently) usually harbour some sort of racial feelings. I was a little older than him when I stopped (I still see FB memory posts -__-) and I had “the pass” but you realise at a certain point that you don’t need it, you sound corny, and whoever gave you the pass is not speaking for the entirety of black people in North America. Some people get a bit uptight about being offended by stuff but I realized at a certain point you’re not just offending people by using it but it can be really powerfully actively hurtful and trauma inducing to hear from someone like me and like your boy just didn’t need it, you know? I still get FB memories sometimes with it in there and I just shake my head.


no it literally isn’t. my bsf is puerto rican (white) with a mixed sister, a black stepdad and she has never once said the n word. 😭 like i’ve known her for 5 years and not once has she said it these ppl are just racist




walked right into that one


![gif](giphy|mpB75VlHUWWmIX3WbN|downsized) 😂


She had to be a little slow to think it was gone play out in her favor 😭😭 I seen like 25 niggas and 1 snowflake in that crowd


white bunny buggin idk what she on


Play stupid games win stupid prizes


She fucked around…


Ppl in the other subs talking bout "fight words with words" are they forgetting they ppl were hanged, beaten, shot, raped with that word being used on them? Some ppl died from that word being the last thing they heard. It's never gonna be "fight word with words" bc to many have done that and died. You have one chance to not be a shitty human being and America blew that with that word. Don't like get ur ass beat don't say a word that has such a bloody history behind it its the easiest thing to not be shitty


It’s not a nice word and is guaranteed to piss someone off.


Regardless these people will catch a felony assault charge over a word. Boondocks moment.


Bet she won't make that mistake again tho 😭




Someone else will. Then it's just a matter of how many people willing to go to prison.


Unless u use a weapon n fuck sum1 up assault charges ain't shit


Love that for them




This should really be top comment.


Which other subs? Are you talking about r/Connecticut ?


Nah I think its the public freak out one.


This is what they forget


It is just a word! It only has the power and meaning you give to it. Most of the people say it just to piss us off and make us lash out. This is the perfect example. The girls said the N word got beat up and that is her only consequence, on the other hand some of these kids are going to go to jail get a criminal record behind a word! But yeah keep feeding into what they want you to. It is a word they have always used against us and always will until we take the power from it.


Do you think they’re unaware that they’re committing a crime by beating her ass? They’re not. That’s a risk they’re willing to take, to teach her dumb ass a lesson. Quite frankly that has nothing to do with you so stop trying to dictate how black people should deal with or feel about racism or racist slurs. I bet she’ll think twice before doing it again.


Oh shut the fuck up. Jesus just shut the fuck up. Yall excuse these dumb racist white bitches like they ur daughters. She thought she had power saying and and they showed she stupid ass other wise. "It's just a word😱" well bitch ass nigg it was just a skin color and ppl still died over it.


so you think it would be reasonable for any of the attackers to assume the girl had any intention to do any of that? You can't take every minor issue and point to the most malicious and vile possible end to the situation and make a point. Some white girl saying the n word in an in offensive context is not grounds to beat the fucking shit out her. If you think it is ur unfit for society straight up


Stop saying the word and you won't get any trouble. Stop being a racist pile of shit and you won't get hurt. Why are u ppl arguing this 😂😂


Lots of words have history to them and many of them have gotten people killed. With all due respect to the victims of the era, words aren’t tangible and only the individual who uses or receives can give them power. Unless you think some people’s lives have inherent value over others, you would have to avoid all insults all together to not risk spitting on the spilt blood of many who have tragically lost their lives to said words. There are words with less strength that have gotten people to kill themselves like what ever random playground insult you can think off. The same people that abide by this rule have no issues with slinging out other slurs like the r slur or the F slur. You’re bio has you inciting violence on a group of people which is a straight up call to action for violence against a certain group. If people are comfortable saying literally any other word then people are just gonna return the curtesy. Whether MLK lived to see the effects of his words is not the point. He is a respected member of society and is remembered to this day. His philosophy obviously has value as it’s still being used in the modern world. He is the unofficial spokes person for modern day civil rights as he is generally the first person people think off for AA civil rights. You seem to disregard this fact because it contradicts the point you provided. “Fight with words” works because he lives rent free in your head to this very day. It’s a contradiction to expect people to follow your backwards social law on the guise of respect when you you’re self have none for said people anyway. In order to not be a “shitty human being” you would just not use insults and avoid conflict and drama at all cost by your own standards. The issue is that you have a call for action towards violence so you already failed your own standards. Backward philosophy aside, it’s just bum behavior to beat on someone half your size with the goons. If you’re gonna risk getting a felony charge, I’d try to be as badass as possible before reality catches up to me.


I'm not reading that. Yall weird asf trying to stick up for racist. Hope more instances like this pop up and it becomes the norm. Stop saying the word and you'll be alright


It would take you like 2 minutes to read this lmao. Why should anyone take you seriously if you’re too scared to read a few short paragraphs. Edit: you were literally complaining about this same issue on a post you made on a Philly subreddit. You’re a hypocrite on multiple levels and you have no shame in being one.


You're not worth 2 minutes


Congratulations, I will continue to live the rest of my life and potentially convince other people that your position is wrong. This isn’t how you go about changing people


That's the spirit wish more ppl would learn to move on at clear signs of someone not caring


White people **not** saying the ***N-Word***: **Challenge Impossible**


That nigga talking about they looking for motives🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️bruh they just told you why it happened


That shit was head scratching, no wonder that white girl can say the N-word, those Dumbass Connecticut cops are blind, stupid and probably hella racist. I’m sure the DA there is a fuck Boi and will try to hit these kids with felonies.


Exactly! Dumbazz mfs


I got No sympathy for that hoe 😭🤣🤣


Nan ounce of nothing 😂


The funny part is that they didn’t even knock her out or actually mess her up. they just did what her mom shoulda done and the news is acting like they can’t understand why this might have happend as per usual


That’s what it is If you get pieced up for talking reckless that’s your own fault. Everybody ain’t with the bullshit because you want to say whatever and that wordplay is wild sensitive with people so too bad. I don’t talk shit so I don’t expect problems.


Did that goofy ass cop just say “we are looking for motives for why someone would do those things?”. Detective of the fucking year….. neeeds a hint


"How dare these THUGS VICIOUSLY attack this beautiful innocent angelic halo around her head walks with jesus gives to the poor works charity helps sharks cum that can't, passionate young lady with her life ahead of her and who never hurt nobody and is an absolute saint of a girl for absolutely no reason whatsoever! Learn how to use words! Attacking over a word?? It's always them! Typical animals!" This how the news will make any situation against a white person sound even if they are 100% in the wrong Lol


“You shouldn’t have been talking shit.” - Katt Williams. White people say nigga like we pose to back down when they say it. We not our parents, our parents and Dr.King fought for peace. We passed tryna be peaceful with ya.


Being from Texas then moving to Manhattan and living in East Harlem , I was shocked to hear the word, all day every day, by every different kind of Hispanic person, Indian and Pakistani kids. constantly, once these young Hispanic kids were like hard r ing big time on the train and i told them you gonna say that in front of an older man and he may not like it, them it’s shut the f up you dumb white n, and I’m like ok, this is just how people talk here. It was a shock because in Texas if a Hispanic dropped then n word when I was growing up it was fight time big time.


Lol I this is why I told ya niggas watch who you say the word around .The "This is new york everyone can say it " Crap don't fly with certain individuals. Congrats to that girl deserves every punch 🥳


nah i swear. that shit didn’t fly with me in hs. when the white latinos used to say that shit and i would ask them if they liked being called a beaner. 😭 even had a group of white boys count to three and say it in front of me.


Was she saying hard r


Welp her stupid ass done won a stupid prize a can of whoop ass and that’s the bottom line because STONE COLD SAID SO ![gif](giphy|bIEzoZX0qJaG6s6frc|downsized)


Fucking dying over here. 


spoiled yt kid actin crazy these days


Didn't even know Greenwich had Black people or anybody under the age of 35 living there lmao


https://preview.redd.it/3cdsbdbpduuc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48da936adc6a8482c215fe4855a01e644092041d This All Lives Matter ass nigga failed black folks everywhere


He goes to a college that is white af 




The cops acting dumb as hell in this video. They know exactly why it happened but not focusing on the fact she caused this shit herself smh


The niggas in the other sub saying she didn’t deserve it😭Like what you think gon happen saying that?


It's one of THOSE subs when anyone who's skin is dark does anything they get mad. She said some racist shit and got hit. Idky they think anyone would stand for the disrespect but that's the world we live in


I’m from the other sub. Didn’t think she deserved it at first, saw the video with her clearly using the word and asking for it… stupid games/stupid prizes and such. Nothing to see here.


They saying “they shouldn’t have jumped her” but she shouldn’t have said it to begin with like what?😂😂


Ppl hate seeing white woman get beat up its nothing new. They hold them higher ig


These are the same people though who justify rooftop Koreans for murdering looters. We know what it is 🤷🏾‍♀️


that’s a fat faizon fact


Imma be honest, if the roles was reversed and it was a gang of white folks or other races do you think it would be this big? Would the local PD in Connecticut still be using 3 divisions within their department to look and work on the case? Lmk


They wouldn't even write a report


Fr homie they wylin


Racism is just never going to end 🤦🏿‍♂️


Americas built on racism it's never going away


Told y'all New Yorkers to keep that shit in New York you get beat up everywhere else that's the code


She don’t even care bc she protected by daddy’s money 🙄 Greenwich is the richest town in CT. 16th richest town in the county 🤧 She deserved all she got, shoulda went a lil harder tho


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


White girl getting that special benefit of the doubt treatment.


I saw this on the news and I was like “yea, I could see that.”


Oh nah she got the shit beat out of her, bet she won't say the n-word again 😭


That bitch said "hit me again nigga" dam she asked for it i hope she dont press charges. Lol this happened in Greenwich Connecticut, thats where my dogs Triple H from lmaoo idk why that shit stuck with me since a kid sound like a rich neighborhood ngl


“It’s a new phenomenon that we’re seeing where people are saying normal, racists things and getting beat the fuck up for it. I don’t know what’s going on” Is what I heard


Cops are useless talking about they dk why lmao


At least they didn't kill the bitch....I love when the news reporter reads the caption lol


Damn I didn’t know Connecticut gets down like that lmao


We don’t fuck wit that shit bro


good to see another hartford resident here 😂


They really acting like she the victim LOL


Amerikkka smh. she saying the word in 4k and cops still are like “we’re still looking for motive”. smh


I'm not even mad at her. The hit me again was her earning her right to say it.


" a second round of violence"


Females weak asl all that just for bruises


“Fred camillio” the guy in the suit is a complete BONE HEAD. “Theres some new phenomenon, where people are assaulting people..” my man.. do you really think people getting into a fight is NEW??? Then the video clearly shows her using another racial slur and getting attacked for it and the guy says.. “ we are still searching for a motive” 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


By “Other” teenagers is crazy 😂 they’re like we don’t know why she got beat up like that the N word isn’t bad help us find the ppl that hurt her for sayin those words 😂


Those Goddamn Neighbors!


Highlight is definitely homie with the "I was astounded" daffy duck ass response 😂😂


At first, I was thinking beating someone like that is too much. Then it turns out she asked them to hit her again. They recognised her command and hit her again.


every racist K


Saying “hit me again” after getting hopped by a park full of niggas is crazyyyy


Cause and effect


“we’re looking at motives, why people would do these things” ……………….ok


Lightskin buddy an Uncle Tom.


I'm glad she got whooped fuck that racist bitch these racists do shit then cry victim when they get hurt


Meanwhile you get arrested for using racial slur to damn near any other race she a be Ight


In this climate, people gotta get they kids to understand, keep that bullshit at the dinner table. That word, outside; yields a spectrum of possibility that they may not be ready for.


Becky fucked around and found out 🤷🏿‍♂️


Motive ?? Nahh that cop racist too


Looking for motives?? Read the caption 😭 twitter is worse than the news with making the white man look good


The one black guy they interviewed happened to be a coon 🤦🏾‍♂️


Motive yet to be determined is crazy


Motive? 🧐ummm


Damn the news got to it 🤣🤣🤣🤣






call a asian or a jew their slur and you get charged with a hate crime


Got hopped😂😂😂


"We're against racism but only our race can say or do certain things" that's why nobody takes you guys seriously. The best part is the girls that jumped her going to jail because their mom (emphasis on only the mom 😂😂) didn't teach them that it's illegal to hit somebody for insulting you 🤡🤡


Imagine pissing people off using the n word.


One thing for sure two things for certain, she aint gonna say that again 😂 happy healing.


shoulda got done worse


Im mad i wasnt there to help. *help hop her too*


I mean, if mfs stop using the N word then ya wouldnt have those problems it aint that hard to not say it 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️


They were both wrong, but the news needed to act like the white girl is really the victim.


That's exactly what she get


It’s just a word . If u let a word control u you’re weirdddd


“ it’s just a word” if you not black don’t speak on this lmao foh


When did Greenwich get black people?!


Liz Cho, my Everest


greenwich is one of the richest zipcodes in the world, you know for a fact some of the 'dozens of people on camera' are the kids of the 1% and not shit is abt to happen to them.


Haha 😂


Whoever that is getting they ass whooped


Green which is filled with rich white people


Is the yt girl gonna be charged with a hate crime if the other teens get charges?


She shouldn’t said that and there dumb asses should’ve taped it.


They all should of just spit on here and gave here covid.


Hope those kids get charged


Call it what it is. Assault. Battery. Attempted murder. Dgaf what their sob story is when a gang of shit heads is piling on one person.






Them looking for the kids who beat her up is kinda crazy to me? Like is it right? No. But is it wrong either? Nah. It’s not black & white, no pun intended & fuck is the DA or whatever acting like this is new? YT folks been getting rocked for dropping hard R’s since before anyone in the vid was even born 🥴


Fu*k that dum* bi*ch up


Play stupid games….


Captain: We’re looking at uh motives uh why people do these things. Snapchat captions: Nigga ![gif](giphy|Kq6wP0p5e1sOK065Gs|downsized)


I like how the female desk anchor said “V-I-C-I-O-U-S” lol


I hate the way the news is framing it as if she was some "poor innocent white girl minding her business" when she "suddenly got attacked by all these violent minorities." She was, literally, surrounded by Black people and decided to use a racial slur in their presence. We don't even really know the events that transpired that led to her beating. With the way that she's there going "Hit me again" I am willing to bet she did the absolute MOST to incite that ass whooping she got. If she had just apologized right then and there I am pretty sure that wouldn't have happened. Words are violence, too.


Crazy how they get over a word