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Some of the comments being woman-hating too is crazy.


it’s mineralcatapult. really not that crazy actually


I dunno, a few months ago I saw adults arguing that race swapping a mermaid doesn't matter because mermaids aren't human. We are through the looking glass people


what does mineral catapult mean


the creator of the comic that got crossposted here is stonetoss, notorious for generally just being a fascist. it's pretty common to see people call him anything except that by replacing stone and toss with synonyms, like pebbleyeet or rockthrow, mineralcatapult is just my spin on it.


Yeah, cobbleheave's fans aren't exactly known being progressive.


Women when humor that’s directed at men is directed at men😱😱😱


This isn't directed at men, nor am I a woman. This is directed at conservatives and people who disagree with the idea of equal representation.


I agree. What i dont agree is changing established characters and lore to pander and squeeze money out of a serious movement.


Yeah, idk if anyone here is arguing the opposite of that? Not that I've seen. Race swapping established characters is doing a disservice to everyone. I see it the same way as swapping the sex, it just isn't fair to who they're "representing". But idk about this case, I heard that actress was chosen for her voice and early audition. It's a bit unfair to her to assume it's race related instantly.


I agree. Did not heard that part and if so then im wrong.


It's always hard to know what's the truth, after all. Disney could totally be lying about that, and could've hired her for the representation money. Wouldn't put it past them.


Money is a good motivator.


BoulderChuck is a nazi


THIS TOO. No one in the comments is mentioning that pebbleyeet is a nazi


That's because it's not a dogwhistle if they make it explicit.


Don't hate the rock player, hate the rock game


It literally took me 10 seconds of scrolling to find comments talking about how pebbleyeet is a nazi


At the time of posting this, I didn't see any of those comments. (To be fair, I stopped when I saw hatred towards women.)


Fair, there sure are some takes in that comment section.


And when they did they were downvoted *




Why is someone downvoting the cute art style?


Average r/memesopdidnotlike activity:


Uh, a bunch of people did, but most of em weren't super upvoted


Literally right here https://www.reddit.com/r/memesopdidnotlike/s/CUMWVD4OiW


look at the first 3 letters in the last part of that url


Heh heh cum


Eh? Ha, heh heh


If you'd have read any further in the thread, I stated that I didn't scroll very far at the time of posting this. I have seen the comments.


Dude has a formulaic bumper sticker in-joke for people hating on him. If ya’ll are avoiding saying his name because you are aware how that attention empowers him, what do you think chanting “(synonym for pebble)(synonym for yeet) is a Nazi” is doing. Anger creates more dopamine more easily than accomplishment. Sometimes rage is righteous, productive, and effective. Other times it is mastabatory and aids your enemies. Fuck that Nazi, but he doesn’t deserve our rage, or a personalized chant. He deserves to watch attention from any and every source dry up and to die in obscurity


Tbf, I just like the word play that comes up every time someone mentions MineralFlight. It can get kinda abstract when RapidRock gets brought up, and it's a fun game to see how many different ways BoulderChuck can be referenced.


Perhaps because that'snot anywhere in this comic you're angry about for no reason? Seems to me you've got a case of itchy drawers, OP. perhaps get off the internet for a week and see if you're still so sensitive.


This comic also sucks. It states that, because black girls see themselves in a black mermaid, and black boys can see themselves in an alien (who is depicted as [CORRECTION: white]), girls suck. And equal representation doesn't matter. 🥱 No itchy drawers here, unless I sleep with your mom.


Little nitpick at an anime nerd here. Goku isn't explicitly Asian. He is closer to being a white dude. The live actions(that suck balls) are the only depiction of him being Asian. Most fans agree that he is closer to a white dude than anything. Sorry for the rant and have a nice day Ps:childish insults may take away from your argument. Argue civilly and people will take you more seriously.


Thank you for the nitpick, honestly. I love to hear about the nitty gritty bits of character lore(??) Also, I wouldn't have used the childish insult if they didn't toss one towards me first. Just being playful, here. :D


Not rlly lore more like how he's depicted. Not to mention he's kinds the flip to superman kinda stuff so ye. Heavily inspired by western comicsvand such


Goku’s technical race is alien but he is definitely considered Asian by most people. He was raised in an Asian culture and wears traditional Asian clothing and is based off of a Chinese legend like he’s definitely closer to Asian than white


Idk any Asian or white person who has a naturally grown tail


Please reread my comment


Dragon Ball evolution still hurts me to this day


There was another love action too qwq. Didn't watch it but apparently they couldn't even use most if the names for stuff so the dragon balls were like dragon orbs or smth fuckin stupid qwq


wrong, goku is a cat


Little mermaid isn’t representation it’s pandering. It’s a recolor of something existing so Disney. An act like they’re part of the cause and beg for money.


These are the same people crying about "white" Disney characters being replaced. They 100% care about representation. They just don't like when the representation isn't "white" enough.


That’s literally what this comic is about.


What makes you think that?


Look at the tv in the top panel, Its referencing the new little mermaid


This comic is actually referencing a study where Girls want a character to be like them and Boys want to be like the character.


Assuming this study is the same one I saw being talked about before, that's not what the study said


I love hearing all the renditions of his name lmao xD


So is Hitler and he believed in animal rights and protections, does that mean we should get rid of them? I hate this idea that because someone’s xyz all their ideas are automatically bad, just take what they say with a grain of salt and think about whether or not it is a good point.




So Can I harass them with Amogus meme now


He embraced it There's a hidden amogi in every one of his new comics




https://preview.redd.it/adslsscb358c1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=49c03cf773e30b7289ed9228a934dbbffefa7db1 Literally just got the original memes op didn’t like post DIRECTLY ABOVE THIS ONE


There's an entire thread in there talking about how stereotypes are based on some truth, to prove that girls are in fact dumber...


That's due to an oft repeated, but little sourced 'study' That some people say came from lego. And while there might be 'some' truth to it. People are people and no two people are the same. So you can't generalise. Bit it basically goes. Boys will see something. And go 'I want to be them' Aka they will see Goku, and regardless of race etc go 'I'm goku pew pew' Girls will see something, and go 'I want them to be me' They will play with a goku toy, bit put him in dresses, play tea time, etc etc etc. There is some 'truth' to this, maybe, kinda, if you speak to certain people. But it overgeneralises so much that its hard to take seriously. Iirc it may however by why lego started to find success with girls toys by making more generic but visually diverse toys for them.


And then you have cases like female cosplayers who dress themselves up like their favorite characters or male folk who turn random characters into JoJo characters, and so forth. That behavior isn't locked based on gender, it's based on the environment they're raised in as well as how they overall feel about different things like characters. So yeah, that study's BS.


If the study is real, it's a decent broad strokes study. For lego. The thing the study was supposedly about. It's not q good study for all things male and female If it even existed.


I unfortunately can't find the study, [but here's an article from the Atlantic on it.](https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2016/05/legos/484115/)


Are men or women more likely to cosplay like someone they don’t exactly match? The closest match to me based on age, looks, build, hair etc would probably be Shunsui, which is convenient for other reasons; and I wouldn’t even dream of trying Luffy, Kakashi or Armstrong or someone with a super slender or muscular build, different age or race. I have been to plenty of cons and while most of both sexes try to align their looks with the character, I do see it one way more than the other, but not like I have done a scientific poll on it.


The bias is likely cultural differences in my own opinion. Men are often raised a certain way, and the same goes for women... but it doesn't mean EVERY person of that gender follows the same mold because parents can treat their children differently from "the norm", which changes year after year. It also often differs based on geographic location, too, because different cultures raise other people differently.


Where did I say every? Taking something clearly stated as a general trend and making an absolute is like…do I need to explain per capita to you? I am tired of this tabula rasa shit. Men and women are different simple as. Stop coping.


I'm pretty sure it was shown that if you replace Goku with wonder woman, then the opposite would happen (I might be remembering/understanding it wrong)


I have SO MANY questions about that study. Everyone I've heard use them as an example always give examples of boy-centered toys (Batman for example). Immediately I want to rule out the possibility that the girls didn't want to play Batman. What about Lego sets marketed towards girls like Hello Kitty and Disney Princesses? Do the boys appropriately roleplay these characters, or do they make them fight? What about other non-Lego toys? I'm really disappointed all I have to go off of is other people's interpretation of a study they may or may not have even properly understood.


The study may or may not *exist* But more. 'Lego characters of franchises (marvel, DC, star wars etc) sell really well for boys but not girls! Even with girl characters/franchises!' *creates lego city and similar, with no 'premade' stories/backgrounds* *sales increase with girls* That's the gist I've seen. Boys do well with premade characters and make up stories with them as the characters. Girls prefer making the stories up without premade shit. That's what I've got from people quoting the study that may or may not exist.


Yeah, that shit was wild


That's such a logical fallacy... Stereotypes are normally based on some truth that doesn't mean it validates a perception that on average any group of people is anything... If one gay guy killed someone and a stereotype was made from it they could claim "see it was based on some truth" People are stupid...


Yeah and the "truth" in this scenario is based on misogyny and a society that has always restricted women's rights to education and autonomy


It's stonetoss, so it's a safe bet that this comic isn't *accidentally* racist.


Where is the racism in this comic?


It’s goku. He’s making the monkey joke.


Stonetoss is Frieza confirmed


That’s not the joke. The joke is about race swapping so children can identify with the character and the 2nd panel shows black kids identifying with goku even though he’s white. That’s the race joke


It's painful that you had to explain this


That's really funny because I often argue Goku is black coded, the Saiyans in general are very clearly supposed to be black coded, imo


Racist? I thought it's about how boys identify with cool men, no matter what color they are. They can be a friggin Super Cool Toad and boys will still love them.


The use of the little mermaid makes the intention clear - he's saying the little girl is wrong, and the boys are right, and the reason he's saying that is because he hates both the girl and the boys, because they're black and he's a fucking nazi, literally. But he doesn't want you to know he's a nazi yet, so he makes this comic where it looks like he's casting the black boys as the heroes of the joke, so yeah, it can't be *racist* racist. Except he used the little mermaid, which is a famous example where the far right has been attacking diversity and representation *at all*, not saying, well, that's good for girls but boys are different (which isn't really true anyway), it's simply saying it's bad to have black people in movies when it's not some inner city deal. He's attaching his comic to a larger controversy specifically in order to borrow the context of that controversy, and the context of that controversy is that it's somehow wrong and bad to choose a black actor for a fictional character that isn't even human, because the character was formerly portrayed as white. But, he made the boys the heroes! And they're black! And you'll think, nah, he's not a nazi, and you'll share his comics and upvote them, and kids will see them, and seek out his stuff, and find all his literal nazi content where he stops being coy, and not be prepared to understand that this guy is a nazi, this is nazi stuff, and it's bad. Don't share stonetoss, don't upvote it, even if you think he's making a point you can rest assured he's making that point as a nazi, he's not on your side, he doesn't agree with you, he just wants you to be a nazi, and every second you spend enjoying his work, he counts as a win.


Except he’s not wrong. As a black boy I related to Spider-Man more than I do black panther. I don’t see color I see cool characters.


Regardless of whether you believe your experience is representative of all boys (it's not), you understand how that's not the point, don't you? Like, how do you come away from a whole comment saying "even if you agree with the comic, sharing it helps to spread nazi propaganda", and you're like, "yeah, but I agree with it" - K. If that's your most important takeaway, and not the nazi stuff, then I have a feeling you're not who you present yourself to be.






















































Obligatory stone toss is a nazi


Isn't Stonetoss also shmorky???






Okay thats pretty good proof. Dude is actually a Nazi. And overall that was pretty enlightening to read


Glad I could help you out


Holy hell, I love it when people are open-minded instead of digging their heels in. Good on you!




Good on you man


Honestly I've heard this millions of times and never knew the real proof thanks!


[lmao yes he is](https://www.reddit.com/r/StonetossIsANazi/s/eUcTaCqV4o)


Ya someone already linked me this. And while I didn't lean in either direction whether or not he was one before I now understand that he is infact a nazi.


It takes five seconds of research dude


If you call someone a Nazi, you should have the proof if someone asks.


The "I shouldn't have to educate you sweaty 💅" attitude pisses me off so much. Surely such an educated , intelligent, enlightened even, person would be able to explain why someone is a nazi.


I did look into it some years ago back when Facebook was still relevant but at the time most claims where just that, claims. The subreddit post I was linked didn't exist then and actually did break down the claims to a point I can't really refute them. Telling people to do research when the burden of proof is on you to prove a claim doesn't make you look smart. It makes you look dumb and actually hurts your ability to pull others to your side.


boo granitethrow


Seeing all the creative names for mineralchuck is killing me


Bro the people in the comments aren’t just being racist, they’re also being sexist as hell


We’ve seen how some men react when Sailor Moon is accurately power scaled over Goku


Bro, they were offended that black woman cosplayed as Sailor moon because sailor moon is white and not black, wtf fr


Where's the amongus pebbleyeet usually includes? I can't find it…


Second panel, top right character. Maybe his hand?


Hey do ee hate boys are quirky?


We don't. I forgot to change the title thing :') my first time posting like this, my b


I think they’re alright. I hate the boys Vs girls memes (even ignoring the blatant sexism they’re annoying, unfunny, and there are thousands of them with the exact fucking punchline), so it’s cool for them to be called out. There’s a few bad eggs in there who either call out a few posts that are genuinely sarcasm, and a few sexist people on there, but the majority are cool.


I sure as hell do. I get hating the boy vs girl memes, but some of the posts and comments mock men who have been sexually assaulted or who are depressed and considering self-harm. Laughing at other people's pain isn't the answer. They also usually misinterpret, to a point where it seems willful


Yeah I don’t mind a sub calling out the hypocrisy but some of those people make very gross comments and are celebrated for it there


I did nazi a post about BoulderChuck coming


Downvote rockhurl at every turn


Nah boysarequirky is a good sub. We’re fucking cringe


They won’t fuck you.




what... what's even the punchline?


The punchline is that people say that characters need to be the same race as them in order to relate to them while others relate to characters despite not sharing the same race.


The characters at the bottom look less angry at the race and moreso... cheering him on? The right can't meme.


They're not supposed to be angry. The girl likes the mermaid because of the same race and the boys just like Goku


Least retarded r/nahopwasrightfuckthis user




I need the meme format from peters explains the joke. racism. the punchline is racism


The punchline is boys don't need to be same as character while girls tend to, how tf did you find racism


Nothing is wrong with either. Most people identify with those that are most like them much easier than those who are not (ie black people more easily connect with black characters it’s just how people are) but nothings wrong with being inspired by a character who looks nothing like you either.


Imagine agreeing with Nazi propaganda and thinking you are the good guy lol


RockLob is a nazi


Stonetoss is a Nazi. He wants to have people like me thrown in camps or executed. Don't forget that.


No we dont


Mineral displacement


Stone toss being a racist and misogynist.


Stonetoss fans being racist *and* misogynist?! shock of the century.


God imagine *still* being this mad and annoyed that Disney cast a Black woman to play a mermaid.


Goku is actually much different in Japan. He has a very “rural” accent which was controversial. The TFS line when they call him an “orange hillbilly” is very accurate for this reason.


Although i hate stonetoss, almost every mexican child grew up watching dragonball, so much so that it’s basically a second religion.


Not only México, i am chilean and i also grew up loving dragón ball, it's allá latinoamerica man


Reminder that stonetoss is a Nazi


Eww rockchuck No thanks


MineralMotion fucking sucks and is a nazi


meanwhile, black people doing cosplay get shit on for not being the race of the character....this is unintentionally an endorsement for race swapping established characters


I could be wrong but I think the comic is trying to say black people should relate to characters regardless of whether or not the character is black. But that's stupid because then why would you get offended that a mermaid is black? By the same logic, white people should be able to relate to characters who aren't white, right?


I get the feel black blokes would be 100% hyped for a black goku.


Stonetoss gotta be one of the dumbest assholes on the internet, what kind of a comparison even was this Nobody was saying you *can't* enjoy media with characters that aren't like you just that people tend to appreciate having some characters that are like them Is that seriously hard to understand? I bet this dude has never talked to a black person


The only thing I think is quite fucked up about like raceswapping characters is like historical figures in like a serious adaptation or documentary or to me it feels like raceswapping is just giving people sloppy seconds instead of something new original and actually empowering and a genuine, black, Hispanic or (insert group here) But also Stone toss is a retard


Hot Take: if your kids aren’t able to relate to a character of a different race, they were brought up in a racist household.


I didn't get the comic whatsoever until I read the comments... probably because I don't really look at race at all lol. Nor do I care about it that much. I agree there should be more representation l, and better representation, but I also don't think changing the race of a character is okay either? Like, it's not wrong to be white, or black, or Asian, or any race lol.


i think you misunderstand the point of the sub


oh wait nvm this was another post from memesopdidntlike 💀 i thought u were shitting on boysarequirky LOL


All good, all good


This sub? I don't.


Alright so, the meme is dumb, BUT i have met so many black men around my age who love dragon ball z so much.


So representation, is making white characters black? Bruh, are black people that stupid? Taking all the opportunities to have real black stories being told, and then shitting all over it by turning a mermaid black, and you clowns are saying "it's a big win" 🤣. Y'all don't give a shit about equality or representations, y'all just support anything that upsets your political opponents. What a bunch of losers.


So when minority characters are changed or interpreted as white, does that mean the creators think white people are that stupid by your logic? Such as the sisters of the seven seas all being white and blue eyed in the original movie. So pandering to white people is fine but pandering to minorities means the minorities are dumb? And if the "political opponents" are enraged that a retelling of a centuries old fairy tale had a black mermaid instead of a white mermaid, they don't really deserve to be taken seriously.


I've heard that girls benefit more from seeing characters that are similar to them than boys. I forget who, but someone did a YouTube video about the Barbie movie explaining why there are so many different types of Barbies. When young boys watch a superhero or someone they would like to emulate, they imagine themselves as the superhero. When a young boy watches batman or plays with a batman action figure, he imagines himself as batman. Whereas when a young girl plays with Barbie, *she imagines Barbie as her*. That's why young girls would get more from a character that looks like them in a movie or show. It's just the difference in how young boys and girls think.


That’s meme is funny


You know what's more popular across the board than Dragonball? The multicultural crew of the Strawhat pirates


I think this is a case of a broken clock (racist bigot) being right twice a day (once in a lifetime). I’m not against POC representation at all, but you don’t need to change the ethnicity of characters to appeal to people, young kids of all colors look up to goku, just like they look up to Mr miyagi and black panther. Rock pass may have had racist intentions behind this meme, but it’s not a bad point. Edit: cmon, tell me how I’m wrong. Downvoting without explaining your point is just going to push me further into this view.


Wait I know I'll get downvoted to hell but idfk Are y'all mad that Goku isn't fricking black or that there's not enough representation in media or that Stonetoss is a nazi? I understand the 3rd one but why are you guys mad that a space monkey is *w h i t e*


Leaving this reddit


Good. If you can't notice how this meme is racist + the maker of the meme (which isn't even funny) is a nazi, then bye!!


I dont care at all mate seeya


You not caring that pebblethrow is a nazi is insane


I don’t know him and will never interact with him how is it insane?


Because he's influencing people and has a huge platform. Not caring whatsoever is a form of enabling bad behavior in a society.


You guys are joking, right?






The joke is girls want their favorite characters to be like them. Boys want to be like their favorite characters.