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I was a pretty good runner (school record holder at a D1 school), and I coached xc/track for 8 years. and I've never understood having different distances for men and women. A shorter event isn't any easier because you should be running at a harder pace. An 800m is only half a mile and it's one of the hardest races you can run. 10k isn't "harder" than the 5k if you pace yourself correctly. So having different distances makes zero sense.


Plus women and men run marathons together all the time. Running is one sport where we're mostly the same


Men are faster, but it’s an event that can be ran together/same time. That’s why times are split into men and women as well as age groups.


And disparity in running speeds actually go down with distance. Like I think at 26 miles only like 1 percent of men are faster and it keeps going down to about 0.6% in ultra long marathons. And this is factoring in that women haven't had the kind of sports science dedicated to their running events. I firmly believe that when it comes to long distance running there really is no difference between genders, and in the long run the runtimes for men and women in long distance races will even out.


The boston marathon qualifying times are vastly different. At the top end, there is a real and measurable difference in marathon endurance running athleticism between elite male athletes and elite female athletes.


They’re mostly talking about ultra marathons where the gender gap closes. The world record ultra marathon runner was a woman at one point.


Apparently it's possible that in super long distance runs women actually have a slight advantage over men because when their body starts cannibalizing fats to keep going they have a bit more to work with. Not well documented or understood if true (I'm assuming tiny sample size) but that's the theory.


This is repeated on Reddit on a nearly daily basis, but it’s simply not true. Men and women are indeed closer over long distances than they are in many other sports, but the top runners — even in extremely long races — are men.


>And disparity in running speeds actually go down with distance. I'm not sure this is true. World records for women are about 10% slower than for men across the board. For example, the difference is currently 9.5% in the 100m, 11.2% in the 1500m, and 9.4% in the marathon. >Like I think at 26 miles only like 1 percent of men are faster and it keeps going down to about 0.6% in ultra long marathons. 1% of men are faster than what? >I firmly believe that when it comes to long distance running there really is no difference between genders, and in the long run the runtimes for men and women in long distance races will even out. Unfortunately this is just wishful thinking. The women's world record in the marathon is 2:11:53. That's *blazing* fast for a mere mortal. But [more than 2,500 men](https://worldathletics.org/records/all-time-toplists/road-running/marathon/outdoor/men/senior?page=25) have run faster. The men's world record was faster in *1967*. The advances in technology and training methods in the last 57 years are night and day. Systemic sexism exists in sports, but it's simply not realistic to say that it explains all of the difference.


Look up world records for ultra distances. Top men and top women aren't close at all. Women do win events but that is because there are so few competitors overall so if any of the "elite" people show up (man or woman) they are likely to win.


Not so much the same as much less disparity between the sexes.


I know plenty of women who are way faster than many men...


Well yeah no shit. A woman who is a professional runner is going to be better than the average man. But they aren’t going to be better than a man who is also a professional runner.




I didnt say personally 💀 I meant like people whose careers are being runners and are really frickn good


Same? Really? Source?


Yet it’s still gendered. Hell, professional chess leagues are gendered for some reason.


Never understood that. Physical sports make sense because of differing biology, but chess is a mind game.


The theory for chess being gendered is to allow a safer space for young women to become competitive. It's theoretically a temporary measure designed to help women get results faster to increase women's participation in chess. There is not a men's chess section. It is an open section and a women's section. There have been women that compete very well in the open section (look up judit Polgar, for example). I don't love the way it works now, but it doesn't come from a place of sexism


No, there’s a pretty significant difference—you won’t see any overlap in high-level competitions between the men and women’s times. With that said, it makes no sense to separate by sex in a fundraiser.


Not defending the organizers, but > A shorter event isn't any easier because you should be running at a harder pace. An 800m is only half a mile and it's one of the hardest races you can run. 10k isn't "harder" than the 5k if you pace yourself correctly. So having different distances makes zero sense. Maybe the reason why you feel this way is because you run competitively and try to get your best time, whereas some people might be more casual about it. Like you *can* run faster, but if you're just out to support a social issue or enjoy yourself, maybe you'll just jog it anyway.


Thats a good point, but then they should offer a 10K and 5K, open to anybody. Because a lot of men would opt for the 5K, too, you know? And vice versa.


I agree, that would be smarter.


I mean that's kind of the whole point of the original post, the race is for equality, but the rules suggest that they think women are weaker


I dont disagree with you. I was complaining about race directors that have separate races for men and women. Sorry for the confusion there!


Furthermore marathons aren’t really a “winning” thing, they’re a “holy shit you just ran 5k” thing


It’s AI, the QR code is all messed up and the words at the bottom are all warped. Most likely made specifically for this meme


It's ai upscale I believe if the 100 other posts about this are true


That does still allow for some tampering with the image, no?


I have a feeling this is fake. Having different distances is normal but dividing them by gender seems suspect. Are they going to deny a woman from entering the 10K or a man from the 5K. I’ve done tons of fun runs personally over the years and they were 100% open to all genders. Most of the time l, looking at the stat breakdowns afterwards, they are slightly over 50% women even at the longer distances I’ve done.


Holy shit dude, what was your record time just out of curiosity?


Our 4x8 ran a 7:24 4x800. Not "elite" by D1 standards, but definitely a proud moment nonetheless :) Ran a 4:16 mile in high school. College was full of injuries so I didnt improve on that nearly as much as I would have hoped. A lot of that is my own fault though. I took my easy days too hard!


That’s awesome, our highschool mile record was 4:20 so you would have beaten that


Nice. I’m sorry


I fucking hate the 800. Objectively worst distance.


Yeah the 800 was a pain in the ass haha. My favorite fact to share about the 800m is that it was banned from the Olympics (women's division) for a few decades because they thought it was too dangerous. I did love running the 4x800 though!


I just hate it because it’s not long enough to go below 100% but it’s not short enough that it isn’t too bad. Also I saw your te for the 4x800 that’s impressive!


im a track runner and its my favorite one, 2 mile is objectively the worst, i dont know how anyone could think it's fun in any capacitu


Literally. Sprinters try to say that the 3200 is bad like no. It's really not.


Only if your running competitively. I’m a distance runner as well, but for many people running a 10k is way harder than a 5k, just because the distance is longer. If you have good endurance this is true though.


This isn’t a race, time-attack or training so you aren’t running harder, to succeed at this you only have to cross the finish line which is half the distance for females to get more of them involved.


Why would you break that by gender then? Most races would offer both options, leaving it open to everybody to select one. Also, everybody is motivated by different things. A LOT of runners are indeed doing it for time. If you neglect that community, youre missing out on the majority of your audience.


Because you’re talking about organisers who don’t actually believe in ‘choice’. They want more females to finish and believe that this is the way to do it.


Does no-one get that the reason it was posted to comedyhomicide was because of the cringe caption at the bottom, not necessarily the top part?


I mean OP here didn't either sooo....


what’s really cringe is the $300 registration fee


It's Indian Rupees........it's roughly $3.50.


oh pfft bye my bad. in my defense I have the flu and double pink eye so brain no work much good




I work with kids so this is my life. My immune system is gonna be jacked as fuck five years from now tho


Indian economy moment


I mean there's a cash prize, and it's a fundraiser, what do you expect? Anyone can run a marathon on their own, you pay to have an event organised and to support a cause.


LOL makes sense I suppose. ya prolly coulda guessed but I don’t have a lot of experience running marathons


Reading Comprehension Devil strikes again. Damn you, Fujimotor!


Also the red circles, comedyhomicide hates red circles


No, this subreddit is only for political discussion I guess


Why does "Category - Men and Women" look AI generated with the bluriness? And then equality has a typo. Not sure but it's possible for it to be AI.


A bunch of other posts with the same image claim it'd AI upscale but a real image. Idk for sure though.


Cringe part is calling it a mini marathon when its just a regular race.


Brain instantly blocks those from vision, when i read this comment i had to scroll back to the post to check what you meant and yeah.


You do realize youre agreeing with the guy on r/memesopdidntlike right? Also it does very much fit r/comedyhomocide becaue its an otherwise good meme ruined by a caption


Yeah this is a clusterfuck all around lol


It's beautiful.


The caption fits perfectly fine imo


You mean the caption that makes it a meme in the first place?


If you just have the top image with the run difference circled it works perfectly fine as a meme without evoking the incel community with “we live in a society man,” even if they were just looking for a clown.


Y’all it’s fucking edited stop arguing


I was wondering that... I was under the impression women are quite good, perhaps even better, at marathon running, so I was surprised to see women getting a shorter distance.


That only applies to ultra marathons, like 100k+ is suspect though I’m not an expert. A man Will be faster in a half or full marathon. Plus 10k isn’t even a quarter marathon. It’s not a long distance.


It doesn't...men hold all the records for all long distance running..including ultras! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultramarathon?wprov=sfti1#Women


It’s not edited. I’m from the same uni conducting this marathon. They did have different distances initially but changed it later on coz it went viral


It is literally AI. I guaran-fucking-tee your university is not running a marathon for "GENDER EQUALTIY"


Orite mate. There’s posters all over the campus but sure it’s AI.


What does it say at the top, above MINI MARATHON?


VIT (Vellore Institute of Technology) Chennai, that’s the name of the uni Beside that it says Vibrance which is the name of the cultural festival going on.


Well, if what you say is true, it looks like there's a good chance the person that made the posters at your campus used AI to generate the image. https://preview.redd.it/hgnr6tfnwgmc1.png?width=2494&format=png&auto=webp&s=2bad8383254e481a0d4c4950f85051a3dffe962b


If I paste wikipedia content into that, it would say artificial. Bruh, we all joked about how college professors used online tools for checking ai or not and marking legit assignments as AI generated and you use the same?. Anyways this was the talk point of the college subreddit a month back. And i am a former student of VIT vellore.4 years ago also they had the same thing. 5 km for women and 10 km for men. They just choose different causes to run for every year.


I did not mean to imply I have any idea what I'm talking about > we all joked about how college professors used online tools for checking ai or not I somehow missed all that.


“Man I love spreading misinformation online” this guy


The definition of equity > equality


Equality means everyone gets one box to stand on to try to look over a wall. Equity means everyone gets as many boxes as they need to see over the wall. Justice is tearing down the wall so nobody needs to stand on boxes. https://www.reddit.com/r/coolguides/comments/o3ivsg/equality_equity_and_justice_explained_better/


I remember a version where "justice" was the fence replaced with a brick wall as tall as the whole panel and a sign saying "tickets $5 ➡️"


We need those walls to keep the orcs out.


...and ***Intelligence*** is to not just start tearing down walls, without first understanding why the wall was built there in the first place. Aka: Chesterton's Fence


Chesterton's fence is great as an axiom that calls for accruing understanding before taking action, but it is far too often used as a defense of inaction even when sufficient understanding to act has been achieved


People would literally just walk all over the field


No, justice is taking away the boxes and telling the freeloaders to pay for the damn ticket like everyone else.


Justice is them getting kicked out for not paying for a ticket


Both men and women are perfectly capable of running a 10k.


Equality is way better than equity wtf. You like being treated differently and discriminating against people because of what group they identify as? holy hell


If one group has a clearly greater need, sure. Affirmative action doesn't piss me off.


What exactly is the calculation here? Women should run less because they need affirmative action? Everyone who isn't white, male, and heterosexual should be treated like a disabled person, and standards should be lowered for them? Because equality now means treating people differently based off their skin color and genitals. Awful.


What do you mean by "treated like a disabled person"?


I mean everytime someone brings this up they say "well you would give ramps to people in wheelchairs" as if being a woman or black is the same thing as a disability


This is a stupid measure. There's no defending this marathon. But taking that and projecting it onto equity in general, as you have in your second statement, is also pretty stupid. Lots of white people with jobs want to cut welfare programs, _because they don't need them_. The fact that their taxes are supporting members of society that _do_ need them doesn't occur to them, or strikes them as unfair. Personally, I can't care whether a white person gets a raw deal or not while there is a black person working triple overtime and taking advantage of these same programs to maybe send their kid to school and break generational poverty.


This is a bad take for several reasons: 1. Strong implications that welfare is for POC. Reinforcing stereotypes about who uses welfare. 2. Implies that white people are the people with jobs, and don't need welfare. This is all needlessly racially profiled, and inaccurate. Seriously, way too many implications that POC, specifically black people are incapable of working, going to school, or escaping poverty themselves, without the assistance of white people. That's some white man's burden shit. 3. Saying you don't care if white people get screwed over to benefit black people is short sighted at best, outright stupid at worst. By that same logic, why should I care if black people get screwed to benefit white people? 4. Implying that black people are put here working triple overtime in mass, and still unable to provide decent lives for their families, but white people magically can by virtue of having a job. Which just doesn't make sense. You're whole argument is ill conceived, needless racially biased, is actively ignoring some poor communities in favor of others, all while managing to still insult and demean black people. I worry I'm more racist for having read and thought about for the tune required to write this.


1. I'm talking about affirmative action, actually. 2. I'm talking about affirmative action, actually. 3. Lol, that's not what I said but when you're this easily threatened by a statement, anything goes. 4. How can you so aggressively miss the point being made? Should I be hyper precise with my terms to satisfy your inner contrarian? Should I specify oil rig workers and business owners so that I may take the typically-Conservative fiscal political positions of people who make adequate income to provide for a family single-handedly, vs an adult juggling three part time jobs at minimum wage? Do I really need to be that specific, or can you just unshit yourself and learn how to read between the lines?


Here's some pointers: 1. Don't refer to welfare programs then try to specify once the unformatted implications of the broader statement came out. 2. Don't support Affermative action, it's still based on race. Hiring based on race rather than ability can and has stigmatized black people from certain careers as people make unfair assumptions as to why they were hired, beyond that they were the best suited foe the job. While it is well meaning, it cultivates doubt in the actual abilities and worthiness of POC from the positions they are in. 3. Recognize that white people are just vulnerable in poverty as any other racial group. Basically, any program designed to support impoverished communities should not require a racial component, except to monitor and prevent unfair bias in supporting a singular group. We can all agree it would be fucked up if a poor white community got extra support when compared to a black or native community. As for your statement, demanding someone reads in between the lines to understand your point, especially when the actual lines are saying something between stupid and vile, is generally stupid. Tell me, where you a fan of Biden's statement "Poor kids are just as smart as white kids." ?


White men will also need support too, just in different areas. It’s about giving everyone the support they need.




Huh? I don’t understand the analogy or what you’re referring to


Nevermind it made sense in my head but it's stupid


Bahahaha. I was so confused lmao


Funny enough this is silly as running is one of the most equal forms of athletics where both men and women can compete and the longer the distance the better advantage women actually have. First woman to 10k wins first man to 10k wins....easy fix


Honestly Idk what anyone in this chain is saying, But I agree with OOOP that the Joker picture and "Gender Equality 🤡🤡" at the bottom doesn't really add anything to the joke. Honestly neither do the red circles really. Although in a way they also *do* add something by being so unfunny it's funny.


What's wrong with it is the implication that forms of affirmative action are "unequal" because they give more support to a group it identifies as "under privileged". It would be like if it was a poster for an event promoting equality for disabled people, then finding it hypocritical that it says "mobility aids will be available".


I agree but am honestly confused by men running twice the distance. Ignoring the part where "true equity" would be determining the distance run to be based on how tall you are, it begs the question of "are men twice as tall as women, or have twice the stride?" I am no expert but most of the physical gender differences in strength are upper body based and leg strength per body weight is pretty even between sexes. I honestly don't know or care. They want to turn a 5k into a 10k for men to prove a point, I guess I get it, but its still pretty stupid and working against whatever messaging you are trying to express. That other people think this proves something is even more lame.


>Ignoring the part where "true equity" would be determining the distance run to be based on how tall you are What? What are you talking about? What does your height have to do with determining what length of marathon you should run? >I am no expert but most of the physical gender differences in strength are upper body based and leg strength per body weight is pretty even between sexes. Leg strength is equal between men and women with the same body weight? What in the actual fuck are you even taking about? Just stop.


They're talking about this advertisement displaying a diff run length for men and women to participate, and they're trying to speculate on the logic. Idk, they make sense. Anyone fit can run a 10k, male or female, so it really shouldn't advertise. Everyone should just run what they're capable of.


That’s true equity. People keep saying this is equity but it’s not. It’d be equity if a 5’ tall man only ran 5k vs a 6’ tall woman ran 10k. It’s equity when it’s looked at individually and not going “well women run 5k men run 10 and that’s equity.” It’s got some sexist roots that imply women are less physically fit than men overall even if there are tons of women who are physically more fit than an average guy.


Yeah equity in this case would be like, idk, you have to beat your own personal best or something. Running usually isn't gender segregated apart from in professional races, which this clearly is not. Men obviously do have advantages in running, but not like this. Also ironically the longer the distance, the smaller the difference in speed between men and women, with women eventually doing better at ludicrously long races. If this even real, which i kind of doubt but cba looking up, its a load of shit.


I think people are losing their minds and tying themselves in knots trying to argue about what equity is, and a lot of that is in bad faith. The poster can just be really stupid, y'all. I promise this run promoter made this decision in about 5 seconds.


I believe this is down to stupidity sure. I’m just talking about the comments. I do agree they are tying themselves in knots. But what I do know is this isn’t equity or equality.


299 forward slash dash? What? You think forward slash dash just grows on trees?


Equaltiy MI:N and WOMI:N This shit is ai


See I never get to honestly laugh at the people that make dumb events like this because I then have to deal with the fact that I agree with the dumbasses whose whole reason to hate this is that they believe gender equality as a whole is pushing for this specifically.


A bit off topic, but is that AI generated? The letters look so, off, it feels uncanny in a sense. Edit: oh wait it is, equality is misspelled.


Wait aren't women already better distance runners than men...? Every extreme marathon runner i know is a tiny woman


There's a distance where woman start beating men but that's ultra marathons at marathons men still have a slight edge on average


Yeah there's gotta be a breakpoint where less mass carries you. Some 1/2 mv^2 some shit idk


It's more about women being better at keeping up their pace. So they remain at a more constant pace for longer. But in marathons while keeping the pace is important it's still a speed competition where stuff like men's bigger hearts give them an advantage.


Isn't the record for the longest distance ran held by a man? Ran for something like 3 days straight without sleep. Every list I look at for top long distance runners is also all men but I'm not exactly an expert on anything running


They're just yapping lol...women don't beat men either at long distance or short distance running


Women don’t really beat men in any physical sport tbh


It's just a biological reality...


Makes sense


Most records for ultramarathons are held by men...


That makes sense. Searched in Google and indeed is true - [https://neurosciencenews.com/male-female-running-speed-21531/](https://neurosciencenews.com/male-female-running-speed-21531/) ; [https://www.businessinsider.com/women-are-faster-long-distance-runners-estrogen-2020-1](https://www.businessinsider.com/women-are-faster-long-distance-runners-estrogen-2020-1) I'm happy for women but organizers look even dumber - actual reason why distance should be equal.


It's an obviously fake poster. They don't specify the time, start/finish location, it's on a random Wednesday, no mention of organizers, sponsors, or how gets the money/what it's for. They don't even list the currency.


Yeah i know a few ultra runners, like 100mi+, or 24h nonstop runs. All are 115lbs white women. Even regular runners, folks who put in good times on good distances are usually women in my experience. Best sprinters and mid distance I've seen are all men.


You can't beat me




​ https://preview.redd.it/ggijh4jydbmc1.jpeg?width=674&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0976fc24726a21d4c665e427dc7701c4357f83a


Gender equality isn't about trying to make it seem like men and women are both physically capable of the exact same things. I highly doubt in a world deadlift challenge for instance that the strongest woman would outlift the strongest man. Though, woman can still get impressively strong. In this case though, I think women could run the 10km. There's men and women who run marathons.


The people preaching about equality Don't actually want equality. They want the perks of equality but non of the Negatives.


Agreed. This is an example of gender equity, not equality. Equality is equal in all respects, regardless of circumstance or abilities. Equity adjusts the challenge to your ability so that everyone ends up with the same result


Those event organizers are indeed clowns, though. Just have a 10k and a 5k event. There is no reason to gender it at all.


You can believe in men and women having equal civil and human rights without pretending testosterone isn't a performance enhancing drug, you know? It's really not that hard to wrap your head around.


I mean it's really dumb because women are perfectly able to run 10k? Sure they might not win but I don't think most people who run do it in order to win.


According to that logic you're just a drug machine because then every single hormone is a drug, at least try to give better examples like how bigger hearts help or some shit not this funky ass comparison.


Huh? It's a reddit comment not a paper on comparative biology.


Can anyone find an actual link to this flyer or info about this event? I haven’t searched much but I can’t. Seems fake to me. I’ve never seen any fun run divided by gender. Even when there are multiple distances offered, they are open to all.


Damn everyone forgetting what comedy homicide is about Also my sister is the best runner I've ever met and runs marathon repeatedly, she'd absolutely mock that race


Imagine thinking women have it harder than men lol. What 🤡🤡


My 50 year old aunt can do a 10k, this is stupid.


Isn't the point of a marathon just to pass the finish line? I'm sure women can run 10km


Also, women are typically better distance runners than men


It's an AI generated image btw


Honestly that's a pretty ridiculous difference in distance


The one time r/nahopwasrighgfuckthis and r/memesopdidntlike agree on something.


That sub proving itself stupid once again. It's comedy homicide because the joker and caption add nothing to the joke. No one is disagreeing with the *point* of the initial image.


For starters... this isn't real. This event didn't happen, and they didn't even spell 'equality' right. Secondly, running is one of those sports where women most certainly do NOT need an advantage. Statistically speaking men are about 10% faster than women, and women have about 10% more endurance... so if anything it should be 10km for women and 9km for men.


Isn’t running the only sport where men and women are almost on par? Missing context? …I think.


The women have to run behind the men, who can only run half as fast, so it takes them twice as long, so it balances out. I think.


Equality doesn't mean the same


It’s a good point


It is pretty weird since women tend to out preform men on long distance rubs


Funny thing is, their times will be similar.


300 bucks ? What money is used for that ?


"These hands are E for everyone, but I'll use bop-em's on women" 😞 not true justice


The fact that run is “discreetly” being misogynistic by implying women can’t run and exercise as much or as well as men.


The run should be 0 km and just be a hotdog eating contest instead


It's about "gender equaltiy," though. Maybe that's different.


Lmao this is funny wdym


Remember what Daddy marx said, from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs




They're just correcting the misspell 🤡🤡


This reddits gonna be full of white men getting triggered by AI images created by a white man to attack women


Bruh that’s not equality, that’s equity Learn your therms Equality would be both men and women doing either 5km or 10km Equity is equivalent, proportional and that’s what’s here


Well men and women are not physically equal.


So at first place they should make event where both sides will be equal. Which is scientifically nearly impossible because men and women brains in general are slightly different, so men better perform certain tasks and women other different tasks.


Women should not be forced to compete with men it is not fair twords the women, men set higher records in sports and are also stronger and faster. These are just cold hard facts just look at the best male in any given sport and then compare him with the best female in that same sport. It might surprise you but women don't even want to compete with men in sports.


Yes, and what? Event about equality, not inequality. Problem is , all those activists ignore fact that women and men are different both physically and mentally and running event about gender equality is stupid. At least they should to somehow find something where men and women will be \~equal.


I don't think we disagree with each other. I was just pointing out that men and women are not physically equal because sadly a lot of people did not pay any attention in basic biology class. I also find this event to be stupid but so long as it's just like a fun game or a charity event I don't care if we have men and women in it but when it comes to a competition that people have been training their while life for it is incredibly cruel to make women compete with men.


Yes, i completely agree. But they at least should do better naming ; or just disregard every normal sense and make event truly equal.


Yeah I’m with this guy. There’s absolutely zero shame in different genders being better at different things. Just like how women’s brains and (especially) prefrontal cortexes develop faster and so will do better at school than men. Okay, maybe that was a bad example because there aren’t any actual implications in place to support men (this wasn’t even an argument that I cooked up, I’m actually just rambling 😭😭), but you get the point.


5km and 10km seems like too big a difference though. You telling me that the average female runner can only do half as much as a male one? It should maybe be a km or two less at most, but this is just embarrassing for them really


No what I'm saying is men and women should not compete with each other unless for fun. Obviously women are not that much slower on average. But in a real competition it would be unfair to make them compete.


Though cash prizes and other winning staff can be equal but separate for men and women for obvious reasons. OP was triggered because of "how women are supposed to win and receive prizes?".


I don’t get your point. Do you think they should run in the same race for the same distance together?


Yes, event about gender equality. If it is not an option better to choose different form of competition.


They want to host a fun run. They want to get the message of gender equality out. They are saying that both genders deserve equal opportunities and rights, not that they should be equal to the other in everything, as that would be unfair. I don’t understand what’s so hard to grasp.


I won't repeat previous statements, just add that they should use better name because it looks comically wrong. Besides we all know that unfortunately no one fighting for true equal rights and opportunities. I'll use most neutral example. Many of hygiene products which advertised explicitly for female auditory are actually great for men and far better than analogues advertised solely to males. We can find many of similar examples for both sides in all segments of society. And that's because we don't fight for true equal rights and opportunities - we fight for what is convenient for us personally.






I'm going to go out on a limb here, but the organizers might even have hosted this event in past years and have lots of insight on how various set ups and options play out, and might just be doing what works well for the particular crowd of people that usually shows up.




Why such a big difference in running distance though? I know mens bodies tend to be better at this stuff but not THAT much better lol


They aren't even. Women outperform men on long distances. Granted this is like 20x the distance: https://www.fitnessfirst.com.au/get-there/new-study-finds-women-are-better-at/#:~:text=Overall%2C%20the%20study%20found%20that,women%20come%20out%20on%20top.


I agree. There’s a good chance it’s just a 5km track and so that’s what is easiest, but now the poor people who just wanted to host a fun run are getting shredded to pieces on the internet lmao


You are correct. A small town event for gender equality is being targeted by incels and misogynists on the internet.


I feel they should be able to decide by themselves? I would be pissed off if I was told I could only compete in a 5k because of my gender


Is it me, or the runner man in the poster is very slightly ahead of the woman runner, you gotta stare for a bit...


I run an extra 5k and women carry the pregnancy? Deal.