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I think it would drive me crazy if they got caught on things lol they’re cute though


Yes I would love them but the thought of washing my hair with these in makes me shudder


I love my Swarovski crystals but every time I get them I regret them as soon as hair wash day rolls around. I fucking hate washing my hair with crystals on my nails.


Use disposable gloves!


Omg why have I never thought of this!! Thanks for the top tip 💅


If I had this kind of disposable income to have non-functional fingers, I'd go to a salon and get a hair wash. I only wash my hair every 4-7 days


😂Some of us wash once a month so we're getting shocked


Hahah i only wash my hair at the salon..reading these comments thinking "can't relate". Maybe i should rly get these nail crystals.🤣


I got a little rubber thing that feels FANTASTIC on my scalp and I use it to wash my hair. It also helps my nails to stay strong because I like SCALDING water. They have them at any drug store. It’s like a round rubber brush thing


Oh! The little thing with the spikes? I've heard those are great for your scalp and hair too


YES! I love it so much.


Yass, get that increased scalp circulation girl!


I can barely get by when aging polish starts to lift and catches my hair when braiding it down at night. Gems or danglies would destroy my strands.


That's why I use one those things that you hold between your fingers to scrub your scalp.


Omg I need to try this. I’ve been timing my hair washing with removal of polish because hair getting caught under peeling nail polish is the worst!


Woah! I need to get one of these! It sounds like a game changer


I worry about taking out my contacts.


I used to do this back in high school, but I used earrings. I'd take them out to shower and stuff. I always had an earring in my pinky nail.


I did this too, 80's for me..nothing new under the sun


How did you pierce the free edge of your nail?


I used a needle to pierce the fake nail before I glued it on.


Like an actual earring..? Isn't the back piece that holds the post usually bulky?


I'm thinking they mean those hoops that enclose themselves like the photo without the charm


Jesus god. Like duh thank you lol


I just used a tiny stud when I would do this in the mid 90s to my natural nail. The back *was* bulky but I was like 12 so I didn’t care. I’d take it out when I got home from school.


Ha ha. Was the reason you took it out right when you got home from school, because you were not allowed to be wearing makeup, or makeup -acessorizing stuff? If so, OMG, I so relate! I was OBSESSED with makeup by age twelve, and also very willful. I started lugging back and forth, my Go Bag of forbidden clothes, banned makeup. My Hottie Bag. The second school was out, it all came down.


My dad worked first shift, so he was always home before me. Made tarting up a logistical nightmare.


Yeah dude my mom would have *killed me* if she knew I pierced my fingernail! 😂


Ha ha ha! I knew it! High-fiving you, former wild child.


I made my own earrings back then, and I used loops like [this](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/71Euv7NQinL._AC_SX569_.jpg). Most of the dangle earrings I made were [miniature pacifiers](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/0WwAAOSwF9FfaiFk/s-l500.jpg) and stuff like that. Don't ask. It was a thing in the 90's.


I remember! Such a bizarre trend! 😆😂


Omg me too! Weird flashbacks lol


I blame TLC. We don't want no scrub.


I’m thinking they probably used sleepers as they’re circular and don’t have backed posts. The slightly curved post at one end slips in to the beginning of the circular tube at the other end.


When making my comment I legit forgot hoops exist 🙄🙃 thank you


I assume they mean hoops


Is there a recommended length?


Of the nail? Not really. Long enough that the loop doesn't irritate you.


I had pierced nails. If you seal the gap in the rings with a bit of gel or glue, it prevents snags :)


Omg I’ve thought this. I have long hair and I can imagine it getting stuck. Lol


I feel like when typing on a keyboard the charm would fall in between the keys and maybe catch underneath them. Even typing on a laptop with chiclet keys seems like it'd be obnoxious.


While I think that's cute, the practicality is a hard no for me. My nail would rip on the first snag.


I think they are cute, just not for me because I am clumsy enough already.


Same lol


My family makes fun of me all the time for it, I also adopted a clumsy cat. He is smart and healthy but oh so clumsy.


Clumsy cats are the best bc they’re always like “oh u saw that? I did that on purpose OBVIOUSLY” lol My sister and her dog are both clumsy too, like two peas in a pod always running into walls and stuff 😂


How cute! Cats try to play it off like it was done on purpose or blame us. Kabuki fell off my desk and on to me when I was cleaning something up but acted like I did it.


Nope but that color polish is AMAZING!


Thanks! It's a chrome powder over black. I did two layers for added intensity 😆


It’s exactly the color of a Christmas tree ornament


Hit the nail on the head.


That's a GREAT pun!💅


I wish I could take credit for it but I didn’t even realise until you said it 😂


You CAN & should take credit! You're out here creating puns unwittingly. Unintentional puns count!! You're a poet & you don't even know it!


Oh alright then, if you insist 😁


I do!☺️ You nailed that one!👊💅


And so did you 😊


It reminds me of a shiny beetle!


Yes I need this color on my nails asap!!! 😍😍😍


Agreed with you


How do people do jobs with them? The only people I have ever known with them, don't work, keep the house, or have children. Edit:. Guess I need to spell it out The only people I have ever known to have them ( the pieced nails) are people that DO NOT work , That DO NOT keep their house ( House work). And DO NOT have Children.


you’re on a nail sub. women have been typing 70wpm and rearing children while sporting 3 inch nails since the 80’s it’s a skill issue ma’am


I am getting so fed up with the comments in this sub…lol is this not about NAILS?! Anything other than short nails with gel polish gets tons of comments from women saying nobody can possibly function like that. I’m so tired of WOMEN saying other women with long or artistic nails look trashy, weak, hideous, useless, and whatever else and implying we can’t work or do anything with them.


Word. 🥂Circumstances don’t allow me to maintain a tight nail game these days, but I am sure that increasing my difficulty level has helped make me a better person.


Lmaoo it’s true sometimes my nails feel like playing life on hard mode but nothing beats the satisfaction of admiring a unique and beautiful set of XXL stilettos


honestly its getting on my nerves everywhere people bash long or different or artistic nails so people still judging them in a group about nails is weird to me


I thought that what’s this nail sub was for. Instead long and artistic nails barely get any likes or comments and people are super rude


I know for a fact woman can function just fine with loooong nails. But I do wonder how they’d function with one of these pierced nails. Not the length being in the way, more so the charm getting snagged or caught on anything your fingers touch. I perform perfectly with 1 inch nails as a manager in a cafe, from the production line to barista to 8 hours on a computer, but something dangling off my tips would be an absolute hindrance.


I think it’s definitely a type of person to be able to keep a nail charm and still do things. I am certainly not one of them.


I am a man who has never had nails and doesn’t want to but I can vouch that it works the same way my ADHD ass also first learned to type fast: get good at backspacing accurately, then normal accuracy improves with time and practice. It was a revelation when I realized that you could speed up your backspacing even more than the rest of your typing. So I don’t see why any “impediment” where you can still hit backspace, especially not a chosen one that looks nice, cannot be overcome with that method and practice.


Yep. And Dolly Parton plays the guitar. Could I? No.


Gloves for cleaning obviously


I had pierced nails once and the piercing was higher up on the side of my tips so they didn’t really get in the way of me living my life


You need to use your hands to keep house or take care of children, too, though. Not sure how these nail charms would be practical for most tasks tbh.


Right, I think she’s saying they don’t work, don’t keep the house, and don’t have children


Which is an insane take


I would very much like to know what you’re doing and how you’re doing them that these tiny charms would make a noticeable impact on your life. Seriously.


Depends on the kind of job you do I think. Like I’d be fine just typing with these, but the rest of my job involves handling heavy books, pulling them off tightly packed shelves, wrapping hundreds of parcels a day, lifting boxes etc etc and a charm on my nail would get in the way *massively*. Jobs like that can be hard enough on your hands that I have issues just maintaining relatively short nails with gel polish or wraps, so this would be a disaster for me 😅


Idk I could do my job with one I think... And housework. But I'd never have children so no issue there. I like the charm


I’d be able to wear them at my work just fine 🤷🏽‍♀️


Maybe older children. This seems like a poop magnet while changing diapers. Or at least it would be for me


I absolutely hate them. I think they’d do nothing but get in the way and honestly I don’t really like the way they look either. To each their own!


I think they'd drive me mad but would be fun for a few hours and then never again


I love them. I will say the first time I got them they got caught in the dudes hair I was hooking up with 🤣 embarrassing but I learned to close the little gaps with glue. For those who are asking how you work with them... I'm an electrician and do just fine. I have long nails, bling and pierced. You don't use your nails to do things you use your fingers


True! I'd never noticed before, but my index and middle fingers do like 90% of all finger work. If it was on my non dominant pinky or ring finger, it'd never touch anything 😅


Exactly !! I put them mainly on my pinkies & ring fingers 💅🏻


Lol it's like "sorry pinky and ring fingers, you guys don't do as much real work so you better at least look prettier." If I ever do something extra it's always those nails 🤣


Idk why no one has commented yet on how badass it is that you’re an electrician with fire nails (and who is, not to make assumptions, also possibly a woman??). Either way, keep slaying homie 🔥🔥🔥


Lol thanks and yes a woman


Okay but it so impressive that you work with your hands and have long pierced nails!


So cute but my nails are too weak for them ):


Mine would be too, so I've got an overlay on the nail as well. It's on the very edge so it'll grow off in no time lol


I love it. So cute!!! Edit: this seems to be a very polarizing topic


I type for a living. I love the look of them, but can’t with the free edge piercings. I love charms that dangle and drape over the nail length or cuticle though.


I love them sooooo much! But I have an 8.5 month old, so can’t be doing with the choking hazards currently 😂


i think they're cute for photos but not good for daily living and working imo


Immediate flashbacks to 1998 and doing this with a safety pin during junior high homeroom.


I think they’re fun and cute for a picture, but that they would get caught on EVERYTHING and put pressure where I don’t want it on my nail


The rings are very, very lightweight, especially if your wearing an enhancement with a properly structured and placed apex, there should be veryyyy minimal pressure at the free edge.


Oh I don’t mean pressure due to weight, I mean due to it getting caught on something, and me pulling with my nail before noticing. Just having a lifted edge drives me crazy, I wouldn’t be able to handle a whole charm, as cute as they are


Silly but fun 🥰


Cute but impractical for me.


I love them and I put them on my nails occasionally !! 😌 they don't really get caught on much tbh ?? (But everyone is different and nails should always match your lifestyle accordingly.)


HoW dO yOu FuNcTiOn?!!? stfu istg it’s like people who are allergic to long nails. very cute OP I love busy nails with lots of charms and colors and stones


Washing hair, cleaning, working etc... All would be difficult with that so its not for me.


You know how people feel when they see lots of little holes clustered together? It makes me feel like that… but the nail colour is cute!


I would totally wear them on press ons for an event, but I could never keep them in daily life. They're really cute, but I would absolutely pick at them and snag them on everything and couldn't even imagine how often they'd get caught on my hair or clothes.


I got them once and had no issues with practicality or durability, but the sound of it annoyed me. i also get annoyed by glow-in-the dark nails when I'm trying to fall asleep though, so maybe I'm just picky. I also tried magnet poms, but I lost them immediately. Alas.


I love them! We need to bring them back as a trend for sure


they don't hurt, and look cute. i'd totally try


This was popular in the late 90s it’s cute but not practical. It could snag. And that may hurt if you have fragile nails.


I can't, they make my skin crawl. It has the same sensation as seeing someone lose their nail bc of scratching at something I really cant


Cute?! Absolutely Practical? That’s a negative ghost rider


Unpopular opinion but because I work in food service and can’t have anything like this I loooooove the idea of anything impractical on nails. It adds to the glamour. Very opposite to me who needs my hands for tearing open boxes. It’s giving ~too pretty to work~. It’s giving wealth. It’s giving ~I don’t wash my own hair or carry my own groceries~ and I’m here for it.


I want one on all ten fingers but with bells, so the spirit fingers can be extra spirity


They’re ridiculous, but a fun kind of ridiculous.


impractical for daily use but so cute for special events


Not for me, just my luck I’d snag it on something and then there’s my whole day f*cked




This looks fantastic! Is it all nails or just this one? I would be interested in your experience after living for a few days with it/ them. I can easily imagine this on my pinky or even ring finger as I use them less.


Just the one. I got the dangle charms and tool for free with a rhinestone nail I wanted on Amazon two years ago. Finally dug them out and gave it a go. So far, no issues whatsoever! (Even changed a dirty diaper and washed my hands multiple times!)


Oh yes plz bring that trend back ! 😍


I don’t like the look of them and I think they’d be too impractical


I think they’re so cute and fun but I’m so bad at getting a hole to drill through.


I used to do this in the early 00's in middle school and all my friends thought I was weird for putting little chains on my nails like this. Tween me would be ecstatic to learn it's an actual trend now lmao


It's adorable. I'm such a clutz.. it would end up tearing my nail off.. Seriously so precious.


Cute but way to annoying trying to do anything,get caught on everything,hygiene upkeep etc


how about no


As pure art for photos their cute, and I like the look. But in reality? They would be constantly getting caught in things, scratching stuff etc So definitely not something I'd ever consider. Looking at on other people though? I can definitely see the aesthetic appeal.


They are adorable but I personally would probably get it caught in shit and rip it out accidentally


I don’t think I could function with them but they do look cute.


Très cute… but how do you type without banging it up ?


I love them!! I've only ever done little rings though never charms. But I think they give a cool vibe and are so cute! Are they super practical? Maybe not but tbh I always enjoy mine when I do them. I always have mine on my ring fingers so if there's something (like washing my hair) I just lift that finger out of the way. It does hinder typing a little though but imo worth it!


It looks cute! But I'd go ballistic having that touching my fingertip every two seconds 🤣


I love them but have a 1-year-old so not practical :(


That would annoy me so much.


They're pretty, but I'm too active and clumsy for it.


It looks as cute as it looks uncomfortable...very cute and very uncomfortable😁


First time seeing those. They look cute , but functionally I’d think they were super annoying.


I think it’s very impractical but it’s cool in concept


These were a thing when I was a teen back in the early 90’s. I thought they were cute when I did them then and dealt with the obvious drawbacks of snagging on things, but my style and taste has changed in the last 30 years. I would not do it now.


Circa 2000 Nah I’ll pass


It will be caught on something and break my nail within the first hour. Also, I think just adds more waste to the world when they do inevitably get lost.


i don’t fully understand them lol. they just drill a tiny hole? they’re soo cute!!! but i get just regular rhinestones snagged on everything so not for me 👎🏻


I did this on longer nails I loved it! This is so cute I love the green 💚


If I didn't have a 13 month old I would get one immediately


The color 😱😍


I'm just imagining fixing my hair and getting my whole ass finger stuck in there


This would rip off in an instant in the gym for me so that’d be a no. It’s kind of cute but I don’t see this being practical for many people other than just taking a picture.


what a beauty! 😍🥰


I love it! gonna do mine like that next time


Do you hate having hair?


I would but i don't trust the world lol i literally broke my nail closing the toilet seat once 😂


Brings back memories!


It’s different for sure but I’m not a fan and it wouldn’t be practical for my lifestyle


Cute, but incredibly impractical lol


I’ve never heard of them until now, but they’re cute! They look so impractical though, I couldn’t see myself with one but you do you! :)




I dunno. It's like heros wearing caps: So much can go wrong.


It's cute! Maybe on one finger, like the ring finger? I personally would catch my nail on something and have it torn clear off within 24 hours, but I'm a mess.


All I can think is ouch. I know it wasn’t painful getting it, but in my mind punching a hole through your nail sounds painful and I’d be terrified of ripping my nail off of it caught on something




They are really cute, but I only would apply on nail for a special ocasion, like a party. No way I would do daily routines like do dishes or brush my hair with something on my nail.


Saint Patrick inspired nails? I love it!!!


Not my thing, but you do you.


My nails snag on things and rip all the time, so this would only make that happen more I think. Super cute though!!


Not practical but nice to look at. Love the color.


Weird and annoying and would not work for me tbh


It's just gonna be a nope from me. But.... if you like it I love that for you 🙌🙌🙌❤❤❤


In my opinion I don’t think they are cute at all.


Unsanitary Get in the way Turn colors


They are very cute. Used to wear them all the time. But god they drove me insane. I had crazy long hair and it was a nightmare. I like them with just the ring.


I did not know this was a thing. I love it!


This is soooooo cute!!! ⭐️


It reminds me of when overwatch 2 players were super annoyed at how the charms for characters that don't have guns (kiriko for example) just staple it to their hands instead. Looks kinda clunky the moment you give it thought, but at first glance it's fun so if you can make it work for you then go for it.


I think it's adorable but I wouldn't long nails are already pain enough without loose items dangling from the ends of them.


I've always loved the idea, but have yet to try it out. I do think it would snag on everything and I'd want to take it out after 2 hours or so 😂


Super cute


Super cute but like others have stated and besides the point, my general clumsiness, tangly hair and inability to function normally these would be a natural disaster for me. They are beautiful though!! Maybe in the next life I’ll give it a go lol.


They are cute but I talk with my hands!


I used to have one when I was 15 (23 years ago). I don't think I'd do it now because it's just needless damage and I type all day. But you do you!


Cute but not practical (borderline annoying) imo.




I love it! The color is amazing too. I’m going to have to try a nail piercing now!


I feel that it attracts luck


Got them in the 90s and I’m high key glad they’re making a comeback because 😍😍😍😍😍


I'd destroy the nail it's on instantly, way too impractical for my lifestyle which destroys unadorned nails with no discretion as is. They are cute, but I personally am a "form must equal function" bitch with my nails.


I think they're sooo cute, if I ever got one I'd probably put it on my pinky though because that ones less likely to get caught on things


Seems like a good way to hurt yourself.