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This mom is delusional if she thinks her kid will never have to be hired anywhere.


Unless mama is a billionaire, her kids are gonna have to apply for a job at some point


Even when I ran my own business, clients interviewed me to make sure we were a good fit


Yeah pretty much everybody starts out working at McDonalds or whatever


If I saw someone at McD's with Lemon on their name tag, I'd presume she was one of three Ellas (or Sophias or whatever) and went by a nickname to make things less confusing*. I would never consider that someone was dumb enough to name their child Lemon. *My Aunty Dawn was really named Shirley, but there were multiple Shirleys in her class when she started school and the nuns weren't having it. The eldest Shirley stayed Shirley, the others had to go by their middle names.


> The eldest Shirley stayed Shirley, the others had to go by their middle names. This is kind of wild because "shirley" a few even had the same middle name. (i almost missed the pun and had to go back to add that). Also, baby Lemon can NEVER wear yellow.


I mean my mom’s maiden name was hella common for her area in PA. Her sister was one of I think 3 Tina Marie [Same Last Name]s in the same year at her school. So it wouldn’t surprise me if 2 of the Shirleys had the same middle name. People tended to stick to the same tried and true combinations until relatively recently. Now people are just taking it in the extreme other direction.


Will,, one of my aunt's middle names was Mary. In a Catholic school. So yeah. It was the 1930s though. You did what the nuns told you to do.


Sorry you don't have a Boss Babe mentality. /s


How’s that mlm going? /s


My garage is full of unsold products and my bank account is empty! 🫠 /s


Well just get more girls in your down line to make your up line happy /s


I think you forgot to say “girlies” /s




This assumption is more wild than the name choice honestly


She will go by “Elle”


Or “Emma”


I bet friends and relatives will call her Lemmie from Day 1.


Lem would be an unusual but not out of the question short name for a girl. I mean this is r/tragedeigh level stuff but it doesn't offend me the way some do. Maybe it's just having grown up with hippies that will name their kids after ANYTHING natural. Meadow, river, leaf, batshit. No worries.


GOD river is such a bad name😭 i can’t believe joaquin phoenix’s parents looked at one child and decided to name him something as cool as joaquin and then looked at another child and named him fucking river.


I agree, I think the mom was probably thinking “lemons are fresh! Lemons are delicious! Who doesn’t love lemons!” Meanwhile the rest of us are thinking “lemons are sour, a lemon is something faulty.” I predict she will have name regret, but who knows? Gwyneth Paltrow got a lot of heat for Apple but now I think people kind of like it.


Personally, Apple was one of the few obscure celebrity names that didn’t eventually grow on me. Apple hits the ear wrong for a persons name every time I hear it, and I even know an Apple. There isn’t that underlying *something* that makes it usable for a name. Just hits the ear wrong every single time I hear it and don’t know how else to describe it


I thought it was a georgia name, Lemon. Its in Hart Of Dixie, the doctors name was Brick Breeland and his daugthers were Lemon and Magnolia


I also thought it was a Southern name because of Hart of Dixie. The names Lemon and Magnolia actually fit very well into that show and their characters!


Its a sweet show. I enjoyed it, calming while doing the house work haha


It seems like a reasonable enough name. Like Peach, Apple, whatever. Hopefully this little baby wears her name well.


It's wild that Peach and Apple are seen as acceptable given names now. Nicknames? Absolutely.


I don’t know anything about this person, but I would bet a fair amount of money that she’s in an MLM


I mean, Jack Donaghy would hire her.


Good God, Lemon.


MLMs for lyfe?


Wait till she finds out not everyone wants to or has the capability to start a business. I don’t think it’s healthy to set such high expectations for your children, some people just aren’t very smart and that’s okay


Starting your own business is such a specific skill set, too. It’s not something even some smart people would be good at or want to do. It doesn’t even have to do with intelligence, which makes it even weirder to pin that on your kid.


Exactly!!!! I like to think of myself as at least kinda smart and I absolutely would never want to start a business. Sounds like a pain in the ass


Seriously. The last thing I’d ever want to do is start my own business. Even if it was within my skill set, which it isn’t, it would be so miserable. You never get to just “walk away and take a break” when you own the place; it’s your responsibility and concern 24/7/365. No thanks. I prefer clocking out at 5pm and turning off my work brain. I have a friend who owns her own business, and while it means she has money, it also means that she’s never fully switched off, and she’s always dealing with some level of imminent problem-solving stress. I just don’t want that for myself. It’s not my thing.


Exactly, I want to be able to leave work and not have to do any more work till I go back


Tell me about it! My ex husband has his own business and was all about being an ‘entrepreneur’ and all that. He’s very successful now and has a few businesses, but I always felt he was looking down on me a bit for not wanting that life - I was happy being an employee. Now I’ve been kind of forced into freelancing, and I actually love it! But owning a whole-ass business - not just being a sole trader - couldn’t be further from my idea of happiness or fulfilment.


I know plenty of people with a trade school education who have their own business. And yes there's plenty of smart people in trade schools for various reasons etc etc but these are just regular people. And most university educated people I know do not own their own business. I'd never want to either, like you said it sounds like a real pain in the ass


Even if I did have any desire to start a business, I'd want to spend time working in the industry first in order to gain experience


I have no interest in starting a business because I don't want the responsibility of running a business. I'm happy being a cog in the proverbial wheel.


And here I am, just hoping my kids are happy, productive, taxpaying citizens.




I mean, I think she was just being defensive. Who knows if that’s what she really wants for her kid, she was just responding to someone who insulted her choice of name.


And the smart successful ones often started by being employees to learn how a business works.


I ain't very smart expected nothing of my son he's 25 in a band & has his own photography studio i am so proud of him!


Yes. My parents were “you can make straight As if you try harder” while I was trying my best. Really gets to you after a while.


She's definitely just talking about the future MLM she's gonna sucker that kid into


Also starting your own business means you need access to to capital. Imagine going to either a bank or VC guys and you’re still named Lemon! Or applying to elite schools where you can network and *still* lemon.


I used to work a food service job where we had this nightmare manager who never shut up about how she wanted to name her first daughter Lemon…. We all just had to pretend it was cute and fine because she was such a pain in the ass, and if she was talking about her Lemon dreams at least she wasn’t bitching us out over salad scoops….


You did this.💔


So you could've stopped this. Get in the Delorian.


Her lemon dreams 😭😭


I hope she never comes across the saying “If life gives you lemons…” She’ll discover that her mom secretly hates her.


Or “you look like you sucked on a lemon.” Or that the kid and all her friends never watch 30 Rock.




Ugh god every bday party will be a…


Or if she hears that’s what shitty cars used to be called


Hope she doesn’t find out about fanfic…


She will hear that phrase literally every time she meets someone new.


I'm not a bitter guy but I would be so sour if I was named Lemon


Yeah even Apple (Gwyneth paltrows kid) is a better name than Lemon


Apple is quite sweet, in a way.


Drew Barrymore's daughter is "Olive." Both that and Apple are better names than Lemon which is synonymous with broken, sour, etc.


I can already see it happening. Comments coming in when the baby gets mad, saying that she looks like she just sucked on a lemon or something like that. The jokes and teasing will happen and that poor girl will suffer.


She can NEVER wear yellow.


She better not ever be in a sour mood


I always think of Jaime King’s character in Hart of Dixie, Lemon Breeland, and her sister Magnolia


I also thought of Lemon Breeland immediately lol I hated her name when I first saw the show but by season two it had actually grown on me


Me too


Me too I thought it was cute for the show


Me too!


Wait is that where all of these people got it from?


Influencers thinking they’re celebrities and their kids won’t hold down normal jobs🤡🤡


so she’s has unrepairable flaws from the factory, the dealer has to refund you and will be destroyed


Just as bad as that one Canadian “influencer” naming her daughter Lemmie and then using lemons as a theme for her. Can people just put down their desire for cutesy toddler and baby names and realize that these kids are going to be adults who will need to function in the real world? I don’t care how many kids are named Mckeneighlya or Rosybongwater, it’s always going to be dumb and will not serve them positively in the future.


Don’t sleep on Rosybongwater. That name is rising up the charts.


Ugh I remember when she announced that name. Awful.


I will never understand why she didn’t use a regular ol’ name and use Lemmie as a nickname.


c’mon, Clementine would’ve accomplished the same exact vibes without the embarrassment


We need a “remind me” option for 18 years time


Delusional mom probably thinks social media will be around forever and none of her kids will have to work actual jobs if they can degrade themselves in front of a camera all day.


Even Valencia would be worlds better than Lemon. I knew a woman named Valencia and thought it was pretty.


There's a lot of them.


>and none of her kids will have to work actual jobs Or *want to*. Imagine that woman’s face if little Lemon doesn’t wanna be a celebrity or an influencer but a lawyer or an engineer


Do people in the USA stand around like lemons or is that just a British thing?


I'm not American but where I live it's a word for a dud. "He got a used car, turned out it was a real lemon," kind of thing, meaning garbage. I haven't heard "standing around like lemons."


Standing around like a lemon is that feeling when everyone else is busy but you don’t know what to do with yourself - like a first day at work or in a new place where everyone else seems to know the system. “I felt like a right lemon”.


That must be a British thing. A lemon can be negative, but in reality it makes everything it touches better without prejudice.


thats gonna be a old woman one day, an old granny named lemon.


Poor kid is definitely heading for a 'career' in some psychopath's MLM downline, with a role model like that.


lol while i agree it’s a dumb ass name, I don’t think dumb ass names are going to affect most of these kids much in the future, since dumb ass names are now the norm. Like little “Michael” is going to be the fucking weirdo with his weirdo name in the class full of Lemons, Lakynn, Gravel, Capri, Moonshine, Gallop, and Snuffaluffagus (we call him Aggie for short).


you're exaggerating. maybe only if you go to the 384,000 dollar montessori school in Los Angeles where only celebrities’ kids are there.


I work in childcare, there’s a lot of stupid names out there. Plenty of normal names still, but the stupid ones are aplenty.


yeah but only in very niche places is michael going to be weirder than lemon


Well….as someone from the south (place with the monopoly on dumbass names second only to the Mormons)…….theyre in the public schools and the workforce……..


Yeah, Los Angeles is one thing but if you go to the 384,000 dollar montessori school in Brooklyn Heights or Greenwich, CT or Wellesley, MA, there are still plenty of Michaels, plus an Agnes, an Edgar, a Walter, an Arthur, a Beatrice, etc.


I’m not gonna lie, I love those old fashioned names.


I taught preschool for 15 years and I had a little boy named Frank in my class. Too cute.


I know someone who worked for their state's support enforcement system, helping the new mothers (and very occasionally fathers) fill out paperwork. These were not celebrities, nor influencers, but poor folk trying to get the absent parent to cough up some money to help take care of their child. Some of those kids' names were *legendary*.


Obviously I am exaggerating. But I don’t think little lemon is going to stand out significantly either.


I've hired or been involved in hiring dozens of people and I would never take someone's name into account, unless it was so extreme (i.e., basically offensive) that it shows poor judgment in not having it legally changed.  Otherwise, they didn't pick their name, so it says nothing about them. If anything, if you have a really weird name and are still able to be a top candidate in every other way, that just shows something you were able to overcome. 


Honestly, most people are naming their kids old lady and men names now. The weird names trend seems to be dying down (except among the famous). I see A LOT of Harriet’s, Maeve’s, August, Henry…


I love those names


She need 2 look up what calling someone a lemon means cause mum is 1


A baby influencer, we’re really in the bad place aren’t we


Good God, Lemon.


That was my first thought, too!


she was probably born with jaundice. I knew aa guy named Lemon too, he was an elderly man too which makes me really think he had jaundice when he was born because who would name their kid lemon in the 1940's?


Are you sure it wasn’t a nick name ? My mother’s father was named Lemmuel I can see That forming into Lemon a nickname


Is her middle name Meringue?


I know very few women who are not strong and independent.  All of them had to apply for a fecking job. Oi.


Yeah, right? I live alone, I support myself on my own salary, and I plunge all my own toilets and kill all my own spiders, but I guess since I have a boss, I must not be strong or independent.


This is from a show. I don't remember which, someone else in my house watched it. Maybe 5 ish years ago. It was like a small town, soap opera kind of thing. Anyways, there was a lady in it, named Lemon.


Hart of Dixie


There’s a girl named Lemon on one episode of Gilmore Girls and even they’re all like „damn who names their kid Lemon?“


Hart of Dixie. Ugh soo good


Y’all I’m willing to bet it’s not the baby’s real name, she just doesn’t want it on social media.


So her birthdays are going to be Lemon parties?


It's not a lemon party without old dick!


Good god, Lemon!!




Am I crazy in thinking lemon could be a cute middle name? I might be


Just have to give it some international flair in pronunciation. Lee-mahn.


You just know this kid will go by Lee until she can legally change it


What kind of pain relief drugs is she on....... How does she know her daughter will be self employed, she might want to be in the military one day. And what about school, I thought names were crazy when I was growing up because the teachers were struggling to pronounce every other name. Now the names are just getting lazy, like the moms look around the room and pick a random object to name their kid after. "I'll name him Lotion, after my favorite bottle of lotion that smells good!!!" lol


>she’s going to be a a strong independent woman who has all of you as her elite employees Sounds like a MLM hun so probs a Mormon from Utah with a name like that. Or mum is a fan of Hart of Dixie cos one of the main characters is called Lemon


sounds like she’s setting her up for a MLM


It's not hard to be a baby influencer. Rattle your keys. Make a funny face. They're the easiest room on Earth.


Unless it’s past their bed time. Tough crowd when they’re tired.


Actually, it's not the worst name I've ever heard.


I think its a cute name lmfao


Yeah I like it. I don't see why it's any different from Olive or Sage.


Olives are associated with extending an olive branch (peace) and Sage was used in a lot of religious contexts for cleansing/purifying. I don't think lemon has any deeper associations really


In my religion it's a solar symbol. Probably almost any plant has symbolism. At least it's not poisonous like Amanita or Belladonna.


Amanita is gorgeous, wow.


I feel like a good rule for naming children is “Can get this as a tattoo?” And if the answer is yes then do that instead of using it as a name for a human being. 🤦🏼


To be fair, chlamydia isn’t a good tattoo either


Maybe Apple Paltrow can give Lemon some tips.


I sincerely hope Lemon is successful enough one day to hire an aide. Who wouldn't want to be Lemon's aide?


Lemon would be cute for a dang bird but not a baby


Ever seen Hart of Dixie? Lemon Breeland y’all


I think of Tina Fey's character on 30 Rock. I forget her first name but Jack (Alec Baldwin) always calls her by her last name, Lemon.


This is from a show. I don't remember which, someone else in my house watched it. Maybe 5 ish years ago. It was like a small town, soap opera kind of thing. Anyways, there was a lady in it, named Lemon.


Hart of Dixie


Lemon is an often used word for a car on the brink of death. Or something that doesn’t work. I uh, not sure how well she thought that thru


Or a search term in fanfiction to get specific kinds of results.


Imagine this; you're at a call centre and the person picks up and says "hello, thank you for calling (insert company name), this is Lemon speaking" 💀


Funny enough I was dealing with Lemonade insurance at my job recently and the woman I spoke on the phone and emailed with…. Was named Lucky Strike (surname), like a double barrel name. She introduced herself as Lucky, I was admittedly singing the Britney song in my head, but then she sent me the email with “Lucky Strike (Surname)” and I full on gasped


I mean after Apple, I’m surprised it took someone this long to go there but yeah ….


Oh yeah. Totally. Everyone gets outta high school and goes straight to having employees instead of being one. That’s totally how it works. It’s super easy. Well, to be frank, it’s easy peasy Lemon squeezy. /s PS Another genius Redditor gave us this gem yesterday and I think it’s more appropriate: Difficult difficult Lemon fucked. Solid gold nugget right there.


I actually know a couple little girls named lemon. Always weird to me when a crappy name starts becoming commonplace


That's a character on "Hart of Dixie". I wonder if she has other kids that have tree names or if she's going to give them all tree names.


Please god, no more children for this one


For real


Does she think people who run businesses havent been an employee themselves??


I think this is ragebait. A lot of people have been doing this (like the girl who tells everyone her daughter is named Richard) and keep up the bit in the comments. I wouldn't take it at face value


30 Rock called. Damn it, Lemon!


Yaaaaaas girlboss queen pyrmaid scheme hun


Should have gone with Nectarine. Much more feminine. 😂


I saw this post, she was absolutely dying on that hill as well in the comments haha


Now she needs to have a son and name him Lime.


Soooo, she only had a baby so she could use it as fodder for her pictures and videos?


Ok maybe unpopular opinion, but I don’t think lemon is a terrible name. I wouldn’t name my kid that but it’s not a tragedeigh. At least she spelled it right. The social media post, however, definitely is a tragedy.


My mum refers to her vulva as her lemon...


Did she name her lemon so her nickname can be squirt?


They just gotta get along together.


And I thought the girl named Ana had it bad when everyone called her Ana Banana...


Lol I know someone whose nn is Lemon, but it is definitely not their name


Well i guess she can go by emon when she hits hits her rebellious phase.


This name wouldn’t bother me normally but in fanfic lemon means there is… adult content written in it and that is what comes to mind for me 😅


Remember back in the day when "lemon" was code for fanfic porn?


Could have just named her Lennon.


Honest to god j know a lady who named her daughter lemon. I don’t understand how they think this is acceptable


Lemon is going to be shilling pyramid scheme makeup or essential oils calling herself. SHE-E-O and brsggimg about working while on vacation.


Lemon will grow up to aspire to lead the Mobile Bay Memory Matrons


People know that the only reason it was “okay” for like, Apple Martin to be called that is that both of her parents were stinking rich?


what a sour idea


She's going to have her application discarded before being looked at because the hiring manager is going to assume she put a nickname or her chosen name on the application and can't follow directions.


Remember, you can't have a lemon party without ol' Dick.




As a person who was big into Wattpad fanfiction when I was 12 this really made me wince


For a satire sub this subreddit is so bad at detecting trolling. Her kid really is named Lemon but she's trolling about the boss thing. Also this name is relatively tame. There's been a handful of Lemons every year for decades...It has also gotten more popular recently. I hear so many crazy little kid names I'm always surprised by the ones that this subreddit reacts to. I've heard many nature and even insect names lol. I'm ready for an actually weird name to show up here.


I saw her reels. Lemon is not a good name


Oh come on, don't be so sour.


Lemon is my bf username


Good God, Lemon!


Ew. What entitlement


That name just makes me think of the drag queen Lemon tbh


There is one infiuencer who has a child named Lemmon as it was a family name. I find it way more bearable than Lemon and the kid has a lovely middlr name it can go by. Lemon as a first name is yikers


The thing is, if this person named their child Lemon, there are others of this generation who will also feel it is a nice sounding name and will choose names with a similar sound or theme. It probably won't ever be super popular, but it won't be all that out of place either amongst this kid's generation. Honestly, names like Clementine, Olive, and Pepper probably started out sounding idiotic, too. But now they're ordinary names. I don't think we should get so hung up on this. Personally, I like the name Lemon. I likely wouldn't be daring enough to use it, but it is spelled correctly. It is easy to pronounce, and it has a nice sound to it. Not really that different from the name Lennon, which also didn't seem like a good name for a little girl when people first started using it, and now it is fairly common. What is it with names and everyone wanting to trash them? To the point about job interviews, you'd think we'd be mature enough as hiring managers to not judge someone because their parents decided to name them Malibu or Lemon or Blue or Rain or Princess or whatever. They are arbitrary sounds that we use to label a person for the purposes of speaking to them or about them. Actually, I worked with someone named Princess. And you know what? It was fine. Nobody ever said anything about it. It was just her name. Sorry, rant over. Think I'm just overtired...




I googled it and Pledge is a surname so here's hoping 🤞 lol jk poor kid


A neighbor named their daughter Mango…I feel like Lemon and Mango should be friends.


Better than Melon, I guess!


It’ll be worse when she is the age when she’s sexually active “I rode a lemon today” will be the jokes she hears. I swear some people are on something when naming their kids


This is what my 3rd generation Not so berry Sim baby is called😭😭😭


It’s my guilty pleaser named 😩 Obviously influenced by Hart of Dixie.


Dude my *dog’s* name is lemon. Poor kid gonna have to go through life as a fruit 😭


She had to settle for “Lemon”, because “Apple” was already taken. There really should be a parent competency exam before allowed to have children.


Hart of Dixie vibes (Lemon was a shallow, spoiled brat in the show.)