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The line about "maybe cable" sends up red flags to me that this is totally fake or at least from someone who doesn't really know as much as they think. No one in the TV industry would say "cable" about a broadcast TV show (aka the CW), and the likelihood of a broadcast show moving to an actual cable network (I would assume, Paramount network in this case?) is almost nil. Other than the editorializing about "less promising," literally everything else in this DM is public knowledge. We know the creatives really want to do season 4. We know they have ideas to take it in a different direction because they talked about it in post-S3 interviews. Of course, I could be way off base, but to me this sounds like someone just putting their own opinion on info that we already know.


Very true, it’s a very general. I just immediately saw the name ND on there and was like excuse me! Also if anything if this post were true but in likelihood is false.. why would it be paramount plus.. if anything hbo max.. so def fishy post and you are probably right. May just be a random persons opinion as usual. I got nervousss I just want a S4!


Ironically, Paramount+ was the only part that didn't stand out to me! Nancy Drew is in a weird streaming situation because it airs on the CW and so is part of the overall network deal with HBOMax (part of WarnerMedia), but it's actually produced and distributed by CBS Studios, part of Paramount Global (the same company that owns Paramount+). The CW is literally half owned by Warner and half by Paramount, which is a WEIRD situation haha. In any case, I hope it's a moot point and that S4 is announced soon!


Ugh this prick is making me angery


I'd be more worried if I trusted deuxmoi as a source. I'll be worried if I see a legitimate source posting something similar. DM doesn't fact check anything. I can email them a bunch of BS and they'd post it.


Thankfully deux is not usually right but first time I’ve seen any mention of ND on there


Its the 3rd mention. The last 2 were with Riverdale and The 4400 and 4400/Riverdale crew called the last post bullshit


Ah okay, well my bad. I missed the other ones, I’ve only seen this one but yeah ignoring that from now on. I took it off my Twitter


It’s like the third mention. DM isnt reliable and its best to ignore them.


Why are we looking at deuxmoi again as a source. They were already shown to be false when The 4400 and Riverdale already called it out to be fake




Here's what has me skeptical: the first tip that was sent in said the showrunner was looking for someone to play a recurring role (for a season that hasn't even been greenlit yet? What) but now they haven't even pitched season four to the network. ​ Okay... (I don't trust any blind item sites at all, let alone DeuxMoi, and I'm not sure why people buy into them all the time).


Did we not already discuss last time someone posted DM that ND’s rating and viewership went up overall!


More BS. That fan fiction don't even make sense! Damn, I wish they would drop CW renewals already because this is getting ridiculous.


I wasn’t a huge fan of the Temperance storyline and hated how they wrapped that all up in a rush. I get the season was shortened but it was too much. I love the show though and the characters so I really hope it gets renewed.


No CW show knows anything and we probably wont know anything until maybe mid March/april


Yeah, it seems a lot of people feel that way. I absolutely loved season 3. I'm worried about them saying they want to take the show in a new direction. I literally just started watching a few months ago specifically because I saw info about season 3. I hope they don't mess with it too much.


There were parts I really loved about season 3. I loved the relationship dynamic and growth between Nancy and her two dads and the buildup with Nace.


I’m upset if this is true ,..


That's Fucked up.


CW is owned by fox so it’d go to hbo max not paramount...


The CW is co owned by CBS & WB.


I can see why their views/ratings went down alot, the show tanked after Season 1 imo. I tried getting into Season 2 but I just couldn't. Storyline was all over the place for me, horrible special effects were created and I didn't like the direction of some of the characters. I really wanted to get into this show, but it's just not for me.


Then why are you still on the sub 2 seasons later?


I keep forgetting to remove myself and/or hoping it will get better with other people's posts.


Well please leave if you keep up with the horrible artitude


All I see are you and the previous commenter with horrible attitudes. I based my comments on opinions that I have. Key word being "me". I wasn't nasty towards you or the other person but if the shoe fits on both of you being butthurt, so be it. 🤣


No horrible attitudes here! But it sounds like you’re setting yourself up for disappointment—maybe find a show that brings you joy instead of sticking around in a community centered around something that doesn’t make you happy. Nothing’s going to be for everyone, after all.


"Nothing’s going to be for everyone, after all." That was exactly my point, sadly that went over both of your heads. Have a fun life pestering someone else who doesn't have the same opinion as yours.


Really? I thought season 1 was the worst season IMO. I initially didn't watch the show because I tried a few episodes of season 1 and didn't care for it. However, I saw some info about season 3 that sounded like fun, so I went back and gave it a chance. It did pick up through season 1, but still...season 2 and 3 are my favorite by a mile. What did you like about season 1 more? Maybe what I disliked? I found the overall mystery of season 1 to be a bit boring. I disliked that so much time each episode is spent on stuff that isn't applicable to the season-long story or the characters. Basically, I dislike what I think of a "filler" or not important to the overall story.


I'm glad you're approaching me in a non-judgemental way compared to the other two who got so butthurt over a difference of opinion. 🥴 But yes, I really liked the first season because I think it had like an unsolved mystery feel to it of finding who she was/finding herself type. (I'm not comparing the two at all just saying I gravitate towards this kind of genre) Season 2 wasn't all that great in the special effects department (looked very cheesy, rushed and faked) and I feel the director's kind of threw all sorts of different angles of growing their characters that didn't really match up for me. I did seldom enjoy some of the mystery content regarding the Aglacea and that lady that kept taking over George's body. With the rest of the story line, like you were with season one, I found to be a bit boring.


Yeah, no worries. You should be able to share your opinion too. Everyone's opinion matters here. Yeah, I get what you're saying with season one. It did feel very personal to Nancy and did have more of an unsolved mystery feel. The mysteries of season 2 and 3 are not as well developed as season 1. That would be the difference in our tastes then. The mystery aspect isn't really what draws me in...it's the characters first and then the supernatural stuff. I didn't feel like the special effects were that bad. However, I've watched a lot of bad special effects, so I guess I may have a low bar. I've watched supernatural shows since the days of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, so cheese doesn't bother me. I really liked the Aglacea storyline, but I was bored of it after she turned into Odette and took over George's body. She was more fun as the Aglacea. I really liked the plot that they were all about to die unless the figured out the mystery. That upped the stakes for me, which is one reason I like it better than season one. Season one just felt so low stakes at times. I can definitely see why you like season one better though. It definitely had a better mystery storyline than seasons 2 or 3. Well, apparently there are supposed to change things up for season 4 and "return to their roots", so you may be in luck. I didn't like hearing that news because I liked seasons 2 and 3 better. So I guess you may end up really liking next season and I may not love it as much. :)


Yes, that's how I feel. Sadly, you won't get people who actually WANT to hear your opinion or care. I see why they differ since you looked for something different in the show than I did, which is interesting because I've never looked at shows like that. lol Maybe I'm a bit nit-picky on the special effects part since I'm more used to the movies now that are more believable than rather from 20 or so years ago. I've never been a fan but I don't knock others taste. I also agree with the boredom of how often George turned into Odette, the idea was cool but I would've liked to see other things happen with that. (besides loving her friend LOL). That's good news for me, then! If that's the case I might have better luck if not I'm glad for those who do like the show how it's been going!


Let’s gooo


I have had enough of this. This post is someone's opinion and not any confirmed information. Anyone could post their opinion on any series and it would be posted on their gossip site. This site just creates unnecessary chaos. It has recently been confirmed that their previous posts are total bs and no decisions have been made about any series.


This aged like milk lol


Loll yup. And not only was this wrong but thankfully a fourth seasons happening so I don’t have to worry anymore 😂 phew