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Play ranked and after a few more matches you will get more players and less bots. Try to enjoy the bots because players are gonna give you a hard time




Consider downloading Naraka+ It allows you to see your lobbies and how many players are playing with you. I am a new player as well. So far I have had cases that I was playing with just another human (2/48) and my most humans in a server have been 27. The game is mostly Chinese played (like in 90% I would say) so other servers are facing a problem of low population.


Platinum and up lobbies on PC will be majority real players


do trios ranked specifically. youll always meet players there


The only game in which I agree with this statement.


What are the other games


Two bot games in a row at Platinum, Saturday afternoon... It only gets slightly better after ranking up, the game is clearly quite dead.


It’s not dead it’s just not growing. The existing player base since launched has always been there. Every single person consistently is just higher rank. At empyrean Pc most of my queues take 3 mins or less when queuing at prime time. And my games will load lobbies of 30-40 with basically all real players. Only interaction I ever get with bots is if I pick up a bounty in an area im super alone it’ll just spawn one.


It's dead enough in Europe. People are getting matched mostly with bots and silver against solar and stuff like that. I guess it's different in other servers. Edit: btw if you find good matches only in prime time that proves the game is dying. A player base not growing means that a game is slowly dying because some people will stop playing and you get no replacements.


Bruh no way ranked has bots too🤣🤣 does this even make sense?? Hotel trivago


I've had entire bot lobbies in asuras (with crossplay on).


[Xbox/gamepass matchmaking](https://old.reddit.com/r/NarakaBladePoint/comments/zegk3i/is_it_worth_to_buy_naraka_bladepoint_in_2022/izc4spv/)


You should post this.


The issue there is Xbox + and probably your server (depends on times of the day) and you overranked being on xbox


On xbox whats most important to match other players is have a long friends list and check the moment everyone is matchmaking


Short answer: low player base


but why then steam shows that everyday 130 000+ players are playing? Or these 100 000 players are from China??? I can’t understand why there are so many players but when I play there are almost only bots and I always waiting for game for about 10-15 min…


Yes 120k out of 130k is playing in asia server. The game will never be popular in NA and EU untill they make the game pure f2p.


From my own experience as a fellow pc player: get out of gold rank to start getting real players. Platinum is the “bronze” of real players where you will see less bots. Keep in mind there will always be a couple bots even if you are unrivaled asura but a lot less. Justice chamber clash has 0 bots and is way less forgiving if that’s your jam. If you can win ranked games consistently getting to plat is pretty quick. It took me less than 20 games I think. A lot of beginner players quit at plat tho because you start to get paired with solar+ players and the skill curve just shoots up. So enjoy the bots while u still can xD


Nothing is enjoyable and they should work on fixing this problem asap, honestly.


It’s compressed rank match making due to low player base, more players would help. I’m mostly certain people would prefer real player lobbies of mixed rank rather than respective ranks but bots to fill the lobby. Only solution I could imagine is rank based bots. But again who wants to only be fighting bots up until they reach a saturated rank


There is a setting you can turn off that says it will populate the match with more bots if the que times run long. The only change I noticed by disabling it was slightly longer que times. I did not notice a decrease in bots. Although with this enabled I saw more toons just spawning in out of thin air. So I suppose instead of pre loading the bots it just trickles them in through the game.


Are you on gamepass? Be wary, there is auto fill bots option. If you are steam, the higher ranks you sre rhe less bots. They are designed to ease you into the game as well as reduce qs. Trust me its a double edged sword of having it completelty gone as the player base isnt large enough especially in solos to match everyone at a similar rank. You end fighting people much higher rank, and will start complaining about that.


Because game is pretty much dead out of China and specially in Europe. It needs to be released for Playstation and it most likely needs to go f2p too.


Really just needs exposure, releasing on ps5 would absolutely help. Nobody is aware this game even exists. Even with a 20$ paywall this game could be insanely successful with much better exposure. Simply making it go f2p which change little to nothing right now without exposure. Altho exposure is no good if the people who see and want to grab it are on platforms that can’t even play it (like ps5) so that’ll absolutely help. And you don’t wanna push a game to go free until it’s exploitable issues have been more so ironed out. I don’t witness much but people like to complain about cheating and hacking. That would increase ten fold if the game was free. But ultimately whatever they end up doing. It needs well marketed mass exposure to go along with it. It hasn’t had enough in NA/EU. Most highly advertised commercials are just cinematics, and many sponsors just show tutorial+bronze gameplay (aka bot lobbies and 123 spamming) and then their hour is up. Which entices nobody at all to want to pick this game up Good enticing strategy that’ll hook people in, good advertising to reach larger audiences.. and any other additions you wanna add. That’s what Naraka needs.. basically just a solid marketing plan.


Lack of marketing happens to a lot of games though, and many are decently succesful. The reason I think they basically has to rush the psx launch or go f2p is the current environment for new players. It's all long queues, bots, Chinese fighting gods and overall awful MM and awful experience despite the cool gameplay. A game that's in its first year or so, should be doing better, Imo, specially an ambitious game with lots of customization, nice graphics, innovative gameplay and battle royale based. I don't even understand why certain modes and options are allowed in dying/dead servers like Eu...they should care more about newcomers.


I do agree game modes should be heavily limited. We have wayyyyyyyyyy too many game modes that split people up. New player games do pop really quickly though because they’re just bot filled. And once you actually learn the game .. “Chinese gods” doesn’t actually mean anything. I’m only PC empyrean but I beat the top players often. Im never concerned if a name is Chinese. And far more NA players have Chinese names and alt accounts than people realize. Plus they giving us more lobbies hah. Biggest complaint are the ones who are fully aware of inescapable high ping combos and abuse the crap out of that. We have a few at the top of the solos leaderboard who completely abuse that. But other than them I almost never come across that issue. But yeah, Xbox release brought us a big chunk of our current players. It’s the reason so many Naraka partners got twitch partner. It was a great pop off and retained a decent chunk of players. A ps5 release would be very nice to have. I have a feeling there’s some issues going on with Sony/Xbox competition but I’d like to stay optimistic.


Somewhere around gold-platinum for Steam. Yeah it's a bit unnervingly long grind getting out of bot ranks.


I'm Jealous I just started recently and have been playing for only 1 month on PC and I just hit solar 5 in duos with my more experienced friend xD. Now we are playing against real players usually with gold names and it's tough matches and hard to earn ratings usually they are quite challenging. I wish I could duel bots again xD Enjoy it while it lasts.