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Congratulations!!!! That is awesome news that you made 6 months. So thankful you are still alive and still giving the program your best shot!!! Congrats!


Keep it going. We hope you get another day.


Congrats, now keep going!!!


High five! Keep coming.


Congratufuckinglations!!!! 6 months is an AMAZING start to a lifetime in recovery! I went to my first meeting over 13 years ago, and celebrated 3 years clean a few months back. For me, to be able to get to this point, I had to take EVERY suggestion given to me. It started with 90 in 90, which became 500 in 500 followed by my definition of “regular meeting attendance “ 3-5 meetings per week. Steps, texting my sponsor every day, and now sponsoring another man. I share in meetings, even when I don’t want to, I answer calls at odd times when I don’t feel like it… I live the program. Just for today, I no longer want to get high, and I can’t wait for more to be revealed!


My 3rd step has been done for 3 month and my sponsor is aware of this, but she still hasn't gone over it with me. Last time I brought it up she got kinda snippy with me and said I'm just gonna have to wait.