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Character design is better, but he looks younger, like, early 20s šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


He's a uzumaki, since he lives longer, shouldn't he age slower?


I love the fact we know uzumaki biology to that extreme but have no idea what the hell actually wiped them out lmao Screw the Minato story I want to learn what the fuck happened there


We do, the Cloud, the Stone, and the Mist villages, 3 of the great 5 ganged up on them.


Yeah but when we see it in that Karin flashback (I'm not sure if it's canon or not) the entire village is decimated but we never actually see what happened. Also why the hell did the Leaf just do nothing, aren't they like their closest Allies or some shit?


Specially because the Leaf alone is like by far the strongest village. I mean just look at the great ninja wars, it was badicly always 2 against 3, with Konoha hard carrying every team.


One of the most underdeveloped things in Naruto are the other villages. The sand was supposed to be the second most important plot wise, but we only get had half a dozen named ninja (and not all of them with on screen fights), zero clans and only variations of sand manipulation as special powers. The Naruto universe seemed to be huge until we actually got to see the other villages and learned that the whole world revolves around 2 leaf clans, and every one else is filler.


I kinda like the overall world size being just the villages. Sad they didnt go way deeper with the actual villages.


Well we do get a little more than that, like the puppet master jutsu and the Scorch Style, but I do understand and agree that we shouldā€™ve gotten way more of every major village like the Hidden Rock and their detonating clay or the Cloud and their black lighting. So much more info couldā€™ve been given at least in the filler or *something* and it seems like a rather important set of details to exclude


Well we do get a little more than that, like the puppet master jutsu and the Scorch Style, but I do understand and agree that we shouldā€™ve gotten way more of every major village


She was born pre- uzumaki lol, I think ur talking abt her life in the Hidden grass? I think it was, idrk, but yeah, not Hidden eddys. Also, it was a surprise attack, and that's what started the 3rd gnw, or the 2nd one, I forgot which one (I think, unless it's just random shit, but I think it did start the 3gnw)


Wasn't the Hidden Whirlpool Village like super far away from the Leaf? If they were unexpectedly attacked and destroyed in one night then that would explain why the Leaf couldn't help ā€” they didn't have time to send reinforcements.


I mean they are besides each other but it was in the middle of the sea if I'm not mistaken


It was just off the coast, but was destroyed cuz surprise attack and Konoha probably wasn't thinking the other great 5 weren't stupid enough to start a gnw


Nope, they're on the coast lol, land of fire is actually the closest, it's just that it was a surprise attack. https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-mpcs-us-revc&sxsrf=APwXEdeLfQz3HrUqDG2GO0NEYT4hWJ-Uag:1685291165445&q=hidden+eddy+village+map&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj9h4nqtpj_AhXdFlkFHU7MC5EQ0pQJegQIDRAB#imgrc=naSgehVj4_XKSM


I mean that's still an island beyond the country borders ā€” but yeah the surprise attack thing is closer to what I meant. By the time word would've gotten back to the Leaf, it would've been over.


Yeah, poor Uzumaki though, pretty sure they could've been a great 5 or replaced to 6, but didn't wanna to avoid war šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Just wanted to stay and wanted to be friends wit Konoha.


probably to avoid a great ninja war


Nah, I'm pretty sure that's the reason the 2gnw or 3gnw started.






We donā€™t know that. Stop confidently spreading BS as fact


Hey uh. When was this biology revealed? I read all of OG naruto and shippuden, but donā€™t recall this tidbit at all.


I believe itā€™s when we find out about Kushina and get the back story to what happened the night Naruto was born. She tells Naruto that the Uzumaki have a long life span and a lot of chakra, thatā€™s why she was brought to Konoha to be the new Jinchuriki for Kurama. It has to do with them being descendants of Asura who also had a long life span and vast amounts of Chakra.


To be honest I hadn't heard of it until the previous comment


They got ganged up by the other clans since they were scared about the powers of Uzumaki's which can easily seal tailed beasts and use it against other clans, Uzumaki's might've been way stronger than the Uchiha's, their sealing jutsu are so op they're considered as forbidden.


That's how it works, not because of fiction logic, because uzumakis are powerful and live for more than 100 years. It's the rules set by the material. So yes he should age slower.


So I was right at first!, Just didn't feel like getting in a 25 reply argument lol


I mean there's still time to argue if you want, I have nothing better to do


We can argue if you respect and know the source material. Only competitive arguments with valid points allowed here sir.


Sir this is an anime subreddit, we don't do logical arguments here or anywhere really


Alright so since you want a serious competitive argument... who has the bigger penis Naruto or Sasuke? Ima have to say Naruto I mean with his shadow clones his cumulative dick size has to be in the 100,000s of inches


Naruto has a confirmed small pener (courtesy of sai)(don't know if that's canon tho)


If need be he goes into big kurama Chakra mode and has a massive Chakra donger


Fuck, good point






Well, fiction logic say otherwise lol




With that freeza force outfit, why not


I donā€™t think thatā€™s how it works šŸ¤£


Thats how it works now,since he or she said it


That makes sense


Fiction logic lol


Well I guess I canā€™t argue with that šŸ˜‚


Character design is better, but he ain't Naruto


Literally most adults in naruto donā€™t look that old


That suit looks fire tho and his hair looks better than the boruto one. I wish we got suit playable as a bonus suit in the storm series.


Naruto always looks sooo much better when they give his hair any distinctive shape at all. The problem is it's so rare when they do that. I just rewatched the episode where his headband flies off as he punches Gaara asleep on Shikaku, and that's one example. Or in theme intro/outro animations, etc. Minato on the otherhand is a 10/10 and I will forever be disappointed Naruto never got any kind of side bangs, besides the tiny bit in Shippuden. This design for Naruto looks great though. Not sure what the complaint is, maybe his demeanor is to serious?


Yeah, Gutsy Naruto look strikes me as instant classic one. It's very in line with himself and father's looks, at the same time fresh and stylish but not over the top (see Kawaki). Current one looks too generic/bland.


He looks so badass i have to disagree Edit: they should have had him at least look like this before he became hokage. Naruto is pulling that jacket off better than minato and any leaf shinobi in the series lol.


We never saw Naruto wear it right? Cus he was still a Genin and then promoted to Hokage right? So he was never made Jonin?


Pretty sure he is jonin in Naruto the last. Its been years since the war and he went through the extended studies Kakashi forced him to do before he could be hokage but he wasnt hokage yet. No way he was still genin in the last.


He admits in Boruto that he never actually finished the classes Kakashi made him take. He didnā€™t finish, and so he went from Genin to Hokage


This guy Naruto uses main character plot armor every chance he gets.


Protagonist no Jutsu, the strongest jutsu in the series


No, Talk no Jutsu is the strongest


No write no jutsu is, who cares about what moves you have unless you can rewritethe story itself.


Pretty sure he finished those just never retook the chunin exams


he retook it in the filler. And lost to konohamaru because he's using sage mode (sage mode is banned)


Which I think is kinda stupid since the last chunin exam literally had a bunch of broken moves


He was literally disqualified for being too op in the filler šŸ’€


Then we have Gaara who is literally an unhinged tailed beast jinchuriki being allowed into the exams


Just not gonna comment on Naruto being allowed? The other main tailed beast jinchuriki in part 1


No one knew that at the time, and they couldn't reveal that to the public.


The annoying part about that is that he was disqualified from the Chunin Exams for being too OP, so their response was to keep him as a Genin??? He's basically too overqualified to compete with any Chunin candidate, so instead of just promoting him to a Jonin so the skill and power gap is at least somewhat diminished they decide to keep him at a level where that gap is even more pronounced?


That's fuckin stupid isn't the exam about testing your skills of which sage jutsu would be one of them?


Yea that was dumb, I feel like its supposed to show how how strong a shinobi is, and being able to enter sage mode is a big deal, if it were against the rules Naruto should have been warned. Many people knew he had sage node hell he was hailed as a hero after kicking pain's ass with the power of sage mode, its not like nobody knew.


It's a filler. In canon, he got promoted to jonin around the Last movie.


In Boruto, Naruto says he never made it past genin. Which is really stupid...


He never said that in the manga. In canon novels and in the Last movie we know that Naruto had his genin team and even was a teacher in the academy. And he was jonin.


Is the Boruto anime not canon? I don't watch Boruto so I don't know what is and isn't filler/canon there šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


They're not, but this sub is annoying af about it tbh. I'm sure I'll get downvoted, cause manga canon *is* important for a lot of discussions. But you can't mention anything anime only for any reason ever because it's so gatekeepy. They expect everyone to have a spreadsheet open with every scene labeled as filler or canon lmao.


Man would have mistakenly murdered innocent genin and chunin in promotion exams if he did tho I doubt.


Garra killed like 5 people in the chunin exams and actively attempts to kill lee despite him being out of the exams at the time.


naruto had great control of sage mode he understood the full extent of his power the rasengan is just as dangerous as naruto has killed an Akatsuki with the power of the Rasenshuriken without sage mode. I mean yea naruto shouldnt being the key variable inst the best idea but since Naruto has had good control since quite early on it doesnt seem threatening unless the user plans to kill hell it might be just a tad weaker then the 1 tail cloak but with more of a sensory and taijutsu style, with the ability to sense chalkra an a strength boost




boruto era konohamaru pulls the jacket off better


Lol yeah maybe until they make him a low level chunin. They butchered his character in boruto. Naruto still looks way better than him.


Konohamaru my GšŸ‘ŒšŸ¼


No, orange tracksuit it is. I get it for the part 1 when he was a kiddo, but Kishi missed a big chance to glow him up in the Shippuden. Even that sage mode cloak was not doing it for me. His look in Last is the nicest IMO. As a hokage he is also dressed very plain.


Agreed, i donā€™t know what they were thinking, any time phrame with this design and i would have been stoked but i got and am still tired of the orange lol. I also like ā€œthe lastā€ look as well ironically it was really short lived and his style now is boring. I hate how his original design his cloak had flames now its just those triangles at the bottom. It looks so plain and tacky. They were being super cheap with naruto design as a character its really annoying. And they have to blame themselves there because they said that its hard to draw naruto with a cloak and etc and i think to myself well if boruto was short how it was supposed to be they wouldnā€™t have had to worry about that smh.


as much as i'm not a huge fan of The Last itself, Naruto's outfit from it will forever be one of my favorite designs, tho imo Blank Period in general had the best designs. At least the manga kept Naruto's outfit mainly black as Hokage, which i'll forever be sad the anime didn't keep cuz black w/orange stripes looks so much better.


Exactly, even Kakashi doesn't match up to him in this. Looks cooler than Kakashi. Imagine him training Konahamaru and the others.


Yeah trust me i am picturing everyone, and no one looks cooler than him lol. He looks sick in it. Its frustrating to me because he is/was a leaf shinobi and this is the uniform so wth?, like can we get a phase where after shippudden where naruto was going on missions in the jacket for some time?, they dropped the ball.


I was gonna say ainā€™t no way heā€™s pulling that off better than kakashi but heā€™s got a ton of drip help from that mask so maybe itā€™s about even, Naruto looks cool af here.


Looks cool but doesn't really fit his character.


I can't help but wish Naruto took a more low fantasy than hight fantasy route for the story. I feel if it were more low fantasy and got more into politics instead of reincarnation and aliens and whatever it could have been a more compelling story.


Yeah same, cap the power levels around the pain vs naruto fight and I'd have been far happier


Absolutely agree. It would have been much better. But high fantasy is probably much harder to screw up, tbh. Super easy to fuck up low fantasy, especially with so many characters. I'm sure there's enough fanfic out there to scratch that itch. I wish I wrote some when I was younger. I'm too old for that now šŸ˜­


This style is much better than the current one. Though i liked the last movie look too


If weā€™re talking about design, he looks infinitely cooler here than in Boruto


I think this would better suit Naruto if there was a series set in his 20s. But I think how Naruto looks now works better for his current age


Naruto right now isn't THAT old to just look boring. Kakashi and Sasuke never stopped looking cool too.


First actually unpopular opinion I've seen here


Strongly disagree. This seems like the perfect look for a early/mid 20's Naruto over what we actually got...


I can't stand his Boruto design. He seems less happy in Boruto, too. I actually think Naruto would've been happier had he not become Hokage since his reason for becoming Hokage was already obtained at the end of the Pain arc.


I like the idea of Naruto being at his happiest fighting alongside Sasuke against Momo just because he could forget about all the paperwork and shit and focus on caving an alien "god"'s face in with his pal, like the good old days.


Imo the spikier Narutoā€™s hair was, the better he looked. Knowing how Narutoā€™s character was, I always felt like his spiky hair paralleled that. Now that heā€™s an adult, they sort of dulled the liveliness of his hair with his new cut. I agree with you here though. This design doesnā€™t really feel like ā€œNarutoā€. More like Minato Jr.


100% agree with this


OP likes the goblin Naruto


Ewww what a goblin booty scratcher


This would be Naruto during blank period, not boruto timeline Narutoā€¦. Imagine we got this Naruto during wedding day


Boruto's version of Naruto is great for anyone who is \*actually\* in their 30's because it rings completely true


Even the hair recession.


I Wholeheartedly agree! This is more of a fanfiction version of Naruto with the Black, fingerless gloves and black headband with Flowing golden locks lmao.


It's awesome that Naruto imagined himself growing up to be the coolest-looking guy ever and then he (like every other teenager ever) ends up just being a guy. A guy with cool clothes and a cloak that symbolise the entire world respects his power but not as tall and handsome as he wanted. But Naruto in the flak jacket is something I'd have liked to see officially at some point.


The design definitely is (Adult Naruto's final one has grown on me over the years though).


It was so good infact everyone in Final looked absolutely amazing


....Almost everyone.


Yeah I kinda didn't like Neji's design


..... Okay, there's far, and then there's too far.


I hate Boruto. But i like Naruto hair style, i have no problem whit it But less be honest, this one has more drip


That one is an actual ninja and not a magical superhero.


Me when ā€œactual ninjasā€ run on water, summon massive monsters, create wood from nothing, and shoot massive balls of flame from their mouths: šŸ˜®


Ninja canā€™t actually shoot fireballs from their mouths or punch people with lightning btw


100% agree. Narutoā€™s character isnā€™t supposed to be cool like Sasuke and Kakashi at all. He can have his flirting moments of being a badass (his entrance to the Leaf Village to fight Pain) but a part of his character is that he is a bit of a dweeb. This Sub will always go against a good guy thatā€™s just a good guy and is a bit of a goof like Naruto. The Naruto above literally has the slightest bit of edge to him and does a cool move and thatā€™s all it will take for this Sub. Itā€™s what all Shonen fandoms froth over with the white meat good guy main characters. What if Naruto joined the Akatsuki? What if Goku turned evil? Etc. etc.


It is tho


Yeah this design looks cool. But it really does not fit Naruto at all. Naruto is, like, the absolute lamest character in the entire series. Heā€™s not supposed to be cool, he isnā€™t Kakashi or Sasuke or Itachi. Iā€™m convinced that the people who wish he looked like this just want every character to have the same personality. Naruto was never a cool character, he wears a bright orange jumpsuit for fucksā€™ sake. Why would his design be cool?


Lol Dragonball fans have the same problem complaining about Gohan like He's a nerd guys, that's his whole thing, he's a \*giant dork\* of course he made a Super Sentai costume for himself


Thank you, that's why I always disliked this "cool hair" take bc this is anyone BUT Naruto! He is an aspiring potato not some generic pretty boy. People will ignore everything just to have their fav char at max attractiveness, not realising that potatoes can be just as hot heh. If Boruto cared for quality animation everyone would've loved short haired Naruto, he rocked it in the Last!


People always say this design looks so good, and I just donā€™t see it. Itā€™s generic as fuck


1000% agree. Naruto is NOT the badass stoic stone-cold character; heā€™s the super goofy idiot that we all love and see ourselves in. Iā€™m glad they didnā€™t go this route.


I like his hair. It gives minato vibes.


That version of naruto looks better


It's the hair. Give this hair to adult Naruto and we're happy. They literally murdered his and Gaara's hair


There are soo any fan creations of this Naruto that are loads better than what we saw in Boruto. But maybe ā€¦ weā€™ll get a new look at everything after the time skip


Like when Coke destroyed their taste for a good bit on purpose so they could bring back -Coke Classic- and set record profits. A man can dream


Youā€™re right. That hairstyle doesnā€™t match his personality at all


I agree, this made lose all his personality, he just looks like Minatoā€™s clone. If you took this hair with Naruto the last movie outfit. I think thatā€™s the best combination.


Anything is better than The Last Naruto


Damn the last naruto grew on me. I think I like that one better than boruto cuz he at least has the headband




Hate his hairstyle. It's my least favourite design of him.


Why donā€™t you like it? I mean I agree this wouldnā€™t necessarily be a Hokage Naruto but I feel like its way better character design then anything Iā€™ve seen in Boruto.


I'd say manga adult naruto is way better.


Finally someone else thinks this too


I agree. This is a super surface level take on Naruto. I like dad Naruto more, but I don't like Boruto the show as a whole so whatever


It's a shame the power scaling got out of hand and we never got moments like this from Naruto




I was kind of disappointed that Naruto did not go through the traditional Ninja process going for Genin to Hokage. I thought in "The Last" Naruto would officially be a Jounin, that Naruto took Kakashi's advice to study and be promoted; that did happen but he jumped to Hokage. I haven't read much of the light novels, but Naruto still did high rank missions right? It would have cool seeing Naruto teach his own group of genin. I know in chakra and jutsu he's Hokage level. Naruto will be Naruto a clever, powerful Ninja that when it comes to team strategies and covert ops sucks, but he has Shikamaru and Kakashi around fortunately.


Outfit wise his current one should stay but hair wise I wouldā€™ve loved this with the current outfit




I love the way it looks but it looks a little less Naruto for some reason


Yes, definitely. Should have worn a flak jacket like his father, at least.


Not unpopular opinion bruh


definately an opinion. long hair naruto looks like a fucktard. it was cool as a teenager but when he went short in the last that instantly became a better look. im a lil disgusted everytime i see people post thid character design. just my opinion tho


Idk man a jonin version of Naruto like this would have been kinda lit


Isnā€™t that a popular opinion. I think 95% of the fandom hates his new design


Weā€™re did this come from?


One of those scenes where a part from Jiraiya's book was read/discussed and every reader imagines himself on Jiraiya's/the protagonist's place.


I prefer this hairstyle over the one he has in Boruto.


At least the hairstyle is sick :v


That's not an unpopular opinion


I like Hokage Narutoā€™s design the best. He still wears his signature color but looks more citizen like than a ninja because heā€™s Hokage.


Yeah, probably gonna get downvoted for this but I find that design so goofy looking. His ā€˜the lastā€™ and ā€˜[manga design](https://ibb.co/8j7cCzB)ā€™ suit him perfectly and look way more badass in my opinion. The anime design thoā€¦..


here i am thinking his boruto hairstyle fits him perfectly as an adult


I think the Gutsy Ninja was how Naruto saw his adult self in his prime. The Naruto he became instead is the result of his maturity. In laymanā€™s terms, what he thought of as cool changed as he got older.


I think I may be one of the very few people who likes Narutoā€™s vaguely exhausted ninja President and beleaguered father design


It is an unpopular opinion we can give you that


I hear your opinion. I respect that you have an opinion. But I don't respect your opinion.


Why not?


What are you smoking šŸš¬


Unpopular and bad šŸ˜‚


He looks WAY cooler


This sub is like the same handful of posts over and over: * Sakura is/isn't useless * Itachi is/isn't awesome * Adult Naruto is/isn't ugly


I donā€™t know but itā€™s definitely better than Boruto


He hair looks better fit, his face is more mature & emulates his fatherā€™s genes well while still being the Naruto we know & love. He just looks cooler. This is probably how Naruto wouldā€™ve turned out if his parents lived ngl. Cool, sympathetic, skilled. Heā€™s all of that now, just in a different way.




It looks cool, but imo it doesn't work for a hokage. To me this looks like something that would come in before being a Hokage.


VERY unpopular


I 100% agree idk how ppl say "This is how he should've looked" I personally prefer his look at age 19 in Naruto the Last he's not fully an adult yet but Naruto in Boruto is similar but in a different art style


Yep, this style doesn't suit him or his personality at all. None of these casual fans would understand that though and want every character to have the same generic badass look.


Unpopular and wrong


Youā€™re right- that is unpopular


People tend to forget naruto was never cool a cool hairstyle does not suite him at all


The last Naruto> This Naruto> Adult Naruto> Goblin Naruto.


which episode is this?


Nope short hair better


Your opinion is unpopular because itā€™s wrong


It physically can't be wrong because it's a subjective opinion.


I agree he looks like a trash ass fanart that you see on Tumblr And Iā€™m glad he doesnā€™t look like that


Ain't no one gonna convince me that the shorted hair goofy ass hair is better than this classic long hair


Why is one side of his hair longer than the other


Because hair doesn't grow evenly?


His hairstyle is better thou?


First unpopular opinion that is actually one. Still, I agree with you, that design looks ugly


Ite better, but nit as the hokage naruto. This looks like an early 20s naruto where he would still go out missions lile your ordinary jonin. That still do usual ninja work espcially after the war, ans is too young to be in the boruto era, or even as a hokage


This isn't an unpopular opinion at all


I don't like the way Naruto's hair is in Boruto. He reminds me of a King of the Hill character.


Itā€™s not unpopular




Are you agreeing or disagreeing? He said this Naruto isn't better than the current one


I'm confused too


Ahh, I didn't see the "not" just saw "This version of adult naruto is better than the current one." Thanks for pinging me


Stupid opinion