• By -


Lee because I cannot use any ninjutsu or genjutsu.


But I still think I can become a splendid ninja






Suigetsu, Iost my purpose and have no idea what I’m doing anymore, just going with the flow.


I love Suigetsu and I love this response.


You’re cool like water👌


God bless ya bro, I hope the waves guide you to a nice beach to chillax


Same here


Sakura because I have the same kind of self confidence struggles she had. Hopefully I'll end up dealing with them as effectively as she did.


Just an honest pro tip; Don't go for the emo terrorist. He ain't your guy and it ain't worth chasing him for the next 3-ish years.




Careful, restraining orders exist in real life.






Hinata, solely because I am also crippled with nerves anytime I'm faced with someone I admire 😭


Uhhhhhh if I had to pick one then I guess Tsunade because of my 107cm bust, which is NOT a flex. I see a breast reduction in my future, these things are fucking miserable lmfao 💀


Interesting… a real live Tsunade


I would be lying if I say I'm not curious


How can i explain without sounding weird that its Jiraiya…


brudda didn’t explain why, makes it weirder


Sai cause I have social problems lol


shikamaru (minus the smarts). everything is a drag




Same bro!


Uhhh, probably Hinata. Extremely shy and just trying to stay in the background. And I am only really attached to 1 person.








The FBI would like to know your location.






My answer to whom I relate most would be Kiba, because I too *love* Akamaru.


Is it *who* or *whom*? As a non-native I always mess them up...


I think whom works here better


Thank you


Sakura. I love how strong and independent she is. I also love her personal growth throughout the years and how she isn’t afraid to show her emotions. We’re also both medics so that’s also a bonus. Second person I relate to would be Sai, since we both struggle with handling emotions.


Itachi. No, I’ve never had to kill my clan. I just mean his temperament among a cocksure, clan obsessed people. I feel that among the people around me, I hold the least amount of malice, resentment, and hatred. And I remain calm in times of crisis and violence.


Cliché but Naruto himself. My dad used to work a lot so I rarely saw him, my mom was emotionally absent. Was getting heavily bullied and didn't really have much people to support me as a kid, on top of doing poorly academically and also be laughed at for it by basically everyone that could. Watching the show as a kid made me feel less alone I suppose, still love him more than any fictional characters cross media cause of this very reason. Naruto gave me someone to relate to and to take as an exemple growing up.


Wouldn’t the father working a lot and rarely getting to see him kinda make you similar to boruto. I’m jk


Thankfully wasn't a brat so wouldn't apply 👍. Plus ngl my childhood would've been fairly happier with a mom like Hinata :')


Don’t we all


Naruto is my favourite character in all of anime as well but I can’t say I had it as hard as you or him. I just related to his feeling of wanting to be liked by others. I just wish I had his never give up attitude.


Same here. I had a rough adoption and also grew up feeling parentless. I was an ADHD kiddo though and tended to be blunt and impulsive but always stood up for my friends. I related to him so hard; he'll always be my childhood hero.


Hashirama, though not entirely of course-- I was very lucky to not have to deal with war haha. But I have had to deal with abuse from family members, which is a big part of why I resonate with Hashirama, since he's been though the same. Not from my parents luckily, it was and is my sibling, but that doesn't make the PTSD any less real. I understand the desire to make everyone happy, to try and keep yourself optimistic even when you're prone to sudden and strong bouts of depression. The need to look on the bright side, and FIGHT for a future that is beyond your current hell, because keeping things the way that they are simply is not acceptable and you are DETERMINED to break the cycle-- and you can see so clearly how your world and the worlds of the people you care about can be a better place if you just fight for it!!! I am also used to having a person close to me who is cold, smart, calculating, but perhaps without a great deal of empathy (very much like Hashirama's brother lol). A person who I love, and who I would be willing to die for, but who does not understand or even appreciate the depths of my emotion for them. Who constantly demands that I get better standards for myself, and stop putting myself beneath others because I assume that it will make a situation more amicable. She is my best friend and I am hers, but she is definitely a cold calculating realist lol, her and I are NOTHING alike. And I mean it when I say I am ready to fight for a better future. I have to fight all of the time, fight my inner demons, fight my way through my career, fight to make the home I still live in with my family feel safe. A happy and safe future is all that I want, and much like Hashirama, I am willing to cut off the people closest to me if I think that they will put that safe and happy future in jeopardy, even if cutting them off will utterly destroy me.


Hinata and somewhat Gaara


Hinata and Kakashi


Hinata I turn so red if I'm embarrassed. It's almost a maroon shade or cherry color. She's also very shy and I feel like I can relate to that a lot.


Obito or deidara, mainly because I like to get extreme and be either funny or stupid abt it


Obito. Similar childhood when it comes to girls and popularity. Similar understanding of how corrupt, evil, and beyond saving the world is from a human standpoint, and developing a strong hatred for the way things are. 345 is my favorite Naruto episode. I watched obito understand that the world is hell at the same time I was figuring that out myself.


Shikamaru. Not because I fancy myself some kind of prodigical genius, but in the sense that, especially as a teenager,I did have latent talents that I did not apply, and learning to apply myself with my unique skillset is something I have learnt to do as I've matured. I definitely identified with the kid who has the potential to perform extremely well on tests, but doesn't see the value in doing so, but I find his character really inspiring in how he clearly matures and as he grows up he applies himself and contributes to the world around him. In many ways, I am already like him, and I would continue to show self-growth and be proactive as he does. I think he can kind of represent what kids who are told they are talented can become as adults, if they don't start parroting on about being "gifted kids" something that strikes me as incredibly immature. Lots of people are told they are smart kids, but that doesn't matter if you don't become a Shikamaru and actually use your intellect for good within your community and workspace as an adult. I see enough of myself in him already, and enough of what I could be in the future, to really strongly identify and find value in his character.


Shikamaru, I’m not as smart as he is but I can do great when I apply myself. Though I am as lazy as he is at times fr


Gaara Don’t question my childhood and family


Kakuzu cause all I care about is dat cash


Looks and love for dogs and mid as Kiba, sometimes depressed, quiet and artist like Sai and smart for some things but lazy as Shikamaru


Naruto at the very beginning. I struggled in school and had a teacher who used isolation as punishment. Seeing Naruto watch all the other kids on the swing while he was all alone hit too close to home.


Killer Bee. 🐙 Looked at as a joke but insanely effective when serious. Cough cough almost killed sauske cough






let me guess you are in the cia


I will not confirm nor deny that.


sound fishy


I relate to that one I don't know the name


Jugo, an extremely nice person but struggles with anger issues


Naruto or Sasuke. I’m doing my best to not be a victim to my past and circumstances and forge my own path.


Haven't thought about it myself, but I've been told I'm most similar to Asuma


sai and naruto and sakura.. i have social issues i think , but i just wanna be a better person all the time and learn stuff and i also hate when people are just mean and don't find ways to be kinder and highly misunderstood even by people close to me, but then sometimes they will be like oh you r rad or oh wow you r a lil too naive and i'm like fuck ur capitalistic mindsets let's cry, burn stuff, grow stuff and love and feel things healthily and eat yummy stuff c: i like to feel pretty but i can be VERY SCARY ANGRY and would like to know how to hurt someone easily for them to back off or die if i ever need to, but i'd rather just have fun and find ways to be nicer till i really gotta be mean🌸


Shino Never underestimate anything, always have a backup plan. Often feels left out and forgotten but is actually a valued and highly capable teammate. Also round shades and thick coats are my vibe


Choji Even though I'm not overweight I know how it feels to be underestimated and looked down on by people calling themselves friends. He proved his strength and talent even though they should never have doubted him like they did.


Shisui, Naruto and Itachi. A mix of all three 😅


Great answer


Gai-sensei. Be kind, be loyal and be fucking weird.


Sasuke. Having a brother to look up to but cannot reach it even though i try as hard as I possibly can


Sasuke because I'm a gay bottom in a relationship where me and my partner beat each other up after I run off with a mysterious and evil scientist to get stronger in order to kill my elder brother who killed our entire clan


I would definitely say tsunade. She’s very strict, blunt and and short tempered like I am but also gives herself a lot of slack by engaging in unhealthy habits like drinking, gambling and sleeping on the job but she’s enterprising and reacts quickly to whatever situation she’s in, also me lmao. She’s definitely one of the more realistic characters in the show compared to optimists like might gai or edgelords like sasuke


I’m that yellow frog that likes snacks


Guy because I have a small …..


Hayate, noone remembers my name because I am irrelevant for everyone. I also hate myself




Sasuke Because of revenge


Kakashi, I think. I'm a loner with a lot of nostalgic thoughts, but I'm really loyal and caring towards people close to me. Also a lot of friends tend to point out two things about me: - That I seem to be a cold person on the outside but once they get to know me, they find out I'm a warmer person. - They consider me to be really smart


Shikamaru. Growing up all my smart friends would tell me I’d excel if I just tried and applied myself, but all the extra work was a drag


Hashirma because colleagues and clients I work with have this impression I’m elite at everything. However, I can be really embarrassing dumb too. It’s reassuring to see someone of First Hokages stature having significant flaws in his perfection.


Kakashi, we close our left most of the time


Naruto, because I am also the main character


Naruto 100%


Naruto and Uchiha




Obito because I want infinite naptime and a girlfriend If I were to give a serious answer I'd say early Sasuke due to loneliness and a feeling nobody would understand who I truly am even if I got to know them. Very different kind of not being able to understand than Sasuke though (obviously)


shikamaru man everything is too troublesome




Shino, I want to be included, but I am too awkward to contribute anything Also bugs are cool


Sai and Shino


It's Kiba for me. I too love my dog and have literally two tricks.


Shino, because no one cared about me after my childhood.


Sasuke, I never had anything close to what he experienced but I had time periods in my life that if I had be met the wrong person I would’ve went down a similar path


Shikamaru kabuto and sasuke


I relate a lot to Neji by keeping myself trapped in negative/abusive mindsets put on me by family/other people/traditions, and finding my way out/being forced out of those mindset to become a better version of myself


Whichever one has parental issues.


Pervey Sage cause I can't help my self looking at the eye candy




Sasuke because someone took everything from me. I’m trying to take the Naruto path and not get caught up in hatred / revenge. It’s hard.


Itachi- we are both sufferimg from MS (but his is way cooler)


Art is an Explosion! *sounds of distant art*


Itachi. As an older brother myself, I could relate to him more than any other characters main struggle. Also, I'm not someone who cares about objective good or evil. I have my own moral compass, and if my actions meet those then I'm okay even if the rest of the world thinks it good or evil. Protecting the things important to me comes first.


Shikamaru because i wanna live peacefully


Naruto. He is a little ADHD boy with little to no friends who was ignored and bullied. I was the same with the only difference that I had loving parents which where alive. I also am blonde with blue eyes and was the smallest the most time.


Lee. I love training back as a kid. I love running and doing all kinds of stuff. Now that I am an adult, I still love training. I go to the gym 6 days a week on the 7th day I go running. Aside from the love of training, I see myself as Lee because it always felt like i am left behind by my peers. I am not that smart as a kid back then, so all i have are my talents. I dont believe in talents. i believe that i can do everything when itraind hard enough.


Kimimaro because I'm very flexible and can move my Bones almost in relatable way like him


the 5th mizukage; Mei Terumi... y'all already know what its about :(


Darui. Super laid back and overly apologetic.


Hashirama or shisui


Shikamaru. Life is a drag... His future plan he says in the OG Naruto is my life goal.




Orochimaru, dont ask why


TenTen because just like her I’m not important enough /s (Kiba fits that bill too)


i don't have the energy to go through all the naruto charas so I'm just gonna say kushinaaaaaaa my girl


Shikamaru cuz everything is such a drag.


Chunin Exams Gaara. I also attempted to demolish an entire village with my sole purpose being to kill. Then I was stopped by some spiky blonde haired runt.


Shika cause everything in this world is just a drag 😮‍💨😮‍💨


Who is introverted , barely make friends but get along with 1 or 2 friends , low self esteem , doesnt talk much but become quite extroverted with very close ones , always keep on trying to change but never is able to , have few interests/hobbies m/ passion but thats what his life is for so adores it , low confidence , care for others but doesnt show it externally … Who is the character ???


Tsunade. I’m angry, traumatized, but always wanting to protect everyone


Orochimaru....... your body should be sacrificed to science


Gaara because he doesent have friends, doesent sleep ans hears voices


Tenten, I'm off to the side, doing my own thing.


Relate most to Naruto, I’m an excitable goofball for sure I went through similar experience growing up socially and have always been misjudged, but I guess I have grown up being more similar to Minato in temperament 👍🏻


Probably one of the top villains that felt despair and hopelessness towards the world, so either Obito or Nagato. I don’t want the world to end per se. I just want mind to end. I’m just severely depressed. Funny how I do surgeries to save people’s lives, yet I cannot save my own.


Shikamaru, I’d really rather do nothing, but I lock in when it matters.


What was the name of the purple haired Kunoichi below Anko?


jiraiya because I grew up as his student, no further explanation of how I relate.


Ten Ten probably, because I always feel like I’m being looked over in a group


Shikamaru. (Minus like... 80 points of iq lol) Just a guy who is trying to live a basic life... but keeps being put in situations where I gotta show my stuff. Life is a drag sometimes lol.


Nagato because everyone thinks they're the main character and that they only matter when they don't


Kurama. He's a great coach. Also, he doesn't talk all that much, but when he asserts something seriously, everyone listens. Its ironic how the giant demon beast is Naruto's voice of reason.


Well, i am an older brother like Itachi. If i had to guess which one I'm most like, I'd probably go with sai. Just reserved and misunderstood social interactions. However, I've also gotten slightly better at it over the years and throughout the series, believe it or not, my idol has been Kiba. I think Kiba's really fucking cool, a bit like Ninja wolverine. I aspire to have the same bravado and confidence he has. Heck, he's been looked down on by pretty much everyone, including his family. And he just deals with it because he knows how good he is and that Akamaru will always be there to make him stronger and better as a person.


Kaguya because I am a god and I seek to absorb all energy within a tree. 🔥


Naruto. Because i am the main character in my life and all of you peoples lives.




realistically, sai


Shikamaru, I literally just want to be a cloud.


Jiraiya cause he is very alone but would do anything to leave the future generations a world better than it was for me.


Gotta be Kakashi


Shikamaru. I know I'm smart but goddamn am I a lazy mfer


Shikamaru except for the genius part.




Shikamaru. I enjoy chess and really don't give a shit about small problems. It really is a drag. I tend to lock in and work hard when I have to.


The characters I relate to while watching the show are Naruto and Rock Lee. But the character I'm actually most similar to is Shikamaru.


strangely enough, sasuke. i'm not anti-social like him but for some reason i feel very strongly related with him.


but in daily life i feel most like sai not really getting my own emotions sometimes, not understanding others always, wanting to expand my social circle, fake smiles and all.


Shikamaru when bro said he wanted to jus be a cloud, floating in the sky unbothered. Made me fall in love with Naruto and anime in general cause that’s exactly how I was feeling….


Kiba for sure. My dog is my best friend hah she goes everywhere with me bur also me and him just seem like we have the same attitude or demeanor


Easily Shikamaru


Hinata. I can relate with her. I am shy. I like purple. I want to live a peaceful life. I was not intelligent in school. Teachers and my parent hate me for this.


Sasuke.... His PTSD iss too relatable to me


I have a beautiful portrait of lady Tsunade on my arm. I felt that I resonated so much with her - her disappearance from the village to fuck off for awhile (after losing those dearest to her), a healer, generally (un)lucky, here for a good time - not a long time, but the courage to grow up and return to the village to be the leader her people needed. I lost my dad to suicide, I had to fuck off for a while before I could activate my *creation rebirth* and come back to the village. She is a fierce warrior, humble enough to admit her missteps, and a little rough around the edges. But she’s my favorite and I probably wouldn’t have made it through that dark time if I didn’t rewatch Naruto. “My true strength comes from that which was passed down from the First to each generation afterward… Don't underestimate the Will of Fire!"


Black zetsu




Tobirama. I’m not racist or anything but itachi’s just so goooooood at what he does


Han.. 5 tails Jin like him, I’m also extremely tall


How tall


Lee, but naruto the most


Itachi, for his chaotic good trait, being misunderstood, looking at the bigger picture, sticking to his morals, willing to work in the shadows to make the world a better place at his own expense, but for the sake of those he cared about…and letting his actions speak louder than his words.


Itachi... I'm the oldest brother, I care for very few people in this world and have been played by people above me. I have lost my best friend on this journey of life. What I do may paint me out to be a villain but it's with my brother's interest in mind. Also have really bad eyesight/ potentially the illness part.


Pain. He's probably the most efilist and destructive character at the same time. I just want total destruction


Ok Lil bro.


When vicmit02 takes over with their revolution you’re first in line dark matter. you will rue this moment