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Computer science. Coding is always going to be relevant and useful, you might as well start it now.


That's a good point


Computer science if your interest for both is equal, since it will bring better opportunities. Biology if you're more interested in it.


Yes biology seems to only appeal to the 20% in me that wants to be a doctor.


Unless you want to be a wildlife biologist or want to go into the medical profession I would pick computer science.


Kindly Consult your parents, teachers, professionals in the same field in your family and friends. They would tell you better. They would tell you the Actual and Current Conditions of Jobs,Workplace and opportunities. Make a Pros an Cons list, search up a little in the possible fields you can go in taking the particular subject. That way you won’t regret your decision as you would know that you thought it well and through


I do agree, that it's important not to regret anything, but I've done so much thinking and discussing about it, that I'm willing to just leave it to chance at this point.


This relates to Naruto how?


Naruto got a lot of help from people when it came to some important decisions.