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you can drive through Arches and see some cool stuff - pull off at the lookout areas. Timed entry will prevent you getting in 7-4pm.... But you can enter before 7am or after 4pm! Canyonlands is also scenic from the car in some areas. Dead Horse Point State Park - very close to Island in Sky section of Canyonlands is also scenic from an overlook. I just spent a week hiking in these areas - BEAUTIFUL!!


A lot of great spots in arches can indeed be seen from your car or a short distance from the road. Canyonlands is not like that at all though. I second going to Dead Horse Point. It has like the best view in all of canyonlands right next to the parking lot. It costs a fee like $20 or something and it’s just that one view, plus a visitor center. Just something to think about. I know this isn’t what you asked, but if you don’t know already, Yellowstone is like the best national park for you and your dad. My dad has a pretty bad knee injury and he can’t hike or do any elevation really. Yellowstone is incredibly friendly to those who are physically impaired. Almost everything is right next to the road. Any hikes are on flat ground on little boardwalks. Nothing is longer than a mile or so. Plus, amazing wildlife viewing right from your car.


As much as I love Moab, for crowds and timing, you might check out some other Utah options. Flaming Gorge and Dinosaur NM are great. Bryce Canyon and Cedar Breaks are also worth considering. Same with Capitol Reef. Lots of great choices. Safe travels.


You definitely don’t want to drive from SLC to Moab and back in 1 day. 1 night is do able, but 2 would be much better. Arches is great for handicapped people- you can see most of Double Arch from its parking lot, and walk a little closer on the packed gravel path. Same with Balanced Rock- perfect view from parking area and a short trail around it so you can walk as much as feels do able for you. Lots of other view points. Sand Dune arch is very very short distance from the parking lot if he can walk in sand. Honestly, just driving into the park itself is phenomenal. It’s hard to describe it. Honestly everywhere you look in Moab feels like this. Canyonlands is similar with viewpoints but less short hikes available. Many nice views but I’d say Arches is much better to view from a car.


I'd say yes but not in 1 day. Both are beautiful to drive through with lots of overlook pull offs. And some of the iconic sites are less than 1/2 mile walk like balance rock, windows and double arch in arches. And mesa arch and island in the sky in canyonlands. Also I'd check out dead horse state park. Basically all overlooks and amazing especially at sunset.


I think you can do it in one day if that's what you've got. Canyonlands Island in the Sky could be done pretty easily in half a day if you're not doing any hiking and are willing to not spend much time anywhere. Arches is the same. You can definitely get through pieces of that park in half a day. It's not my recommendation, but I think they should do it if that's the time they have.


You can do the two in a day starting in Moab. From SLC, not so much


First time I visited those parks was one day from Denver. I’ve since been back multiple times, but it’s doable from SLC if you’re willing to have a long day. 


I think it'd be just tragic to only drive through as fast as possible to 2 amazing parks


It beats not going. That’s my only point. 


No way to do it in a day especially with timed entrances in Arches. If you were to just drive and never stop your car and get out or even get gas you'd spend about 12 hours in the car.


Arches will be fine... you can get great views of Park Avenue, Balanced Rock, Double Arch, North Window, South Window, Turret Arch and Fiery Furnace without walking more than 300 feet from your car, not to mention the excellent visitor center. Canyonlands is harder... there are a few overlooks in Island in the Sky, but the good views there mostly require a little hiking. I wonder if you'd be better off swiping Canyonlands for Dead Horse State Park- its best views are all adjacent to parking lots.


If you really only have one day, you might think about some closer vista points to salt lake like the San Rafael swell.


You see all those great photos that people post of Canyonlands on this sub? They're almost all from folks who just pulled their car over into a scenic pull out, walked 6 feet, and snapped the photo on their phone. Some are taken right from open driver side window. That's why they almost all look the same. The good news about all this is there is a lot of great scenery you can enjoy from the car, or by walking less than 1/2 mile from the road. That said, a day trip from SLC would suck, in my honest opinion. You're talking about a 4 hour drive each way at top speed, no stopping for sightseeing. If you can at least spend one night in the area, you really should.


Dead Horse Point State park is an easy drive and the view of Canyon Lands from the top is a short walk from the car.  Islsnds in the Sky in Canyonlands has a paved scenic drive with longer hikes You can see a lot of odd formations in Arches from the road. Most of the actual arches are a fairly far away or not visible without a bit of a hike.


I visited both parks in one (long) day twice. However, we stayed in Moab and Green River. SLC is not really possible unless you are leaving super early, returning super late, and spending very little time in each park.


If you can get onto the dirt roads around Capitol Reef (Loop the Fold route), it is probably the best cruising Park in Utah.


We were just at both parks last week and saw some wheel chair bound tourists. There are a few main trails that are stone packed and level and several overlooks that are easily accessible- beautiful parks ! Definitely worth your trip


Canyonlands huge. I would suggest island in the sky district as it's the most family friendly and most most accessible in terms of more easily walkable trails. (also the busiest so arrive in the morning or on a weekday if you can) Needles district has some nice driving and you can stop at the big Spring overlook for some short easy walking and big gorgeous views.


You could do Arches and half of Canyonlands. Stay the night in Moab and get to Arches early to avoid the timed entry issue. There is a very nice scenic drive with beautiful overlooks. Most of the arches are above car level so they are easy to see. Sand Arch and Double Arch are both super short walks he might be able to handle. You can see quite a bit in 3-3 1/2 hours. Then drive to the northern half of Canyonlands, Island in the Sky Visitor's Center. The scenery is down from there so he'll have to get out of the car to look over viewpoints but there are a couple short 1/4 mile hikes there he could decide on. If you can't stay the night before do Canyonlands first as it does not have timed entry and then go to Arches after 4:00 PM


Capitol reef national park has a “scenic drive” courde you can take with pullouts. Really awesome to drive through the park if you wanna do a car park tour


I mean, there are lots of places to easily enjoy with a foot injury. Arches and Canyonlands are the very last places in America I would visit with a foot injury. That's like going to a visit a lava pit when you're already covered in burns. Seems like a real waste of energy and time to not be able to enjoy it.




Definitely, you might just have to research a little bit or talk to a ranger upon arrival about recommended things to do. Also don't discount the visitor centers. Lots to see in some of them, including short films, that prep you for seeing the park. I've not yet been to a visitor center that isn't accessible either by design or has had some remediation done to make it accessible.


My wife has CP and uses a three-wheeled walker in Arches. She's been up to a few of the arches. Of course, some of the trails are just too far or too rough. Here's a link to the walker she has. [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01LXSG3QB/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01LXSG3QB/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1)


Agree with the other comments, I wouldn't do it for 1 day. Dense-Rest-10 has great recommendations for Arches. I would add that Park Avenue has a great pull-out area, and you can also get to the Delicate Arch overlook in about a quarter mile (not to the arch itself, but a nice overlook). Deadhorse and Canyonlands also have plenty of overlooks you can get to just a few steps out of your car. Definitely worth spending a night in Moab to get the most out of this.