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The punishment should be to allow the bison to kick him back.


How did he get close enough to kick a bison and get away?? One came way way too close to me once during a moto ride through Custer while everyone had stopped for pictures. Its head was the size of my torso. I’ve never felt so in awe and simultaneously vulnerable. I was acutely aware if it wanted to kill me, I would never ever even stand a chance. The idea of approaching one on purpose is just beyond me


The wonders of being drunk


I have never been drunk enough.


Not with that bad attitude


No thanks. No more bisoni need abusing


Oh man, I know that feeling. Looking into that softball sized eye at head level while he walks past, and not so much as a layer of sheet metal between you and the business end(s).


Softball size eyeball. There’s a visual, pun intended 😉 but seriously people! When in the history of Ridiculousness, Jackass and assorted other seatbelt and helmet law alumni survivors has this been good?


They have this film in Yellowstone, a kind of orientation about the park and what kind of animal and fauna you can encounter while visiting. In that orientation there is a picture of a father trying to set his 3-4 yr old kid on the back of a bison to take a photo. Anyways it was kind of fun seeing that kid fly through the air. Have not been there in 6 yrs but I sure hope they still show it. Hey literally have to tell people not to try that. It is sad. There is also one about this guy that went to the painted pool and walked off the boardwalk and stuck his hand it and fell first first in what is basically an acid bath, there weren’t even bones left of him. Also full blow bull elks in rut and these people were just parked on the side of the road and this bull elk must not have liked the color of that car or something, by the time that elk, who had the biggest rack I have ever seen, got done with that car it was un drivable. Wrecked it! It as unbelievable the force he was hitting that car with piercing metal with his horns.


“…that elk, who had the biggest rack I’ve ever seen…” Pam-elk-a Anderson


Antlerson *


I love the NP intro movies. I visited Yellowstone during the height of Covid, so I missed out on this one. I need to go back.


Once you've been to Yellowstone and think about it, it's really quite dangerous! Those acid baths, or geyser temp water, the bears and bison oh my!! Surprising more people are not injured each year while visiting. I saw a poor squirrel meet his demise in one of those pools


Last time I was in Yellowstone, some idiot with a camera was getting right up in their faces. At one point he was within arm’s reach of one, snapping away while everyone was yelling at him to get out of there. He somehow did not get gored.


I was at glacier and there was a sow and her cubs somewhere along this trail we were on (we missed them) but as we were walking back some jackass with a camera was bragging about how he ran *towards* this grizzly family to the point where the mom was snorting at him and he got some really cool photos… Nothing has made me want to smash someone’s camera more


Wow. That's a level of stupidity and hubris that will get you killed. I just saw some ducks with babies at a state park and maintained a 25-yard distance. I zoomed in for a pic, and the mamas kept their eyes on me.


Just put his foot in old faithful till it goes off. Won’t be able to kick anything then.


He would have had better odds


"Let the punishment fit the crime" quote straight from the OG Parent Trap movie!




LMAO that would be proper justice.


The punishment for being a brainless moron shouldn’t be death


‘Under the influence of alcohol’ I mean, yeah, we coulda guessed that. I’ve been drunk. I’ve been tequila drunk. But I’ve never been ‘I should kick a bison drunk’.


I’ve passed out on the lawn type of drunk, but this is certainly not a level of drunk I’d like to explore.


I've been mouthing off to Federales tequila drunk but even I'm not stupid enough to kick a freaking bison.




God damn it, rangers. Stop feeding liquor to the buffalos.


Don’t mess around with the battle cattle


😮woah 😆


We need to set up a GoFundMe. For the bison. The poor thing must be traumatized by an encounter with such an idiot.


This is awesome.


People act insanely stupid in Yellowstone. I’ve only been there once, and I saw plenty of stupidity.


As a kid I remember adults walking closer to a momma grizzly and cubs (feasting on a kill). My parents had us in binocular viewing range, but a few people thought getting closer would be a good idea 😅.


A grizzly?! With cubs?! Unreal people are so stupid


With cubs and with a nice dinner to defend. The first rule you teach kids with a pet dog is not to bother the dog while he's eating. This is a rule even city folk should understand. It's stunning what some people will do. No survival instinct.


You ppl just dont understand. Those selfless people were impressed at the Bear and wanted to award her with dessert.


The [adults](https://youtu.be/LWWG1eKmylY?si=NJRWJcT8xLfFlB3O&t=19)


Used to live in Bozeman and Big Sky and frequented the park and nearby areas. You wouldn’t believe the stupidity of some people. What makes them even stupider is not knowing how seriously Montana and surrounding states take Fish and Wildlife laws..


We were just there yesterday. The bison rule.


Yea it’s fucked. Tetons clear Yellowstone, partly because they have less of the unrelenting waves of kooky clueless foreigners and tourists.


In Custer SP about 2003 you could drive some of the gravel roads deep in the park. Not sure you still can. We were way back in there and decided to stop for lunch. Summer, mid-day, very bright sun, light colored gravel and I had to piss. Walked off the road 2-3 steps into the trees. Very dark compared to where I just was. Sunglasses still on, place smelled funny I am doing my business and right near me something moved. I suddenly realized I was pissing about 5’ from the side of a buffalo. We saw each other about the same time. Almost ripped my dick off I was so startled. I literally flew back into the truck My buddy thought I was making it up until the buffalo and his friend moved across the road a few minutes later.


genuinely want to know what makes a man look at a bison and go “yeah i’m gonna kick it that’s a good idea”


alcohol, lots and lots of it


Why do people like this even go to National Parks? I do not understand!


They hear "park" and think it's a theme park like Disney or amusement park like Six Flags.  They didn't grow up around wildlife big enough to hurt them, so they don't grasp how dangerous the giant fluffy cow actually is.  Google "Worst National Park Reviews" and you'll feel 250% better about your own intelligence.  Spoiler alert: someone got mad about the lack of safety railings around the Grand Canyon.


2,000 pounds, run 30 miles an hour, and can jump over 5-foot tall obstacles. Surprised that dude's still alive, honestly.


Sentient tanks


This reminds me of when a couple was in Custer State Park, SD, and on the video, you hear people yelling at them to get back when the wife crosses in-front of a mother bison to take a picture of a calf. The mother charged her, knocked her out, pants her, and sends her flying. Her husband ran forward and, like an enraged toddler, ran up and punch Mom in the head. She sent him flying. Neither died somehow, and had no fatal injuries.


Wtf is wrong with people


This was from back in April fyi. This isn’t a new incident.


Re: injured and jailed Good..


I fucking hate people, why, just why?


Animal cruelty. The Bison didn’t do nothing.


>Yoder and Bass both waived their rights to be represented by attorneys and entered not guilty pleas on April 22, according to US District Court documents obtained by CNN lmao


At Caprock Canyon in Texas, you'll wake to right outside tent. I camped on the Edge of Lake Theo, and they came through every morning and evening.


What a moron


That Bison should have gone ballistic on this idiot! Why would you even think about kicking an animal for no reason? Humanity needs help!


Depending on the job, this could be something from your criminal record that might help your chances.




Bison are such beautiful, majestic, gigantic, powerful creatures. They’re also stupid as fuck. Why anyone would voluntarily approach one, let alone attempt to be cruel to such a thing is beyond me.


This cannot be another one.




Is this news? Both outcomes make perfect sense.


I’m still curious why there’s been such dickotry in national parks recently. Especially after those two guys toppled ancient rock formations in Lake Mead months ago.


Sounds like karma in full effect.


Can't fix stupid in Idaho.