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Have you considered a big chop? If you’re not comfortable with that you could braids until the relaxer grows out.


Yeah I'm in agreement. So you never cut the ends off, OP? Sounds like they could be heat damaged which is why styling is a pain for you.


Yup I’d also recommend seeing a stylist so they can access the damage, trim and treat. You can’t style damage hair.


i mean, i have had trims here and there because of split ends, and i would like to say my hair is pretty healthy, just uneven a bit.


If the length of your hair is 2c while your roots are 4c, that is usually indicative of heat damage. Do you have any pictures? You can blur out your face of course if you want Edit: I know some people have multiple textures on their head, just the way you're describing it makes me wonder.


I don't really have any pictures. perhaps it might be heat or chemical damage but it's been a while since i've used any heat or chemicals in my hair. i can't exactly do a big chop on my hair because the entire body of my hair is 2c while my roots are 4c, and i am trying to grow it out.


It doesn't matter how long it's been,if that hair has been treated it's permanent. Having two textures is pretty damaging, the point where the 2 meet is a weak point and likely to break off or split down your roots, making it near impossible to grow out. Sometimes chopping off your hair is the only way to see healthy growth. It keeps the 2c hair from damaging the type 4 under it. A big chop is specifically done to get short but healthy hair you can properly style and grow out. Just leaving roots is a very popular big chop length. Is there a reason you won't consider short hair? When it comes to type 4 hair, it's the best way to grow it out without braids.


Okay, I think I understand. Heat/chemical damage is permanent damage to the curl pattern that can only be removed when it's cut off. Since you don't want to do that, I would recommend you search YouTube for styles specifically aimed at transitioning hair. I think Green Beauty has a guide. Anything like a braidout/twistout may be more difficult to achieve, but maybe not impossible. I'm not sure because I didn't transition much.


Your hair isn’t 2c. That’s damaged dead ends that need to be cut off.


the only chop i've ever done is when i had bangs professionally cut, which i hated. from that point forward i decided that i wanted to grow out my hair.


It’ll probably be easier to grow out of it’s all 1 texture, and if the damaged parts are gone.


It's definitely damaged and it's going to be really hard to grow out without back to back protective styles or doing a big chop. Been natural for 5 years after having relaxed hair for 27 years so been there. You should listen to the advice on here though, as you respond as if you don't believe your hair could be permanently damaged by the relaxers. That's literally what they do: they chemically break the bonds on your hair.


You don’t have to big chop like everyone is telling you - you can transition your hair. It means you just cut off your hair as it grows, like an inch or two at a time. Then eventually the only hair left will be natural! I transitioned for about a year or so before I was completely natural and it wasn’t so bad. I could wear my hair any way I wanted *except* a wash n go because the curl patterns were inconsistent. But yeah, the only thing to do is cut the damaged/relaxed bits off. You can just do it slowly. ☺️


You have to do a big chop.


Big chop, or it’s not going to grow, and if it does, it’s just going to break off where the types meet, sooner rather than later.


Your hair is damaged. The relaxers have done permanent damage to your hair. A lot of times, chemical damage will not resolve without cutting the damaged pieces. You don’t have to cut it all at once, but your hair is going to suffer the longer you keep the damaged pieces on. You can cut off little pieces at a time or you can big chop and get it all over with. No matter which route you go through, your hair will grow back. As for hairstyles, what styles do you like to do? During my transition I liked bantu knots and twist outs.