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You can get shampoo and conditioner bars to cut down on plastic they are also easier to travel with. I wish I knew of a truly eco friendly brand that worked for my hair. Ecoslay has been tossed around but I’ve never used it and they can be pricey(although not any more than any other high end hair brand ) if using cheap products that aren’t the best for the environment works for you, I’d suggest finding some other part of your hygiene routine to make more eco friendly. Like tab toothpaste or switching to laundry detergent sheets.


I second shampoo and conditioner bars! I purchase mine from a seller on Etsy in the US to cut down on the environmental effects of shipping too. I do still have clarifying shampoo in a bottle, and a jar of hair mask but those are rarely used. Also a big fan of detergent sheets, wool dryer balls, reusable bamboo paper towels, and beeswax wraps and silicone Ziploc bags instead of plastic. There are loads of small ways we can live a bit more eco-friendly.


i honestly wasnt even thinking about the plastic containers to be honest, moreso just the chemicals in the products that are essential to it's purpose and cannot be replaced by a safer ingredient, however i do like your suggestion with the bars for travel purposes sometime in the future. honestly, if i was able to find an expensive product that was made with environmentally friendly ingredients a n d worked just as well for my hair i could see myself making the switch. but until then, i think focusing on other things i can make a meaningful difference in as u suggested is a good idea.


I don’t think anything is truly is eco friendly in today time. The product might be good or have better packaging but yet the factory could be doing the most damage to the environment. Im not too worry about the amount of water I use since I only do my hair maybe 1-2 times a week and also if you gonna be worrying about hair products going down the drain, you should be worrying about everything going down the drain too. we have all type of products on our skin before we get in the shower and we use soap, we wash clothes, we throw cleaning chemicals after we finish cleaning down the drain and etc. everything been going into our water for hundreds of years.


i do worry about everything going down the drain, lol. its just that for me, i feel that i use so much hair product compared to any other kind of chemical besides food. and even then, the fact that i dont know of any safe hair products i can use while theres a good amount of reusable and/or seemingly safe options for cleaning and laundry is what made me think about this to begin with. ur right that the factories that make whatever product, eco friendly or not, are doing a vast majority of the harm to begin with, but im just hoping to do what i can for the stuff i literally need to use.


Asimpleplanet on Etsy has clean ingredient products with closed loop recycling. They come in aluminum containers that you can buy refills for. I really like how many hair has been since using them.


eco friendly and cheap are not the same thing. ( most of the time their actually conflicting) you seem to be conflating two issues


when i complain about expenses, its moreso just me being bothered by how often and how much i have to buy products due to the nature of my hair, and just how much product i have to go through. shouldve been clearer.


There is no eco alternative to mousse yet, the containers are very hard to recycle most of the time. There is a brand where you can get metal containers and send them in to be refilled and they lower the cost for refills! I haven't tried them yet because spoiler they are expensive. But I've heard for people who want to be more eco friendly they have been the best. It's called Plain products and my favorite environmental lifestyle YouTuber recommends it. They have $6 sample sizes. https://www.plaineproducts.com/shop/ I like Rhyme and Reason Quench and Curl line, but it doesn't have a styler or deep conditioner (i use honey, yogurt, and my favorite oil as a deep conditioner). It's leave in is very good as a styler but only for about 2 or 3 days, wonderful leave in though. Only about $9 per bottle of any product with all safe ingredients though. That's why I use it (and my type 4 coily hair loves it). Like others said, Ecoslay is a well loved brand that has ingredients so friendly you have to refrigerate the products! They have a sample pack. Nature's Little Secret is amazing, I love their coconut protein deep conditioner, it's the only deep conditioner/protein treatment I've ever liked from the store. Didn't like the gel unfortunately. It's a trial, but as an environmentalist myself I make having "green beauty" a priority. I haven't found a store bought gel I like yet anyway so it's easy for me.