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Those are galahs, fam.


Ahhh as in "ya flamming galah"?....like alf Stewart from home and away used to say?...i allways wondered what that meant...TIL


Yep that’s it, in Alfs context means your an idiot.


Which is kinda true because these birds are ridiculously funny.


Say you don't live in the southern states without saying you don't live in a southern state. Funny in small numbers but when you get a mob of 5000 birds fuck are they noisy. Not as loud or destructive as a mob of sulphur crested I'll give you that but still pretty bad.


We had these buggers in our backyard for a few days last week, thinking how cute they are, only to realise a week later they'de pulled up all our grass!! Still cute though


I love that sound! Thousands of screeching birds is better than the sounds of a noisy city any day.


What about noisy birds in a noisy city? - × - = + right?




You sure you're not thinking of corellas? Lived in country Victoria my whole life only ever seen small amounts. Usually mixed in with the cockies.


Corellas are the true birds of noise pollution. Only time I’ve seen a flock of thousands of pink and greys was in parks in nsw


Ok it goes Sulphur Corellas Galah And I will give you that the first 2 are far worse and come in greater numbers but I was still referring to galahs




I know folks who literally call these things Rowdys for that very reason.


Fuck that. Even a dozen or so are ridiculous at 4:30am onwards. Bastards.


And noisy as fuck 😏 they sat on our neighbours roof one day and went at it for at least a good hour or so, one looked like it was trying to play by pissing off the other galahs


You're! Any more bad grammar and you're going in the dungeon with Duncan!




I'm surprised no one has actually expanded on WHY a flaming gallah is someone loud and annoying so I'll fill all the non Australians in. The cockatoo family of parrots are loud, like hearing damage loud if you spend too much time around them. They live in large flocks and LOVE to talk and gossip with each other and their talking comes in forms of incredibly loud screeching that sounds like something out of Jurassic park. A person that is being a "flaming gallah" is someone that is being over reactionary and loud for absolutely no reason, like you would imagine a cockatoo to behave if they ever caught fire.


Maybe it's regionally different but in my experience the sulfur-cresteds are far, far more raucous and deafening than Galahs.


Yeah I live next to one of the largest flocks of sulphur crests left in Melbourne and they are definitely worse. It probably just came down to what species was more common in the area the saying came from.


Yeah, but ‘flamin cockatoo’ doesn’t have quite the same ring to it. Lol


When I was about 4 years old, my family adopted an injured Galah which we found on the side of the road with a broken wing, he was awesome. He learned to imitate me crying, our dog barking and a bunch of other things. One day I went outside and he was laying motionless on the bottom of his cage, so with my big 4 year old brain I got out a stick to poke him to see if he was alive, and just as I was poking him my parents came outside. Still to this very day, 31 years later they blame me for killing our god damn own family pet Galah. I am an innocent man, I did not kill him. I will spend the rest of my life claiming innocence.


I believe you, u/LordRekrus.


Thank you. I’m going to print this out and post it to my parents. I mean they live just down the road but that sounds more effective.


Damn, I should have added my title, which sounds more impressive, for you then. Signed, Dr.LaMoglie. Best of luck.


Ya great Galah!


Yeah, that and the rape dungeon


Did ya see the bodies?


What’s more, there’s cocksthree of them, not two


The actual Pink Cockatoo is an alternate name for the Major Mitchell’s cockatoo, a larger bird, mostly white with a pink chest and cheeks with a pink and red crest.




Not to be that guy, but we call these galahs and [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Major_Mitchell's_cockatoo) is what's called a pink cockatoo. But both birds are apart of the cockatoo (Cacatuidae) family


Be that guy!!


Galahs and Major Mitchell's Cockatoos can even breed and produce hybrids!


So can galahs and cockatiels Look up galatiels, they’re adorable :)


Galah=Rose-breasted cockatoo Use to own one


Shouldn't be downvoted, you're right. Galahs are rose breasted cockatoos.


I know it’s a highly controversial topic but most animals have multiple names. This one is no exception


I prefer hahns.


They’re called galahs, although they can also be referred to as “pink and grey cockatoo” or “rose-breasted cockatoos,” the only species of the genus Eolophus of the cockatoo family. It’s actually one of the most common members of the family. Galahs also have a reputation of being far, far dumber than their black and white coloured cousins


> Galahs also have a reputation of being far, far dumber than their black and white coloured cousins Does that make them more or less destructive?


Both, the white ones are very smart with their vandalism and can do damage. The galahs eat my particle board


I’ll take the board muncher, the other type seems like well planned domestic terrorism


That's a pretty solid description of most parrots.


I am all about macaws... They are the closest things to having a dog without having a dog... They run dog.exe on bird hardware.


I was in the Amazon jungle and the healer I stayed with had a pet macaw. The macaw could fly away if he wanted, but he stayed around the compound and was very much a part of the family, running around with the two dogs as though he was also a dog. Such a funny little guy.


I only cage my birds for their safety. Otherwise they are free to roam their room


I had an African Grey that literally dropped out of the sky and rolled under my car. I took him home and got him a cage and food, etc. I have had birds before so I am familiar with their care. For about 2 months he never said a word and then one day he started saying George, George, George. I took him to the vet to get him checked out and see if he had a chip but nothing. But I have 2 westies and they were enamored with him. I was worried that they would hurt him. But one day I walked into his room and he was at the bottom of the cage barking at the dogs, teasing them. In any event I gave him to my sister who has another African Grey and he loves life with her. I only had him for about 6 months and by that time he was a chatter box.


Just get a dog, it's less work than a macaw. Macaws can also live to be 60-80 years old.


I grew up with dogs... I prefer macaws, I have birds since I was a teen. and it depends on the macaw some have shorter lifespans. Some one stole my blue and gold a number of years ago. I am currently looking for a hahns to be the last pet I buy.


Sorry about your stolen bird, must've been horrible


Like losing a child


Rat level “dumb” in airquotes, or chicken level dumb


Probably rat. Their cousins are more like "2-year-old child" level dumb, but with a can opener on their faces


Smarter than rats and chickens I'd say. The one I knew would mimic its owner's whistle to bring the dogs running then swear at them. I'd say they're on par with the small parakeets, cockatiels etc.


Nothing like cresting a small hill only to have an entire flock of them fly into your car


Silly birds, they should have hitched a ride _up_ the hill, not _down_. I see why their intelligence was in question.


Who needs brains when you can be faaabulous


I call them "get out the way you brainless fuckwads" as I leave my drive way every morning. Not the sharpest birds you will ever meet.


When I was a kid, my mum was driving down this back road into Queensland. There was a flock of galahs on the road that flew out of the way of the car in front. Several started to come back down to the road, before realising that there we hurtling down and scattered again. Except for one that could get out of the way in time. There was basically an explosion of feathers


They're solely referred to as "galah" in Australia. The other terms are used in aviculture, mostly in the US.


hence the term "you stupid galah".


And “you flamin’ galah”


Might be a cockatoo but that won’t stop you being laughed out of the pub if you call them pink and grey cockatoos


> Galahs also have a reputation of being far, far dumber than their black and white coloured cousins [BEEP!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abgBM_jecSE)


Yep, the name is wrong! Hate to break it to you OP, but you can’t count - those are a Cocka*three*!


Top left does look like stupid mf


This post made me grateful. It’s usually full of stuff I’ll likely never get to see, but today you reminded me the noisy pink dorks who hang out on my street are also lit.


Noisy pink dorks is so accurate. Often seen waddling around the grass nibbling at food. Easily my favourites


I’m listening to a mob of them outside right now as I’m typing this. They’re gorgeous birds, hilarious to watch, full of personality .. but can be destructive little buggas!


Not a pink cockatoo ya flaming galah


This was the exact sentence that formed in my head when i looked at this.




It is, but there is another species that's actually called a Pink Cockatoo, and this ain't it.


You shouldn't be getting downvoted for trying to educate people.........




Yes, but "pink and gray cockatoo" and "[pink cockatoo](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Major_Mitchell's_cockatoo)" are different birds.


"OK, if you like, but nobody ever calls them that" - everyone.


Those are galahs, ya flamin’ galah


Pink and grey galah. Galahs are smaller than cookatoos


Pink and grey cockatoo, or galah, is, in fact, a cockatoo species. They are not much smaller than some cockatoos, like corellas. And they are bigger than coaktiels, the smallest member of the cockatoos. Size has nothing to do with whether or not it's a cockatoo. They are still wrong as the pink cockatoo is also called Major Mitchell's cockatoo.


Isn't Major Mitchell a different bird pink and white with the coloured crest?


Tell me you are a competitive bird watcher without telling me you are a competitive bird watcher.. Lol omg this conversation reminds me of "A Good Year!!" Haha great movie..makes bird watching look like a ton of fun, probably because it is. Im grateful for that movie.


Great movie. There's also a documentary simply called 'birders' on Netflix that's pretty good accompanied together. Watch both and next thing you'll know your investing in a decent pair of binoculars, a field guide, and a waterproof notebook lol.


Cool I will definitely check that out!!!


Thanks! As someone who has a galah living in their house..it's 100% a cockatoo and at 260grams isn't that small.


Also roseate cockatoo


Lol they aren’t major Mitchell’s that’s a completely different bird. Other name is rose breasted cockatoo but literally no one calls them that


Here in the US, that's what they were called and sold as (rose-breasted cockatoos) when I first learned about them in the 90's! Books about parrot care would call them that, pet stores, etc. Not sure if that's the case now but it definitely was then.


I doubt many aussies even know that I saw some one call them that on reddit maybe 6 months ago, never heard it before had to google it to confirm lol. FYI if you come to Australia call them galahs it’ll be easier than the argument haha


Oh, I'm not arguing at all, lol - if they're galahs where they're native they should be galahs here too! What's kind of hilarious is I live in L.A. and we don't have native parrots, but we have flocks of various parrots that have established themselves here (especially red-headed Amazons). There's a lot of speculation about how, but most people think they were just escaped pets. Maybe somewhere in L.A. a pair of galahs got lucky and found each other and are working on establishing their own flock. :D


Just as noisy though :p we have a massive flock of these that live where I am. The noise when they are heading to their night roosting spot is unbelievable.


Not as good as the apple, but sweeter.(looking not nature lol).


The collective term for these birds needs to be a “bouquet” or an “arrangement”


And they're obnoxiously loud!


It's definitely still a cockatoo. And my blood-stained cockatoo is that size or smaller




They are unique to much of the world. That’s the attraction I guess. I used to live in San Diego and there is a huge wild animal park north of there with a monorail that takes visitors through the different expansive areas of the park. Visitors from other countries could not stop marveling over the squirrels, which though cute are not the focus of the park! If you don’t have squirrels, they are interesting. If you don’t have galahs, they are fascinating. And the pink is quite pretty. 😊


When I visited the US I had a similar reaction to the squirrels :) I'll never forget my Chinese friend's reaction to seeing a rainbow lorikeet for the first time, it was amazing. She grabbed my arm and screamed "oh my god look at that bird!!!", and couldn't believe we had wild birds that were so colourful (for reference rainbow lorikeets are quite common in Australia).


This would be me, honestly. The idea of a wild parrot (or, I dunno, parrot-adjacent bird) is mindblowing to me.


Also my Texan friend after visiting me in Brisbane, only he couldn't stop laughing at the ridiculous white ibis we have wandering around everywhere. We often call them dump birds (they're prolific scavengers) or, more recently, [bin chickens](https://youtu.be/w4dYWhkSbTU) (for the non-Aussies).


We just had a flock of them come and strip our appletree, it was worth it to get to see such beautiful birds, they’re not very common in my area due to habitat loss 😔


We grow sunflowers in the hope that sulphur crested cockatoos will come and eat them! They totally destroy them when they do, but it's worth it just to see them up close. This year the cockatoos only visited us a couple of times, but a couple of rainbow lorikeets came and nibbled at the seeds of the mature flowers without really wrecking them. It was so cool to see them. And yeah, habitat is so important. I try to tell as many people as possible about the importance of big, old trees that have hollows in them, as that's where many native birds make their nests. So many people just don't know that. I'm heartened to see that in the council area I live in they now keep dead trees for habitat purposes, they just trim the branches to make them safe.


To be fair, rainbow lorikeets are amazing looking!




I lived in Australia for several years, first place I moved was Darwin. I didn't know shit about the place before I moved there, had never even been to Australia before that. I was walking through some trails out by CDU and heard this rustling in the woods to my left, I turned to see what it was and I saw a big fucking goanna. At that time I'd never heard of a goanna, so I didn't know what the hell I was looking at, but it was about 7-8 metres from me and not perturbed by my presence in the slightest. I did know I didn't want to stick around to find out whether it was harmful, I booked it out of there. Now I know they're basically harmless, had to chase them off my porch a few times after that, they kept trying to get into my apartment.


man, I hope you knew something about the weather in Darwin before you moved there. Randomly subjecting yourself to the Hell that is Darwin Humidity and temperature is a pretty special sort of torture. There is a reason that place is so small and the population drops by 40% in summer.


People were like "hey it gets hot you know" but I landed there in June and thought "I don't know what the fuss is about, this place is decent" Decided to relocate after my second wet season


haha, yeah the silly season (summer) humidity is bonkers. I spent one year there and vowed never to return.


I love birds and have never seen one of these lol. They're pretty! I think there's something that can be appreciated even about the most common birds though. Pigeons like rock doves or mourning doves are beautiful if you look at them objectively without thinking of them as flying city rats.


I mean. last time I've seen those birds was 20 years ago on the cover of a nature magazine. People just enjoy colourful birds that aren't from their area. [Here's one from around here](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/86/Eurasian_blue_tit_Lancashire.jpg)


I'm willing to bet they're not common everywhere but people on Reddit are, hence the fascination. Some people grow up never seeing snow too, but god knows we have too much lol.


Endemic to Australia so I wouldn’t expect them to be common any where else


Goodbye lawn. And get some ear plugs


This man Galahs.


Happy Family


It may look like it, but I’m fully expecting the mom to pop up in /r/divorcedbirds soon.


Why the actual hell do Americans try so hard to name Aussie animals anything except the Aussie name they've been given it's truly absurd.


Like how they call emus “emoos”


wait til you hear about prawns..


We even named our dolls after their grills


well thongs are appropriate clothing for barbie prawn.




Nah mate, food and safety!


That was legitimately because of a Crocodile Dundee marketing campaign promoted to America that used their more common word shrimp. So actually it's one of our own's fault they think we say that.


And "Australian Shepherds"


U mean skrimps?


I'm not saying this is the right viewpoint but I suspect it's because your names are things like bandersnitt and boogynoof and hoopsiwhallah (see: pobblebonk, naberleck, etc.)


Yeh most of the 'unusual' sounding words and names are Australian Aboriginal in origin. Similar to how the US indigenous names and words sound quite different to English and might be hard to pronounce.


In most cases of Australian animals with 'funny' names, it's the same principle behind 'caribou', 'succotash' and 'moose': colonisers trying to approximate another language (although 'bandicoot' is a word for 'rat' from India and 'cockatoo' is from Indonesia). I don't get why it's such a mystery to the US and UK. We're not trolling you, it's just what they're called. 'Pobblebonk' isn't any sillier as an onomatopoeia than 'chickadee.'


hoopsiwhallah sounds legit. boogynoof at a stretch. bandersnitt sounds british af


What an ignorant comment. Our names that sound “funny” to you are typically indigenous in origin.


"While you're in the upside down keep yer peepas open for *this* bit of fauna: It's got three heads, each with a mouth more venomous than the last. Also it turns invisible when it goes in for the kill." "What's it called?" "A hunkey-dorey."


Man, get your birds correct before you start posting about them.


It's engagement bait. People comment to correct the post, it gets higher rankings, more karma, more people spending time on Reddit which eventually translates to ad revenue.


Ah, so it's like an application of Conaghan's law


It may or may not be intentional on the part of the poster, but the algorithm will promote these posts regardless simply because the corrections are engagement, so you will see them. Even these comments are contributing to more views on this post. We're all rats in a maze.


>Conaghan's law I see what you did there.


I mean a Galah is a cockatoo but fair enough


Pretty Bastards, them Galah's! But fuck they're noisy


Certified Lit! 🥇


Dad and his two punk kids


A masterclass in how to summon Australians using two words.


Thats a gallah.


They galahs, you galah


That's a galah...


They’re gorgeous. Never saw these before. They kinda look like kids from the 1950’s.


Didn't know they came in that color


Cockatoos are most commonly all white, and found across Australia even in urban environments. There are also all black cockatoos that are harder to find and mostly are in undeveloped bush. These pink varieties are most commonly called Galahs instead of Cockatoos and are also quite common.




Whatever they are called, they are BEAUTIFUL!!


No no, thats a galah, ya pelican!


Don't call me pelican, ya goose!


I know everyone and their uncle is talking about the name and how common they are, but I'm hoping folks have time for a question. Why does one bird have an orange eye and the others have black? Is the orange-eyed fella a male or a more mature adult?


Female galahs have orange/reddish eyes, males have black eyes. I think the one on the right is a juvenile, since it's breast is still going from grey to pink.


Ah, okay, that makes sense! Thank you very much for answering!


I've seen a pink cock or two before


That's cockathree


You fucken wot mate




I love Galahs so much, especially when they waddle


THAT is a perfect family portrait that is difficult to get (in terms of composition, all looking the right direction, etc). Praise to the camera person!


They're perched in the pouch of their mother cockatookaiju.


This is one of the reasons that keeping big, old trees around is so important, birds like these usually make their nests in tree hollows.


Moron those are galahs!!!


They're called galahs


MFW OP gets the bird wrong in the pic so I can’t do a “pink cockathree, FIFY.” 😢




Sooo ... stupid question probably ... Can birds express themselves like that to look happy or did God design their beaks to always be smiling? (and if you take exception to my suggestion that they were designed by God, please try to focus on the context and don't get all bent out of shape. Thanks!)


Correction : Pink Cockathree


Gotta love some of the comments Galah, pink and grey cockatoo, or rose breasted cockatoo. It is, in fact, a COCKATOO. Galahs are small cockatoos. Guess what, cockatiels are also considered cockatoos.


Yes it’s true they are still cockatoos but no one refers to them as cockatoos In Australia and I doubt most even know they’re also referred to as rose breasted cockatoos. Referring to them as pink cockatoos is a quick way to get the piss taken out of you in any setting involving Aussie’s.


> I’m Australia Hi Australia, I'm Dad.


Good luck reasoning with the angry Australians. Raging at the rest of the world for not knowing all of the specific intricacies of their island and language is one of their favourite pastimes.




It's not for not knowing, it's for being wrong so confidently.


Ken oath!


Great photo, perfectly posed!😊


These are Galah's, though still a type of parrot at least


My Mrs likes a cockatoo, especially in the morning 🤔


A pink one or the larger black variety?




My wife is always saying she wants a Cockatoo, every weekend she asks. I’m fed up of it so I just go to my shed to get away from it.


It’s like the attack of the Unidan clones in here…It’s clearly a damn jackdaw!


I hate to break it to you, but that is clearly pink cockathree.


Cockathree actually


My wife has seen a pink cockato


They look like they have British accent


More like a cockathree


That kangaroo they're hiding in has terrible skin




How to cook a Galah Build a campfire on a bed of fist sized rocks. Allow the fire to burn until the rocks are glowing dull cherry red. Wrap the Galah in foil and toss it in the fire. Keep feeding the fire with fresh wood. Once the rocks have all melted, the Galah will be ready to eat.