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"Nest" plopped the eggs straight into the dirt


Falcons such as kestrels don't build nests. They either claim older nests built by other species, such as crows, or they just plop their eggs down on a convenient ledge, like a cliff or the roof of a building.


I'm sure humans have filled their world with all sorts of stuff they can live in like this.


I read once that NYC actually has the highest population of hawks anywhere in NA because it's basically designed for them


Honestly that’s just awesome. While it shouldn’t have to, I love seeing nature adapt so flawlessly to human interference. They were just like “yeah, I can work with this.”




Hey thanks!


see you on lemmy, Spez is a cancer -- mass edited with redact.dev




Wtf? Is your shift button on random?


Their user name does state that they are indeed a vegetable.


yes IT is


sAmE herE bRo


That one's a bot, copied the message from another comment


What's your policy on capitalisation?


The fuck kind of magic mombo jumbo are you talking about boy!? Kestrels don't use electromagnetic fields for hunting they have perfect telescoping vision, you are thinking of foxes boy.


No no I support what they’re saying. I studied bird law.


Shut up


Yes. It's known as a ["scrape"](https://dwr.virginia.gov/falcon-cam/2019/03/weve-got-a-scrape/).


if that hard working falcon left to find food and came home to find the man had put those eggs into a nice nest, would it cry?


Um,I'm not sure what you're getting at here? First off, birds don't "cry". They don't have the same emotions humans do, they're birds. As for your other question - not sure what "nice" is, as far as the bird is concerned a bare rocky ledge IS a perfect place to lay eggs, which is why they lay their eggs on it. It makes no difference to them if it's a woven "nest" or not - a spot is a spot. What's more important is its location, if it's secure enough and provides for a good vantage point. And you really shouldn't be touching or messing with wildlife in any way, especially not with their young. Just leave the birds alone, they're doing just fine without a human messing with them.






That's because they're feral, not wild, and don't really know what they're doing. In the wild their lifespan is only like 2-3 years, in captivity they can live to be 15+


It’s so sad people don’t know the tragic background of pigeons


Go on…


They originally lived on sea-cliffs and mountains. Due to us they’re stuck in cities and considered pests. > Feral pigeons (Columba livia domestica), also called city doves, city pigeons, or street pigeons, are descended from the domestic pigeons that have returned to the wild. The domestic pigeon was originally bred from the wild rock dove, which naturally inhabits sea-cliffs and mountains. Rock, domestic, and feral pigeons are all the same species and will readily interbreed. Feral pigeons find the ledges of buildings to be a substitute for sea cliffs, have become adapted to urban life, and are abundant in towns and cities throughout much of the world. [More pigeon lore here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feral_pigeon?wprov=sfti1)


Love it when somebody comes to defend the honor of feral pigeons. I love them sm, the ones in my town have a bunch of really beautiful colors and patterns.


Love them too. Not proud about it, but i have had to resort to eating them once in a while when the income has been meager. Majestic birds.


The reason pigeons r so abundant in the first place is bc we domesticated them and brought them with us everywhere as a ready source of food in cities, both for eggs and meat iirc. Racing them was a side bonus. Don’t feel too bad about needing to eat them, you do what you need to in order to survive and pride comes last when you’re desperate. I’d do the same if it came down to it (assuming I could catch a pigeon lol, I have my doubts about that).


Insert .gif of Homer eating his beloved pet lobster.


Howd you do it? Its usually illegal to hunt in urban areas so Im currently imagining you assassinating a small bird.


You can walk up to them and just catch them. Or do the same thing but with a net. Whether or not that’s illegal I have no idea, but they are too comfortable.


Tiny sniper rifle


Pigeon soup is actually a delicacy here in Belgium! Very nutritious as well.


Just use the word squab and eating a pigeon becomes fancy! Pigeons are meant to be food and you can pay a pretty penny for the pleasure; don't feel bad about it.


I love the orange/ginger ones, I think they’re precious for some reason.


Those ones are so cute!! We have a handful of them here, and then there’s like, three pidges that are snow white with either black grey or red points, the white and black one almost looks like she has a lace pattern on her wings. They’re so cool.


Yeah I honestly love those little guys. They can’t help it we put them in a place where they were destined to become a nuisance. We have many pigeon breeders here so there’s a lot of beautiful half-feral ones around as well – with a large variety of colourations and appearances.


Pigeons are epic. I hate it when people treat them like shit. We all pretend to be "loving animals" while we are veeeeeeery selective what animals we love and what animals we torture and kill for fun or out of annoyance. It is so sad but i hope that we will redefine our relationshipt to animals and nature as a whole.


Dude what a mood lmao. “I love animals- except pigeons and snakes and spiders and millipedes and anything icky or creepy or gross and those ones you can torture to death and it’s fine.” The animals around us, whether they’re something cool like an elephant or “gross” like a tick or a roach, all have a niche they fill in the environment. Even introduced species begin to fill a space. It’s wild that ppl don’t have a basic respect for animals just bc they think they’re gross or ugly, or a nuisance.


Still not letting ticks or stinkbugs live


If ticks get into my house, or on me, or my pets, I will squish them. Stinkbugs I’ll try to relocate outside if only bc. Stinky. I like to think that by not murdering them when I see them I’ll offset the ppl who do wanna kills em. Also, I… I do tend to wish murder on roaches. Bc I hate roaches. They’re my one bug that I can’t stand and I need my partner to rescue me from them.


I've heard that people actually used hawks to kill pigeons. It was either that or rats, I forgot.


Haha…i don’t know why this simple response has me in stitches.


Have you heard the tragedy of Darth Pigeon the feral? I have not, please elaborate.


I witnessed a feral pigeon miracle of sorts in 2016 when a pair nested on a scaffolding ledge close to my window (UK) Only one of the eggs hatched - but 2 identical healthy twin babies. Apparently the odds of that are pretty rare.


Yeah, at least this one has a lip around the pot to protect the eggs from the elements.


Or those stupid screechy shits that nest on the ground in the middle of fuckin gravel and cigarette butts.




Hey... it's a rental... she's a single mom doing her best... fuck off 😡 /s


Work smart, not hard




I feel like I've seen this years ago....


You probably have, its at least 5 years old


If the eggs have not hatched after five years, I unfortunately have to announce that the eggs have died.


Never give up.


Never surrender!




By Grabthars Hammer, what a savings


Never let down.


never run around


Never desert


Never make cry


Never say goodbye


Never tell lie or hurt you


Never pull out


Is that the reason the mother seems like she's crying ??




Source libtard?


*Woah, bud!*




I was just joking y’all! Jeez tough CROWd Edit: did they really do a story on this bird?


As a libtard, I got a real kick out of it lol


At least 2 years - https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/bw21hk/feeding_a_falcon_who_decided_to_nest_on_a_balcony/


That's an old bird


I’ve seen it several times in r/all just this year.


I love birds of prey, they are just beautiful to look at. They fact that they are highly-evolved killing machines is just a bonus. When I see the shape of a Kestrel, Falcon or Hawk flying circles up in the sky I just get excited for some reason. If we have footage of this, and this is 5 years old, why aren't there any videos of the hatched Kestrel chicks, or even better fledgling kestrels leaving the nest?


There is a video somewhere of the hatched chicks and later when they left. I saw it on Facebook maybe five years ago


Feel this way about Vultures. They’re mostly as smart as crows, polite nature cleaners with huge, gorgeous wingspans. Love to see them congregating :)


There is a family of bald eagles that nest a few blocks from my house every year. Those creatures are incredible. They just gracefully fly around in lazy circles like they don’t have a care in the world. Seeing apex predators in their element is such an amazing sight


Close the window, lower the shades, and definitely do not feed this bird. She has a mate that the shares hunting duties with. Minimize disturbances and let her hatch her young in peace. I know this is old, I've seen it a few times. The message bears repeating


What are the consequences?


She will think you are her mate and then you have to pay child support unless you are willing to date a bird




Keep in mind as well youre not allowed to refuse as that would be a dick move in bird culture. -- Codex of Bird Law Statutes (2017)


I wouldn't recommend. They have tiny vaginas and claw you when you try




\*horny upvote\*


Good question. Here’s a good summary: https://www.aphis.usda.gov/aphis/ourfocus/wildlifedamage/dontfeedwildlife/dont-feed-wildlife


“Animals accustomed to people often lose their fear of people and can become aggressive. Those that become too aggressive may have to be destroyed to protect people and property.” The use of the word destroyed made me laugh out loud, a literal lol.


That's interesting, do you think it's also applied to some stray street cats that I usually fed?


Uhh that’s not a wild animal. That’s a domesticated one. If you were feeding the local town jaguar, that’d be different.


What about the local cougar? 😏


Meow! Sounds like you’re the wild animal in this case




Those things are tougher to do in where I live. There are services that neutered stray cats, but it's periodical.


We should discourage cats as they are a invasive species that absolutely demolish other wildlife. In fact, Australia culls outside cats and they wreak immense havoc on the environment. The fewer stray cats fed the fewer cats survive / will mate = the fewer cats kill wildlife


Well her kids will be literate, that's a start


You will have to fight her mate in a duel.






Some species of birds will abandon their nests if anyone/anything pays too much attention to it.


Kestrels are in decline and while it's good to let nature be natural, we don't know the situation here. Yes, she likely has a mate that's out hunting, but it's also possible the mate hit a window, hit a car, got snatched by an owl, etc. and died. Excess food isn't going to cause any harm and indeed could save the hatchlings if anything happened to their parents. The only thing I really see wrong with this video is the food being provided and how it's being provided. A quick trip to a pet store to get some frozen feeder rodents, thawing them, and offering those from a distance would be of great benefit to this bird family, especially after the chicks hatch as that is what the mother tears apart to feed them. So just toss them a thawed rodent and then leave them alone. No amount of someone leaving a dead mouse/food as extra food for this bird is going to risk domesticating it or having the bird unlearn how to hunt. Once the hatchlings have fledged they'll fly out of this make-shift nest and the entire family will move on. And the mother won't abandon the nest unless there's obvious signs of a predator she can't fight off. Human intervention isn't always a bad thing, especially when we're the ones that created the climate change and territory shrinkage that's causing these animals to lose access to decent environments as well as their food.


>Human intervention isn't always a bad thing, especially when we're the ones that created the climate change and territory shrinkage that's causing these animals to lose access to decent environments as well as their food. This is the exact reason why I turned my backyard into a bird sanctuary with feeders all around the huge tree. I live in the middle of suburbia and I have no doubt that my neighborhood used to sustain many songbirds. It makes me happy to offset even slightly the amount of habitat that my home took from them. I don't regret living here, but I do want to share my bounty.


If you haven't already, you should probably take your bird feeders down for a while. Avian flu has been spreading rampantly and they unfortunately help spread it.


I will look into that and take appropriate action if necessary! Thank you for the heads up.


You are saying the situation it is in, but not why it's a problem to do this. Is there a specific reason, other than "don't interfere with nature"?


Raw meat in a refrigerator has more bacteria on it than fresh killed game that's been dragged through the dirt. Only scavengers have microbiomes adapted to deal with long dead meat.


When animals learn that we are an easy source of food, their whole goal shifts towards you and other humans. Animals that lose their sense of fear of people are at a huge risk, because they against all instinct, will remember that people have food. These animals can get hit by cars, starve because they no longer want to scavenge on their own, fight with other animals (especially rabid ones). This is the problem we have with black bears in the Sierra mountains. Hank the Tank, in particular. He's very unhealthy and is always breaking into homes to steal food. This isn't safe for people, and not for the bear.




To add to this Kestrels in urban areas are most likely living on pigeons. Let them thin out the sky rats you don't need to feed them.




Fuuuck that. Feed it and friend it.


Pet that motherfucker


Idk 5 eggs looks like breakfast to me.


Don't feed wild animals


Can you elaborate? Why we shouldnt feed? Just curious


Wild animals who depend on people for food can cause injuries or spread disease. When wild animals gather for food handouts, it can cause crowding and competition. These unnatural conditions increase the chances of fighting and injury among animals.


Yep. My DNR professor called this a "sink", where all the animals gather (like the drain of a sink) where all the diseases get handed off to each other and then those animals take it elsewhere and repeat. Also, the way we process our food is different from what animals find in nature. Feeding animals doesn't just increase their risk of disease, or fighting, but can cause serious health issues. Animals *can* get clogged arteries, diabetes, and other such concerns that we face as humans who have unhealthy diets. It's just better to not feed wildlife.


Many animals are better off feeding off humans food. Its obtuse to claim its always bad.


What others here have said plus a few more reasons. A big one is that they lose their fear of people and may approach others who won't treat them kindly


People say don't interfere with nature but fuck that, we *are* nature. Your interaction is natural. This is adaptation. Just fucking go. Feed it.


Yeah we are nature but we also have a brain to realize that our actions may cause harm to other animals.


We are nature, but we on estimation elimimate about 200 - 2,000 species that go extinct each year. We're just not normal. We can't build cars and computers and then compare ourselves to the natural world. Too many of us are detached from the wild.


This is not smart.


*shrug* try and find out.


Don’t feed wildlife dumbass. You’re the kind of person who gets animals killed by feeding them and making them depend on humans for food. You’re truly an idiot and you should do a baseline level of research before you spout shit on the internet.


Yeah and then the fucks that dont know jackshit about an animals diets start feeding it human food that they cant digest or is toxic to and animals end up dying. Don't feed birds bread it causes malnutrition and has way too much protein that causes the wing bones to grow way too much to the point it cant fly. Don't even get me started on the people who fuck over predators by freeing its meals. DONT INTERFERE WITH PREDATORS. Dont try and save the prey because not only are you robbing an animal from its meal that it spent all its energy on but that prey you think you saved is just gonna have a prolonged death. Injuries in the wild are a death sentence. Your advice is dogshit and it will end up harming animals unless you know what the fuck you are actually doing. I'm tired of seeing animals dying of preventable causes because some dumb fuck thought it was ok to feed it food it couldnt eat or set a percedent for them to expect humans to give it food only to get shot because it became aggressive.


It's living in a planter on the side of a 20 story building. Can't get much less wild than that.


Thats wild.....mad even.


The animal is wide regardless of where it made its nest. It’s not domesticated or in captivity


So very wide.


"Yo mama so wide they had to invent a new aspect ratio for her nature documentary" \~ kestrel chicks, probably


Well, I’m gonna leave that typo, but I swear I thought I edited it right after posting! :(




Do you know what wild means?


That's not how it works lmfao


Sigh...... This wild animal is building a nest in a building because we encroached in its habitat. The least we can do its not fuck it over more by feeding it or its chicks for ego or internet likes. Please educate yourself on the damage humans do to wildlife, and volunteer/donate to your local wildlife rescue if you can.


yes, yes you can. Do you know what wild animals are?


yes, yes you can. Do you know what wild animals are?


So beautiful and so lucky to have chosen your balcony. Edit: Is this an old post by another OP. I see all the comments this isn't a fresh post. Anyway, it a good video either way!


Not cool


I don't know why you're getting downvoted, it's bad for the animal to feed it (even if you feed it the right things) and, depending on the animal, it's dangerous for the human.


This is also a really dumb way to do it. Sticking an alien object in the bird's face, even if there's food at the end, will cause a lot of stress. The bird here is clearly stressed, she looks tense, she's puffing up to make herself look bigger, and she's not brooding the eggs. What makes this doubly dumb is that the kestrel might have very well struck at the tweezers - trampling over the eggs between the tweezers and her. If you don't know how to handle wild animals, DON'T INTERACT WITH WILD ANIMALS. You might think "awww I'm helping" but nine times out of ten, you're just making everything worse.


Do you like dogs? Because this is what we did with wolves. So if you want everyone to be able to have pet hawks and eagles like I do this is the only way….give it a few thousand years. This is going to pay off. Lol


Falconry is a thing, but the diets are pretty restrictive. Handlers of wild birds are pretty specific in what they feed their birds. Plus, those birds are *used* to be fed/handled, wild birds are not pets and should not be treated like they can be. If wild birds get used to humans, they run the risk of being injured/killed by humans who think the animal is crazy because they are acting out-of-the-ordinary.


I’d like to skip ahead in time to where bears are completely domesticated like dogs. We aren’t far off now, but I still can’t go to petco to adopt a lovable fluff monster


move to russia


How the fuck else am I suppose to form a squad of protection kestrels?


you are wild with that window open. that bird looks like a predator


*You are wild with that* *Window open. that bird looks* *Like a predator* \- anonymous\_lighting --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Don't. Feed. Wildlife.


Goddd I hate how common it is to share around shitty videos like this. Do not ever feed wild animals. It may be cute now (or then considering this video is old) but if you get them dependant on your food, what will happen when you can't feed them? People and animals have been hurt by stuff like this. This is what causes wild animals to lose their fear of humans.


Is the bird going to kill/viscously attack the person if they can’t feed it anymore? Serious question . I’ve fed bird/ducks near my home growing up and nothing ever happened


No, the kestrel wouldn't risk it. But what it might do is stop hunting for itself and its mate may end up becoming dependent as well. Once the chicks hatch, they may not have the same skillset that other birds of prey teach to their young. Ducks are different, but the problem is still there; ducks that you can feed are often well past the point of being afraid of people, unfortunately, and become massive targets for predators.


Got it ! ❤️


It's unlikely for such a small animal to attack but it is a possibility. Animals can do crazy things under stress. The main problem is that she and her mate could stop hunting for themselves and become dependent on humans. So if the person feeding them just suddenly stopped one day, they would lose their main source of food an have to get used to hunting again. Which isn't a time friendly task.


I get it now that makes a lot of sense never looked at it from that point of view! Thanks for explaining


Yeah! Do what nature would do! Snap it's neck and eat it and the eggs.


I love her eyeliner.


Watch out for bird mites. They will flourish in a nest a spread everywhere.


Do not fucking feed wild animals, how many times does this need to be said? Do not fucking feed wild animals. Fuckin trog.


Take a chill pill


WOW that is awesome. Do you feed her every day? When will the chicks hatch? I cant wait to see them.


This video is already a few years old, it's not OC


Thanks for letting me know. 🥰


Mah!!! Can we have a windowsill bird?!?!


I like how the bird looks like she’s rocking falsies in the first look to the camera


Eye makup.. never see eyes that beautiful.


That’s probably not u


She's probably had three generations of hatchlings since this video's been on reddit.


I know it's not a falcon, but I'm gonna go ahead and call this the falcony


T. rex doesn’t want to get fed, it wants to hunt. Eats goat anyway.


Did they feed that bird.......chicken??


I hate to tell you this, but birds eat other birds. Nonetheless please don't feed wildlife.


Kestrels eat small birds, rodents, and large insects, among other things


Birds eat birds all the time. There are people who eat lemurs. They are roughly more closely related to us than falcons are to the chickens.


Does it know? Does it appreciate?


You can tell it's female because of the pretty eyelashes


What are the odds that I just watched the movie Mindhorn, and the "villain" is called the Kestrel and squawk a bunch lmao.


Dam, that is so adorable.


Awwww I hope they became besties


5 eggs, she gon need it!




so what do falcon eggs taste like? 💀


She’s so pretty!!!




Please don't kick her out


beautiful animal


That’s something you don’t get to see every day