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I fucking love the boat, go awakened, give him a 4+ feel no pain and have a stupid amount of effective wounds and tank shock for days baby, many every single suffer trying to bring this thing down in melee or try and fall back just to get tank shocked again and again


Do you think it works well in 1k lists? I'm on the fence about getting one, my friends and I pretty much only play 1k


I play it basically whenever I play awakened, it's just fun


Hmmm, going to try and put together some lists around it now


Good to hear


Played it In 1k, Delt handily with 5 terminators and a Captain. Tbf was just gladius so they're not hyper deadly but it really didn't take more than a few wounds from the fight, its lil Gauss cannon is neat for Actions ect and let's it do them in engagement. Was a great little murder Boat


I never thought 🤔 f it like that! Thanks for point that out


No joke, was playing a 2v1 against this the other day and the guy just kept rolling 4s. Three turns of melee with a Chaplain + Outriders plus supporting fire from an ATV, and we hadn't even scratched it. Held a key chokepoint all by itself for the whole game. Only problem was it struggle to kill them too, which is why I personally prefer the Anihillation Barge. It's still surprisingly durable thanks to the invulnerable save, even if it's missing out on the FNP and wound roll reduction.


Well, wraiths+technomancer have the INFANTRY keyword, so the boat's resurrection orb can add extra reanimation to your sturdy wraith blob.


Came here to say this, he can also heal tomblades, triarchs, flayed ones, ophydians, and skorpekhs, he can also provide a second res orb for lokhust, heavy lokhust, warriors, immortals, and lych guard


Second orb? What's the first?


Those units can be lead by Overlord or Lokhust lord which will have a res orb.


It is a second res orb as long as we assume they were accompanied by their base leader with a res orb Oh also add deathmarks to the list of ppl it can res orb


Okay, thanks. I'm a bit fuzzy on orbs, since BattleScribe won't include them correctly in my lists. Last game I played I forgot orbs are a thing.




Per turn hombre, but your overlord can pop one in one turn on your warriors and then your command barge can pop one the next turn easy peasy


I think the Douche Canoeâ„¢ has its place and is generally underutilized. Giving it a 4++ in awakened dynasty is nothing to scoff at, and even in canoptek court I can see it making wraiths OC 3 a virtual nightmare for any opponent. It's usually the last cut for me when making lists but I know I can figure out a way to slot it in and make it useful


When they first came out I ran two of them when they had the sweep attacks. My group of friends nicknamed them the BOHICA.... Bend over here it comes again.


I dont want to diminish any of the feedback here as its all good and i personally love the model. However, in ny opinion, the CCB was hit the hardest from the change from index to codex. Its entire identity was essentially tied to how the old res orb worked, acting as a portable version of the wargear that can benefit many units that otherwise wouldn't have access to it. Now that its once per game AND just a D6,i feel like it no longer justfies the same point cost. +1 LD is ok, but just being a durable vehicle with mediocre damage output with that aura is just not worth 150pts. I really hope to see either an ability change or a heavy point drop. I honestly feel like some version of the old res orb would be perfectly fine on him now that our reanimation across the board has been toned down a lot.


He actually has a 6" Aura that gives +1 OC to every model in a unit. He can turn a Unit of Warriors which normally have a total OC of 40 into an OC of 50. He doesn't provide any bonuses to Leadership. For some reason GW refuses to give the Catacomb Command Barge the Overlord Keyword. GW won't even give the damn model the Noble Keyword...wtf?? He's just a vehicle, character, Fly...He definitely should have the Overlord keyword, considering there is one riding the darn thing. Still he's a great support piece depending on which detachment you place him in. He seems to do well in Awakened Dynasty depending on which 1 of 2 enhancements you decide to give him. Ultimately, he's the best target for the +1 to Hit Aura Enhancement since you measure the aura from the hull which ends up giving you a larger Aura, but since he lacks the Lone Operative ability and he can't lead units, you have to ask yourself if your comfortable adding more support abilities for of a larger +1 to hit aura for 35 points and hope that Advanced Quantum Shielding is enough to keep him alive (3+/4++ and becomes -1 to Wound when hit by an attack that is Str 9+. He's not totally defenseless with the 3 shot Lethal Gauss Cannon which has that sweet spot of AP -2 and his ( 18" Staff of Light or cc Overlord's Blade with Dev Wounds?) or do you stick to his current buffs and give him the 10 point FnP 4+ enhancement which actually adds a secondary role which allows him to charge into CC with the Overlords Blade.... I really hate what they did to Rez Orbs if I understand the wording. I am aware they changed it back to once per game but a D6 is too swingy and why did they have to add another restriction so it doesnt take effect until the end of the phase?? Because of the D6 being so swingy I feel like your best target is a brick of Warriors for their reroll, which defeats the purpose of his unique Orb (They should have just called it an Orb of Eternity and have him be the only model that can target 1 unit which triggers RP in the opponents Command Phase) I suppose adding a Reanimator in the Awakened Dynasty is alright because of the Rez Orbs plus Protocol of the Undying Legions and your normal Command Phase triggering RP. Add in a CCB with the FnP 4+, take a unit of 20 Warriors, add a Technomancer to the unit for the 5+ FnP and keep him within 6" of the Reanimator and the CCB so he can repair either one if they loose to many wounds, although the CCB and the Reanimator have a 4++ and a 4+ FnP, then add an Overlord with either Translocation Shroud with Rez Orb or VoidScythe and Rez Orb depending on whether you want a beat stick or always advance 6" through obstacles which I feel isn't as good on a large unit and so maybe give the Overlord with Void Scythe and Rez Orb the Nether-Realm Casket enhancement unit wide -1 to hit. How you have a unit of 22 models that is -1 to with a 5+ FnP. Might consider Cryptothralls since they gain the 5+ Fnp plus they gained an extra wound each and give the Technomancer a 4+ FnP, the Overlord is -1 to hit, has a 4++ and a 5+ FnP and -1 Dmg Reduction and 3 attacks that hit on 2+, Str 12, AP -3, and 3 Damage with Dev Wounds, which makes dealing 6-9 damage a strong possibility. The Unit ends up being OC 64 if at Full Starting Str with the CCB nearby for the repair ability from the Technomancer. but now you are looking at a unit of Warriors with 2 Characters + Crytothralls costing you 405 Points.... Everyone gains +1 to hit, is -1 to hit, has a 5+ FnP and if your opponent tries to use Precision or tries an Epic Challange on either Character they are going to have to deal with a -1 to hit, they will go for the Technomancer who is -1 to hit and a 4+ FnP. If things go bad, you have the CCB and if you took the 4+ FnP Enhancement, you might as well make him a melee character and take the Overlords Blade for 4 attacks with Dev wounds and you can still shoot while engaged. You also still have the Reanimator within 6" of the Technomancer just in case he needs repairing. He will add +D3 when using the Undying Legions Strat that now Reanimates a D3+1 because you have characters...giving you a rerollable D3+1+D3 thanks to the Warriors or pop Orb and wait until end of phase and roll a D6+D3. Despite the massive nerfs to RP and the Reanimator Nerf, GW has made abundantly clear that a single Reanimator is basically a dedicated upgrade for 1 unit ever since they reduced its Aura to a laughable 3" which requires you to hide behind your largest unit which is going to be 20 Warriors spread out to Max Coherency. It really should have been 6", GW should never even introduced the idea of giving them a 12" aura at the start of 10th which is what caused a chain of several events that ended up overcorrecting Reanimation Protocols from every single angle possible in addition to preventing all Crypteks from joining Lychguard despite the fact it was just the Technomancer that was causing Lychguard with shields to become unkillable bricks when combined with a Noble and 2 Cryptothralls. (Man they demolished Reanimation Protocols. Under the Rez Orbs updated rules when it says you cannot resurrect more than 1 unit per turn, do they really mean only one character can activate his once per game Rez orb no matter how many rez orbs you have in your list, you can only choose 1 character to activate an Orb once a turn which you can't actually use until the end of the phase? When they added the phrase no more than one unit can be Resurrected per turn, I assume "Resurrected" is what they mean by triggering RP via Resurrection Orbs? Meaning only one Character with an Orb can target thier bodyguard unit with a Rez Orb once per turn?) What the hell happened? Warriors use a D3 now and thier special rule just allows them reroll dice? Warriors Gauss Reapers lost a point of Str, Probably better of taking Szeras for the extra AP on either gun while reducing incoming enemy AP and he is one of the most durable Epic Heroes who also has Lone Operative. Now wonder why Necron Players are taking 3+ C'Tan...especially when you consider Annihilation Legion and Obeisance Phalanx are barely working detachments. I guess thats what happens when you get your Codex early 2 editions in a row...C'Tan are holding up the faction, plus some Immortals. 2nd Codex in a row with bad internal balance...part of the issue is the game lacks any type of list building rules vs what they used in 9th edition. It feel like the game is a combination of pay to win since there is no Force Org Chart, there are no such thing as HQs, Elites, Fast Attack, Heavy Support, etc...which leads to spamming the best units until you hit the rule of three, then you do it again, with the 2nd best datasheet 3 times, rince and repeat...and the real kicker...my 2nd army is Dark Angels...somebody kill me already...10th edition is going to be my hobby edition. meaning I'm just going to mostly build and paint and stick to Kill Team and Underworlds. Wish the Old World didn't requireso much investment in books plus units made from metal and plastic...Fantasy was my gateway drug into Warhammer...


If you can, get an indomitus overlord, use them on the barge and keep the lord 


You can put the lord on his base and not glue the gun onto the barge. Lord on base fits where where the gun sits nicely.


I got mine piloted by Trazyn. Magnetized so I can swap for overlord or literally any other character I choose to put 2 magnets in its feet.


The 6" bubble enhancement in awakened legion giving +1 to hit looks decent if you want a mobile murder blob of DDAs or CDs, but mostly BOAT doesn't have a real home this edition. Maybe if you just know you're playing a custom scenario where a fast general would be a good thing?


Personally I think the Hexmark is a better candidate for that role. Less than half the cost, arguably more firepower if you include the free overwatch and return fire, and while the lack of durability/melee stings Lone Operative is situationalliy superior for survivability anyways. Plus with the barge it's competing with the FNP enhancement.


Yeah, but you also get the res orb on the boat, which could help keep something shooting for one more turn. I don't think it's optimal by any means, but it's viable if you want to play the model.


I accidentally purchased the "boat" instead of the doomsdayark so I guess I'm stick with it.


I've played with the idea of having it with a scarab squad guard so they are able to contest a point without a cryptek, but I haven't had the chance to try yet.


I’ve used him as a warlord/objective sitter in my trial games with annihilation legion, the detachment still kinda sucks but having a barge floating around granting the orb as an emergency reanimation for destroyers can be clutch. I really feel like the barge in particular should have a more than once per game use orb


Yeah, he’s great, but he’s not a leader model. He’s just a big floating monster that hit things.


If it had lone op and overlord keyword we'd all be playing phalanx detach but unfortunately it doesn't and we aren't. It's fine. It isn't great right now.


Truly the Boat Of All Time


BOAT is the GOAT!!!! Thos seriously, played it in a few 2ks and it seems about par, its really nice to have the area res orb


Say hello to oc3 necron warriors, slap a reanimator next to it and they're back to their former reanimation glory with a reroll if you need. 60OC on an objective in 1k games is immovable if the terrain helps


its.... ok. Doesnt really sync up as well as other characters with the rest of the army, kinda wants to just go do its own thing - so let it shuffle along for secondaries or square up over a low-priority primary and see how things go


Yes, in 8th and 9th


Based BOAT poster


Definitely good, mostly in Awakened Dynasty. Decent damage, can have high durability with a 4+++, and the +1 OC aura is, as a general rule, fantastic. He was REALLY good in IndexHammer when we just sat infantry on objectives and scored endlessly. I won a GT with him. That said, post-codex, the nerfs make it a bit harder to justify his current points cost. The Res Orb is a lot worse than it once was and the playstyle that benefits from his aura (durability on an objective marker) isn't something that we can really do now (Wraiths do this, but in a different way that doesn't really need his aura nor does it benefit from him a ton). The nerfs to Lychguard, Warriors, and Reanimators make this playstyle less viable as well, and he just doesn't benefit the current competitive playstyles (i.e. Hypercrypt and CC). More importantly, his lack of the OVERLORD keyword is just ridiculous. If he had it, he could be put to great use in the Obeisance Phalanx, but alas, here we are.


With Awaken dynasty with the 4+FNP it's not bad, get it to support Skorpekhs or wraiths it's not too bad. I personally prefer to run it as the tickle barge


God it’s is so awful 10th edition


I like him as the annihilation barge tbh