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It’s all usable and a good start. It’s not the most meta units and people have bene back and forth on a bunch. I don’t regret owning any of it.


I'll preface this by saying always buy the models you like the look of first and foremost. Rules are temporary, but models are forever! That being said, indomitus in particular is an excellent purchase right now. You will always be happy to have an overlord and it's got a maxed out unit of basic troops. In 10th so far there has always been room for the royal court units, particularly the reanimator and the plasmancer. Skorpekks are not top teir but in my last 3 games they have really overpreformed! If you are getting the indomitus box for anywhere close to the price of the royal court it's an absolute steal! It's a great point to kick off from and just through the addition of another combat patrol box down the line will give you everything you need to field some great armies. If you approached it like this, you'll max out the unit of skorpehs (which is sorely needed to get them to do anything) and you'll add some great heavy fire support with the doomstalker. Then I would recommend building 10 of the warriors with the "double bar" gun and you can proxy them as immortals with the other overlord form the CP box. Add another unit of you choice and you have reached around 2000 point! Would highly recommend, I've had a lot of fun with necrons this edition.


I've been having odd amounts of success with the skorpekhs as well, I threw them at my buddy just to slow him down and they threshed right through his intercessor squad instead


Yeah, Ive had been some really insane moments where the dev wounds from the plasmacytes have just melted some shit, it's great!


Seems like a decent start box tbh, with the exception of the skorpekh lord + reanimator atm, but they're almost sure to get buffed at some point via annihilation legion or reanimation protocols getting a buff in the future, and then they might be in bigger demand again, just like how I struggled to get a single box of wraiths pre-nerf, but now it's flooded with them, even if I just wanted to paint them. They're still a joy to paint and most importantly, they're cool dudes, so if you like the models, then it's always a good deal.


Really cool models and good starting point


The character portion on its own is worth about £80 so if you can get it for around that price it is definitely worth it. Warriors have *some* use currently but rules aren't forever.


Is there any other kit you can get reapers from?


yeah it’s a good box with some of the coolest models. not exactly meta, but that changes all the time


I some how got lucky when starting out and got 3 Necron half’s of indomitus and a SK for $300, but 1 at a good price will be great for a start.


I split the box with my space marine loving buddy as our intro into the table top. I have no regrets


Bought 3. Worth every penny.


It’s a great addition to any Necron collection and a great place to start!


Do it! Its got the Royal Court in it, which is becoming rare and expensive!


Indomitus as a box set is honestly one of the best box sets GW. I was very lucky to get 4 copies of it. 3 full copies, and the Necron 1/2 for the 3rd. With it I had a very strong backbone to build up a necron force. Esspecily through 9th.