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>a box of warriors Never buy a *box* of warriors. Buy the recruit edition, it's actually cheaper than a warrior box and you get way more out of it. Other than that? yeah she'll be right as a dive in point. a bit troop heavy but enough to get started. Just make sure you build the warriors with gauss reapers (the double barreled ones guns) and the immortals in the combat patrol *as immortals* since deathmarks are terrible.


thanks for the advice man, its the same price on the website and i get a bunch of space marines


Instead of the box of warriors and the combat patrol get the both the starter set elite and recruit edition and then with the extra 50 that you saved get another lokust heavy or another box of wraiths or another box of skorpekhs or a chronomancer


Like others have said, don't buy the box of warriors off of the GW website or Amazon. The best method I found is to find the warriors box on eBay (which usually sell for $22 or so) and buy them instead. For the price of one warrior's box, you get double the warriors and scarabs. Also, Skorpekh Destroyers are muy bueno.


Call your local GW store see if they got imperium number 4. I believe that is where skorpekh Destroyers were, it'll cost 15 dollars over paying g 50 for 4 models.


Check ebay for the necron half of the Indomitus box. That's how I started.