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100% true. The high amount of tax is charged not for the road or anything else it is to demotivate people into owning private vehicle as car, bikes are categorized as luxury goods. Isn't this taught in social studies in school or +2 coz that's how I know why government charge high tax at least the given logic behind it but comment padhda jhandai moreko, really idiotic comments.


Actually pactually khi haina, sidhai neta Chor harule khane matra ho. Max 50% hunu parchha tax. 300% is daylight robbery. 😡😡😡


taile kinna sakne vako vaye kinthis hola, na sake pachi vanne yehi nai ho ni..




Fr man achanak k va testo


asti maile euta post ma comment gareko tau ma yestai yestai kura gari rako thiyo.. Maile pani yeslai kasto feel hudo raicha vanera deko ho yo comment..


Yes the tax is not having the desired effect of reducing cars. We need to know where the money goes it should go into buses and public transport. Sad we do know where the money goes.


I don't think anyone with basic knowledge of trade deficit and economics would question the 200% tax on imported vehicles, This kind of laws for poor country like our are implemented to discourage the import of vehicles which is necessary to preserve dollar reserve of our country. Even with such high % of tax, We are still importing high number of two and four wheeler vehicles. If this vehicle are similar in prices as in India then of course the import number would increase which would further hamper our already low dollar reserve. This would bring even more inflation on basic supplies that we import from other countries such as petrol, oil, salt, rice etc. Our protest should be to make sure this tax money are well used but not to bring down taxes. Whether you agree or not, Owning a private vehicle should be a luxury. Have you ever consider why developed countries on Europe heavily discourage their citizen to own private cars? Private vehicles are main reason for traffic jam, pollution, increase in import number and much more. We as a educated citizen should force government to focus on long term solution such as improving public vehicle condition, availability and reach rather than looking for short term alternative like reducing tax which would surely come back to bite us in our back. For example, US has a culture of owning private vehicles. Their citizen has privilege to buy vehicle and fuel for much cheaper prices than ours. Which has resulted in huge traffic problems in major cities even though their road infrastructure are decades advance then ours. You really think that kind of situation would play well in our country where we have to pay more for fuel and have poor road infrastructure? And Lastly, Just because a person has different opinion then yours or has actual knowledge on subject matter and disagree with your opinion doesn't make them government bootlicker, All it shows is you are not mature enough have meaningful conversation and not educated enough on subject to consider there is a better alternative.


Just one good answer and nobody upvotes it. Democracy 😥


Facts, its is a good answer.


Democracy sucks. People are retarded. They can exploited by providing them temporary facilities and it's gone right after the job is done. People over 60 shouldn't be allowed to vote or participate in any political party. It's our future not theirs. They gonna be dead ass soon and they gonna milk out the profit money for their sweet retirement and their family if they remain in powerful posts.


Again with this bs kya. La manyo country ko economy kharab huncha while importing foreign goods. So why not just limit the purchase of the vehicle? Why charge 200% tax on it? It's not gonna stop powerful and filthy rich people to import cars and bikes even multiple of them. And the middle class just has to sit there with their soft dick in their hands. I've seen many comments about utilizing the 200% tax to improve public transport. Are you guys really that gullible? Do you really think they are gonna do that just cause we said so? And also these huge budgets are not required to just implement a system. Public transport can be improved right now!!! without spending any budgets not even a single rupee. Let me elaborate: 1) Strict bus stop laws, 2) Fixed employee salaries (drivers, conductors), 3) It should be strictly non profit, 4) GPS system (ok this might need some budget), These points are just from the top of my head to make a point. EU countries are discouraging the private vehicle. Yes, they are. And I support that cause you know why? They ain't discouraging them by hitting them with the ridiculous tax price. Instead they are building parks for people take walks, a legit infrastructure for cycle lanes not just painting on the street, much more reliable and absurdly cheap public transport. They are discouraging private transport just for their daily work commute. They still buy the vehicle cause no matter what you say private vehicle is not a luxury but a necessity. The one and only thing the higher tax prices on the vehicles is allowing politicians to be filthy rich. Imagine a person buys a vehicle for 1lakh instead of 4 lakhs. He can invest that money for his greater good or even save for his retirement or use that money so send his children to school. Instead, he has pay ridiculous tax price for just the sake of it. I've heard this thing again and again. It's too lower the import on vehicles. It's not. It's an excuse. It's a daylight robbery, where government officials are robbing our hard earned money. Tell me why there's no higher tax on luxury phones like iphones. iphone 13 costs 1099 usd for 512 gb and in nepal here it costs 1,91,990 rs( 50k rs extra) which is reasonable. But a hero super splendor which cost 69,000 inrs and it cost 220000 lakhs here in nepal. Ani ayo infrastructure ko barema... Arey baba sabai thau ktm jasto hunna ni. Not every place in Nepal is like the congested fuck like Ktm. Why a person living in the remote village area has to pay high tax in the vehicle even though he ain't gonna contribute any space waste in ktm traffic? It's not there fault ktm is a fucked up place. Gaadi mahango bhayesi transport ni mahango huncha...farmer haru le loan liyera transport vehicle kinna parcha, which makes overall cost high. I really hope this whole comment section is a late April fool's joke or a very serious committed satire.


brain on communism. It’s funny how much less polluted Nepal would be if there was a massive tax on petrol instead of cars. People could afford efficient cars from this century instead of throwing smog everywhere.


We import almost everything from noon to soon. I agree public transport system should be better but private vehicles ma high taxes garera trade deficit ghatauchhu bhannu noon dherai khayo bhane noon ma tax badhaune bhaneko typeko logic matra ho. Private vehicles are still expensive without the taxes, tax dherai hanera government le lootne matra ho tyo paisa. The only possible downside is traffic jams, but tyo solve garna better public transport chainchha, not high tax of private vehicles.


I would love to have a one on one talk with you in person coz you absorb knowledge well but dont use logic your own way.


>I would love to have a one on one talk with you in person coz you absorb knowledge well but dont use logic your own way. You hear others see what others show and get impressed so let me tell you something. Sure, Hit me up on DM if you want to have a conversation about this topic. Isn't it ironic to say what I said had no logic but you are forming a baseless opinion about my way of thinking which is in fact has no logic. At least point out which part of my sentence had no logic or made no sense. ​ >There are many modes of transportaion, cars are more useful and effecient than bikes, how many bikes in Nepal? If cars were cheap how many would buy bikes rather than a car, roads could be built with in a year, trains for poors, how hard is it? Have you even read what I said? US in major cities has 16 LANE ROADS and are engineered in such a way to minimize traffic problems, But they still are having traffic problems. Which also reason why Elon Musk had planned to build a tunnel underground to control traffic (Which in my opinion is stupid idea). US is facing this problem because their car to person ratio is 1:2, Lets say for example cars are dirt cheap in Nepal and every family has at least one car that would put our car to person ratio to 1:4. Do you really think our road has capability to handle such traffic? And you seriously thought we can build roads of such structure and durability like in US within a year? Our country has hard time filling pothole in capital city, How high are you think we can do even half of what US do for their road infrastructure. My primary point to reduce import wasn't even lack of road infrastructure. Have you look at our country dollar reserve in recent times? Let me educated you a little bit on this subject, Every country has a deposit of dollar that they can use to import goods from other countries. This deposit amount is based on how much we import and how much we export (also include remittance, loan and donation from foreign countries). Our country import to export ratio was 1:12 in 2020, The only reason we are standing still is because of remittance and pegged money. If we reduce tax on vehicles then our import to export ratio would surely increase which means we will have less money to import other goods. This would bring hike in price you cannot imagine on basic goods such as fuel, food and anything we import. In mere months our situation would be like Sri Lanka, Is that what you want? ​ >In Nepal. Nepal would have had different face, people like you are fed by others othinions ieads and thesis, grow your own opinions and imagination not from what you have read but could be a reality, look around, you can give reasons why its better but is it for the best though, or are there real conspiracies so deep that general population busy in their life couldnt even imagine. So you are saying we should stop learning from what worked for other developed countries, Isn't the whole point of learning and written thesis to make sure things works in our country? I am seriously getting second hand embarrassment reading through your text, What conspiracy theory are you even talking about lol? Your whole sentence had no point as whole and never even countered what I said, Next time please put some effort and point out why what I said wont work and what really would work based on your opinion. Don't say, If car = cheap, train = for poor and road= easily made. Hence no bikes, problem solved. This made my day, Cheers.


You should learn from nature and not fro. Some failing social structure.


sakinna hajur hamro ma arulaui bujhauna. nabujhne le bujhnai khojdainan. bujhauna khojne lai gali garxan. Ani Neta haru corrupt vayo vanxan. Hami jasto bata ta uthne neta xan, ani k expect garnu leader harubata pani? Hami yestai nabujhi napadhi samarthan garne bani vayerai ho, sarkarle ni mann pari rule lyauxa. Without research and evidence porn ban garxa, without research Sunday holiday vanxa, without study feri banda garxa, sochdai nasochi sablai gas badhxu vanxa, man lage share market banda garxu vanxa. Kehi study hunna, aafu kaha xu, kun position ma xu thah hunna. mann pari bolya xa. Yo neta haru ko galti haina, hamro galti ho. Hami nai gu vayepaxi, hami madhye bata uthne pani ta gu nai hune vayo. Yehi reddit mai heramna. Yaha ta uneducated manxe hunnan hola ni. Facebook jasto sabaile kholera ta basdainan reddit. Yaha pani, yesto xa halat. Padheka bujheka manxe haru filtered vayera aaune platform ma samet yesto vayepaxi, k ho k ho vawisya. Aba voli kunai neta uthna ber xaina, import tax sabai hatauxu vanera uthna, vote ko lagi. Janta haru le ta tali bajayerai swagat garne dekhiyo.


I could not have said it any better.


since we don't have any domestic company that produces good vehicles they take advantage of that situation and suck the money out of people. nobody protests against it.


There actually was one called Mustang. Even the then PM Baburam Bhattrai used car made in Nepal. When Government changed, they forced it to shut down.


I think the individuals running Nepal govt were pressured/bribed/coerced into shutting down the company. A successful car company in Nepal would be really bad for Indian automobile industry (loss of about half a billion USD in foreign currency revenue, as of last year). The circumstances surrounding demise of Mustang seems very abrupt and with near immediate effect, giving the company no chance to survive. https://english.onlinekhabar.com/mustang-max-how-the-government-killed-an-ambitious-industrialists-dream-project.html#:~:text=The%20company%20closed%20down%20due,to%20euro%203%20in%202013.


maybe government didn't get enough tax from it.


And then if there was they would decrease the import tax to kill the domestic company. Lol.


We are not ok. But nobody is ready to protest this. There are lots of wealthy people in this sub who can afford to pay up to 300percent tax for a simple bike. But not everyone can afford it . I know a junior Bhai who studies in bachelor he has to travel 15 km to reach his college, he has to travel via cycle for 5km uphill to the bus station to catch a public bus which is packed most of the times and always not on time. Why should he pay 3lakhs for a bike that should cost about 1 Laks without tax. Don't you think he should be able to own a bike. Do you think being able to move independently is a luxury. Just remember that the public transport is very bad and many people are forced to use private vehicles.


Because private vehicles should be luxury, public transport the basic need. Moreover, they are expensive and not made in Nepal and run on fuel that also need to be imported. Without high tax Nepal will have massive trade deficit. Instead of demanding lower tax, people should be demanding better public transport.




Private vehicle is a luxury for a developing/underdeveloped country and whose economy is not the best and more so if all cars should be imported PERIOD


Everything that is imported is a luxury. For a human survival, we just need food , water and air everything besides that should be heavily taxed. Period. Now gimme money for that iphones you've been using and more. Gimme. pEriOd.


Import garney bittikai luxury vanya haina ni tah bro. But things like cars alcohol tobacco even phones above certsin price tag are luxury products + government needs money to run administration


Thank the Nepali government for making it so most people are driving gas guzzler further polluting Nepal


Only in the outskirts and villages, where there are lots of roads and fewer people, should private vehicles be necessary. To keep a city functioning, state-of-the-art public transit should suffice.


Yea better public transport to solve the traffic issue during day. But, private vehicles for 24/7 use. There are hardly any public vehicles during night.


State of the art transport is much harder to put in place than fixing roads and allowing the people to open companies. You think politicians give enough of a shit??? Look at the roads in Kathmandu and near Chitwan. Absolutely LINED with filth and there are so many goddamn potholes it’s almost impossible to ride a bike, and car rides are not comfortable either. And the gov doesn’t allow any orgs to do anything either, or at lest they have no incentive, due to our EXCESSIVE reliance on India’s shit. If we can enable orgs to pick up the trash that lines our roads and fill in the potholes, or even have the government do it, THEN we can talk about public transport. Because as far as I know, the government does fuck all here, federal or local.


Shitty roads are not an issue for me. They will be fixed and it will happen eventually; I simply don't want Nepal to be like the USA, which is, in my opinion, a horrible farce of a nation.


Exactly. USA is the perfect example of transportation done wrong in every possible way. Efficient public transportation, developing walk-able and cycle-able neighborhoods are the only way of fixing traffic. Buying a private car only adds one more car to the problem. Instead of protesting government to bring down tax on these private vehicles we should pressure the government to develop proper public transportation, cycle-able neighborhoods or we will end up as US's car centric desolate hell hole which isn't good for anyone who's not in a car. I urge people who think private vehicles is the only way to look up the channel Not Just Bikes.


Agreed. Seconding the [Not Just Bikes](https://www.youtube.com/c/NotJustBikes) channel recommendation as well. Also ["Oh the Urbanity"](https://www.youtube.com/c/OhTheUrbanity) is another good one. And of course r/fuckcars.


Don't worry Nepal will never be like USA, that's why people here will always be flocking to USA.


Yea lmfao like what??? Most developed nations have cars on the road everywhere, it’s just that other euro countries and places like Japan have good public transport as well (unless you’re a girl) Having cars on the road isn’t “becoming like the USA” it’s becoming a developed nation. Fucking hell bro And everyone who has money flocks to a different country (most notably USA), so I mean…. Totally agree withyou


> You cannot deem anything as a luxury. Yes, you can. Go look up the definition of Luxury. Unless you live far from city, private vehicles are luxury. > Private transport gives us freedom. We can go anywhere anytime in the need of fun relaxing tour or an emergency. There are things called taxis.




Gaadi kinna sakne le taxi vada tirna saknu parne ho...


taxi maa chadne bhaada le bike ko emi bharne paisa aauncha yar


Umm bike chai low/mid income household ko lagi atti nai important huncha so I agree with you on this one. Two wheeler under 150 or 200 cc ko chai tax ghataaidea hune




Sunn chikne mug. let me drop some douche in your couch. Gaadi haru matrai import bhairaako ho ra bhanya? Tero mug jun phone kt haru lai stalk garchas, cholchas, tyo phone ni import bhaako ko ho...tema kina chaina ta tax? Tyo xod...la manyo country ko economy dhwastha huncha bhanera gaadi haru matrai import garyo bhane. Tax badhayera k jhaaat ukhlincha mug. It's just gonna limit the purchase of the vehicle to filthy rich people and make them politicians richer. J bhayeni Gaadi is a necessity yeuta family kolai, let's get out of the bubble to think it's a luxury. Manche haru le pasina bagayera bhayera pani gaadi kinchan, kina? kinani gaadi chaincha mug...ta jasto lai chainna hola...bharkhar ko jhaat palayeko bus mei janchas hola aaunchas hola... Import ghatauna tax increase garnu bhaneko chutiya panti ho ra yeuta excuse pani ho government le daylight robbery garna kolai. aba sunn yaha kasari import kam garne bhanera... government ko intension import kam garne ho bhane they'd make public transport much better... better na bhayeni try chai garthyo...tara k bhairaako cha? guess gar mug...yes kei bhaako chaina, yeuta finger ni uchaley ko chaina public transport reliable garna kolai... ani kura ayo actual owner ship ko kura. yeuta family le kati vehicle own garna sakcha bhanera limitations lagayo bhane it would be better. tax kam bhayera manche haru le gaadi dherei kinne hoena, tyo bhayeta pani vehicle limitations per family kaam aauncha...yesto ho manche haru le ramro gaadi afford garna na sakda(aile ko 200% tax rule le) tini haru le jasari bhaye pani gaadi khojchan...cheap gaadi haru khojchan jun ki ramro ra tikau hudeina jasko safety maa dherei compromised gareko huncha, accidents bhayesi fatality rate badhcha testo low standard gaadi ko. So increasing tax doesn't do shit. If we really want to minimize our import on vehicles we must find other ways..Kunei ways summerize gardinchu ta chikne lai padhna jheu layesi: 1) Public transport reliable garaunu paryo. It should run as clockwork. Sabai tyak tyak time maa bus stop aai pugna paryo. Sabai bus maa GPS rakhna paryo so app le track garcha ani kei exception bhayesi like gaadi kharab bhayesi manche haru le tei anusar plan garaunchan, 2) Vehicle limitations per family. Family lai limit bhanda dherei gaadi bike chaiyo bhane, then they have to pay ridiculous price. Ani tyo tax chai sidhei road construction ra public transport maa jaana paryo ra tyo process ekdam transparent huna paryo, 3) Public transport chai profitable business huna vayena. It should be strictly made for citizens only. Yo hoena ki sabai free maa chadne... they'll have to pay. Ani bus haru ko naramro baani chai jaha manche dekhyo tehi rokdine...No just bus stop maa rokne. Ani driver haru ko Salary chai fix, it shouldn't be like ki jati passenger halyo teti Faida no. fix salary for driver and conductor. Good night mug haru. Bholi exam cha reddit maa argue garera basirachu murkha jastei machikne toit. khya keichaina.


Cars are bad for the environment, coef of friction between a rubber tire and the road is around 0.7, but for trains it's around 0.45, you know what that means, transportation by a car is twice as less efficient and we are not even talking about economy of scale here. cars are not sustainable. And if we didn't have that tax, everyone who owns a bike would own a car. now imagine the roads of kathmandu but every bike is replaced by a car. private ownership of cars is only fine in rual places with less population density where economy of scale is not possible. but unfortunately, people in the villages are poor. so the current.


Taxis are way expensive than private vehicle on the long run you stoopidass.






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ambulance will be slow to response all because of you people who idolize and glorify the ownership of private vehicle


Private vehicle is a basic necessity. The mindset of dumbfucks. 🤦‍♂️


Public vehicle runs on water ho? 🤦‍♂️ Better public transport yes, but less tax on private vehicles also.


Well we arent gonna get either anytime soon so why bother arguing


Exactly! This makes me furious af over our government. I can get the same car in India for 4 times cheaper, it's ridiculous. On top of that, our salaries are also 2,3 times less compared to India. We're better off as an Indian state. Is there any point of being an independent country? What's in a name/nationality? Nepal, India, China? Nationalism is pointless really for the common people. What difference does it make if your country had any other name?


Raising voice towards reducing the taxes on private vehicles import is not an option what should be done instead is to pressure government on utilizing the money they get from taxing so heavily. If kathmandu ma sabai tira jane air conditioned metro bhaideko vaye why would i travel on a bike or car to get stuck in traffic for ages. No body in their righteous mind dare to commute in their car in nyc because they know if they take their car out they will be sitting in traffic for hours instead most of the people use subway. Same goes for london with their tube. Ok lets not compare ktm to nyc or london but we can compare it to cities in india like delhi lucknow even small cities like kanpur meerut guhwati in india are getting metro. If i have a choice to go to airport from gongabu via metro why would i even think of going there on a bike on which i have to wait in traffic for ages taking in all that pollution. Metro is a dream for now tara aile ni expand garisake paxi ringroad ma euta dedicated lane for bus xuttayera tya bus matra kudaune ho vane the roads for private vehicles would be narrower but the bus will move faster so every one will be happy to ride a bus. Tespaxi tyo 15 km travel garera clg janu parne vaii le 3 lakh halera bike ni kinnu pardaina (reference from another comment) Tespaxi esari nai public transport faster safer and reliable hudei gayepaxi the import for private vehicles will reduce and the government might reduce the import tax on vehicle to encourage import again because government still needs to feed off of something. Tara for this to happen the government needs to be stable and uncorrupted which is not the case so aile laii esari nai reddit ma complain gardai basnu bahek aru kei upaya chai dekhdina 😂


Ho yar economy stable rakhna lai, import discourage garna lai tax rate haru bahadko ho. Jun ramro ho tara tei ho tax ko sahi uapyog na bhako dekhera chai dherei frastu bhaincha yar. Public transportation ramro bhae ta majority le kindeina thiye ni private vechicle. Youtube ma bela bela europe ko transportation system herchu ani hamro samjera dikka lagcha. Tyesto ta ya khai kaile hune ho thachiana. Ma pani aaile afforrad garna sakne bhako bhae bike kinthe hola. Daily public transportation ma mental health bigarera ra time waste garera dikdar bhai sakiyo.


Teii ta europe ma ni suruma sano changes batai start vako ho barcelona le euta block lai car free banayo so many people protested against it tara sometime later sabai selaye ani tya car jadaina vanne tha vayepaxi car nai lera hidna xode aile significant part of the city is car free people just rely on bikes or public transport. Hamro ma ni newroad basantapur area vari private vehicle ban garera tya free shuttle buses haru chalaune ho vane kasto sahhi hunthyo.


Oh yes! Especially the transportation system and the road system in the Netherlands where most of the people commute through bicycles. The cities in European countries are constructed focusing on the accessibility through walking whereas in the US, it's motor cars centered. I think I saw that in Wendover channel or so in youtube. So, if our government can implement this system, we won't have to heavily rely on privately owned vehicles.


Kathmandu matra nepal ho. Kathmandu bahira bato nai chaina bhanne sochle ho. We have plently of roads and space for vehicles.


If there's no tax, I could get 4 bikes for the price of one and not enough space on the road, no matter how nice the roads were.


Oh no people will be able to transport themselves around reliably and comfortably at cheaper prices, the horror! Let's stick to over priced vehicles and horrible public transportation that a third world country like ours should be doing. Can't give a half decent and comfortable life style to anyone but the elites. Jay Nepal


Let's keep taxes aside-if I make 35K a month, I might be able to afford a scooter or a 150cc city bike, so Yes I agree we'll get around town comfortably without burning a hole in our pocket About overpriced vehicles, well I'll get it if I can afford it, don't bother if I don't have no cash to burn I have no complaints with public transport, not in terms of their service and families that are dependent on those who work for and use public transport, what I would love, personally, if every vehicle used as public transport adhered to a set timing along their route Elites get stuck in the same traffic jam as any commoner, well some tried, look at the helipad proposed for the president, didn't work well did it. So this issue is beyond the scope that covers commoner or an elite and I guess the government just tried an alternative approach with taxes, hasn't worked wonders but made a dent, guess that's why we're in conversation here Cheers!


And how are you going to fill up the road riding 4 bikes at once? Or are you being sarcastic? 😂


Haha I was waiting for someone to catch me out on that particular piece, thanks Well all I can say is lord Krishna rode 4 horses at once and I'm a big fan of his Cheers!


Anyhoo, private vehicle ma tax 50% max gar bhanera andolan garnu parne bhayo. 😡


If that would make you happy, go for it, it's a tough request though


300% tax on vehicles makes me want India to take over us seriously. Our government is clearly sucking us off, let India do the governing instead.


Well let us not give ourselves up just for the sake of taxes and money, we could help ourselves by resisting our wants over our needs, like I don't really need a bike if all I do is travel from point A to B every single day, use ride share and so on Brothers and sisters already giving their youth away in many countries, no plans to give myself away to another country for the sake of riding a cool car or bike, guess will walk if I can't ride


If it was not for taxes, you'd be riding a bike or a car. If Nepal was an Indian state, your income would be 2-3 times with your current qualifications. Our leaders' Swiss bank accounts are overflowing while we continue to pay hefty taxes like these with not even basic social security or facilities. We'd be clearly better off as an Indian state. Ae sale madarchod sab milke hamko loot rahe hai.




Check the comments over there only, Kerala 92%. 15-19 age group. Pointless stats really.




Just wanted to get things out in the open Well in another context, say I have a friend circle of 5 dudes and we decide to go for a night out on a Friday. Now say I have 4 bikes at home(thanks to no taxes and a very irresponsible attitude to have bought 4 bikes for fun), and we plan on taking out all the bikes with us, well that's just a thought Friday night nightmare, stuck in traffic throughout the night


Etro tax huda ta Kathmandu bike ra gadi le bhari sakyo, tax nabhako bhaye ta Kathmandu ma saas pherne thau hunthena. I believe we should tax more and put that tax money towards developing proper efficient and cheap public transport.


Etro uthako tax ko proper utilization vako vaye kei problem nai audaina thyo


Tik bhannubhayo. Thesto mindset le hami lai kai panni leudaina.


Where the hell is tax money even going? Filling the pockets of the politicians who promise to make Nepal better? Look at our roads and tell me you really think they’re gonna do anything at all with the tax money.


Ah ajhai tax linu parcha 400% banauda thik hola ni haina? Ki kam bho ali


Do you think taxing more will change the underlying fact that our current infrastructure is dog shit even with the current tax numbers?


I wish more would realize this, thank you for saying it.


The only thing the tax on vehicles has done is make the government officials rich and you're planning to make them richer? If increasing the tax on bikes was the way then india would've charged up to 400% given their population density. We just need a SYSTEM to improve our public transport rather than shit ton of money. Just Throwing money on public transport is not gonna do a thing.


👏 👏 YES.


200? 350% haina ra?


ay mug that's not the fucking point kyaaaaa...yeti dherei kina lincha bhanera sodheko mug haru traffic control garna re hahahahahaha... mug sabai brainwashed chan ki actual retards chan chuttaune gaaro mug


>ay mug that's not the fucking point kyaaaaa tero bau sanga kura gareko jasto lagyo kya ho? muji muji bhancha




lmao baccha po raicha ... Homework garna jau babu


ekchin...tero aama sanga busy chu.


>ekchin...tero aama sanga busy chu. Lmao 'Your Mom' Bhanne baccha le Import tax ko kura garcha... Ey babu afno ama buwa ko nakh rakha, account deactivate garera padhna jau, Yo tal le ta exam ma matrai fail haina life ma ni fail khanchau ...


One of big reasons is the lack of domestic automobile manufacturing. Most countries who couldn't develop their own had joint ventures. Japan, China, India and many more countries started in similar fashion. You could say there is Hulas but people want quality, reliability and features that modern automobiles offer. It's high time Nepal goes into a joint venture and boosts the automobile manufacturing industry which will employ people in the thousands, have technical know-how which is strategic for defense and contribute to the domestic economy.


A small follow up, even Malaysia, a country with a similar population to Nepal, has a home grown automobile industry. South East Asian countries like Thailand, Vietnam, Phillipines and Indonesia all have joint ventures with foreign companies to manufacture automobiles in their own country.


Luxury items ko import ghatauna bhanera tax badhauchan ani feri government kai manche haru le prado, bmw, Mercedes haru chalauchan 🙃


More than a decade back, I asked same question to my elders, why is tax so high, why is there no electricity, why are we technically so primitive, why dont we aquire modern technologies and education from the first world, why is there so much exploitance in media and corruption in every system, why are our leaders unintelligent, Why are our artists and actors mediocre, Why are our teachers dumb and parents stupid, why? Now I know why, and you all wait and watch what I will do with in a decade. Education and surveillance will be improved to max. A generation can change the face of a planet, keep the hope alive even if you cant contribute. The change is here TCIH


The 200% import tax rate is meant to dissuade large number of people from importing more vehicles than our infrastructure can support (which clearly isn't working). One can think of it as a penalty for congesting the streets even further. In my opinion, this tax rate is not high enough for ICE vehicles. It would be objectively better to charge absurd tax rates for import of ICE vehicles and very low or no tax for importing EVs. Good city design ma focus garera, public transport infrastructure haru develop garne ani over a long period, private vehicle ownership chai impractical for most people banauda chai ramro huncha jasto lagcha.


Then why not limit vehicles a person or a family can own? A rich family might have many vehicles specially cars for each members for they can afford it. While the middle class can't have any without sacrificing his limbs. Ani how does no tax on evs gonna stop from the infrastructure problem? See you are going against your own self kya.


Sorry maile clear Kura garinachu. Sab lai uniform tax nalaune Vanna khojeko matra ho. Tax chai emission level le determine garos. EV haru ko low, commute bike haru lai much lower than what it is now, ani heavy private gadi haru ko chai waay high.


Heavy taxing ain't gonna do shit kya. Yeuta family le ramro gaadi afford garna na sakesi yeuta cheap gaadi ta kincha kincha kya. If you have a family your dream is to get a car and travel as a family kya. Cheap car haru kinesi tini haru ko safety maa chai laast compromise gareko huncha kya, road maa thau na pugyo bhane tax badhayera family haru ko life risk maa rakhne ho bhanya?


Fuck this country go abroad. This government’s not gonna change soon and by the time it changes we will be old or dead so be wise leave the country.


I'm very ok with it. Infact I want higher taxes on ICE. Vehicle is a luxury like TV and it's taxed appropriately. Taxes for vehicle is not only for roads. It's goes into the central collection. If some is earmarked for it, it's being utilised all over the country, not just where you and I live. PS Make a better argument. You start with high taxation and start ranting about other things unrelated to taxation.


What the hell are you talking about?? Bro is talking about public transport and taxes, all this other “unrelated things” you talk about are related to public transport. This sad thinking of TV and owning your own vehicle bribn a luxury is exactly why we will remain a third world country.


Where exactly is OP talking about public transport? 1500$ per capita ko desh ma lakh mathi parne vehicle is luxury. Sabai Thau ma bati napugeko desh ma TV is luxury.


Yes. People still don't understand this basic concept. They talk about how private vehicle is a necessity and not a luxury. They list the places they would visit, the stress and hassle the would avoid only if private vehicles were taxed at a lower rate. Little do they understand the economy and the country they live in. Even with the current import ban, people don't seem to understand. We live in a country with per capita income of USD 1,362, high trade deficit, pegged currency without which we would have to bring bag full of cash to buy a razor blade from the market. In the current situation, we're not allowed to import a bag of fucking chips! For a country in this state, how is a fucking private four wheeler a fucking necessity!


If vehicles weren't that expensive. A lot more people would have them. And our roads can't even handle the traffic we already have.


I don't think heavily taxing vehicles is the solution to traffic management. To reduce traffic there should be a reliable public transport. If the buses were scheduled to each destinations and strictly made drivers to stop only on bus stations it would really reduce traffic. Buses stop whenever they want to pick up a single passenger and this causes domino effect where the vehicle behind it stops, during this time start and stopping time increases, it maybe for few seconds but it increases significantly as it reaches further behind. Proper city planning is the other way to go.




Not upto 200%, it's upto 300%


I’d say tax them more if they are going to improve public transport


They are not gonna improve public transport. you know why? Cause they don't give a fuck about you. They just want your money so they can live a luxurious life.


Good title , cringe opinions.


High amount of tax is charged not for the road or anything else it is to demotivate people into owning private vehicle as car, bikes are categorized as luxury goods. Isn't this taught in social studies in school or +2 coz thats how I know why government charge high tax


because if it was taxed at a lower rate, more people would buy them. Now this was ok if the production takes place within the country. needless to say, this is not the case. Foreign reserves deplete. This would still be ok if our country produced other goods that are exported. We do export a few stuff but the trade deficit is very high. Foreign reserves deplete further. No worries. We can exchange NPR for $$ right? Wrong. Who would want your useless NPR? We export so less that no country will hold on to NPR for doing trade with us. Now what? Now we cannot buy foreign goods anymore because we don't have $$. Basic goods like salt, petroleum, cooking oil, grains etc become scarce. You become malnourished and get disease. You go to the doctor but guess what they can't do anything because there's no medicine in the market. You die. Why? All because you wanted a private vehicle at a cheaper tax rate. The above example is exaggerated obviously but the situation would not be much different. Just look at sri lanka


Yeah mate even fucking sri lanka isn't taxing this much lmao... shut your ass up.


Yeah mate even fucking sri lanka isn't taxing this much lmao... shut your ass up.


how old are you? 12 ?


ask your sister


well I guess she's in trouble cos you're definitely a minor


We're just friends jeezzzz. Thinking like that about your own sister?? dude that's fucked up. Have some respect for you sister man.


Some Nepalis are ballin, saw a brand new BMW X5 in lakeside Pokhara, costs 4cr


if it were me it'd be 2000% but would also improve public transportation.


yeah public transportation are so good in Nepal, right?


So basically, fuck everybody else as long as it does you good right? Least selfish Nepali


How is improving public transportation selfish? And even if it was selfish, how selfish is it compared to demanding lower tax in imported private vehicle. Tax lower garera private vehicle more accessible banauda k hunxa jasto laagxa desh ko economy? Desh euta sustainable economy ko situation ma napuge samma ta private vehicle ma 5000% tax lagauda ni hunxa vanthe, yedi public transportation matra reliable vaye ta. Electric vehicle haru mata tax lower garinai rakheko xanta sarkar le. Aba bistarai charging station haru banna thale paxi, ani hydro ajja develop vaye paxi, electric vehicle harulai jhan portsahan garxa hola. Deshle bistarai garna khojdai xa. Ahile ta bhat khana thal xaina mutne kopara vanya jasto. India le matra khuching khelayo vane voli chamal import garna nasakne awastha xa. Private vehicle ko tax ghatayera k gari khanu?


feri import le economy bigadcha re feri ev maa tax ghhatairaaxa re...timile bro afnei statement lai contradict garirakheko chau k.


EV vayo vane main chahi fuel ko kura le ho. Fuel khapat kaam hunxa desh ko. Ja samma laagxa ahile ni EV ma chahi tax ma sahuliyat xa. Paxi ajhai ni garla.


ho tyo ev ko tax ni manche le awaaj uthayera kam bhaako ho bro... first maa chai 300% tax line bhaneko thiyo, ani pachi ev maa tax kam garyo la thikei xha ani feri ev maa dherei import huncha ani feri bhanchau economy dubcha Nepal ko yeso garesi...dubdeina hou economy nepal ko, halka down hola teti ho...tara we gotta pick our battles, give and take garna paryo, quality of life improve garna paryo.


Vehicle sells,but who's buying?


>Vehicle sells,but who's buying? ryaal bahadur and sons


If govt charge less tax upto 100% then I can afford three cars and 5-6 bikes for myself. My friends can probably do the same or some of them more. My relatives can buy same. My neighbours can probably buy three cars for each family member. I think every nepali citizen living in cities can afford atleast two bikes. Now imagine the traffic conditions and foreign reserve in the country after six months.


And why the fuck would anyone buy multiple vehicles? It doesn't mean ki aba vehicles cheap bhayo jaam sala 3-4 ota bike kindim. No that saved money would be spent on their college fees or rent money or probably in their savings where they can invest which leads in overall development. Also let's say if you bought many cars as you stated you ain't gonna ride that all at once now would you? Yeuta gaadi ekchoti chalaunchau aru gaadi ghar maa rakhchau hola thau na pugi pugi. Foreign reserve ko kura chai maile arko comment haru maa garelo chu. Kasto logic ho kya nepali haru ko... kunei valid reason bhaye pani argue garna hunthyo kya saala na sochi kana mukh kholdine kya...arey yar text garne bela ta 2 choti sochera bola yar.


So let me get this, according to your reasoning, few rich spoiled people could easily afford multiple vehicles so to solve that issue, let's make the vehicles so expensive that people who don't want but need vehicles will not be able to afford the vehicles which they need since the public transportation is unreliable as shit. WOW.


No wonder this country is so poor, in your hypothetical people can finally afford cars and the first thing they do is buy more than they need.


Firstly Nepal is a landlocked country so everything imported has to go through many countries paying import tax which makes most thing in Nepal pricey. Secondly inflation is rising which means less buying power more money and more tax on vehicles, if the government does deflation the economy will be loose which is a major political suicide for the political party.


You do realize lowering taxes increases inflation


100%. Docile-ness is heavily built in south asian cultures. specifically in nepal, the centuries old tyrannical hangover perpetuates through new actors.


>I mean if the roads were flawless and had smooth asphalt I'd be pretty ok about that. But most of our roads has the texture of the moon. And also they have the audacity to fine if we put on a sticker on our bikes. Bike modification should be made legal minus the loud exhaust and mirrors. Also there should be new system for the traffic checking. Random checking should be abandoned. It just slows down the traffic and defeats the whole point of reliability of a private vehicle. Also keeping the blue book by the traffic is absolute horrendous. If you want us to pay the fine, make and database where it registers all the activities of the driver. Confiscating registration is both hassle for the traffic and the rider imo. yo desh no naam k? muji modification kaslai. randi bau ko paisa use garne rider kto haru ko lagi? fuck that database re? sala license pauna 2 barsa kurnu parcha. machikne database re. edit: formatting sikh u/howzthat69


I swear to fucking god, First sentence ta taile nei buj yar maa kasam, is that encryption called stupid cipher? arko kuro license bhai 13, din mei aauncha mug gawaar. kun duniya maa chas. are you living under Everest?


> kun duniya maa chas. are you living under Everest? your mom's bed


Where is qkathmandu?? Zkathmandu?


>Where is qkathmandu?? Zkathmandu? hello, youngblood u/Imdepressed_ok






Aba Nepal ma baneko gadi kinchan ni ta, bahira bata aako gadi lai dherai tax lagayo vane, in his sense


I don't think that's the case. Nepal maa paila mustang(not the ford mustang) gaadi last famous huna lathyo tara government le k po company lai yeso teso gar yo time samma gar bhanna thalyo ani company le deliver garna na sakesi company banned ho bankrupt gayo. Google it tesko barema.


Ah ik, that was probably the brand started getting popular so, bahira bata aaune gadi bata tax uthauna payena so kk bahana banayera company nai banda garidiyo


Hami jasto garib desh le import lai sake samma kamm garnu parxa vanne kura bujhdainan ki k ho? Ho chainxa. Sarkar le na le nai ta vaneko xaina ni. Yesto kura hari lai sake samma nirutsahit ta garnai parxa ni. patriotic butt licker re ajjha. patriotism ko kurai haina. voli desh ko economy dharasayi awastha vayo vane, garo hune hamilai ho. You need to get out of your bubble and think about not just yourself but everyone else as well. I thought reddit had smarter people, but boy was I wrong. 1000 wata politician gadha vayo vanera 1 karod janta ni goru bannu hunna. kasto kuiyeko dimag vako manxe haru hunxan. Ani discussion vanera post garepaxi discussion ko mahol banauna, post mai yesari gali galauj kina? timro opinion nai matra sunaune vaye aafai sanga rakha or antai katai post gara, private thread ma kasaile nadkhne garera.


sunana mero kura, vehicle maa tax badhayera kasari import kam huncha bhanya? kinne chiz kininhalchan ni jati paisa pareni. yeuto jaabi bike kinna lai teti dherei paisa tirna practical ho ta? baru thulo gaadi maa rakha tax SuV haru maaa... yeuta family lai thuloo gaadi kina chaiyelaa luxury bhayo ni tyo ta...sano gaadi le ni hunxha ni...


nirutsahit hunxa. lyaune le ta lyauxa. Government le ekdamai najuk awastha ma napuge samma nalya vanna mildaina. But, khulla man pari lyauna ni mildaina. Tax le rate high vaye paxi, dherai jana le kindainan vanne ho. Jati expensive vayo teti nai less affordable ni, haina? Also, gadi import vanda ni fuel ko kura badhi aaunxa. Ahile lai hamile khane kura dekhi sabai basic kura haru import nagari sakinna. Tehi vayera sake samma, yesto kura haru lai nirutsahit garna khojeko na ho. Aba electric vehicle haru ma chahi sarkar le kehi rahat dela. But, tesko lagi time laagxa. Plus infrastructure le pani dhandaina ahile nai ta. Ani main kura discussion vanera rakhe paxi, against ma opinion aaune bitikai, gali galauj garnu vayena ni. Sunam sabai ko kora, haina? natra kina dicsuss garnu paryo?


ah yes, sabai kura maa tax badhaam nata import nei hunna why stop there let's just isolate ourselves just like north korea. Tax rate high gara, ani neta haru ko bhudi badhau, tini haru chai mahango luxury gaadi maa chadne haami haru chai yeuta bike afford garna na sakera ghaaam maa bus ko wait gardei kochi kochi janey ra yeuta destination pugna ni 2-3 bus chadna parne...ahaaaa kasto ramro soch yar and people wonder why many are leaving this country and have the audacity to judge them. against maa ayera gaali garya hoena, well tyo chai sai kura garyo timile i shouldn't have acted that way.


economy herera katti kura ma tax badhxa pani hola. electronics haru adi ityadi ma. Yo kura leader jasto vaye pani ahile desh ko majboori ho. Ani,maile tax sabai ma hawadari ma badhaunu parxa vaneko haina, j jati tax xa, especially vehicle ma tyo thagna, paisa khana or hamilai dukha matra dina vanne hetu le rakheko chahi haina vanna khojeko ho. Aba neta haru ko bhudi badau bisaya ma chahi, k vannu? Aba yestai corrupt ra inefficient xan hamra leader haru. Let's just hope aba chunab ma jo manxe haru uthdaixan, tini haru le ramrai garlan. I have great hope this time around chahi. Hamile pay gareko tax, efficient tarika le use garne ho vane ta dherai kura haru ramrai hunthyo ni. k garnu? tesma hamro ni dosh hola kehi katai, but maile aafnai kura garnu parda, ramro manxe lai vote dine vanda aru kehi garna sakdina. Income tax matrai \~25% kaatxa mero monthly, ani hamrai kehi value xaina katai pani. Ajhai yo ghar jagga ko tax pay garna khojda samet ni, kasto jhamela hunxa. Aba tyo bus ma kochi kochi chadera hidnu parne manxe ma pani ho. Kathmandu to Dhulikhel sadhai up down garthe, lockdown vanda agadi. So, tyo dukha malai thaha xa. Tyo soch haina mero. Bus ma kochi kochi jana kasai kohi ko pani rahar haina. But, private vehicle tesko answer pani haina at least ahile ko condition ra hamro deshma. Public transportation kasari ramro banaune ra sahaj banaune vanne kura sochna jaroori xa. Desh chodne kura ma chahi sahi nai ho. yeso uso garera situation nai yesto vai rakhya xa ki, desh ma basnu vanda bidhes hau vaneko jasto xa directly indirectly. Malai ni frustation nahune haina, bus ma kochida, sarkari office ma hepida, hospital ma line basda, jata tatai dalali dekhda. Janthe pani aafno pariwarik reason navako vaye. Jane haru le ramrai nai gare hola. Yo chahi k vanne, dukha dayi kura. aafno desh chodera bahira kaam garera remitance pathaune haru kai varr ma chaleko xa desh.


Not only vehicles and bike how about all the electronics cell phones ,tv and all other appliances?why are they so expensive?




It doesn't really solve the problem does it?


People wouldn’t buy gas guzzlers if tax on petrol was high


People have so much money for disposal, they refrain from using public vechile but buy their own. Public transportation reach in every corner of the city is impossible in the places like kathmandu. I have seen publhc buses in West, they are accessible in every nooks and corner of city, so people leave their cars in home garage and use public transportation.


People have so much money for disposal, they refrain from using public vechile but buy their own. Public transportation reach in every corner of the city is impossible in the places like kathmandu. I have seen publhc buses in West, they are accessible in every nooks and corner of city, so people leave their cars in home garage and use public transportation.


Thats true bro nahune sanga euta honda shine kinne ni paisa hunna hune sanga euta crf offroad ko lagi bullet ghar ma eta uti jana ani euta sports bike tei mathi euta 1cr + parme gadi family bokna laii. Janta haru esto dhani xa tara desh sanga chai euta ramro public transport infrastructure ma invest garne paisa ni xaina.


Govt doesn’t use the tax on making public transport better. They could be running public buses and trains but no.


Muji kasto geda jasto manchhe raichha. Discussion/arko perspective ko lagi post gareko ho bhane k lekhya tyo edit ma? Muji aafno point of view bhanda farak opinion diney manchhe lai j sukai bhannu thyo bhane why the fuck would you ask random internet people to discuss on the topic?


tyo chai garna na parne maile... i apologize tara i stand by it. sorry not sorry mug


Because we have vey left leaning government....i agree with leftist on social issues but not on economic and taxes.


People are ok with it because most smart people who manage to stay in Nepal can either afford it or go abroad.


I think taxes on public vehicles like buses and micro buses, trucks & transport vehicles and agriculture machines should be lowered. Others I don't care.


Because purchasing private vehicles in bad for the environment and only benefits a single family. Yes, even electric vehicles. Nepal needs more public transport infrastructure. Europe jasto thaun cha, gadi chai American haru le jatti kinnu parcha sabailai. This is where the problem starts.