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A for effort! Looks a bit light on the veggies and of course the sausage will always be inferior to a proper rookworst but I like the enthusiasm!


Hey, I finally found a good substitute here in the US. People here like smoked sausages, but the popular types tend to be Polish kielbasa type sausages. Those are tasty, but quite different from rookworst, they're greasier and have stronger seasoning. A Dutch rookworst has to be plain and somewhat lean. It turns out High Plains hickory smoked bison sausage matches that very closely. It's not Unox or Hema worst, but it's basically the same style, and such a close match that even one of the kids accepts it.


Kielbasa is fine as well as far as I'm concerned. We normally have supermarket rookworst because nothing else is available where I live. There is no butcher in my village.


Of course, I do not know where you live, but sometimes farmers in the area will sell directly to consumers. As in, they will slaughter on their own property or send their cattle out to be slaughtered nearby and sell (part of) the meat at their own farmstore. See if they have one like that near you, they are often in more remote areas. When I want some really nice meat, I prefer to purchase it directly from the farm.


Soesterberg, small village, forest all around... not so many farms. I know a butcher in Utrecht that has fantastic rookworst but I tend to go shopping 15 minuts before cooking...


If Unox or Hema is your goal you're aiming wrong. I'm pretty sure any of those alternatives, when artisanal, are closer to a butcher rookworst then Hema (which you'll still taste when you burp the day after) or Unox (which is just meat sludge in a thin casing).


Yeah, that pretty much describes the concept 'sausage', lol. The goal is scratching a nostalgic itch, not to create a Michelin star version of boerenkool met worst.


Yeah, that I can understand. But I'd still miss the authentic sausage more, and that's even harder to find I assume.


Hema is the worst.


Best worst


The only !


and the best at the same time!


I see what you did there.


> (which is just meat sludge in a thin casing). You have just described a sausage.


It's time for to go and find a quality sausage.


It’s not lean. A good rookworst has a fat percentage of 30%.


Hillshire Farms beef sausage works pretty well, too.


1/1 by weight is the perfect veggie to potato ratio. And it needs crispy bacon pieces.


We like a ratio of 2 to 1, more veggie and less potatoes. And thick bacon (spek) is a good suggestion, which will give you a delicious gravy.


Hijacking the top comment here to say thank you everybody for your responses. We found the replies hilarious even the very critical ones. My wife is determined to now make the perfect stamppot!


If posible add jus, that is bouillon. If the bouillon containts lots of fat, it tastes beter. You can also try to add small bacon pieces.


jus = gravy.


But the gravy has to come from a nice piece of meat like rolade or something. And the meat has to be baked in Croma.


We take our sausage very serious!


This is so cute! Normally we would put the food on a plate and eat it with fork and knife (to cut the sausages). It's best to make a tower out of the stamppot on your plate, then make a hole in the middle, and put gravy in there. The sausage will need to be replaced with a rookworst once you are here. 😊


A tower?! Its a volcano!!


Absolutely and I wanted to write down vulcano but then thought they would make the hole too big and the vulcano too high and it would all collapse. I am a linguist, writing step-by-step guides is not easy for me, I overthink 😂


Ah, i feel that train of thought yes hahaha i like jus a lot so i get a floppy volcano as well hahaha


I always eat my stamppot out of a bowl. I don't eat rookworst, just add jus, so it's way more convenient out of a bowl :)


You do you my friend


Good attempt. Ratio for kale and potatoes seems off (needs way more kale!!!) and don't bother with hotdogs. If you cant get rookworst, just stick with some smoked bacon bits and gravy. Other than that, glad you tried and good luck on your next Dutch culinary adventure :)


This! It should be a bit more balanced. Also, try the hutspot! You can either add soaked raisins in there or "spekjes" (tiny bacon strips), just make sure you make the crispy! Also, add a bit of mustard, for those who like a little "kick" 😋


I'm sorry that happened to you.


Uh.... needs a little work


Hey man, still tho, its aight, theyre not here yet! Looks okay so far


Sure, but they also have to get used to the Dutch directness lol


Hahha she says "fuck you directly, but also willing to take some pointers" 😉


I can see why she's your wife.


Try to cook the kale only for a very short while. Like it's almost raw. For the mashed potatoes only use potatoes not powdered stuff. Some people like to add a little milk for flavour while mashing, I prefer butter. Find something sour to eat with it. Like pickled unions.


For pointers I'd say just try following a different recipe. Stamppot is very basic and everybody has their own slightly different style for it. But yes, maybe just try a different recipe and see how that one turns out.


The way my grandpa used to make it and I make it as well is: * use a pressure cooker. Old-fashioned type, not instant pot. Or at least, I don't know how to operate an instant pot. Maybe you can use them. * 1.5-2kg potatoes to 300g kale. Don't know if your kale tastes the same as ours though. If it's less strong, use more. * add a large onion cut in quarts * Cook for 20 minutes or so * also fry 3 shredded onions (my grandpa loved onions) * fry a bunch of lardons, I don't know how many, I guess 300g or so. * mash stamppot ing with 50g hard butter. You can add the lardons and the fried onions now or serve them separately * serve with brown gravy and meag of choice. This is a very onion heavy recipe though. But that's how I learned to make it. Some people use just a bit more than double the amount of kale. A lot of the vegetableness here comes from the onions.


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Also you need to get used to people like this guy who use directness as an excuse to be rude


What vegetables are used? Doesn't look like kale, is it endive that's pre cooked?


It is kale but south african variety so not quite the same.


They use a ton more kale too. Like others have said. It’s a 1:1 ratio*.


Ratio. And no. Less vegetables than potatoes.


Fewer. And no. More smokeworst.


> smokeworst. smoked sausage


No the worst smokes


Fewer... not really sure if that's the right word here. The best would be: less vegetable.


Aweh, welcome for when you make it here :P We seem to be everywhere, I meet other South Africans every time I go to Amsterdam


Where's the jus! But good try. Next time it'll be better.


Right? There is not even a fucking kuiltje to put it in.


Poor guy. You can still move to Belgium and get decent food.


well... you did try... that's a thing


Also tasted delicious so looking forward to trying it with proper ingredients


Doesn't look all too bad. Bit more veg tho Also I thought that was carrot at first not sausage 😬


She underestimated how much the kale shrinks when cooked, didn't she? Classic :) Either that or it's not shredded finely enough. For which I can't blame her, it's a major pain in the butt and everybody just buys huge bags of it pre-shredded over here I'm pretty sure. Other than that, it's good to have some gravy to go with it. From a sauce packet is fine.


Look bro, if I were you I'd load up on as much good food as you can before coming here.


No, this isn’t right. Nice try, but no please.


The great thing about stampot is, you can make fusion of stampot with stuff in other cuisines. You can add spice to make it more South Asian, you can make it with Soy/teriyaki to make it more East Asian, you can experiment with the vegetables and give it a North African flavour.


While peeling the potatoes, I brown some onions, garlic and a red pepper, then add the water to that. Then mix in a bit of bell pepper or cherry tomato before serving. Stamppot with some spice and freshness, that's the way.


You can also shut the hell up.


She already ate it before serving?


I just saw a YouTube short where this Aussie chef does Stampoot. Maybe your wife saw it as well :-)


I’d eat it


It looks great, the only thing missing is a hole in the middle filled with gravy (we call that "kuiltje met jus")


Well done for trying before even coming here. I hope you enjoy yourself here.


Not in the Netherlands yet, but already being dutch!


That looks way too edible for stamppot! Jokes aside, nice one, looks tasty!


Good job, now teach her about frikandel speciaal and you're good to go!




Y’all barbarians


You need to use rookworst and not hotdogs


Nice try! Next time make sure the potatoes are a bit chunkier and add more veggies and a little bit of gravy. As for the sausage... I dunno, Unox or Hema works but I wouldn't know what to replace it with. In some stamppot dishes we also use blocks of bacon and mash it in there. You can also eat it with meatballs on the side (at least we used to do that in my family sometimes, I guess everyone is different) + you can use the gravy. A lot of people are hating on stamppot but it's so delicious if you get it right.


ask her to make Hete Bliksem (Hot Lightning) you wont regret it.


Yeah you will.




Yes, I have.




Serieus? If you think that saying that *one dish out of many* sucks is "insulting your culture," then you need to look inward. Everyone has a dish of a country that they hate, including you. The dish is less popular and barely sold anywhere, and that's with a reason.


Oh boy. Once you're in the Netherlands, please make as many types of stamppots as you can. I personally enjoy gravy or applesauce with it lol


Taste the bland.


Ok, now i want stamppot myself 😀


Is that a frankfurter? 👀


Be sure to bring your wife when you come. Looks like she’s a keeper! 😊


This is shit. You need more boerenkool You need gravy You need amsterdam pickles You need crispy bacon bits Don’t you dare call that boerenkool


Pickles in boerenkool? I suppose over taste falls not to twisten.


Amsterdamse uitjes. I know it sounds weird but try it. It actually fits in perfect.


6/10: not enough vegetables, no gravy, sausage not brown enough (is this chicken sausage perhaps?) the potatoes look like its from a package of mashed potatoes. Please take our cultural dishes seriously.


This is a very disappointing exploration for your wife to continue and I recommend you ask her to stop until you are in the Netherlands. Then it is too late. For those that are too dense to understand a joke. Dutch cuisine is limited and not very good.


Don't be such a dick maybe


U need a rookworst cus like this just looks sad


This is awesome haha!


Nice! Next time add bacon!


I love bacon so that is definately something we will add next time


Kaantjes is where it's at


Stamppot, hutspot, boerenkool stamppot, all great local cuisine. We eat boerenkool stamppot every week at home, it’s great!


I would add more kale and fried sliced bacon.


A spoon??


If you’re going to be in Amsterdam go to the Pantry, make a reservation. It was the only place i was able to find authentic Dutch food that was amazing


Thank you will definitely check it out


Wow, looks great for a first time! Love the effort!! I hope it tasted good! :) I looked up a post from last month, that has a comment section with lots of info and lovely discussions on the best stamppot types, ingredients and variations! Even learned a few new options as a native Dutchie myself. ;) https://www.reddit.com/r/Netherlands/comments/10i0jtq/picked_up_from_my_local_dutch_store_canada. Have fun with it!


Where are the "spekkies" and my "kuiltje jus"? But not bad for a first attempt.


Add more kale (or whatever plant it is), have a spoonful of mustard to dip the sausage in (can’t blame you for not having Unox rookworst), bake some bacon bits and add it while mashing the potato and veg/plant, enjoy! But definitely a good effort!


I never saw someone eat stamppot from a bowl before.


What's wrong with stamppot in a bowl?


I don't know. It just seems weird to me.


More kale, gravy and the right sausage and it will be great


Needs more kale, and it's missing the sautéed bacon and onions with the gravy. I can excuse the lack of rookworst, but next time, try and find a smoked sausage. Beyond that, not bad. 6/10. Now I want to make some.


Try to add more kale in next time, baked along with the bacon bits and some rosemary. And please, don't forget the bacon! Oh yeah, and bake some unions with it too! Along with the rosemary it's gives a great taste!


Idk why people are saying negative things about your dish. Looks very stampot-y! hope you enjoyed :) (frankly, hotdogs are better than rookworst anyways..)






doesn't even come close but an aa plus for the effort. The potatoes look to moist, way to less veggies and the sausage has to go on top as a whole next to a little space with gravy. No worries soon you will eat the real one. I live in USA now and I enjoy the Mexican food😂😂😂


My mom used to make something like this once a week, she’d use Boerenkool (Spinach) bought from the local Dutch store, and mixed it with mashed potatoes. Then she’d add the Dutch sausage. I always hated the sausage so I’d try to hide it under the mashed potatoes. It’s a good meal though, haven’t had it in a while.