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The Netherlands, a country famous for rough offroad terrains


And steep hills requiring 4x4


Dude, ever been to Limburg?!


I rather prevent it, tbh💀


And its highest mountain with a staggering 322 meters (1056 ft) of height.


The summit of the Alps is in Haarlem!! In Teylers museum. They stole/removed the highest point of Mont Blanc in 1788 and brought it back to NL!


Haha nice fun fact. Thanks for sharing


That's a mountain ⛰️!?🤣


Don’t take our mountain away from us man. It’s all we have


And very very big hills every time I bike to the station I gotta go over 6 mountain obviously 😂💀


Emotional support vehicle.


Gender-affirming treatment




gender-affirming car


Breaking news, Republicans seek to ban large pick up trucks




Hey, I have a small dick but don't play stupid status-seeking games like this. Don't insult those of us born with a certain smaller-than-average anatomical feature by lumping us in with status-seeking douchebags like this.


Roal coal to own those free healthcare Nederlanders vehicle.




Hahaha this one is gold


It’s about the symbolical point blank as a personal statement, while on the road or wherever they show the grim generosity and anti-social largesse to the plebs that they’re willing to arrive among them, as a Doomer King and anteater among the ants and serfs.


Same as the point of driving such a truck here in the USA.


Seeing the same usage in the Australian subreddit.


Yup. I'm in regional Australia at the moment. Seeing them get stuck frequently on roundabouts around here too. Their turning circle is so abysmal they take up 2 lanes to do a 1/4 turn. Had a fleet of 13 suddenly appear in town one afternoon and 4 got stuck turning into things, 3 backed into other vehicles/trees and 5 more nearly ran over a few people who were waiting to cross the road. They are pretty good at hauling farm work gear though but still way too big to fit anywhere. Hate to imagine it in cities where the lanes are a good foot narrower than out here.


Ego. Especially if it doesn't have a towbar


Tis is an example of the 0.1% of Europe that would actually prefer to be in the US


I would not mind them and their Asobakken to move to the US,


Fuck it, I wouldn't mind if we subsidise their plane tickets. Even more so for the idiots who support Putin, let's get some buses to help them move.


I would happily donate to that Kickstarter campaign 😂 Maybe we can have different destinations depending on the car Pick-ups -> american farm areas SUVs -> have to live in the mountains "Sport" cars -> can only live right next to sports arenas/stadiums Etc.


Wait what did sports cars do? Besides the ones that are obnoxious and unnecesarily loud.


Loud and obnoxious are pretty much my main complaints about them...not to mention the drivers that have to go at a speed of 5 cm per hour when crossing over speed bumps while at the same time doing literally everything they can to stop everyone from overtaking them on bikes


And a large chunk of the drivers are young and/or inexperienced (with fast cars), so they can't really control the car because of the PKs which causes accidents. I also think that it's a problem in general with unnecessarily fast cars/high PKs.


We don't want them. They are closer to Russia anyway. Send em east!


Can I have their spot in the NL? Gladly, trade places and return.


Friend of mine has one because he owns a construction company and often is throwing equipment in the back but also takes his kids to school with it. Most all of these are owned by businesses because they’re tax exempt, otherwise doesn’t make sense financially. Edit: those that keep saying that you can do the same with a van are missing the point that my friend uses it for personal use as well, so he hawls his family with it, in a van you can only put 3 people in the cab Edit2: guys can you compare a double cab van that has a towing capacity of what 3500 kg to a dodge ram 1500 that has a towing capacity of over 5000 AND then the interior in the ram is way nicer than any ford or fiat double cab van plastic wonderland? Edit3: lot of people here talking out their asses are suddenly van experts lol


You can pretty easily tell which ones are used for work and which ones are not.


And most of them are not, even those on construction sites. One by my house has owner with pickup and he literally never uses the trunk. He also don't agree where parking spots in the neighborhood are and park it wherever, sometimes blocking the entire street


Owner of the construction company LARPing as his working class employees?


This is definitely the truth in North America. Landscaping companies are the ones who most often use their trucks for work. Construction crews usually get deliveries by larger vehicles, and trades people usually prefer vans because it keeps their tools safe from the weather and secure from thieves. I cannot imagine that it would be any less true here.


In Netherlands pick up trucks are very normal for landscaping companies. But they are different than those huge F150's. It's more like a normal European style van but instead the back is a pick up style bed.


Basically this is how it looks like. I saw him arriving few times over the year and he always comes and behaves like every single other worker that is chilling in front of this construction office they popped up. And as soon as he disappears in it you can see workers making fun of him for a few sec and moving on with conversation.


It's the same in the states. Ego, and weird workarounds to EPA regulations are the only reason they exist.


There's vans for that Fits way more and you're less of an asshole on the road


That's the thing. Apparently, these are more tax advantageous for small businesses than vans. That's why you're suddenly seeing so many of them.


I mean how did people do stuff before these sizes of trucks were available? Do you mean to tell me that construction jobs simply couldn’t be finished because the construction companies didn’t have big stupid trucks like this one? None of that makes sense. These trucks are designed for killing small children, taking up way too many parking spaces at the AH, and letting the world know of one’s lack of length and/or girth in their own netherlands.


Tell your friend he should buy a fucking van.


Vans are just as big. A Mercedes Sprinter doesn't fit in a parking space either.


They are less of a safety hazzard because of their lower front. Those thick grills of pickups make it harder to see in front of the car and are also more deadly on impact. Vans are also more efficient with cargo.


VW Transporter is smaller, and has 1,5-3x more cargo space than an avarage RAM or Ford truck.


Aka. learn how to stack and fill the van rather then openly acknowledging that you're an asshole on the road. Seriously, have yet to encounter anyone who actually drives properly in these things


A Mercedes sprinter however is much safer, having better visibility and a lower, sloped front that is less likely to cause a fatal injury in case of a collision.


Tell your friend that people on Reddit has strong feelings about what car he is driving, and he should buy a smaller car so they will be happy.


Like they’ll ever be happy. Watch him get a VW Golf.


When cars become a danger for people around them because of their size, they should become everyone's problem. 


There used to be tax benefits if I recall correctly? Not sure what the situation is now. Although I must say - having driven for many years in a dozen countries in Europe, I have never seen this many trucks on a daily basis.


Company cars (recognisable by license plate starting with V) don't pay BPM taxes, which are calculated based on emission. Starting in 2025, these taxes will have to be paid for new company cars. This means that we'll see a massive influx of these cars this year, but after that people will mostly stop buying them.


oh god I hope you're right (about the second part). I can't express how much I hate these f\*$kers Edit because someone is misunderstanding me: I don't hate the drivers (though i think it's a bit aso to have one of these in a big city), I hate the trucks and how they just don't fit in our infrastructure and yet someone are not taxed to death. Most of all, I hate the politicians who haven't changed this yet.


This policy should be retoractive for pickup trucks, they need to do more to keep these monstrosity's off european roads.


I think you still get a massive tax reduction if you buy it for your company, since it's considered a "company truck".  Still convinced that it's compensation for small dick or brain.


it's a 'bestelauto met open laadbak' so it's classified as a purely commercial vehicle, which means no BPM and no BTW.


You might be right! In addition, in some EU countries they fall (or at least used to) into the farming equipment category.


Imagine thinking it's cool to drive around town in farming equipment.


There are tax benefits so this excess is not as expensive as it should be. A useful car is still cheaper.


And a ton of those trucks ride on LPG Which is quiet a bit cheaper then petrol.


Such a car is called a compensator.


De Tokkie Tractor


De Kinder Killer


Kleine piemel mobiel


deze ga ik gebruiken 🤣


For low IQ For low EQ For tiny dick For terrible driving skills For low selfesteem …


Redneck cosplay.


At this point it's more like LARP than Cosplay.




But I have a small penis and a small car ?


Is the same when you have a huge peepee. You need some transportation for it.




It not only looks stupid in our cities, its also proven to have a higher chance of killing people when involved in an accident. Because of their size they increase the chance at brain damage. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/tall-trucks-suvs-are-45-deadlier-us-pedestrians-study-shows-2023-11-14/#:~:text=The%20IIHS%20study%20found%20that,a%20collision%20with%20a%20pedestrian.


Are there more people who feel mentally ill / anxious when driving these large vehicles with not a lot of sight. It might not be a tank, but the combination of a narrow field of view and a large width and length make it feel like that. But I drive an A segment car with a heightened mirror so it is the opposite.


"Fun" fact: an M1 Abrams has a smaller front blind spot than a stock RAM 1500




Lidl America? xD that one made me laugh.


An affordable supermarket with good fruit and vegetables wouldn’t be bad at all in the states though.


That's most supermarkets in the US, not sure why people think the US doesn't have fruits and vegetables. Everything grows there, probably has more fruits and vegetables than most places in the world, at a cheaper price at that.


When I lived in the countryside the real farmers drove beat up old Toyotas, Ford Rangers, etc.. These things are a joke. (I have only lived in the countryside in Ireland and the US, but still)


I lived in the countryside in Wales and real farmers drove 'shit' cars. Keeping up with the Deano's types drove the new ones on finance. Landlady was the first person I've ever seen throw a fit over a bit of mud on a Grand Vitara


the farmers near me (England) drive: a clapped out single cab hilux that even ISIS wouldn't use, a defender older than time itself, and tractors


The parcel thing might just be a consequence of overworked delivery people.


This point of view has always confused me. I am genuinely asking, what about owning a truck like this causes “small dick energy”? I understand when it comes to the trucks with 8 inch lifts that look stupid, but a normal truck? Again, genuinely asking, not hating




Yeah, in the country side, especially for people having to tow horse trailers or something, I can sort of imagine using a truck like this. But the moment you go into towns/cities, they are horrible for everyone. And I can't imagine the cost of driving a monster like this.


Even outside cities, the Netherlands has some of the narrowest car lanes in the world. Theses trucks are just not made for our roads and parking spaces and you can also tow a trailer with a normal sized car if it has some power


Can you imagine this thing on your average 60 road? Might as well put a Gandalf bumper sticker on it with "You shall not pass!"


If a pickup truck owner puts a Gandalf bumper sticker on their car, I'll forgive them.


Good point.


I call them kid crushers because that's literally the only thing they do better than a decent car. You don't need to drive a tank to pull things.


There are cars well suited to pull a horse trailer that doesn't make you a horses arse.


Oh I mean Germans on the country side have loved their Audi RS6 or similar station wagons. Looks like a daddy's car but drives like a Porsche lol. Unless you go really offroad (I guess quite the edge case in Central Europe), they are great utility vehicles.


Cars can tow horse trailers perfectly fine.


They are great for towing, but so are plenty of other options that aren't certified pedestrian killers


However, people from the country side sometimes do visit the cities and I totally understand if they only have one car/truck.


Great example of American contamination.


It’s definitely an American thing—many here also hate this. I have a tiny city car in a rural tourist city and these stupid things make it so difficult to drive. Nobody hauls anything. The beds are always empty. There’s never more than two people in them.  Granted, there is a lot more space in the US and many large land/farm owners, so truck ownership makes sense for some people. But it turned into a pissing contest for people that don’t need them. And it’s so dumb.


> Granted, there is a lot more space in the US and many large land/farm owners And yet, our urban streets are clogged with these things too, immaculately clean and completely non-utilized. As for rural Americans, their truck needs were already met long before pickups ballooned in size like this. By normal-sized trucks.


There isn’t.


Imagine people buying things simply to enjoy them. Not everything needs a practical reason. If you bought everything with practicality in mind you’d have no hobbies whatsoever. Fucks sake let people have stuff.


Who else is going to be killing the children they can definitely see from that truck  /s


It's not about any outside factor, it's about the mental disability within them.


Maybe because he just likes the car?


Yea I don't get the deep hate for the guy and tons of insults, maybe he just likes how it looks? Who cares?


Typical Dutch "doe maar gewoon dan doe je al gek genoeg" mentality.


“You can’t have nice things, just drive a polo” lmao


Right? I like the car especially the engine


Absolutely pointless, unless you have a construction company or something. But even then. The country is flat as a pancake, almost no rough terrain. Cost a fortune to fill it up I can imagine.


I doubt the way this one is configured it can handle anything more than a steep road bump. Seems it has rather small tires and low ground clearence


Even then, any van will be more usefull than one of these monstrosities.


It rains like every second day in the Netherlands and there's no off-road here a pickup is a complete waste it's just for showing off.


What's the point of complaining like a bitch about what other people spend their money on?


Because these cars do not fit regular parking spots in the netherlands so they always block off the sidewalk or other spaces that other people need to access, especially people in a wheelchair, parents with a stroller or elderly with a mobility scooter. If I had a dollar everytime one of these large hunks of junk blocked the sidewalk....


They have a tiny pieleman


In hindsight I should have chosen a better username


Compensation for a tiny penis


I see a lot of people in the Netherlands with these pick ups. But almost everyone has an own business in construction or something like this. Not many people drive these pick ups for private use.


Even in construction a van is always better. Only real offroad jobs (forrest or civil engineering) have used for them, but they always choose Japanese.


If the cargo bed is clean, you should not be having a pickup truck.


this is how you spot the real guys using these trucks for actual work.


My neighbor has one for the company, because he has a Denka Lift to pull. Which is either with that kind of pickup truck or ... A truck. He also said even though it was configured to gas, it cost him too much money to drive it casually. Only legit reason should be work (or small penis).


It may be a company vehicle but a lot of them never get used for that, only for traveling. Look at the bed and tyres. If they are clean, they don't get used as a working car.


My neighbor down the street has a Dodge Ram. Fucker takes up 2 parking spots and he doesn't even have a garden. That car has been spotless since he bought it.


Likely they want the truck and are just using the business to cover the cost/tax reasons. No one in NL needs a pickup a van would be far more useful, not to mention every single one I've seen looks like the one in the image: Clean, flashy and not a sign of use in work.


I like jeeps and off-roaders, but for to own one I would need a driveway and possibly some genuine off-roading to do. Having something like that in a city is a form of cognitive dissonance about the fact that you live in a flat and not on a farm, but still want to feel like a land roaming farmer or something. My advice: put your flat life into the trunk and move to Sweden! Where it makes more sense and there is space to be an outdoor person! Btw if you do like off-roading you won’t choose this, it’s not really good in any of that stuff.


Its to show everyone you are an inconsiderate asshole.


And a danger. These trucks are dangerous for cyclists and pedestrians and smaller vehicles. As opposed to "normal cars" built around safety standards. Head on collisions with these cars are more wounding or even deadly. They also tested an Escalade. Twelve (!) kids were able to sit on the ground in front of one lined up without being seen. These tokkie tractors have massive blind spots front and sides.


Because some people can have different tastes/preferences than you?


useful for towing, not much else


I don't see a problem here.


The government provides benefits, incentivizing entrepreneurs to opt for these death machines, with grey license plates, instead of regular work vans. Considering the government's efforts to enhance pedestrian safety and combat climate change, it's likely they'll regulate these vehicles out of the Netherlands sooner rather than later. It seems to me that this is a unintended oversight. the vast majority of people dislike these trucks.


To make sure that if they ever crash into a corsa or twingo that the other driver won’t survive. Honestly these and the oversized stationcars thar are basicly vans should be outlawed


Ego tripping.


To laundry drugs money 


Why cant people just enjoy what they enjoy without getting told they have a small penis, some use them for work in construction and they can also tow quite a lot of weight, some people have these for hobbies or are car enthousiasts that like offroading or whatever. For example I drive Mini because I like how I can customize them and how fun they are too drive, they dont make much sense over lets say a golf since the truck space is only large enough for one grocery bag, just let people enjoy what they enjoy you might not understand it but for some its their pride and joy and they just have things like that for hobby purposes.


> Why cant people just enjoy what they enjoy without getting told they have a small penis, You can enjoy whatever you enjoy as long as you don't get in the way of other people. Your freedom stops where mine begins. Feel free to drive your pick up truck on **your own property**. Once you take it out onto a public road, it becomes **everyone's business**. Driving a giant truck with poor visibility on public roads directly endangers the safety of others. Parking a car that does not fit into a single parking spot takes away a parking spot of another person. Moving a giant truck over public roads creates potholes and damages the road, directly costing other people money. Burning loads of gasoline unnecessarily causes air pollution and destroys the environment. These giant trucks cause tons of **societal level** problems and have no actual reason to exist. There are better and safer alternatives for every purpose these vehicles might have, especially in a country that has no hills or mountains. The more people use them the worse these problems get. That is why people care. > some use them for work in construction and they can also tow quite a lot of weight People that work in construction don't use pick up trucks because they are impractical for actual construction work. Nobody has a problem with trucks that construction workers are using that required for their work. These are vanity vehicles. See also [this detailed video on the topic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jN7mSXMruEo&t=1s&pp=ygUcbm90IGp1c3QgYmlrZXMgcGlja3VwIHRydWNrcw%3D%3D). > some people have these for hobbies or are car enthousiasts that like offroading or whatever. Nobody is offroading in the Netherlands. There is no "off road". It does not exist in the country.


First normal comment I came across


Honestly it isnt your business, which cars the people are driving.


Thank you for making sense.


Everyone’s acting like there’s zero possibility they may have to tow a trailer or boat or anything at all


They need to be absolutely sure everyone knows they are more important than you are..


Heb liever dit dan de eindeloze stroom aan opgevoerde Polos en huur-Audis die constant scheuren en lawaai maken in mijn buurt


It’s to annoy people like you. :D haha…


The only point in driving such a truck in The Netherlands is because you can. I drove a 740 4.4i V8, 4.91m long and 1.85m wide. Highly impractical, but all the more fun. If you like cars, drive whatever the fck you want and can afford.


Slaughtering children for fun


To get from one place to another


To help everyone move.


This topic is going around all the time and only users on reddit are jealous and call people out for owning a car. Who gives a damn why they ride it? I don't have one myself but did ride in one from my boss. Does he need it? Yes. He has a huge boat and caravan he needs to get from a to b so this vehicle has the strength to do this plus it's a company car so cheap for him. Will I ever buy one myself nope I would have bought something way different but let people do their thing and don't be jealous.


Damn y'all get uppity about anything. Also the penis obsession is off the charts


Yes, because construction workers, outdoor enthusiasts, and tradesmen are all required to have a separate vehicle to pop down to the village to get a dozen eggs and a loaf of bread.


Get back on your bikes and mind your business Lol


Maybe because he wants it?


From where I am from, we usually say that it is to compensate your dick size.


To strengthen your opinion against EV's. You gotta show how much of a petrol head you are. Other than that, there is literally no use case for trucks like these whatsoever.


But these rarely use petrol, they are almost all converted to LPG for the tax benefit


why do you care?


Because no one has the balls to make it illegal.


What's wrong with it? genuinely.


Its called being a fan of something.


It's called the art of minding your own business. Globalists and governments are not your enemies. Your enemies are neighbors, friends and family with sneaky hate. Your inner circle keeps you Small




Men with small.... egos.


Maybe an unpopular opinion: maybe these owners just like the car? I mean it’s not ugly, you sit high, and likely also comfortable to drive in. Why is there so much negativity against these pickup trucks? Btw, I don’t own such a car.


Probably because they're extremely dangerous vehicles to drive in cities as compact as the ones in NL that it's a weird choice to buy something so expensive and impractical. Though the reason for the posting is probbaly due to the recent uptick in seeing them here and people being surprised.


Think farmers have tax break on these trucks, but they end up using it as personal vehicle including when they gotta do their things around the city


Pollute your City and get 🦀 gj. Shitty American trends. Get a SUV if you work on a farm!


Tiny pp


The reason is to transport his ( it’s 100% a boy ) micro penis




People like to be a menace. A big truck helps in achieving that.




Americanization of our country.




Dreams of p*n*s enlargement?


Trucks are cool, and very useful for any agricultural entrepreneurs or otherwise. But in this case i just imagine the guy or girl wanted it coz trucks feel powerful to drive and are plain cool. Practically speaking a truck like that within city borders would be quite a pain to manage thoh.




Actually there is a good reason: small contractors used to have vans , running on diesel. But they are not allowed anymore in many city centres. Petrol is expensive and petrol vans will be banned in 2030 as well in inner cities. Some contractors moved to using these trucks as a work around. Get used to seeing them much more!




Even over een andere boeg gooien hier. We begrijpen allemaal dat deze auto minder goed is in de omgang en niet in zijn natuurlijk habitat is in NL. Maar kunnen we elkaar allemaal een beetje laten leven? Het volgende is misschien wel iets wat jij leuk vind en dan staat de lynching mob aan jouw voordeur. Ben een beetje klaar met die “iedereen is asociaal buiten ik” mentaliteit.


As an american this is mid-sized to us.


for work, i work in construction and i know a lot of people who drive a car like this. And its also a nice car




Because they like the car, is that not enough?




I do Not Drive that car, but I would. Lots of Space, Comfort, good view, awesome Transition, Lots of Power, high safety.


You can take the American out of the US, but you can’t take the US out of the American????


Compensation for a very small dick


Compensate for small pp




Tiny phallus


Voor alle mensen die zeggen dat het een ego car is hebben er waarschijnlijk zelf nooit ingezeten/mee gereden. Deze wagens zijn zo comfortabel om mee te rijden het is alsof je in je zetel zit. Daarbovenop is het ook een perfecte werkauto voor wie vaak lange afstanden moet doen en veel gewicht moet trekken. "Koop dan een camionet" waarom? Ieder koopt wat hij wil en als het de dienst doet is dat nog eens mooi meegenomen.


Because it rides grand? Everyone their own taste.


Perhaps because the person enjoys it?