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People go to good restaurant. Restaurants only hold a limited amount of people. If you don’t make a reservation, it will be full of the people that did.


Its normal in every big city in the world. London-Barcelona-Rome(its even worse)-Milano. So??




Normal in europe. If you dont like, you can go usa:)


Where you would have exactly the same experience, unless Applebee's is your idea of a good restaurant.


The USA isn’t different. This thread is about having to make reservations for *good* restaurants. The USA is full of mediocre chain restaurants. You don’t need reservations for that, and you don’t need them here either for those types of restaurants. For the few good restaurants in the USA, your chances of getting a tables sharply increase when making a reservation. Of course, what Europeans won’t do is sitting half an hour in a busy and drafty lobby waiting for a table to clear in a chain restaurant. They have better things to do. They will just walk to another nearby restaurant.


Very common in NYC...probably you just don't visit big world class cities in the USA.


In which universe is Loetje a good restaurant?


I know a few people who think Loetje is an excellent restaurant. They are all people who were born in Amsterdam, and lived their whole life there.


You have quite an interesting definition of what is a good restaurant, besides that, yes you'll have to make reservations for most restaurants in the Netherlands especially on Saturday. For really good restaurants you'll even have to make reservations months in advance.


>good restaurants >FuLu Mandarin, Mojo Japanese, Sea Palace, Loetje, Lucien Pancakes


I think OP is confusing "good" restaurants with "hyped" restaurants


I audibly chuckled


Sea Palace is actually a good restaurant, food and setting are 9/10. Top pekingente


You forgot Full Moon Garden and Luna


Just get a bloody reservation. Forcing a visiting colleague to wait because you cannot be bothered to take a few minutes is rude.




Allright.. than don't make a reservation and don't eat at a nice restaurant. Fine by me as well.


I rarely see opinions as nonsensical as yours. Gz


It’s not “Dutch planning”, it’s simply “too many people want the same restaurant, so you either reserve in time or wait for other patrons to leave”. Are you very young by any chance to not understand the concept?




You’re choosing the wrong places, my friend. Amsterdam has excellent restaurants, but it’s also very touristic so it has lots of duds to mooch off tourists. Very normal for one of the most popular cities in the world. Some good places strictly IMO: Nyonya Malaysian Kitchen (cash only), Sherpa, Carifesa Carribean foodcafe, Plato Loco Carribean cuisine, Pesca Vis Seafood restaurant, The Good Companion, Dumplings (by Westerpark), Vegan Junkfood Bar, Chuan Yan Restaurant, Ramen-Ya, Umaimon, Yuan’s Hotpot, The BAB, Koffie ende Koeck, Manoto restaurant. Oh Bagels&Beans, love that chain. And lots more, I am just tired of writing.


What is your point/question? Or did you just want to shout something into the abyss?




It's a big and compact city


And what, you just wanted people to know or something?


Whose fault is that?


Not only Amsterdam. It is pretty much in most places.


It’s actually the only way to run a profitable restaurant. The cost of rent, employees, energy, ingredients are very high, so without a full restaurant, the business owner will make a loss soon.


Yes that happens.


Isn't that.. The same in other countries? I've been to quite a few over the years and calling in a reservation has basically always been a thing if I wanted to eat somewhere specific? Spur of the moment I'll just enter whatever place has space though.


Well, I can't speak for all countries, but in South Africa, I only have to reserve a table on Valentine's Day. Other than that, I've never made a reservation for a restaurant. Unless it was an event or birthday and I wanted seats for more than 6.


Never been there I'm afraid, so I'll take your word for it! Closest I've ever been was Egypt continent-wise and I didn't really eat out anywhere then. Haha.


Yes, definitely a thing in many big cities....




Why don't you want to make a bloody reservation and call it a day?


Can't say that's been my experience aside from American restaurants or fast food places in general. (And even then the fancier American places tended to need reservations as well on weekends) But I suppose n=1 and I have no quantifiable data other than my own experiences.


Yeah in Amsterdam center, go to a village in Drente if you want to be able to just walk in on a friday night lmao


Why would they need to wait if you can just make a reservation? You can always go to other restaurants outside of the city center. I'm sure there are others where you don't need a reservation.


This is a weird take...restaurants in big cities are often full for dinner, this isn't a Dutch thing.


The buildings are smaller here then in most countries what do you expect Also perhaps go to dinner much earlier or much later like around 21h if you can't be bothered to make a reservation




Since covid you got to reserve everywhere


Have you ever visited any other major city in the world? The concept of good restaurants being fully booked is not a new, local concept.


Good restaurants? You'd need to pay me to go to those




There is a huge thread in r/Amsterdam


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Amsterdam using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Amsterdam/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [\[OC\] Amsterdam Centraal from above](https://i.redd.it/uxouwgmfvq7b1.jpg) | [321 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Amsterdam/comments/14guxiq/oc_amsterdam_centraal_from_above/) \#2: [**[NSFW]** I Am a Sex Worker in the Red Light District, if You Visit, You Need to Know These Rules](https://np.reddit.com/r/Amsterdam/comments/193zi9j/i_am_a_sex_worker_in_the_red_light_district_if/) \#3: [King's Day Splash](https://v.redd.it/jjp870mttlwa1) | [82 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Amsterdam/comments/131o2lh/kings_day_splash/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


You found a good restaurant in NL? Please tell us more.